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The Black Culture Thread


keep your strippers out of my American football
weepy said:
True. There are some black girls that do harp on that aspect. But at the same time, don't you think that you're painting them with a broad brush? I mean yeah you'll get the run of the mill "I need a thug in my life" women who are immature and overtly high-maintenance, but those are the girls that stick out like a sore thumb. I've dated nice, fine, sophisticated black women who don't mind goofy dudes and I'm goofy as hell. It just seem like black women are getting dogged over a perceived few, is all.

Not painting them with a broad brush. I am only speaking from women I dated. They were proud of Lil Wayne more than Obama. They were proud to have a baby and no father around.

The pool of good black women is not a large one. Most none hoodrat black women I meet are so far in the other direction that it is hard to relate for me.
SSJ1Goku said:
BW refuse to believe that:
-80% of BW are overweight or obese
-70% of BW are single
-40% of BW have not and never will be married (did I quote this stat right?)
-72% of black kids are born out of wedlock
-60% of BW have an STD (this one is an older stat)
-The majority of marriages with BW end in less than 5 years (this stat is new to me)
-There is no stat for BW with atittudes or wear weaves but it is obviously high
Mind you that these stats come into play before even getting into beauty.

BW think that they are infalliable but hate it when they get a huge dose of reality from the media. Some of us have gone of blogtalk radio and BW ask why why why, but when we tell them about the stats they outright refuse to believe them. They honestly believe that they should date outside the race and change nothing. That is not going to work.

And yes you are right BM's rep sucks but who reps us though....thugs. On-point BM fight against our sterotypes by being on-point.

EDIT: Watch this for a better explaination
fuck it. I still want to marry one. There's more to the stats than what is seen at face value.

Lebron said:
I take out two thugs a day with my Express outfits. I'm doing my best to win this war.

Every day we wear close that *fucking fit*, a thug stop feeling as good about his baggy shit.


SSJ1Goku said:
BW refuse to believe that:
-80% of BW are overweight or obese
-70% of BW are single
-40% of BW have not and never will be married (did I quote this stat right?)
-72% of black kids are born out of wedlock
-60% of BW have an STD (this one is an older stat)
-The majority of marriages with BW end in less than 5 years (this stat is new to me)
-There is no stat for BW with atittudes or wear weaves but it is obviously high
Mind you that these stats come into play before even getting into beauty.

BW think that they are infalliable but hate it when they get a huge dose of reality from the media. Some of us have gone of blogtalk radio and BW ask why why why, but when we tell them about the stats they outright refuse to believe them. They honestly believe that they should date outside the race and change nothing. That is not going to work.

And yes you are right BM's rep sucks but who reps us though....thugs. On-point BM fight against our sterotypes by being on-point.

EDIT: Watch this for a better explaination

Jesus christ dude we get it, BW aint worth shit which is why all men avoid them like the plaque except the scummiest of scum. The media have never once called BW out for any of these facts you just shown but I am sure starting now we finally know where we go on the totem pole of attractiveness.

Salty much? Seriously dude this rant and that video come off as very bitter.
Well Scrip, for me... Black women are my preference, all shades. At the end of the day I am still a black man and i like having someone that can relate to me.


keep your strippers out of my American football
sooperkool said:
Well Scrip, for me... Black women are my preference, all shades. At the end of the day I am still a black man and i like having someone that can relate to me.

I think that is the main thing anyone should look for. I don't care where the person is from or what race, if you relate to each other, then find your happiness. I have dated some f'd up women of all races. It isn't exclusive to one race.


MWS Natural said:
Not that I'm a huge fan of black women myself, being that the last 4-5 women I've been have been white or Hispanic, I call BS on these "stats". Last I heard 50% were overweight and no way do that many have an STD and are single.
Yea I call BS on that too hell the whole need a stat for attitudes and wearing weave wanted me to just call him a troll and end it there but I have too much respect for this thread to just end it like that.


not licensed in your state
80% ? I'm not sure I buy that. going on my 8 years spent in the NO, I saw nothing but dimes

dskillzhtown said:
I think that is the main thing anyone should look for. I don't care where the person is from or what race, if you relate to each other, then find your happiness. I have dated some f'd up women of all races. It isn't exclusive to one race.
Quoted for truth. It's not like black women are the worst type of women out there. Some of those statistics are eyebrow raising... 80% are overweight?
sciplore said:
Yea I call BS on that too hell the whole need a stat for attitudes and wearing weave wanted me to just call him a troll and end it there but I have too much respect for this thread to just end it like that.
"STD" is a pretty low bar to clear, so I believe it.

