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The Black Culture Thread

Imm0rt4l said:
"I heard kanye west sold his soul to the devil".....pause(not of the n/h variety). [/IMG]

I love how this has become a popular topic of conversation lately. Seems like everyone nowadays is an expert on the illuminati and other secret societies.
My friend tried to show me a youtube the other day about how Michael Jackson was assassinated by the illuminati.


Imm0rt4l said:
So I was choppin it up with this chic last night, she was bad. Was hittin it off with her nicely, but then when the subject of music came around she says "I heard kanye west sold his soul to the devil".....pause(not of the n/h variety). She later talked about being saved and not listening to secular music anymore. She invited me to some christian club thing on campus and said their would be an after party and all this jazz. I really enjoyed her company, but I feel like we'd probably bump heads if I were to pursue, I dunno. Maybe I'll at least show my face, try and talk to her a bit more and then just play some mahvel after since I've yet to touch the game, that's if I'm done with my homework by then that is.
Don't do it. That culo is not worth it. That kanye west line is early signs of future crazy.


Mahvel it is I guess lol. It's a shame though really, the girl is bad. But I guess I'd better just cut my losses right now as I would imagine she would have to be the relationship type, but I gotta say I would've so dated her based on talking to her for 2 hours before she dropped the Evangelical bomb on me.


Pinko Marx said:
I love how this has become a popular topic of conversation lately. Seems like everyone nowadays is an expert on the illuminati and other secret societies.
My friend tried to show me a youtube the other day about how Michael Jackson was assassinated by the illuminati.

The farahnk501 shit? I've seen all of them and they're GREAT. They cover everything. From how DMX is being fucked over by the illuminati and the evil imagery in Rhianna's umbrella video.

Music Industry exposed series starts here:

But he has other videos.

robidomask said:
I know I'm supposed to hate songs like this, but my inner n
won't let me. I love it.

Travis Porter - Make It Rain.

Fuck it man, sometimes you need to get down. You can't be on that brown liquor and screwing your face up to Talib Kweli. It's all about a balance. You can't be any one thing all the time.
Imm0rt4l said:
So I was choppin it up with this chic last night, she was bad. Was hittin it off with her nicely, but then when the subject of music came around she says "I heard kanye west sold his soul to the devil".....pause(not of the n/h variety). She later talked about being saved and not listening to secular music anymore. She invited me to some christian club thing on campus and said their would be an after party and all this jazz. I really enjoyed her company, but I feel like we'd probably bump heads if I were to pursue, I dunno. Maybe I'll at least show my face, try and talk to her a bit more and then just play some mahvel after since I've yet to touch the game, that's if I'm done with my homework by then that is.

Ouch....maybe cut and run. Unless you wanna hit it and quit. Might be one of those freaky zealots that talk crazy like that but then drop panties in no time at all.

I say hang out with her once at this party. At the very least you'll get a good story out of it. And who knows what might happen?


Pinko Marx said:
You don't buy this stuff, do you Toku?
I'll watch 'em though.

Nah, pure guilty pleasure/ entertainment purposes. If this was real, I'd be looking sign....I want to be recording tracks in Abu Dhabi and fucking model chicks in the pool!


In the spirit of BH month, I started looking for some African documentaries. Just finished watching this and though it was pretty interesting. It's not just what it may appear to be, a documentary on slavery, it's far from that actually. They kind of touch on everything in this, wasn't really expecting to learn so much. It can be viewed on Netflix instant if you have that.


Crime, drugs, HIV/AIDS, poor education, inferiority complex, low expectation, poverty, corruption, poor health, and underdevelopment plagues people of African descent globally - Why? 500 years later from the onset of Slavery and subsequent Colonialism, Africans are still struggling for basic freedom-Why? Filmed in five continents, and over twenty countries, 500 Years Later engages the authentic retrospective voice, told from the African vantage-point of those whom history has sought to silence by examining the collective atrocities that uprooted Africans from their culture and homeland. 500 Years Later is a timeless compelling journey, infused with the spirit and music of liberation that chronicles the struggle of a people who have fought and continue to fight for the most essential human right - freedom.
Written by Halaqah Media


Please help me with my bad english
Lebron said:
In the spirit of BH month, I started looking for some African documentaries. Just finished watching this and though it was pretty interesting. It's not just what it may appear to be, a documentary on slavery, it's far from that actually. They kind of touch on everything in this, wasn't really expecting to learn so much. It can be viewed on Netflix instant if you have that.

