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The Black Culture Thread


MWS Natural said:
I agree with you here man. I've heard several attractive black women tell me the "requirements" that their husband must have before they even consider marriage:

1) Makes six figures
2) 6'3 or Taller
3) Good credit
4) 6pack/Tight body
5) No kids
6) Nice car/house
7) Big dick

No, I'm really not making this up I have heard a combination of this check list from several single black women who can't seem to find this "good man". My first thought is, "shit if I had all of that why would I fuck with you??!":lol

And they are the first ones to say "why should I settle" and then get upset when the man says:

1) You need to have a career - I am not taking care of you
2) You still need to be responsible and educated
3) You still need to do a share of the domestics of cooking and cleaning
4) You need to be fine/workout and stay fine after you have kids
5) And you still need to be around when the moment arrives

But when the guys says those things, he's crazy and overbearing.


bishoptl said:
How important is it to you to have minority characters in the games you play?
I don't care but when they're offered, I'd like to see more diversity. We're not all built like linebackers. :lol Also, I'm tired of all black military characters being "sarge".

bishoptl said:
What are your feelings on customization options? Skin, voice tenor, speech patterns, clothing styles...what ranks and what rankles?
Damn, guess I should have read the entire post before answering. There aren't enough variations at all in any category. Especially when things are pre-baked. The system in Mass Effect was cool but u can tell that everything is still based off of white characters. The black features feel kinda tacked on... It's hard to make a black character that doesn't look goofy as hell.


eternaLightness said:
Also games need to have more black hair-styles in customization. Most rpg's especially have "white" hair and cornrows or a afro if you want to make a black character. I like how you could choose from a variety like in San Andreas.

Man... I see cornrows as an option one more fucking time, I'm going to hurt someone. Cornrows or dreads/locks, that's all we get. I have a "regular" (hair cut and shape-up), there's no option for that.


It doesn't ACTIVELY bother me, and I prefer an ethnically diverse cast as opposed to MAKE BLACK HALO. But I'd say it's an 'issue' when, as a black child, I thought white characters made better 'heroes' than the black options. I'm talking about nerd culture as a whole here.

So yes, more minorities. It's not even a debate in most cases.


if you see me in a fight with a bear, don't help me fool, help the bear!
spindashing said:
:lol :lol



If you weren't wearing that badge er... red font best believe we'd be scrapping.

Then the red font saved you an ass whuppin.. yeah red font!


Scribble said:
It doesn't ACTIVELY bother me, and I prefer an ethnically diverse cast as opposed to MAKE BLACK HALO. But I'd say it's an 'issue' when, as a black child, I thought white characters made better 'heroes' than the black options. I'm talking about nerd culture as a whole here.

So yes, more minorities. It's not even a debate in most cases.

In mass effect I just rolled with the default character cus the black options were so sparse and not complete. :lol


if you see me in a fight with a bear, don't help me fool, help the bear!
SonnyBoy said:
In mass effect I just rolled with the default character cus the black options were so sparse and not complete. :lol

Mass Effect was perfect for me.. because I am half white.. and it is hard to make a mixed looking cat in most games..


Blackace said:
Mass Effect was perfect for me.. because I am half white.. and it is hard to make a mixed looking cat in most games..

Well, I'm light skinned and have some "white" features (green eyes), so I can typically make a character that looks like me. I tried to make a darker skinned character once and it just seems like some of the fundamental components of making a face are still based off of white features, so it ends up looking a bit weird. I don't know if I'm making any sense... Maybe I just suck. :lol
i guess since i have corn rows, i don't mind the hair thing as much since they're usually in games!

but yeah, it's usually, afro, corn rows and if you're lucky, dread locks!
Dynamite Shikoku said:
How come there are no black rock stars anymore? How long has it been since Prince?



if you see me in a fight with a bear, don't help me fool, help the bear!
Dynamite Shikoku said:
How come there are no black rock stars anymore? How long has it been since Prince?

Fishbone says kiss our ass
The Faceless Master said:
i guess since i have corn rows, i don't mind the hair thing as much since they're usually in games!

but yeah, it's usually, afro, corn rows and if you're lucky, dread locks!
videogame hair fades are just the worst. :lol
Phoenix said:
And they are the first ones to say "why should I settle" and then get upset when the man says:

1) You need to have a career - I am not taking care of you
2) You still need to be responsible and educated
3) You still need to do a share of the domestics of cooking and cleaning
4) You need to be fine/workout and stay fine after you have kids
5) And you still need to be around when the moment arrives

But when the guys says those things, he's crazy and overbearing.