HPV is quite rampant. http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/causes/hpv/hpv-prevalence0308

having double the national rate or so seems par for the course. tack on the various other forms of STD and the stat probably ends up fairly accurate. :-/

From this chart it looks like everyone is overweight in America lol. But to be honest BMI is some bullshit because many times black people are built a little differently (men and women). I know even when I was in amazing shape my BMI was high because I had a lot of muscle so I'm not sure if that's a great indication of whether someone is really fat or not. Plus you know we like our women a bit thicker ;)
I agree with your assessment, MWS...but let's be real.

I know too many of our people who are shamelessly overweight. Shamelessly because fatasses like Monique are campaigning to make it okay. As if we want fat ass women.

Shit is cultural and dietary.


Dreams-Visions said:
"STD" is a pretty low bar to clear, so I believe it.

HPV is quite rampant. http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/causes/hpv/hpv-prevalence0308

having double the national rate or so seems par for the course. tack on the various other forms of STD and the stat probably ends up fairly accurate. :-/

Actually the STD one really does not surprise me, a scary amount of black women do not use protection for sex. It was the single and overweight/obese stats I was questioning really. Don't get me wrong I know a lot of black females like to be "heavy" but I am sure the number scales about the same throughout the whole country no matter the race.

Pinko Marx said:
Black whiteknighting?
I prefer "Sistahs Defense Force".

soul creator said:
Pic of fineness
My man <3
Dreams-Visions said:
I agree with your assessment, MWS...but let's be real.

I know too many of our people who are shamelessly overweight. Shamelessly because fatasses like Monique are campaigning to make it okay. As if we want fat ass women.

Shit is cultural and dietary.

To be honest Dreams I have no concern with the "Monique's" of the world because I'm not dealing with them regardless. The problem I have is with the decent looking ones acting a damn fool. I was talking to this one black chick recently, booshie as hell. She would say shit like, "I don't watch black movies", "I don't even have any black friends", "why would you go to one of those black schools??", knowing I went to Morehouse. Turn out I go to this chick crib and get in the bed....she sleeping on a fucking AIR MATTRESS. Bitch you can't act all high saditty when you can't afford a REAL MATTRESS!!! Just when I give black women another shot they make me pay for it EVERY time lol. I won't even get on her two kids by two different daddies :lol


Dreams-Visions said:
I agree with your assessment, MWS...but let's be real.

I know too many of our people who are shamelessly overweight. Shamelessly because fatasses like Monique are campaigning to make it okay. As if we want fat ass women.

Shit is cultural and dietary.

I wanted to argue against that too but I remember some of my friends who whine about guys not liking them because of their weight yet don't want to exercise, stop eating fast food and worship Monique....

So yea who is watching the new "Game" tonight?

Pinko Marx said:
Lets not sit here and act like black women are innocent.
I understand that too but you have to remember this thread (well forum period) is more male-centric so a few guys posting can make it seem like the majority of males posting here are painting black women as only the bad guy. I am sure out in the street or other forums we can find just as much "stats" against black males.
sciplore said:
So yea who is watching the new "Game" tonight?
:lol My friends -- black girls were raving to me that The Game was back and wanting to watch it. When I told them that I did not really care about a show like that, they sucked their teeth at me.

Honestly, I do not watch black sitcoms anymore. Then again, there aren't many out there aside from Tyler Perry's stuff and the new Love that Girl with Tatyana M Ali which is too corny but I'd watch just for Tatyana. :D
^ Pretty much. Last time I watched BET intentionally was...maybe 1999.

sciplore said:
Actually the STD one really does not surprise me, a scary amount of black women do not use protection for sex. It was the single and overweight/obese stats I was questioning really. Don't get me wrong I know a lot of black females like to be "heavy" but I am sure the number scales about the same throughout the whole country no matter the race.
I see. Yea, I just looked at those stats again. 80% are not obese or overweight.


Still too high, but not 80%.

Well...you know what?

that CDC link says about 38% of blacks are obest. I'll make the educated guess that more women than men are overweight because women store more fat then man on average. so let's then say that ~40% of black women are obese. this stat *DOES NOT INCLUDE* black women who are overweight but not obese.


