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The Black Culture Thread


- Where you're from
Born in Barbados, grew up in the BVI

- Where you live

- Your cultural heritage, lineage and genealogy
Both Parents are from Dominica.. no not DR!!

- Do you know your roots?
1/8 Carib(the indians the caribbean was named after), the rest... slave descendant i
would guess... All West Indian!!!!

- Your Age

- Favorite musical genre
Dancehall, Reggae.

- Your profession/major/career interest
Graphic artist/compositor

- Your religious affiliation
Protestant(SDA), but finding myself starting to not really belive.

- Hobbies
Video Games, snowboarding(island boy in snow? dont ask), drawing, does surfing GAF

- Do you feel ostracized as a black nerd/dork? Charles Barkley once said that "there's nothing sadder than a black nerd". What do you think about those words, and while we're on the issue, what is gaf's opinion on the whole "act white" thing?
Not really a nerd or a dork.. when i was younger i guess i was more of one, never a ladies man. In my circle of friends im the only black person, so im usually the cool one anyway =)

just wanted to be part of the thread, ask me anything im bored at work heh


Mustaphadamus said:
not for nothing but a lot of them are lesbian on the D/L but so are a lot of male entertainment people too. Not saying Mya is, just speaking in generality.

I personally dont consider many black people "my brother", so no. They are "my people" though. However if you want, we can be down. come to south florida we can get some fried chicken and water melon drink (what I called the Arizona iced tea water melon flavor) and go chill.

*I got jokes today*

for real though. This type of shit pisses me off more than anything on the planet. What the eff do they mean "your not like other black guys"?! YOu nkow people need to wake the eff up, seriously. Last time I checked black people created Kemet (ancient egypt). We created Qustul (the kingdom that came before ancient Kemet). We founded the kingdom before Qustul which was in the Sahara (what is now desert) which gave way to Qustul and Kemet. All this before ANY kingdom ever existed on the damn planet. Outside of Africa the only other place was the Assyrians and there is debate as to what they were (ethnically). We were smelting iron at higher temperatures than anyone else in the world and was only achieved in recent history via machinery. We had universities before the rest of the world did. We populated the G_d damn planet. In the ancient world when the none Africans wanted knowledge they didn't go to Europe, they came to Africa (Ancient Kemet and I am talking about the Greeks). There is a people in Mali called the Dogan who knew about a solar system that the west only found out about in the 60s or 70s and the Dogan knew about it for CENTURIES! I dont think the west can even see this solar system still, they can only detect it. Ancient Egypt (Kemet) was said to have mad powerful telescopes which is why they think Dogan knew about that solar system (they are thought to have migrated to west africa after the fall of Kemet). Before they (Europeans) conquered Africa we conquered them, first via kemet and then via the moors. None of their knowledge is even based on their studies, it was information they re-purposed and dubbed their own. Dr. Bernal wrote a book called black athena in which he brings up a good point. There is a greek problem so to speak. They start out as nothing special and in many ways backward. They study in Egypt and return and magically they become advanced. The west ignores that fact though. It is also interesting to note when you go to egypt and look at many of the statues in the museums almost ALL of the noses have been broken off those statues. But they cant lie to much. You go down south where the seat of power was and you can clearly see what the ancient people looked like. They looked just like the southern egyptians of today. The ones they call "nubians" (that is a made up word by the way, didnt exist until recent times)

My point isn't to belittle others but to show, with out us there would be no them and none of the shit we all have now. yet they want to play us like we are some backward dumb ass people.

Africans and the African diaspora are in the state they are in now, not because we are inferior but because effed up social economic and educational conditions which have made many of them other than themselves. Did you know in many countries in Africa (my family is from west africa) they don't even teach you African history? By this I mean, outside of colonization. I mean ancient african history up to the present isn't taught in many or most countries in Africa. The flunky bastards who run these countries teach European history. Its a damn setup. Man I gotta go get me some water melon drank to calm down after reading that bullshit brah.

Yea shit is wild, I do believe some of this could be attributed to a lot of the history being destroyed during the enslavement of Africans up until colonization. Shit's fucked up all around.
Bajan32 said:

just wanted to be part of the thread, ask me anything im bored at work heh

What are your thoughts on Afros? ever had one? Black Dynamite has inspired me to try and grow one out even if its just a small one.

Imm0rt4l said:
Yea shit is wild, I do believe some of this could be attributed to a lot of the history being destroyed during the enslavement of Africans up until colonization. Shit's fucked up all around.

I'd say its even more nuanced than that. Africans could have advanced even further if they were not held back by certain geographical limitations, at least thats one of the arguments made in the book and documentary called Guns Germs and Steel

It could also be argued that most africans had a more communal and less competitive culture which is why they never developed complicated weaponry to fight off invaders. There are of course exceptions like Ethiopia which was never colonized. Slavery was also an institution developed within Africa, but their form of slavery was significantly different. The slaves were more like live in servants that were treated better than European slaves.