Available in Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Z_9vHtJUtQ&feature=related


NeoGAF's official "was this shooting justified" consultant
I'll check it out. I need to check out something... haven't really delved into black history month since I've left school.
Imm0rt4l said:
Mahvel it is I guess lol. It's a shame though really, the girl is bad. But I guess I'd better just cut my losses right now as I would imagine she would have to be the relationship type, but I gotta say I would've so dated her based on talking to her for 2 hours before she dropped the Evangelical bomb on me.
I'd still keep at it... A lot of young people are on that dumb shit of believing everything they hear blah blah blah

I'll skip the bullshit - that red flag isn't big enough for me and depending on exactly how bad she is, it won't be big enough for a lot of other people either. Church girls are freaks. You know this. Put up with the Tyler Perry movies, the narrow/judgmental perspectives... at least she doesn't have kids or a crazy dude named LaCaTrel'eon all over her.


Whoompthereitis said:
Ouch....maybe cut and run. Unless you wanna hit it and quit. Might be one of those freaky zealots that talk crazy like that but then drop panties in no time at all.

I say hang out with her once at this party. At the very least you'll get a good story out of it. And who knows what might happen?

This may be a possibility, as I went against my better judgement and saw her tonight at the meeting which was basically an hour church service. I fucked up though because I said I'd come with her to this party afterwards and dance with her, but It was supposed to be either I go to the dance or the service and I went to the service like a dumbass. I'm obligated to rugby practice from 11 to 1.
DY_nasty said:
I'd still keep at it... A lot of young people are on that dumb shit of believing everything they hear blah blah blah

I'll skip the bullshit - that red flag isn't big enough for me and depending on exactly how bad she is, it won't be big enough for a lot of other people either. Church girls are freaks. You know this. Put up with the Tyler Perry movies, the narrow/judgmental perspectives... at least she doesn't have kids or a crazy dude named LaCaTrel'eon all over her.

You know the thought of not talking to her tonight was really nagging at me and since I talked to her, I know there was definitely sexual tensions as I was talking to her at the makeshift djbooth/altar. I'ma see her again next week though.

I'll see her again next week and I'm going to make it my mission to defile this woman in the near future. You guys have any stories with church girls?


Lebron said:
In the spirit of BH month, I started looking for some African documentaries. Just finished watching this and though it was pretty interesting. It's not just what it may appear to be, a documentary on slavery, it's far from that actually. They kind of touch on everything in this, wasn't really expecting to learn so much. It can be viewed on Netflix instant if you have that.

Adding this to my que, props.


NeoGAF's official "was this shooting justified" consultant
Imm0rt4l said:
You guys have any stories with church girls?
I'm a preacher's son. Church is nasty.

The good church girls... don't know if this is the case with your girl - but they're worth putting up with a little hypocritical bs every once in a while because once those walls come down they'll do damn near anything.


DY_nasty said:
I'm a preacher's son. Church is nasty.

The good church girls... don't know if this is the case with your girl - but they're worth putting up with a little hypocritical bs every once in a while because once those walls come down they'll do damn near anything.
I'm a former preachers son myself, never messed with any girls in the church when I was younger before my dad left. The girl I'm talking to may just be what you're describing though, although she's a white girl. She was saved back in high school, was wildin' out when she got to college and got re-saved/baptized like last year or somethin lol. God willing', we'll be able to stop beating around the bush with the sexual tension and have her break her vow of abstinence yet again. Thank God for the reset button.
Imm0rt4l said:
I'll see her again next week and I'm going to make it my mission to defile this woman in the near future. You guys have any stories with church girls?

I do, but I've been warned not to turn this thread into 'The sexual adventures of a random white dude'.

All I'll say is that of the two church girls I've encountered, one was an Ice Queen that I was wasting my time with, and the other was a complete freak, well worth the God bullshit I had to hear her spout from time to time. Hit it like six times, and it was a ton of fun. You'll only know if you try...