That's a different measure. Under that measure, we that find another 34% of Americans...and we can assume that blacks are higher than the national average there. Let's say black women stats would show us that 40% of black women are in the "overweight but not obese" category...

40% over weight + 38% obese would mean that something like ~65% of black women are overweight or obese. (% reduced because the obese % takes away part of the overweight %)

65% isn't 80%...but it's certainly not far enough away to make me feel any better. And depending on the city you go to (yes, Detroit, I'm looking at you) the numbers actually do seem more like 80%-85%. Not a joke. It's very depressing.

as for the single stats,



looks to be the case, brah.

MWS Natural said:
To be honest Dreams I have no concern with the "Monique's" of the world because I'm not dealing with them regardless. The problem I have is with the decent looking ones acting a damn fool. I was talking to this one black chick recently, booshie as hell. She would say shit like, "I don't watch black movies", "I don't even have any black friends", "why would you go to one of those black schools??", knowing I went to Morehouse. Turn out I go to this chick crib and get in the bed....she sleeping on a fucking AIR MATTRESS. Bitch you can't act all high saditty when you can't afford a REAL MATTRESS!!! Just when I give black women another shot they make me pay for it EVERY time lol. I won't even get on her two kids by two different daddies :lol
lol. what state do you live in?

I dealt with one that was super "booshie" (Bourgeoisie) like that. She was from San Diego. Black chick with a Valley Girl dialect. I put up with it because the ass was fat. But it was ridiculous. i cut it off around the time she decided to stop eating meat and go too into yoga. ya doin too much, honey.


Baby Milo said:
It do trashy tv so right. :D

spindashing said:
:lol My friends -- black girls were raving to me that The Game was back and wanting to watch it. When I told them that I did not really care about a show like that, they sucked their teeth at me.

Honestly, I do not watch black sitcoms anymore. Then again, there aren't many out there aside from Tyler Perry's stuff and the new Love that Girl with Tatyana M Ali which is too corny but I'd watch just for Tatyana. :D
That show made me cringe as well as the new sitcom coming to BET ugh.

Dreams-Visions said:
stats that are backed up

Ok then when you lay it that way without sounding condescending about it I can accept the stats as facts. Its sad to know but that is life nothing to do about it but move forward.


*rolls eyes*
Guys I do like BW but I'll be damn if I'm going to "keep it black" just because. BW owe back taxes for days and they refuse to change ANYTHING about themselves. I mean after all the BM are this and BM are that, all yall are on the DL, all yall are in jail. FUCK THAT SHIT! I'm trying to have a discussion about why BM are runing away from all the negative bad shit that BW are on and I have BW trying to justify BS and I have some BM playing captain save a hoe. Theses problems are not going to change until people start owning up and discussing them. I kid you not I was on blogtalk radio last week and I had an older BM who was clearly raised by a single mother trying to tell me that I need to be grow up and accept fat BW and with kids of wedlock, I fucking flipped my top :lol .
SSJ1Goku said:
I kid you not I was on blogtalk radio last week and I had an older BM who was clearly raised by a single mother trying to tell me that I need to be grow up and accept fat BW and with kids of wedlock, I fucking flipped my top :lol .



best seen in the classic "Shadow of the Beast"
SSJ1Goku said:
I kid you not I was on blogtalk radio last week and I had an older BM who was clearly raised by a single mother trying to tell me that I need to be grow up and accept fat BW and with kids of wedlock, I fucking flipped my top :lol .

i need to hear this.


I'll probably regret this but whatever :lol :

My argument got a little muddle because I got too damn emotional, I need to practice my Kap Fu

EDIT: Here is some comm that SWP did about that show:


I won't be doing any more blogtalk shows because they piss me off. I honestly did not think that problems in the black community were that bad, but that show and a few before it had me shocked.


Knowledge is power, guard it well
dskillzhtown said:
I think that is the main thing anyone should look for. I don't care where the person is from or what race, if you relate to each other, then find your happiness. I have dated some f'd up women of all races. It isn't exclusive to one race.
Pretty much.

To this day, I feel deep regret over some of the non-black women I passed on, because I was worried about what friends or family would say. Beautiful, perfect wife types I passed or avoided.

Dumb ass.
JGS said:
This very thread had shock and awe about the number of beautiful girls dating white men.
That type of hypocrisy runs rampant among blacks.


Obesity based on BMI index is bullshit, it's not a effective way of measuring body fat. My bmi would indicate I'm obsese when fact is I'm muscular.
Lebron said:
I take out two thugs a day with my Express outfits. I'm doing my best to win this war.
That's whats up, I fucks with express.