Also who else has read this book? I got started on it a while back, but never got around to really sitting down and reading it
lightless_shado said:
What are your thoughts on Afros? ever had one? Black Dynamite has inspired me to try and grow one out even if its just a small one.
fuck all that. I refuse to go through the "ugly" phase of afro-growing.


lightless_shado said:
What are your thoughts on Afros? ever had one? Black Dynamite has inspired me to try and grow one out even if its just a small one.

Afros Rock, Ive had everything from a fro, to flat top, rows, twists and dreads. I cut my dreads of about 2 years ago and right now im rocking a dirty fro(wash and condition and keep clean, just dont pick it out). My GF loves it like that.

I'm not the barbershop type and only ever really trim/line up for special occasions. its funny though because, here in LA everyone is like "man i love your hair" but last year when i was back home everyone was like "you look like a beach bum, why don't you comb your hair?"

I say go for it. easy to maintain, and i find the smaller fros to be a little more classy than the all out major fro. and if you've never had one, I'd say its about time you tried =)

Ps. Black Dynamite is pure gold! I watched it one night with my Bulgarian friend and i was dying.. he just didn't get it.
I guess I'm late to the party but what's up fellow black men and women. What advice to you have for me, a black male in a predominately white college?

I already know rule number one: no fat white chicks.
Dreams-Visions said:
fuck all that. I refuse to go through the "ugly" phase of afro-growing.
Care to expand on that?

Bajan32 said:
Afros Rock, Ive had everything from a fro, to flat top, rows, twists and dreads. I cut my dreads of about 2 years ago and right now im rocking a dirty fro(wash and condition and keep clean, just dont pick it out). My GF loves it like that.

I'm not the barbershop type and only ever really trim/line up for special occasions. its funny though because, here in LA everyone is like "man i love your hair" but last year when i was back home everyone was like "you look like a beach bum, why don't you comb your hair?"

I say go for it. easy to maintain, and i find the smaller fros to be a little more classy than the all out major fro. and if you've never had one, I'd say its about time you tried =)

Ps. Black Dynamite is pure gold! I watched it one night with my Bulgarian friend and i was dying.. he just didn't get it.

I'm certain I'll have lost a good deal of my hair by the time I'm in my mid 20s like my father. Its funny, as soon as I turned 20 I started noticing my hairline getting smaller. Its frightening. I realized that I might as well get all those hairstyles I wanted to have before its all gone.
DragonKnight said:
I guess I'm late to the party but what's up fellow black men and women. What advice to you have for me, a black male in a predominately white college?

I already know rule number one: no fat white chicks.

Ha! I'm in the same boat as you. I haven't made many friends and I've been going to school for about 3 years now :(


lightless_shado said:
I'm certain I'll have lost a good deal of my hair by the time I'm in my mid 20s like my father. Its funny, as soon as I turned 20 I started noticing my hairline getting smaller. Its frightening. I realized that I might as well get all those hairstyles I wanted to have before its all gone.

Do it now then.. fuck worrying about the ugly stage.. that lasts for a little bit...
a sweet fro lasts till you are tired of it =)

Real ugly stage to worry about is dreads.. the point when they aren't long enough to anything with but hang like little turds till you can put em in a ponytail...that is a few years
Imm0rt4l said:
Yea shit is wild, I do believe some of this could be attributed to a lot of the history being destroyed during the enslavement of Africans up until colonization. Shit's fucked up all around.
I think it has more to do with people lying and stealing our history. See, it is hard to conquer a people mentally if they know who they are and what they are capable of. Once you take their history and make them believe they have not done anything, you have effectively demoralized them and from there you can subjugate them. I mean their parents will know right, but then as you get further down the generations this information of who they are, what they have done, what they are capable of will be lost. Then you set up institutions i.e. education systems which ignores indigenous history and teaches a foreigners history to instill how great the conquerer is and how inferior the subject is.

The Greeks wrote extensively about how the ancient "Egyptians" looked and not once did they say they looked white. They always equated them to Hebashi peoples (Ethiopians). Yet here we are in 2011 and you see modernized pictures of the ancient peoples and pharaohs and they portray them as white or "semitic". When the professor from University of Chicago found the ruins of the ancient kingdom of Qustul (which is older, much older than ancient Egypt) and he saw they had hieroglyphics far earlier (by centuries) than Egypt and had a pharonic system first, he actually kept all that stuff in a box hidden. It was not revealed to the world until after his death (some 16 years later). They can lie about Egypt because of the Arabs who live there now. So someone who doesn't know history, i mean someone who doesnt know Arabs only arrived in Egypt in the 6th century A.D. will say oh well see, those Arabs are there, they are the ancient peoples. Never mind when you go to Southern Egypt it is 99% black indigenous people. The average guy or girl wont know that. Then you have these "scholars" who will say oh well those are just "Nubians". never mind that is a made up word and was never used during pre history or ancient history. In fact it was Europeans who coined that phrase. However Qustul you can not lie about, it is in Northern Sudan and those Sudani "arabs" are as black as any other African in sub Saharan Africa. Trust me they no damn well what the hell they are doing, its intentional.
Shanadeus said:
So skin colour is integral to being a "brotha"?
What about Michael Jackson?