Knowledge is power, guard it well
Dark FaZe said:
" I run the military nigga if you want that beef"
Deepest bar ever spit. The song is awesome.

Would you even blink, if it was a GWB parody?

The funniest part of the whole thing, was Wocka himself speaking out against it, about how it set a bad example for our kids.... as if his music is full of positive messages. N!&&@ Please.

Ford Prefect

El DeBarge back in rehab right before his new tour, shit is bumming me out hardcore. All I've been doing the past few weeks is singing my fucking ass off (or trying, at least) to Time Will Reveal, Stay With Me, et al., and last night I even spent like 2 hours just watching youtube videos of him ripping shit up with his angelic, miraculously preserved voice, doing interviews saying the most lovely things, and I cried, and I pronounced El DeBarge nothing short of Jesus Christ Our Lord And Saviour Himself, the most beautiful and dedicated artist this shitty rock has ever been lucky to host, and I wake up this afternoon to see him beaten back down by the world.

I guess it's wonderful that he's taking care of himself and not letting shit get out of hand, but damn. Got all this love for you baby, know you gonna pull through!


best seen in the classic "Shadow of the Beast"
Ford Prefect said:
El DeBarge back in rehab right before his new tour, shit is bumming me out hardcore. All I've been doing the past few weeks is singing my fucking ass off (or trying, at least) to Time Will Reveal, Stay With Me, et al., and last night I even spent like 2 hours just watching youtube videos of him ripping shit up with his angelic, miraculously preserved voice, doing interviews saying the most lovely things, and I cried, and I pronounced El DeBarge nothing short of Jesus Christ Our Lord And Saviour Himself, the most beautiful and dedicated artist this shitty rock has ever been lucky to host, and I wake up this afternoon to see him beaten back down by the world.

I guess it's wonderful that he's taking care of himself and not letting shit get out of hand, but damn. Got all this love for you baby, know you gonna pull through!

i didnt even know he had a tour coming up.
Better lane than never:
- Where you're from: Dominican Republic
- Where you live: New Jersey. I've been here since I was 10
- Your cultural heritage, lineage and genealogy: Father's side is Haitian and I think my dad's mom was white. Mother's side of the family are Dominicans of Spanish descent
- Your Age: 21
- Favorite musical genre: All kinds of rock (except "indie" rock), some folk, jazz, blues, electronic/house/dance
- Your profession/major/career interest: My current major is Chemistry but that might change to something IT or Business related.
- Your religious affiliation: Atheist
- Hobbies: Music - I play a couple of instruments and like to sing. Reading -I love books and pretty much stopped watching movies altogether in favor of them. Working out, and I love reading about other countries. Specially expat blogs.

- Do you feel ostracized as a black nerd/dork? Charles Barkley once said that "there's nothing sadder than a black nerd". What do you think about those words, and while we're on the issue, what is gaf's opinion on the whole "act white" thing?
Not really. I don't really have many nerdy friends. I rarely talk about games or whatever irl.



Black history month theme song right here!

perfectnight said:
Better lane than never:
- Where you're from: Dominican Republic
- Where you live: New Jersey. I've been here since I was 10
- Your cultural heritage, lineage and genealogy: Father's side is Haitian and I think my dad's mom was white. Mother's side of the family are Dominicans of Spanish descent
- Your Age: 21
- Favorite musical genre: All kinds of rock (except "indie" rock), some folk, jazz, blues, electronic/house/dance
- Your profession/major/career interest: My current major is Chemistry but that might change to something IT or Business related.
- Your religious affiliation: Atheist
- Hobbies: Music - I play a couple of instruments and like to sing. Reading -I love books and pretty much stopped watching movies altogether in favor of them. Working out, and I love reading about other countries. Specially expat blogs.

- Do you feel ostracized as a black nerd/dork? Charles Barkley once said that "there's nothing sadder than a black nerd". What do you think about those words, and while we're on the issue, what is gaf's opinion on the whole "act white" thing?
Not really. I don't really have many nerdy friends. I rarely talk about games or whatever irl.

