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The Black Culture Thread


Tomorrow night I'm heading up to Whistler (BC resort town) to spend a weekend at a hot tub-equipped cabin with 5 fine-ass bisexual ladies.

If ever there was a time for a fist bump, this is it.

Now where's my jewel-encrusted pimp goblet?
Whoompthereitis said:

Tomorrow night I'm heading up to Whistler (BC resort town) to spend a weekend at a hot tub-equipped cabin with 5 fine-ass bisexual ladies.

If ever there was a time for a fist bump, this is it.

Now where's my jewel-encrusted pimp goblet?

You fucking motherfucking gona be around fucking hot fuckers all fucking day, you fucker
heliosRAzi said:
How in the hell did you set this up?

Totally fell in my lap. All orchestrated by this friend of mine I haven't seen in 10 years. She looked me up on Facebook. We've been chatting, and turns out she's become a raging bisexual nympho. I haven't met any of the other girls, but based on the Facebook pics....goddamn.


Of course it could all go horribly wrong. But whatever happens, I'll spill the beans on Monday.
I feel safe asking this question here. Any one of you ever had any bullshit run ins with the law? Pulled over for BS reasons, searched without cause, detained, etc?
Whoompthereitis said:
Totally fell in my lap. All orchestrated by this friend of mine I haven't seen in 10 years. She looked me up on Facebook. We've been chatting, and turns out she's become a raging bisexual nympho. I haven't met any of the other girls, but based on the Facebook pics....goddamn.


Of course it could all go horribly wrong. But whatever happens, I'll spill the beans on Monday.
Magnificent. simply magnificent. I hope you enjoy all five of them and have a great time.

Big Baybee said:
I feel safe asking this question here. Any one of you ever had any bullshit run ins with the law? Pulled over for BS reasons, searched without cause, detained, etc?
Not yet, but it helps to be in law enforcement.


best seen in the classic "Shadow of the Beast"
Big Baybee said:
I feel safe asking this question here. Any one of you ever had any bullshit run ins with the law? Pulled over for BS reasons, searched without cause, detained, etc?

closest thing for me was when i was working security for this reality show. i had just got done working a twelve hour shift and was relaxing before i was going to bounce. i had my walkie talkie in my pocket and my flashlight in my hand. meanwhile a cop rolls up, sees the gun shaped item in my pocket(spoiler: walkie talkie) and pulls over, turns his siren on and aims his gun at me. immediately i put my hands up and i guess with my hands up, he could see the antenna. so he then asks me what i have in my pocket and i show him my walkie talkie. he chuckles, sheaths his gun, turns his siren off and proceeds to apologize. the funniest thing about that is that it was the first time i had a gun pointed at me, and i wasnt scared in the slightest
Big Baybee said:
I feel safe asking this question here. Any one of you ever had any bullshit run ins with the law? Pulled over for BS reasons, searched without cause, detained, etc?
Too many to list my friend. Especially growing up in the original racial profiling capital of world (New Jersey). There were some towns were you could literally not go through without getting pulled over or followed out of.
MWS Natural said:
Too many to list my friend. Especially growing up in the original racial profiling capital of world (New Jersey). There were some towns were you could literally not go through without getting pulled over or followed out of.

Same. Newark/Elizabeth + Black +80's = Bad scenes


NeoGAF's official "was this shooting justified" consultant
Big Baybee said:
I feel safe asking this question here. Any one of you ever had any bullshit run ins with the law? Pulled over for BS reasons, searched without cause, detained, etc?
Plenty of times. I left Waffle House at 2-3AMish after catching a movie with one of my friends. We noticed that the drug store across the street had been robbed on the way (there were 4 squad cars outside the place, front door smashed, etc.). As I'm driving home, I notice how one of the squad cars pulls out and starts to follow me. TIGHT. Like, 4 feet off my bumper in the rain. Made me uncomfortable as fuck....

So I'm almost back to my friends house and the light in front of me hits yellow. This cop was still extremely tight on my ass, and the rain is picking up, so I didn't necessarily feel too confident in breaking hard to stop in front of him like that. I roll through the light, it turns red only when I'm directly under it. Cop doesn't turn on his lights - I think I'm cool.

About 2 minutes later when I finally pull into my friends apartment parking lot he then decides to turn on his siren and shit. Of course held us up out there for 30+ minutes in front of onlookers only to call in two more squad cars.