I got a nice shirt from Forever 21 last week gaf. Don't judge me :(.


MWS Natural said:
My man. I just cleaned up on the 70% off sale :lol
As did I. Cleaned them out real nice :lol

edit: Good to see others are aware of the power of that Express. First rule of winning over females is dressing nice, and they likes them some Express.

Imm0rt4l said:
I got a nice shirt from Forever 21 last week gaf. Don't judge me :(
You know you done fucked up, right?


I remember when i was highly suspicious of what SWP said cos my expeeiences with black women was limited and different. I went to an all boys school so i have no idea if black girls went only for bad boys, the girls i knew at uni were pretty cool, although i did try to get with this crazy biracial chick, weight was so so and to be honest the black girls i knew liked my goofyness and corniness. However when you see shit from other guys online about it it does make you wonder. I mean the shit with Lauren London saying how she only went for badboys and seeing court shows where an educated woman wanted nothing to do with a man cos he STOPPED dealing drugs and a woman who couldn't handle the fact her husband:

1) cooked for her
2) did not mind when she put on weight
3) was a father to kids that were NOT his
4) treated her like a lady


SSJ1Goku said:
I'll probably regret this but whatever :lol :

My argument got a little muddle because I got too damn emotional, I need to practice my Kap Fu

EDIT: Here is some comm that SWP did about that show:


I won't be doing any more blogtalk shows because they piss me off. I honestly did not think that problems in the black community were that bad, but that show and a few before it had me shocked.

Were you the one that came in at 18:32 or 40:45? If you were 18:32 dude too emotional buddy at 40:45 used your argument but was a bit more smooth about it. Yea I hated how they were blocking 40:45 (I should have listened for your names so sorry) arguments but the black community has always been happy to play judge and jury but throw a fit when you dish out criticism.

You both had valid arguments that the black community needs to hear so do not be afraid to throw it out there any chance you get. Just be more subtle about it or you get everyone so defensive. When dropping stats like that around try to be more subtle about it think of it like giving a person a cup of water instead of just throwing the water in their face.
Dreams - Visions said:
lol. what state do you live in?

I dealt with one that was super "booshie" (Bourgeoisie) like that. She was from San Diego. Black chick with a Valley Girl dialect. I put up with it because the ass was fat. But it was ridiculous. i cut it off around the time she decided to stop eating meat and go too into yoga. ya doin too much, honey.

Tampa. Definitely a far cry from the quality in ATL, NY and LA where I have lived previously. An 8 here is like a 6 in Atlanta :(

Lebron said:
As did I. Cleaned them out real nice :lol

edit: Good to see others are aware of the power of that Express. First rule of winning over females is dressing nice, and they likes them some Express.

I've always loved their stuff, and it's pretty much the only thing my fat as can get into right now. BR used to be my spot once you got past size 34 waist it's a wrap :lol

Imm0rt4l said:
I got a nice shirt from Forever 21 last week gaf. Don't judge me :(.

Yeaaah....can't fuck wit ya there bra lol.


Bleepey said:
I remember when i was highly suspicious of what SWP said cos my expeeiences with black women was limited and different. I went to an all boys school so i have no idea if black girls went only for bad boys, the girls i knew at uni were pretty cool, although i did try to get with this crazy biracial chick, weight was so so and to be honest the black girls i knew liked my goofyness and corniness. However when you see shit from other guys online about it it does make you wonder. I mean the shit with Lauren London saying how she only went for badboys and seeing court shows where an educated woman wanted nothing to do with a man cos he STOPPED dealing drugs and a woman who couldn't handle the fact her husband:

1) cooked for her
2) did not mind when she put on weight
3) was a father to kids that were NOT his
4) treated her like a lady


This is what i was referring to.


Imm0rt4l said:
To me it seems hip hop and r&b 2010-onward is moving towards electro/trance sounding tracks. It seems everyone is sampling stuff not much differetnt from Darude, the electro fan in me who likes stuff like Justice and Dat Punk doesn't mind so much. The purist in me however is kinda disgusted, moreso on the r&b tip. All of Ne-yo's music for example that I've heard as of late is NOT r&B imo, hip hop and rap is much more flexible though.

I blame Outkast for starting the trend :D

Really though, I figured my dislike of current hip-hop trends have more to do with me getting older and "these damn kids and their music" than anything else.
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