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The Black Culture Thread


Mecha_Infantry said:
Anyone from the UK here?

I'm looking to get Magnum 'doms in store as I don't want to order online.

Also does anyone recommend their thin ones or any other larger thin 'doms? The ones i used thr other day were so thick and tight i couldnt buss There's a reason I'm asking in BlackGAF
lol I am from London. As for larger condoms, the Passant King Size ones fit me well and you can get larger Durex ones which fit me easily and there's less fucking around with trying to put it on.*

* I don't even really wanna answer your question cos it seems like stealth bragging.
Bleepey said:
lol I am from London. As for larger condoms, the Passant King Size ones fit me well and you can get larger Durex ones which fit me easily and there's less fucking around with trying to put it on.*

* I don't even really wanna answer your question cos it seems like stealth bragging.

Says the man who reversed the stealth brag by saying king sized 'doms fit him well! haha, kudos!

Ok I'll check for those Passant one, somewhere likes Boots/Superdrugs? I'll check Durex for the larger thin ones too. Thanks bruv





Boy, Dominicans must be the saddest black people in earth. The Spanish really fucked with their minds didn't they.

Although saying that, I'm sure once they come to America and experience racism first hand, their opinions will change real quick.


Mecha_Infantry said:
Says the man who reversed the stealth brag by saying king sized 'doms fit him well! haha, kudos!

Ok I'll check for those Passant one, somewhere likes Boots/Superdrugs? I'll check Durex for the larger thin ones too. Thanks bruv

I don't buy condoms. I get them free from places like a GUM clinics, needle exchanges and this place i volunteer at. You can probably get them at walk in clinics as well. oh and about my intiial comment i know it would come across tha way but hey i am just being honest.
Bleepey said:
I don't buy condoms. I get them free from places like a GUM clinics, needle exchanges and this place i volunteer at. You can probably get them at walk in clinics as well. oh and about my intiial comment i know it would come across tha way but hey i am just being honest.
Ok cool thanks, I'll take a look at some of those places. No worries about the comment dude, just have a joke :)


captmcblack said:
As I say anytime my DR homies walk through this thread:


It is a sore point for me daily walking through the BX or Washington Heights trying to speak to the gorgeous DR women and being destroyed instantly. :(

Also, welcome. :)

Finally, that Black Girls are Easy blog is the funniest thing...I've been reading it since 8PM or so...after getting my face kicked in on MVC3 for PS3 for an hour or two.


Zoe Saldana says "Deal with it".


Parallax said:
I have never seen such an invitation to hassled by the police before now.
I like how he has dollar signs all over it, yet he can't afford any rims. Not even cheap hubcap rims.
Mecha_Infantry said:
Anyone from the UK here?

I'm looking to get Magnum 'doms in store as I don't want to order online.

Also does anyone recommend their thin ones or any other larger thin 'doms? The ones i used thr other day were so thick and tight i couldnt buss There's a reason I'm asking in BlackGAF
How is life in the UK? I've always loved the accent and will probably take a vaca there once the exchange rate gets a little better.

DrFunk said:
Found my pops old cowboy boots..I'm rocking them right now in his honor. He loved black cowboys

As a short man I fully endorse boot wearing! Even though I am more of a Durango guy myself.

sooperkool said:
Which segues right into www.passorsmash.com

Haha nice!


best seen in the classic "Shadow of the Beast"
Lebron said:
I like how he has dollar signs all over it, yet he can't afford any rims. Not even cheap hubcap rims.

the best is that its not even a matching set of tires.


MWS Natural said:
How is life in the UK? I've always loved the accent and will probably take a vaca there once the exchange rate gets a little better.

As a short man I fully endorse boot wearing! Even though I am more of a Durango guy myself.

Haha nice!

London's a pretty awesome buzzing city.
MWS Natural said:

"Classy ladies hate Hoes because we men LOVE them. You know why women say shit like, “I’m dressing like a Hoe tonight”? Because Hoes have the most fun in life. They can throw on the tightest outfit they can find; walk stank, and make your man ignore what you’re saying just to sneak a peek. And if you’re not around she’s equipped with the tools to take him from you or get in his pockets for the money he was going to spend on you. Hoes are AWESOME! A lot of guys want to be gangstas but they don’t want to bust a gun. A lot of women really want to be Hoes but they don’t want to be judged. This girl once said, “Can we get a day without hoes”. Do you know how boring that would be? Hoes are the reason we get fresh. Hoes are the reason we buy nice cars. Without hoes niggas would walk around with no haircut and rocking pajama pants. What would rappers write about? No straight man gives a fuck about a Louie Vuitton Belt? But they wear it for the Hoes. We want the biggest and brightest because Hoes are attracted to shit that glitters. Ladies like nice things, but they’re not going to fuck you off the strength of your watch—but a Hoe will drain your nut sack if you’re rocking that Mueller properly."