Can't imagine how many times I've heard this--especially in college, and I think 2 are married, and that's it.

Thing is, none of that is unreasonable. Imagine if the list was:

1) Must look like Kim Kardashian
2) Need at least six figure salary
3) Master's Degree
4) D-cup
5) must own 8 pairs of 6 inch+ heels
6) Nice car
7) House
8) Tight head game

One might think this is a tad unreasonable.
Boombloxer said:
Can't imagine how many times I've heard this--especially in college, and I think 2 are married, and that's it.

Thing is, none of that is unreasonable. Imagine if the list was:

1) Must look like Kim Kardashian
2) Need at least six figure salary
3) Master's Degree
4) D-cup
5) must own 8 pairs of 6 inch+ heels, but have no corns or bunions.
6) Nice car
7) House
8) Tight head game

One might think this is a tad unreasonable.
added to #5 for great justice.


Boombloxer said:
Can't imagine how many times I've heard this--especially in college, and I think 2 are married, and that's it.

Thing is, none of that is unreasonable. Imagine if the list was:

1) Must look like Kim Kardashian
2) Need at least six figure salary
3) Master's Degree
4) D-cup
5) must own 8 pairs of 6 inch+ heels
6) Nice car
7) House
8) Tight head game

One might think this is a tad unreasonable.

bruh. i KNOW you trying to eat huh?
that list need some additions.

DominoKid said:
bruh. i KNOW you trying to eat huh?
that list need some additions.

let's go for broke.

9) complexion <= paper bag
10) sports fan
11) loves to watch gaming and can competently participate when requested
12) fresh smelling poon >98% of the time, available upon request.
13) skillet skills: can handle an entire Thanksgiving spread single-handedly
14) have never heard of weave
15) swallowing aficionado.


Dreams-Visions said:
let's go for broke.

9) complexion <= paper bag
10) sports fan
11) loves to watch gaming and can competently participate when requested
12) fresh smelling poon >98% of the time, available upon request.
13) skillet skills: can handle an entire Thanksgiving spread single-handedly
16) Must believe that Vegeta is superior to Goku

and now it's complete
Dreams-Visions said:
let's go for broke.

9) complexion <= paper bag
10) sports fan
11) loves to watch gaming and can competently participate when requested
12) fresh smelling poon >98% of the time, available upon request.
13) skillet skills: can handle an entire Thanksgiving spread single-handedly
14) have never heard of weave
15) swallowing aficionado.

16) Must love porn
17) Must be open to strip clubs
18) Must bring home 1 girl every 3 months to keep it fresh
19) Breakfast and dinner 5/7 days
20) Nails/Toes on point at all times, none of that zebra-print shit with fake sea salt diamonds
21) Must not give timetable for marriage

Funny thing is, minus the other women section, I have a decent portion of the list (games, cooking, F-cup, Lakers, nails/toes, heels, working on degree, medium complexion).

/stealth brag
Oooh, made a dope beat today. The Korg SV-1 is the best keyboard ever. You can make some Bob James/early 90s hip hop shit on that badboy.
Boombloxer said:
16) Must love porn
17) Must be open to strip clubs
18) Must bring home 1 girl every 3 months to keep it fresh
19) Breakfast and dinner 5/7 days
20) Nails/Toes on point at all times, none of that zebra-print shit with fake sea salt diamonds
21) Must not give timetable for marriage

Funny thing is, minus the other women section, I have a decent portion of the list (games, cooking, F-cup, Lakers, nails/toes, heels, working on degree, medium complexion).

/stealth brag

God, I feel sorry for you. The back problems must be torture.
ChocolateCupcakes said:
God, I feel sorry for you. The back problems must be torture.

They are. She's only 5'6, and was a G-cup at one point, but she lost some weight. She's around 150-ish now. A solid 20+ pounds of that is her chest.

However, the benefits outweigh the rewards. By orders of magnitude.

Whoa, whoa--Slash is half-black?


Now, I must listen to "Give Into Me" to feel the blackness through the guitar.
Boombloxer said:
They are. She's only 5'6, and was a G-cup at one point, but she lost some weight. She's around 150-ish now. A solid 20+ pounds of that is her chest.

However, the benefits outweigh the rewards. By orders of magnitude.
I assume at some point she'll get a reduction?