In the end, after being embarrassed in front of whole neighborhood, I ended up getting a ticket for running a red light. For the lulz.
only once was I ever pulled over in a way that made me think it was questionable.

4-way stop. me at one stop sign, cop at another. I make a complete stop but don't sit there, so the cop pulls me over claiming I didn't make a complete stop, which I most certainly did.

I got the strong suspicion that he just saw a young black guy in an unusually nice car for the area and decided he needed to stop me to see if everything was on the up and up. Got no ticket and barely a warning. I was pissed.
Big Baybee said:
I feel safe asking this question here. Any one of you ever had any bullshit run ins with the law? Pulled over for BS reasons, searched without cause, detained, etc?
not me, but a friend of mine got stopped ALL THE TIME for "fitting the description", including this one time when he just hopped out of a car to go to Popeye's and cops just grabbed him and pressed him against the glass window of Popeye's.
sooperkool said:
Same. Newark/Elizabeth + Black +80's = Bad scenes
Yep, little bricks weren't a fun place to grow up in. Thank God my mom kept me in Chad school and not any of the public ones.

The Faceless Master said:
not me, but a friend of mine got stopped ALL THE TIME for "fitting the description", including this one time when he just hopped out of a car to go to Popeye's and cops just grabbed him and pressed him against the glass window of Popeye's.
Dammit man, you've given Spindashing some ammo now :/


Big Baybee said:
I feel safe asking this question here. Any one of you ever had any bullshit run ins with the law? Pulled over for BS reasons, searched without cause, detained, etc?

Yeah, first time it happened I was like 15 just sitting outside our school with some friends. Cops drove by and just stopped and gave us the full treatment. Hands up, hands on the car, going through our pockets and shit. Ill never forget that, they gave my friend all kinds of grief because he had a pager. Shit was pretty surreal. Since then I have been pulled over on 'routine' stops a few times while driving but Ive yet to get any shit once my license and insurance checks out.
I'm a pretty big dude, and I rocked braids until I was about 21. I was constantly being pulled over. Never got tickets. But I would be asked to sit in the back of squad cars, had my cars illegally searched, was even arrested because the officer claimed he found a marijuana seed on the floor of my car. When I protested, I was charged with public intimidation, a felony that can carry a max penalty here of 8 years in jail. I had to spend a week in the parish prison because my mom was not in town to bail me out, and I did not feel comfortable calling anyone else. I went through all of this only to have my case and charges thrown out. Never convicted of any crime, even passed the drug tests I was given when arrested.

When I was like 15, myself and a group of friends were stopped on our way to the neighborhood bball court. We were thoroughly searched, hands down the front of the pants, even threatened to be cavity searched. After all that, dude let us go, but with one warning: If I see you outside again today, I will find a reason to bring you in.

So I don't like/trust cops. I know not all are bad, but all my experiences have been extremely negative. I have many more stories.


Big Baybee said:
I feel safe asking this question here. Any one of you ever had any bullshit run ins with the law? Pulled over for BS reasons, searched without cause, detained, etc?

naw but i'm wary of the police off GP.

i'll be damn if i get caught slipping.


Big Baybee said:
I feel safe asking this question here. Any one of you ever had any bullshit run ins with the law? Pulled over for BS reasons, searched without cause, detained, etc?
I got stopped a couple of times, I live in NYC for reference. I have been stopped for truancy plenty of time, I don't blame the cops for it I should have been in school. One time I even ran when a truancy cops spotted me and my friends we split up, I got away my friends got picked up and brought to the precinct.

Now the other times I have been stopped it did not bother me that much, but I thought they probably just wanted to check me out what I'm doing in the middle of the day not in school or at work etc I do live in a minority mixed neighborhood but literally a block away more of a white neighborhood. I travel through there a couple of times to get where I need to go.

Once because they said I fit a description of a suspect of a robbery they ask to check my stuff I let them check my stuff hoping if they found nothing they would let me go! They found nothing apologized and they let me go.

Another time they thought I was cutting school I was 19 year old college student, they checked my ID and started to pat me down I verbally said I do not give consent to a search so it was just simple pat down and they did not check my bag. They let me go and apologized for the inconvenience
Big Baybee said:
I feel safe asking this question here. Any one of you ever had any bullshit run ins with the law? Pulled over for BS reasons, searched without cause, detained, etc?