I damn near died laughing.

I have a couple of young ladies I'd like to send this too...but it might obstruct my ability to get the pussy on discount again (dinner and a movie) in the future. So...I'll keep it until my ability to get the pussy is over or when I don't want it anymore.
so fellas, something I wanted to mention yesterday after reading through the website linked in my comment above:

I'd like to blow up the idea that you can't go from the friend zone to fucking on a regular basis: you can. I did it and you can too. Keep your game tight and stay persistent. Keep offering those back rubs with nothing on. I went from being in the "friend zone" (getting called "homie and all that shit" to smashing 2x-3x a week for about 18 months. I went back to the friend zone after she moved away, but ONLY because she moved away.

I'm not saying it'll work 100% of the time, of course. But it's not necessarily "game over" when you get the 'friend zone' signs from her either. Believe that.
Dreams-Visions said:
so fellas, something I wanted to mention yesterday after reading through the website linked in my comment above:

I'd like to blow up the idea that you can't go from the friend zone to fucking on a regular basis: you can. I did it and you can too. Keep your game tight and stay persistent. Keep offering those back rubs with nothing on. I went from being in the "friend zone" (getting called "homie and all that shit" to smashing 2x-3x a week for about 18 months. I went back to the friend zone after she moved away, but ONLY because she moved away.

I'm not saying it'll work 100% of the time, of course. But it's not necessarily "game over" when you get the 'friend zone' signs from her either. Believe that.

Usually you're in the friend zone if she's already got a guy she's seeing or just broke up with. Are you talking about when a girl is on the rebound or...? Because I feel that if you get friendzoned by a single chick when you're looking to hook up, you really need to step your game up/get some game.


where can i find some shorts like the ones Weezy is rocking? i'm trying to show off my shoes this summer.

i'd ask in the fashion thread but theyre all obsessed about perfect fits.



Originally Posted by Imm0rt4l:
I don't know if you've been lurking long but I was wondering if maybe you can drop your 2 cents on the stigma that a lot Dominicans of African decent tend to hate try disavow their blackness or indulge in self hate to some degree or another.

This is very interesting subject you have brought up. While there are Dominicans who will indeed reject any notion that they are black, I feel there are some who do have a point. I think that many Dominicans just don't want to be associated with "black culture" in general. Its why my people keep speaking Spanish and make it a heavy point of emphasis in our households. They really want the Dominican Culture to stay strong. Same thing is seen in all Latin american nationalities, people tend to be very proud of where they come from.

But you do have a point. There are some Dominicans who will reject that they are black and there is no defending that. Most of them would argue that they are not the "black" that most people think of. Its sort of how people directly from the Negro parts of Africa will shoot you down if you call them "black". To them and Dominicans its not the same thing and they sorta have a point. That being said, I feel like Dominicans love black culture (especially Hip-hop) but they wan't to be known as separate because they love their own culture even more.

@captmcblack, I know you are of haitian decent so I find it interesting that you would refer to yourself as being just "black". I'm fairly dark skinned myself and have been called black various times. Funny thing is when I start speaking spanish the people around me usually have this confused look on their faces. Better still is the Latinos who get mad at me for not telling them that I ain't black. As far as Dominican girls hating on brothers, well that has to do with them wanting babies with fine hair... think about it and it'll all make sense.

You guys wouldn't believe how many parents became instantly more accepting of me dating their daughters once they found out I am Dominican. This is especially true in Hispanic households (looking at you Mexicans). I really isn't all that surprising to me anymore to tell you the truth. recently I had a group of white guys exclaiming that I couldn't be black because I wasn't behaving like they do. Humanity sucks some times.
^The way I see it, Race and Nationality are two different things. You can be Dominican, but you would still be genetically classified as "black" sort of Like how there are Arab, White and Black Africans. I think you have a point when you mention the fact that people don't want to be associated with "African American" culture, but at the end of the day, they can still be black people living in Latin America. The culture is strong within them, but they can still be black and happy about it and still be Dominican/Cuban/Brasilian and happy to be so. It doesn't have to be one or the other really.