I don't know if you've been lurking long but I was wondering if maybe you can drop your 2 cents on the stigma that a lot Dominicans of African decent tend to hate try disavow their blackness or indulge in self hate to some degree or another.
New Member of Black-Gaf :p
- Where you're from Born in Mississippi but I've lived all across the U.S (VA, GA, and AZ chronologically)
- Where you live Alabama
- Your cultural heritage, lineage and genealogy Pretty much all black but I have a at least one Native American ancestor and at least one English ancestor.
- Do you know your roots? The farthest that I've traced it back was to the Caribbean on my mothers side, and Maryland on my dad's side
- Your Age I'll be 20 next month
- Favorite musical genre Everything but Metal and Country, I mainly listen to Hip-Hop, Trip-Hop, and Electronic though
- Your profession/major/career interest undecided, I was a mechanical engineering major but it bored me to tears
- Your religious affiliation I don't know to be honest
- Hobbies gaming, making beats, working out

- Do you feel ostracized as a black nerd/dork? Charles Barkley once said that "there's nothing sadder than a black nerd". What do you think about those words, and while we're on the issue, what is gaf's opinion on the whole "act white" thing?
My dad, my 2 brothers and my best friend are black nerds so I don't feel alone. People do get surprised at how nerdy I can get once they get to know me. As for the whole acting white thing, I don't believe in it. I think it hinders people to try new thing.I just do me.
Imm0rt4l said:
I don't know if you've been lurking long but I was wondering if maybe you can drop your 2 cents on the stigma that a lot Dominicans of African decent tend to hate try disavow their blackness or indulge in self hate to some degree or another.
Yeah, I've been lurking this thread for a while but missed your posts about this certain topic. I will try to not sound too bitter about this but if I do forgive me.

An overwhelming amount of Dominicans are in denial about their roots. If you've hanged out with any Dominican then you might be familiar with all the bullshit terms we have come up with for calling black Dominicans anything other than black. "Jabao, indio, morenito, trigueño" etc. The amount of black Dominicans I've met, large majority of which have been darker than me, who are incredibly racist and do not consider themselves black at all is quite depressing. This all goes back to the Trujijjo era and all the anti-black propaganda that came with it. That was a long time ago, and there is no excuse for the amount of racism and denial that still exists in the DR.

I actually don't hang out with any Dominicans and haven't for a long time. There is just a big disconnect between my views and all the prejudice, bigotry and hypocrisy that is integrated in Dominican society. The amount of racist comments I've heard by just NOT talking Spanish to anyone even if I know they are Latino is quite infuriating and disheartening. I am just glad that I grew up in the US and made the choices that I did because I might have been like that if we had stayed in the DR.

I would like for the Dominican community to move on from this white is right mindset, but that is not going to happen if we keep ourselves in that denial filled bubble that so many Dominicans seem to fall into. If people just opened their minds even a little bit, and tried to listen past the rhetoric and the bigotry passed down by their own families and learned to appreciate their own roots then I could see things really moving forward.


Yo, black-gaf, glad to finally be here. I remember reading through the first black-gaf thread about all the stories of whoopings, great times. My Intro:
- Where you're from Born Birmingham, Al but my parents were in the military so we moved from place to place (SC, NC, TX, KS) didn't really have a permanent home
- Where you live Marietta, GA
- Your cultural heritage, lineage and genealogy Don't really have a clue. I know my Dad's side has some Indian and both of my parents are fully black
- Do you know your roots? Nope, I suspect African though, based on my features
- Your Age 18 going on 19 in about 3 weeks
- Favorite musical genre I listen to just about every single genre, but by far Rap
- Your profession/major/career interest I'm in school for journalism, but really I want a career in rap music (right now I'm just practicing and working on my skills)
- Your religious affiliation VERY Loose Christian/Agnostic (It's sorta complicated)
- Hobbies Gaming, Anime, Getting in Shape, Learning to Rap and Make Beats, Being a Goofball

- Do you feel ostracized as a black nerd/dork? Charles Barkley once said that "there's nothing sadder than a black nerd". What do you think about those words, and while we're on the issue, what is gaf's opinion on the whole "act white" thing? I've become really comfortable with who I am as a person. I think it's pretty cool to be honest. One second I'm talking to one group of friends about the new Kanye song and then I'll turn around and debate the best Final Fantasy games. Guys like Pharrell and Lupe made it cool for me when I was younger to accept being a black nerd.


lightless_shado said:
Hey Kaizer, do you make your own beats?