Eating my lunch in a McDonalds parking lot 3 unmarked cop cars surrounded me, made me get out the car and searched me and my car for drugs. Said they had a large amount of drug deals go down there. My question was did these said deals all involve chicken nuggets? Because that was all that was in my car.


Big Baybee said:
I feel safe asking this question here. Any one of you ever had any bullshit run ins with the law? Pulled over for BS reasons, searched without cause, detained, etc?
Pulled over during finals week with an open bottle of grapefruit juice.

When I doth protest a bit much, the police officer told me to calm down or else.

Otherwise, not too much controversy.
Plumbob said:
I found this interesting as I do debate: this was a finals round at a high school debate tournament that was a debate about critical race theory in high school debate.


The affirmative characterizes the activity of debate itself as racist and in need of confrontation, and the negative responds.

There was an HBO documentary about this years ago. Some kids in California came up with the idea after reading this.

That really saddens me to hear about you guys all getting fucked with for no reason by cops.

Shit, my whole life I've NEVER been fucked with by a cop for anything I didn't deserve.

I'm sure if I wasn't white I wouldn't be able to say that.

Shit, I walk down the street openly puffing weed sometimes.

Shit's fucked up.....


I get pulled over a lot, seemingly for no reason. It's especially bad when I'm with friends from Minneapolis who are also black.


Big Baybee said:
I feel safe asking this question here. Any one of you ever had any bullshit run ins with the law? Pulled over for BS reasons, searched without cause, detained, etc?

Never had a time when I was sure of the exact reason. Th only time I can think of where something strange might have been going on wasTuesday night during the snowpocalyse, I was at a crosswalk waiting for the walk sign to turn on so I could continue on my way to a friend's house. An MSU police car pulled up to me, and one of the officers asked me a few questions about where I was coming from and where I lived. It was weird.

Never been pulled over, though.
So I've just discovered Col. Allen West. I dont agree with his black and white view about Islam as a religion, some of what he says is right out of the David Horowitz school of lunacy, but beyond that, I find something really compelling about this man. Maybe it's how frankly he puts his ideas forward. The way he presents himself reminds me of Gen. Wesley Clarke.
What is black Gaf's opinion of this man?


Whoompthereitis said:
That really saddens me to hear about you guys all getting fucked with for no reason by cops.

Shit, my whole life I've NEVER been fucked with by a cop for anything I didn't deserve.

I'm sure if I wasn't white I wouldn't be able to say that.

Shit, I walk down the street openly puffing weed sometimes.

Shit's fucked up.....

I've only had one encounter with a cop that was questionable. I was in a car with my friend Rahsaan who's black (he was driving) and my friend tommy in the back seat who is white. I was in the car as well obviously, and am noticeably half black. Anyways, we were driving back to my house and were pulled over by a cop for broken tail lights (that were miraculously fine once we checked them at my house).

He walked up to the car and did normal cop stuff, ie, asking for licence and registration, asking if we knew why we were pulled over today, etc. After he went back to his car and came back, he started chatting with us. Conversation basically went like this:

"Are you two brothers? Ya'll look alike (We look NOTHING alike). Minus the afro and darker skin, you look like twins!" And then he looked in the back seat at Tommy and said:

"Poor guy, you don't look like you belong here. Looks like you have no idea what the hell's going on. I wouldn't be in this neighborhood if I were you... these guys must have kidnapped you huh? No way you'd be caught dead in this place otherwise."

All while laughing. I had a WTF look on my face the entire time.


Big Baybee said:
I feel safe asking this question here. Any one of you ever had any bullshit run ins with the law? Pulled over for BS reasons, searched without cause, detained, etc?

Nope. But that's probably because, whenever dealing with law enforcement, I make a conscious effort to be more articulate than usual. It's my way of saying "Hey, look, I don't know who you are, but whatever the case is, I'm not what you think I am, leave my ass alone."