And at the end of the day isn't that what we're here to talk about in this thread? "Black" culture? black people have managed to adapt to the culture of the environments they live in and make it their own but there are still certain elements that are retained across generations and are common to people living in Africa, America, Latin America, the middle east and so on.

Sorry if this sounds like just a bunch of rambling nonsense, but I really wanted to comment.


Dat boy Zwei here, checking in.

- Where you're from - Dallas, TX
- Where you live - Dallas, TX
- Your cultural heritage, lineage and genealogy - Dunno really. Never got much into my roots, to be honest. Looking at my schwanz, though, I can definitely tell you that I'm not West African. :/
- Do you know your roots? Nope!
- Your Age -21
- Favorite musical genre - hip-hop, pop, jazz, rock, etc.. I'm completely open-minded. If it sounds good to me, it shall go onto my iPod.
- Your profession/major/career - Retail Manager
- Your religious affiliation - Agnostic
- Hobbies - games, sports, and not much else.
- Do you feel ostracized as a black nerd/dork? Charles Barkley once said that "there's nothing sadder than a black nerd". What do you think about those words, and while we're on the issue, what is gaf's opinion on the whole "act white" thing? - Eh, I don't make apologies for who I am. I'm a black nerd, and fuck it, that's who I'll always be, so SMD. As for being ostracized, yeah, that exists. Blacks tend to find my accent off-putting, and never seem to get over it. As for 'acting white', I'm not sure what that means. I grew up in a white neighborhood and went to white schools. Most of my social interactions were with white people, so how the fuck am I supposed to 'act'?


- Where you're from: uh... born in Ivory Coast, moved to Nigeria then Ethiopia now I'm in Canada.
- Where you live: Canada QC
- Your cultural heritage, lineage and genealogy: Mother is from Rwanda, Father from Canada
- Your Age: 18
- Favorite musical genre: Rap, reggae and dancehall for fun
- Your religious affiliation: none
- Hobbies: I like to write raps from time to time, nothing serious though. Usually just do it for fun with some friends and we rap silly stuff. Other than that videogames and just chillin.

I'm guessing this has probably been asked a lot but whatever still curious, what is the general consensus on the one drop rule? It's something I'll never understand.. Are mulattos (or whatever the term you want to use) a class of their own? I mean, to the average white dude I'm black, yet it seems some black people don't see it that way. Sometimes I wonder what is black anyway, if it's a skin tone than I could say I'm far darker than a lot of african-americans. Anyway, just curious its always something I wanted to discuss but I dont know for what reason it always ends up bothering someone.


best seen in the classic "Shadow of the Beast"
DominoKid said:
where can i find some shorts like the ones Weezy is rocking? i'm trying to show off my shoes this summer.

i'd ask in the fashion thread but theyre all obsessed about perfect fits.


the salvation army. at least i saw some shorts like that there.
Cedric said:
- Where you're from: uh... born in Ivory Coast, moved to Nigeria then Ethiopia now I'm in Canada.
- Where you live: Canada QC
- Your cultural heritage, lineage and genealogy: Mother is from Rwanda, Father from Canada
- Your Age: 18
- Favorite musical genre: Rap, reggae and dancehall for fun
- Your religious affiliation: none
- Hobbies: I like to write raps from time to time, nothing serious though. Usually just do it for fun with some friends and we rap silly stuff. Other than that videogames and just chillin.

I'm guessing this has probably been asked a lot but whatever still curious, what is the general consensus on the one drop rule? It's something I'll never understand.. Are mulattos (or whatever the term you want to use) a class of their own? I mean, to the average white dude I'm black, yet it seems some black people don't see it that way. Sometimes I wonder what is black anyway, if it's a skin tone than I could say I'm far darker than a lot of african-americans. Anyway, just curious its always something I wanted to discuss but I dont know for what reason it always ends up bothering someone.

Another African, and from west Africa too. Welcome!

In regards to the one drop rule, I'm pretty sure that scientifically people who are mixed race would count as a seperate race, but really it just depends on how you identify yourself and how "black" you look. People wouldn't mistake Obama for a white guy, but you might mistake Rashida Jones for a white woman.

As far as I'm concerned its all based on how you wish to be identified, not how other people want to see you. As far as I'm concerned, someone like Barack Obama who prefers to be called black and who is very much in touch with the black people and identifies with them is very much a black person regardless of what he is genetically classified as. Someone who might have light(almost white) skin tone but who wants to be identified as black and who has black heritage would be black to me as well.
MWS Natural said:
hold up now, pimpin. As I am part of GAF, I thought I'd get my feelings hurt.