Lebron said:
Slash is half black?

Excuse me I have to go pick up my mind since it just blew out of my head.
biggest dot ever. explains the hair.
Dreams-Visions said:
I assume at some point she'll get a reduction?

biggest dot ever. explains the hair.

Eh, she's thought about it, but it's tricky. She just wants a DD, and pretty much has just decided to get there via workouts, but I think she'll probably be an E when it's all said and done.

As a chest man, can't complain.
Lebron said:
Slash is half black?

Excuse me I have to go pick up my mind since it just blew out of my head.
Was shocked when I found out as well.

His African-American mother, Ola Hudson, was born in Tennessee, and worked as a costume designer for David Bowie, among many other actors and musicians. His English father, Anthony Hudson, was an artist who created album covers for musicians such as Neil Young and Joni Mitchell.

from HBO's the Black List
MWS Natural said:
I agree with you here man. I've heard several attractive black women tell me the "requirements" that their husband must have before they even consider marriage:

1) Makes six figures
2) 6'3 or Taller
3) Good credit
4) 6pack/Tight body
5) No kids
6) Nice car/house
7) Big dick

No, I'm really not making this up I have heard a combination of this check list from several single black women who can't seem to find this "good man". My first thought is, "shit if I had all of that why would I fuck with you??!":lol

So it's either ghetto ass hoes with no expectations that really aren't about shit or "successful" black women with these crazy ass unrealistic exceptions looking for a diesel ass rich Denzel to sweep them off of their feet. Oh and they won't "settle for less" because they deserve it! Like I said before, "fuck em" I'm not going out of my way to avoid dating a black woman but I'm sure as hell not chasing after one.

My new favorite thread.

I actually had a woman say everything on that list when I asked her out and she rejected me. I told her she is going to be alone for a very long time.
Boombloxer said:
Eh, she's thought about it, but it's tricky. She just wants a DD, and pretty much has just decided to get there via workouts, but I think she'll probably be an E when it's all said and done.

As a chest man, can't complain.

Yeah, my friend is like a DD or something and she always complains about her back. Shes been trying to lose the weight to. Good luck to her.

~Devil Trigger~

In favor of setting Muslim women on fire
Dynamite Shikoku said:
How come there are no black rock stars anymore? How long has it been since Prince?
of course there are some Black Rockers today, but i get what you're saying

I dunno why exactly Black people or Rock floated away from each other.
Boombloxer said:
Eh, she's thought about it, but it's tricky. She just wants a DD, and pretty much has just decided to get there via workouts, but I think she'll probably be an E when it's all said and done.

As a chest man, can't complain.
word, word. As the son of a cosmetic surgeon, I've seen people with large chests come in for reductions....many of whom waited too long and had permanent damage done.

I understand your liking it, but if she ever mentions back pain, deal with it as soon as can be afforded. few things are as bad as having a bad back.
Dreams-Visions said:
word, word. As the son of a cosmetic surgeon, I've seen people with large chests come in for reductions....many of whom waited too long and had permanent damage done.

I understand your liking it, but if she ever mentions back pain, deal with it as soon as can be afforded. few things are as bad as having a bad back.

I hear you--most of the girls I've dated have had similar issues (top-heavy), so i'm kinda used to it. We'll see what happens, her health comes first.

I dunno why exactly Black people or Rock floated away from each other.

Lajon of Sevendust says Hi. I got into rock in college, never looked back.


if you see me in a fight with a bear, don't help me fool, help the bear!
Dreams-Visions said:
biggest dot ever. explains the hair.

the Greatest American Hero was black?
Lindsey Buckingham?
Bob Ross????

Mind Blown
sciplore said:
Any links to good songs of these bands with awesome black rockers?


# Tosin Abasi – Guitar (8 string)
# Javier Reyes – Guitar (8 string)
# Navene Koperweis – Drums
# Chebon Littlefield - Bass, Keyboards, Programming

Animals as Leaders is an American Washington, D.C.–based instrumental progressive metal project by guitarist Tosin Abasi which now includes guitarist Javier Reyes and drummer Navene Koperweis. The self-titled debut album was released in April 2009 by Prosthetic Records.



Sample Tracks:
Tempting Time


if you see me in a fight with a bear, don't help me fool, help the bear!
Dreams-Visions said:
seriously. just wow.

They weren't by the way... White people have nappy too..

My jewish homeboy rocked a Jew fro
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