I love the look on people's faces when they hear me speak.
Well, I've looked further into Allen West and underneath his well packaged exterior, the man is an ideological brick wall who allows his polemic to smother facts inconvenient to his argument. Still, if you dont know the facts, this man is seductive...and therefore dangerous. If the charged political climate persists, this man is skillfull enough to climb up the political ladder.
I've gotten pulled over twice now where the policemen have asked me, "is this your car?" after responding yes one even asked me, "are you sure?". Which I'm guessing are just questions to piss me off since you have my license/registration/insurance and can just walk back to your fucking car and look it up. I get tailed and my plates run constantly due to looking somewhat younger and driving a halfway decent car. An Infiniti is not even impressive to be honest but since there are so few black people well off in Florida (compared to ATL, NY or CA) I still stand out.
Big Baybee said:
I feel safe asking this question here. Any one of you ever had any bullshit run ins with the law? Pulled over for BS reasons, searched without cause, detained, etc?

No. But, I don't drive yet...if a cop tried to stop me while I was walking, I wouldn't even stop. Texas has not stop and identify laws.

Sucks that some of you guys were stopped when not driving.

Also, why do you let them search your cars?


That fitness granny is an incredible story, I don't have any weight problem but I do admit I wish I was more ripped, and grandma is making me look bad.

neutralgamer02 said:
Also, why do you let them search your cars?
I don't think a lot people know if a cop is not arresting you they cant search your car or even possessions (bag, pockets) without asking.

Also depends on the state, I read here and there some states, cities are considering probable cause to be enough to warrant a search of ones car without first arresting them.
Looking for some comments on the 'suburban-white-boy-liking-rap' phenomenon. As a white kid straight out the suburbs, I've been wondering what others perception of me might be. Quality rap makes up about 90% of my music listening nowadays (the other 10 reserved for some alternative--Pixies, Radiohead, Weezer). When I say quality I'm talking Tribe, Black Moon, Mobb Deep, AZ, Digable Planets, Camp Lo, Pharcyde, Doom, Organized Konfusion, O.C., and many more. I even get into the producers side of things, from Premier's work with Guru to Jeru, RZA & his Wu-Tang masterpieces, Buckwild and the D.I.T.C. crew, Da Beatminerz and their work with Buckshot, Smif-N-Wessun, Heltah Skeltah, etc. I love it.

There's no delusion here; I can't relate to the projects or shit like that. These guys are master storytellers, though, with some of the finest production backing their words. There are universal feelings they can convey that are relatable to anyone, regardless of where you're at. On the flipside, there's a shit-ton of kids not doing their research latching on to the drug-selling, gun-slinging bullshit thinking that they're somehow tougher than they really are.

No way am I implying if you're black, you're into rap. But where better to raise these questions? 90s rap is black culture.


New Haven Sandstorm said:
Looking for some comments on the 'suburban-white-boy-liking-rap' phenomenon. As a white kid straight out the suburbs, I've been wondering what others perception of me might be. Quality rap makes up about 90% of my music listening nowadays (the other 10 reserved for some alternative--Pixies, Radiohead, Weezer). When I say quality I'm talking Tribe, Black Moon, Mobb Deep, AZ, Digable Planets, Camp Lo, Pharcyde, Doom, Organized Konfusion, O.C., and many more. I even get into the producers side of things, from Premier's work with Guru to Jeru, RZA & his Wu-Tang masterpieces, Buckwild and the D.I.T.C. crew, Da Beatminerz and their work with Buckshot, Smif-N-Wessun, Heltah Skeltah, etc. I love it.

There's no delusion here; I can't relate to the projects or shit like that. These guys are master storytellers, though, with some of the finest production backing their words. There are universal feelings they can convey that are relatable to anyone, regardless of where you're at. On the flipside, there's a shit-ton of kids not doing their research latching on to the drug-selling, gun-slinging bullshit thinking that they're somehow tougher than they really are.

No way am I implying if you're black, you're into rap. But where better to raise these questions? 90s rap is black culture.

It's something completely foreign too you and that's why it's appealing?


New Haven Sandstorm said:
Looking for some comments on the 'suburban-white-boy-liking-rap' phenomenon. As a white kid straight out the suburbs, I've been wondering what others perception of me might be. Quality rap makes up about 90% of my music listening nowadays (the other 10 reserved for some alternative--Pixies, Radiohead, Weezer). When I say quality I'm talking Tribe, Black Moon, Mobb Deep, AZ, Digable Planets, Camp Lo, Pharcyde, Doom, Organized Konfusion, O.C., and many more. I even get into the producers side of things, from Premier's work with Guru to Jeru, RZA & his Wu-Tang masterpieces, Buckwild and the D.I.T.C. crew, Da Beatminerz and their work with Buckshot, Smif-N-Wessun, Heltah Skeltah, etc. I love it.