Fortunately, he wasn't talkin to me. I haven't rubbed nar a foot that didn't result in some ass afterwards. In fact, I don't think I've ever rubbed feet at all. Not into that kinda thing. I'd rather not see them at all, in fact...I feel like there are more hammer toes out there than nice feet, so I'd rather not be disappointed.

That being said, I've never heard of people using Facebook and Twitter like that. A Twitter Wifey? REALLY? I agree I've seen a lot of thirsty ni...brahs leaving messages on Facebook, though. Maybe that's the way the younger generation uses those things.

Also, I don't think I've ever been in a text message argument. Probably rare. But I also don't like arguing, so maybe I could do a little more of that.

Funny story: Chick I'm talking to now flat out told me she always gets her way. sheeeeeeeeyit, not only did I cut that notion down quick-fast (I guess the guys before always placated to her whims), but now she has to call twice a day just to get a hold of me because I never pick up the first time. She's learning. It's like an episode of The Dog Whisperer.


Dreams-Visions said:
Also, I don't think I've ever been in a text message argument. Probably rare. But I also don't like arguing, so maybe I could do a little more of that.

I've done that stupid shit before and put an end to it.

Dreams-Visions said:
Funny story: Chick I'm talking to now flat out told me she always gets her way. sheeeeeeeeyit, not only did I cut that notion down quick-fast (I guess the guys before always placated to her whims), but now she has to call twice a day just to get a hold of me because I never pick up the first time. She's learning. It's like an episode of The Dog Whisperer.

We must be living the same life. LOL

Dreams-Visions said:
Funny story: Chick I'm talking to now flat out told me she always gets her way. sheeeeeeeeyit, not only did I cut that notion down quick-fast (I guess the guys before always placated to her whims), but now she has to call twice a day just to get a hold of me because I never pick up the first time. She's learning. It's like an episode of The Dog Whisperer.

It's funny because I was talking to a homegirl of mine about that last night. You have to put them in their place, they bitch and moan about it but love it at the same time. LMAO. I can't begin to count the number of women I've seen cheat on their b/f's because they're "too nice". It's a balance that can't be taught, you just gotta have a feel for it.


Can't remember if I've done this or not...

- Where you're from = Baltimore
- Where you live = Baltimore
- Your cultural heritage, lineage and genealogy = Pops is from DC. My mom is from Baltimore.
- Do you know your roots? = #kanyeshrug I got the movie.
- Your Age = 26
- Favorite musical genre = I just enjoy good music in general.
- Your profession/major/career interest = IT security/Intrusion Detection
- Your religious affiliation = Christianity
- Hobbies = Photograpy


Please help me with my bad english
To those who shave their head bald on their own: which is your preferred method to get it done? I'm tired of using a typical razor.
lightless_shado said:
^The way I see it, Race and Nationality are two different things. You can be Dominican, but you would still be genetically classified as "black" sort of Like how there are Arab, White and Black Africans. I think you have a point when you mention the fact that people don't want to be associated with "African American" culture, but at the end of the day, they can still be black people living in Latin America. The culture is strong within them, but they can still be black and happy about it and still be Dominican/Cuban/Brasilian and happy to be so. It doesn't have to be one or the other really.

And at the end of the day isn't that what we're here to talk about in this thread? "Black" culture? black people have managed to adapt to the culture of the environments they live in and make it their own but there are still certain elements that are retained across generations and are common to people living in Africa, America, Latin America, the middle east and so on.

Sorry if this sounds like just a bunch of rambling nonsense, but I really wanted to comment.

No, you are completely right and this is what I' tried to explain to some people I knew. Unfortunately, often times that desire to rep one's culture I found goes a lot deeper than that. Down to just plain racism. I am half white/black and I just identify as black, but that doesn't mean I'm not Dominican or that I am rejecting my culture. It's exactly like you said, you can be black and be Dominican. They are not mutually exclusive.


Definitely not an overconfident asshole but I never take shit from a girl, ever. Bad experience in high school taught me early that 9 out of 10 times pussy just ain't worth the trouble. I have zero problems cutting ties at the drop of a hat.


best seen in the classic "Shadow of the Beast"
lightless_shado said:
Just out of curiosity, how many members of this thread have actually acted like the types of dude's he's making fun of? and what do our female members think about this?

ive never acted bitchmade like the examples given, but i did learn some lessons the hard way....

1) the phrase "let a ho be a ho" exists for a reason.

2) being a white knight is plain stupid

3) women arent as special as they would like to believe themselves to be

4) if a chick seems crazy, go with your instinct and fucking walk away.