Also, speaking of music: Do you guys visit any music blogs? which are your favorites?
First off I have to say I've been lurking here for so long and your avatars have compelled to find every single Tiffany Star video known to mankind.

As far as beats, I'm not even close. Just a beginner right now, I got a M-Audio Axiom 25 MIDI Keyboard last Xmas and I'm about to buy Propellerhead's Reason. I've had the GAF Music Production thread bookmarked for about 7 months now.

Main blogs I read are 2DopeBoyz and NahRight for Rap. I look at AllKPop occasionally too whenever I'm in a Girls Generation mood.
Kaizer said:
First off I have to say I've been lurking here for so long and your avatars have compelled to find every single Tiffany Star video known to mankind.

As far as beats, I'm not even close. Just a beginner right now, I got a M-Audio Axiom 25 MIDI Keyboard last Xmas and I'm about to buy Propellerhead's Reason. I've had the GAF Music Production thread bookmarked for about 7 months now.

Main blogs I read are 2DopeBoyz and NahRight for Rap. I look at AllKPop occasionally too whenever I'm in a Girls Generation mood.

Ha she's really grown on you huh? Definitely one of my favorites.

Well its good to hear that you're making your own beats, if you get better at that than rapping, maybe you could be a top producer like your avatar. Look forward to hearing some of your stuff if you're ready to post it up.

Looks like we go to the same sites for rap, I also go to Datpiff sometimes. But I listen to a wide variety of music so I visit multiple music blogs like
-Gorilla Vs Bear
-The hood internet

Since we're on a videogame forum, how do you guys feel about artists that try to make rapbeats based on videogame music or sound effects from games like Charles Hamilton ? I love seeing what people do with videogame tracks. Like DJ Kariu who usually works with street fighter.


perfectnight said:
Yeah, I've been lurking this thread for a while but missed your posts about this certain topic. I will try to not sound too bitter about this but if I do forgive me.

An overwhelming amount of Dominicans are in denial about their roots. If you've hanged out with any Dominican then you might be familiar with all the bullshit terms we have come up with for calling black Dominicans anything other than black. "Jabao, indio, morenito, trigueño" etc. The amount of black Dominicans I've met, large majority of which have been darker than me, who are incredibly racist and do not consider themselves black at all is quite depressing. This all goes back to the Trujijjo era and all the anti-black propaganda that came with it. That was a long time ago, and there is no excuse for the amount of racism and denial that still exists in the DR.

I actually don't hang out with any Dominicans and haven't for a long time. There is just a big disconnect between my views and all the prejudice, bigotry and hypocrisy that is integrated in Dominican society. The amount of racist comments I've heard by just NOT talking Spanish to anyone even if I know they are Latino is quite infuriating and disheartening. I am just glad that I grew up in the US and made the choices that I did because I might have been like that if we had stayed in the DR.

I would like for the Dominican community to move on from this white is right mindset, but that is not going to happen if we keep ourselves in that denial filled bubble that so many Dominicans seem to fall into. If people just opened their minds even a little bit, and tried to listen past the rhetoric and the bigotry passed down by their own families and learned to appreciate their own roots then I could see things really moving forward.

Thanks for sharing, I just felt compelled to ask because all the black dominicans I knew growing up were on that bullshit, Hell even if you turn on tv you see Sammy Sosa bleaching his skin and wearing green contacts like that shit is natural.


best seen in the classic "Shadow of the Beast"
lightless_shado said:
Looks like we go to the same sites for rap, I also go to Datpiff sometimes. But I listen to a wide variety of music so I visit multiple music blogs like
-Gorilla Vs Bear
-The hood internet
The hood internet has made me a believer. That royksopp/lil wayne remix was hot,.and I dont even like wayne


Hello black gaf. I too am black.
- Where you're from- Trinidad
- Where you live - Bal'more, Murrland
- Your cultural heritage, lineage and genealogy- (Ghanaian)Mother, (Irish/Amerindian)Father.
- Do you know your roots?- Ghana by way of Grenada, Ireland, South America
- Your Age- 25
- Favorite musical genres- Soca and Trip Hop
- Your profession/major/career interest- Video Production/Vis. Effects
- Your religious affiliation- Protestant
- Hobbies- Futbol, reading, drawing, painting, gaming.