There's no delusion here; I can't relate to the projects or shit like that. These guys are master storytellers, though, with some of the finest production backing their words. There are universal feelings they can convey that are relatable to anyone, regardless of where you're at. On the flipside, there's a shit-ton of kids not doing their research latching on to the drug-selling, gun-slinging bullshit thinking that they're somehow tougher than they really are.

No way am I implying if you're black, you're into rap. But where better to raise these questions? 90s rap is black culture.

I always saw hip-hop and its by product rap as a culture for everybody. Started out as a way for urban youths to express themselves yeah most were Black, Hispanic, and some Jewish people, but it was still open to anybody, don't listen to anybody that say its only for black people they are wrong. At the time hip-hop was very anti establishment, loud, stylish, and in your face. Its not surprising that its embraced as the largest modern cultural movement in the world.

As for being able to relate or not relate to the music, just be aware what the rappers are saying, if you understand it more so as empathic way then it does not matter what type of rap you listen too. Just don't dish it out as your own.


keep your strippers out of my American football
Big Baybee said:
I feel safe asking this question here. Any one of you ever had any bullshit run ins with the law? Pulled over for BS reasons, searched without cause, detained, etc?

Never, and I live in Houston. GAF seems to believe all of Texas is KKK-ville, but I have never had any bullshit run-ins with the law. I grew up in the hood, lived in hood apartments as well. Now I live in surburbia and never had any issues. I have beenin plenty of situations where I should have been pulled over though, lol.
Tokubetsu said:
It's something completely foreign too you and that's why it's appealing?

I think that's why some gravitate towards it, but there's little substance in that. It's appeal is universal, and that's why I can find messages to relate to.

Ducarmel said:
I always saw hip-hop and its by product rap as a culture for everybody. Started out as a way for urban youths to express themselves yeah most were Black, Hispanic, and some Jewish people, but it was still open to anybody, don't listen to anybody that say its only for black people they are wrong. At the time hip-hop was very anti establishment, loud, stylish, and in your face. Its not surprising that its embraced as the largest modern cultural movement in the world.

As for being able to relate or not relate to the music, just be aware what the rappers are saying, if you understand it more so as empathic way then it does not matter what type of rap you listen too. Just don't dish it out as your own.

I really like this. The music's definitely influential to me, but I'll always give credit where it's due. Have to make a conscious effort to not abuse the slang, though, and just draw inspiration from it haha.


New Haven Sandstorm said:
I really like this. The music's definitely influential to me, but I'll always give credit where it's due. Have to make a conscious effort to not abuse the slang, though, and just draw inspiration from it haha.
That's a good attitude to have but the slang I don't see anything wrong with it if you use it in context and around like minded people. If your around your friends or other hip hop heads say whatever slang you want, nobody should give you flak for it if that is how everybody else is communicating with each other.

Only word I might worry about is nigga. Living in NYC I have heard white kids use it around other black kids and even used it referring to each other, it is hit or miss. Some people wont like you for dropping it and others don't care as long as it was not malicious but used as normal conversation between you and your friends. This is NYC though I am not sure about other places.


Ducarmel said:
That's a good attitude to have but the slang I don't see anything wrong with it if you use it in context and around like minded people. If your around your friends or other hip hop heads say whatever slang you want, nobody should give you flak for it if that is how everybody else is communicating with each other.

Only word I might worry about is nigga. Living in NYC I have heard white kids use it around other black kids and even used it referring to each other, it is hit or miss. Some people wont like you for dropping it and others don't care as long as it was not malicious but used as normal conversation between you and your friends. This is NYC though I am not sure about other places.

Man in the fighting game community i see all ethnicities use it. Shit's a bit weird IMO:



Bleepey said:
Man in the fighting game community i see all ethnicities use it. Shit's a bit weird IMO:

filipino champ says nigga 100 times every morning, makes his teeth white.

What's funny is my best friend growing up was Filipino, he uses the word around me and all his peeps, doesn't bother me. It seemingly only bothers me when it comes across as really contrived, if you don't hang with a certain set of people or aren't from the hood and you drop the word it sounds very unnatural. Weird. Something else I find strange is that I feel very reluctant using the word when I'm around white people, but if I do say the word it's usually just around minorities.
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