5) dont get goaded into letting a woman make a scene

6) if a chick seems crazy, go with your instinct and fucking walk away.
SonnyBoy said:
I've done that stupid shit before and put an end to it.

We must be living the same life. LOL

It's funny because I was talking to a homegirl of mine about that last night. You have to put them in their place, they bitch and moan about it but love it at the same time. LMAO. I can't begin to count the number of women I've seen cheat on their b/f's because they're "too nice". It's a balance that can't be taught, you just gotta have a feel for it.

The feel is be a honest asshole when you're smangin others. Their vanity takes care of the rest.
Wow, finally checked out that Black Girls are Easy blog.

Interesting, and entertaining.

I agree with a lot of what he said in that post though- I'd rather cut my balls off than ever write 'lol'.

But then again, I do sit down when I pee. And proud of it.
MWS Natural said:

Initially, I was about to dismiss the whole article, but I must admit, there is a lot of truth to it. In my first serious relationship, I will admit that I filled that "bitch nigga" role. I've seen the error in my ways and I will never do that again. Too much unneeded trouble and the end result is never a good thing.

blackgirlsareeasyblog said:
Your pussy power has hit Super Saiyan level 3.
I lol'd.

Parallax said:
ive never acted bitchmade like the examples given, but i did learn some lessons the hard way....

1) the phrase "let a ho be a ho" exists for a reason.

2) being a white knight is plain stupid

3) women arent as special as they would like to believe themselves to be

4) if a chick seems crazy, go with your instinct and fucking walk away.

5) dont get goaded into letting a woman make a scene

6) if a chick seems crazy, go with your instinct and fucking walk away.

check, check, check, check, check and fucking check. especially 4 and 6. =(
just saw adjustment bureau. can't wait to see if the (don't highlight if you haven't seen it)
magical negro in movies
debate starts up again, lol


best seen in the classic "Shadow of the Beast"
Dreams-Visions said:
don't be sad. the power of the pussy has got us all caught up with at least one crazy chick.
And the sad part is, that most of the time you try to push that nagging notion out, but the crazy is too overpowering


soul creator said:
just saw adjustment bureau. can't wait to see if the (don't highlight if you haven't seen it)
magical negro in movies
debate starts up again, lol

Honestly, thats one stereotype I'm pretty okay with. I'd rather be magical or some sort of amazing advice giver than...thug #307 and to be completely honest, my roll with a lot of my white friends is basically the amazing advice giver. I don't care how fucked up I am, if you're around me, I gurantee you'll never do some dumb shit. This is coming from someone who used to drink vodka straight on tabs of oxy and xanny. Yet still I maintained good grades and don't have a record. Rarely do I feel completely self-destructive.


i think most black people with a lot of white friends play that role. there's a certain clarity in decision that comes with it.


best seen in the classic "Shadow of the Beast"
DominoKid said:
i think most black people with a lot of white friends play that role. there's a certain clarity in decision that comes with it.
Clarity? Would you mind explaing?
Thread ressurection no jitsu!


Tokubetsu said:
Honestly, thats one stereotype I'm pretty okay with. I'd rather be magical or some sort of amazing advice giver than...thug #307 and to be completely honest, my roll with a lot of my white friends is basically the amazing advice giver. I don't care how fucked up I am, if you're around me, I gurantee you'll never do some dumb shit. This is coming from someone who used to drink vodka straight on tabs of oxy and xanny. Yet still I maintained good grades and don't have a record. Rarely do I feel completely self-destructive.

I think the whole point that character exists in films is so as to reduce the amount of black people in the film in general. Think about Bruce Almighty for example. Morgan Freeman plays God and he's the only black guy in the movie, and he isn't in the spotlight for most of the film. I hate the idea that film and TV makers are always afraid of creating a "black product"


lightless_shado said:
Thread ressurection no jitsu!


I think the whole point that character exists in films is so as to reduce the amount of black people in the film in general. Think about Bruce Almighty for example. Morgan Freeman plays God and he's the only black guy in the movie, and he isn't in the spotlight for most of the film. I hate the idea that film and TV makers are always afraid of creating a "black product"

Man I was going to school for film. I still dream about one day having a MAJOR black main character in film or tv or comics and still be insanely popular and appeal to white audiences too.

P.S. Glad someone bumped this shit.
Tokubetsu said:
Man I was going to school for film. I still dream about one day having a MAJOR black main character in film or tv or comics and still be insanely popular and appeal to white audiences too.

P.S. Glad someone bumped this shit.
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