- Do you feel ostracized as a black nerd/dork? Charles Barkley once said that "there's nothing sadder than a black nerd". What do you think about those words, and while we're on the issue, what is gaf's opinion on the whole "act white" thing?- Not at all. I spent my first 18 years in Trinidad, which has different social/cultural norms. My first exposure to the 'act white' term happened after my immigration, even then, it was via stand-up comedy.
Imm0rt4l said:
Thanks for sharing, I just felt compelled to ask because all the black dominicans I knew growing up were on that bullshit, Hell even if you turn on tv you see Sammy Sosa bleaching his skin and wearing green contacts like that shit is natural.

Haha Sammy. First time I saw his pics on google I thought it was a photoshop. Dude looks like a zombie. I am glad you asked though because I rarely talk about stuff like this. I kind of stopped caring once I realized people won't change unless they want to.
Parallax said:
The hood internet has made me a believer. That royksopp/lil wayne remix was hot,.and I dont even like wayne

TELL ME ABOUT IT! they're either hit or miss with their mixes, but when they hit, they knock you off your feet.

I just love music being blended together, ever since I first heard Run DMC using guitar solos in their tracks.
As I say anytime my DR homies walk through this thread:


It is a sore point for me daily walking through the BX or Washington Heights trying to speak to the gorgeous DR women and being destroyed instantly. :(

Also, welcome. :)

Finally, that Black Girls are Easy blog is the funniest thing...I've been reading it since 8PM or so...after getting my face kicked in on MVC3 for PS3 for an hour or two.
MWS Natural said:
Agreed. Amazing how Washington still thought of black people as human at a time when people just perceived them as animals or subhuman. I think some the U.S. founding fathers were kind of hoping that slavery would be abolished and blacks would become hardworking business owners like they are today, especially when you study some of the philosophers that influenced their thinking, you come to realize that many of them may have been strongly against the institution of slavery. I had no idea that Washington was such a popular last name for blacks in America until today. I didn't think people actually considered it a "black name"


- Where you're from: Mexia, Texas
- Where you live: Denton, TX during the school year; Irving, TX during holidays/summer
- Your cultural heritage, lineage and genealogy:I don't know specifics on where my black ancestors come from, but I know my great-great grandfather on my mother's side was Cherokee, and my great-great-great grandfather on my dad's side was white.
- Your Age: 20
- Favorite musical genre: Jazz (Esperanza Spalding bandwagon, atm)
- Your profession/major/career interest: Visual art
- Your religious affiliation: Agnostic
- Hobbies: Playing trumpet, gaming, and drawing.

- Do you feel ostracized as a black nerd/dork? Charles Barkley once said that "there's nothing sadder than a black nerd". What do you think about those words, and while we're on the issue, what is gaf's opinion on the whole "act white" thing?: I don't feel ostracized when it comes to being a black nerd at all. My mom is kinda nerdy too - when I go home from being at campus for a while, she'll ask me to get on my Xbox360 and see if Netflix has "any Batman or Superman cartoons for us to watch".

As for "acting white", I get comments like those from friends and family a lot. In highschool, we went on a ski-trip to Colorado. When I got back from the trip, I told my father that I had gone snowboarding, to which he replied, (without hesitation): "I always knew you had a little white in you." I also hear things like "You are the whitest black chick I know" or "You'll definitely end up dating a white guy", etc. I've just learned to brush it off at this point because it's pretty funny.
DrFunk said:

Found my pops old cowboy boots..I'm rocking them right now in his honor. He loved black cowboys

yes, motherfucker, YES!

I'm so down with the Cowboy look. For Halloween I grew a disgusting beard and dressed as a Cowboy. Thing is, I was decked out all in white: White hat, white tank top, white vest, white boots, white pants.

If I was black it woulda had kind of a Rick James vibe.
Anyone from the UK here?

I'm looking to get Magnum 'doms in store as I don't want to order online.

Also does anyone recommend their thin ones or any other larger thin 'doms? The ones i used thr other day were so thick and tight i couldnt buss There's a reason I'm asking in BlackGAF
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