The reason I'm asking all this is because I remembered Chi saying that he probably wouldn't date a white girl even if she had been adopted by a korean family and grew up learning all the hidden korean values and cultural norms.
Not really as complicated as you are making it. I wouldn't call a white guy or Micheal Jackson "brotha". Not to say I don't have any white friends that I am cool with, it's just my definition of "brotha" is another black male.

DragonKnight said:
I guess I'm late to the party but what's up fellow black men and women. What advice to you have for me, a black male in a predominately white college?

I already know rule number one: no fat white chicks.

lightless_shado said:
20 years old.
You are still young, you should move to Atlanta, DC, or a city where there are a good amount of upwardly mobile African-Americans.
lightless_shado said:
Care to expand on that?
the "ugly phase" of getting to an afro is what we call the "in between" time when you're stuck with either: (1) corn rows or (2) a somewhat unkept look. You can line it up, but a line can only help so much during this time.

I never got to a fro because I couldn't afford to go through the phase of having my head look out of order.


Knowledge is power, guard it well
MWS Natural said:
Haha I would have cracked up.

I think I'm the opposite, I do give a fuck but if it's not offensive it's not offensive. The thing that pisses me off are the racial compliments. "Oh you are so well spoken" shit is what annoys me.

I have a major project going on at work right now so I had to send out a company wide email to update everyone. 3 minutes later I get an email from the President of the company, "Such a well written email, very impressive!". Really?? It's a fucking email dude, are you that impressed that I can put together a few sentences without grammatical or spelling errors? lol I don't know, maybe I look too much into things sometimes. I just hate getting compliments just because of ridiculously low expectations and standards white people have for me because of the color of my skin.

"Wow you are pretty smart for a black guy!"
But what if he meant it, though? Maybe he's impressed by a company employee. Maybe he responds to everyone below him with compliments, as a way to maintain corporate moral.

If you are only feeling that way because he's white, maybe the problem is within you.

I see, in the sports media, athletes of all races complimented for being well spoken, but only when it's a black kid do black people throw up the racism flag.

Must all compliments from a white person be suspected of backhandedness? If he says "good job" will you take that as an insult? If he offers you a promotion, will you wonder if he's filling quota?

Where does it stop?
K.Jack said:
But what if he meant it, though? Maybe he's impressed by a company employee. Maybe he responds to everyone below him with compliments, as a way to maintain corporate moral.

If you are only feeling that way because he's white, maybe the problem is within you.

I see, in the sports media, athletes of all races complimented for being well spoken, but only when it's a black kid do black people throw up the racism flag.

Must all compliments from a white person be suspected of backhandedness? If he says "good job" will you take that as an insult? If he offers you a promotion, will you wonder if he's filling quota?

Where does it stop?
Because it's silly to hand out a compliment for something so minor that is such a basic part of your job. If he commended me for cutting the IT budget by tens of thousands of dollars, working long hours and weekends or doing something exemplary I would have taken it as a compliment. If someone complimented me on how well I eat without dropping food all over my self then I most likely won't. "You eat so well, nothing like a barbarian at all!"

In my experience I have only gotten these types of "compliments" from white people. I've never had a black person comment how surprised they were how smart I was or how well I spoke. Clearly others in the thread have shared this same experience.
DragonKnight said:
I guess I'm late to the party but what's up fellow black men and women. What advice to you have for me, a black male in a predominately white college?

I already know rule number one: no fat white chicks.

Try to meet people half-way, and don't trip if someone says something dumb. Some people are just ignorant and don't mean any harm.

"Excuse me, what sport do you play?" *facepalm*
MWS Natural said:
Because it's silly to hand out a compliment for something so minor that is such a basic part of your job. If he commended me for cutting the IT budget by tens of thousands of dollars, working long hours and weekends or doing something exemplary I would have taken it as a compliment. If someone complimented me on how well I eat without dropping food all over my self then I most likely won't. "You eat so well, nothing like a barbarian at all!"

In my experience I have only gotten these types of "compliments" from white people. I've never had a black person comment how surprised they were how smart I was or how well I spoke. Clearly others in the thread have shared this same experience.
WTF @ your tag, bro.



"What music do you listen to?"
*Gets ready to answer*
"Rap, right?"
"Yeah, sometimes. I listen to other styles too, outside of country. Oh, and I think you going to have to meet me somewhere"
spindashing said:
WTF @ your tag, bro.

Fucking Bish gave it to me in the NFL Official Thread. At least I won't even get the..."OMG YOUR BLACK!!!???" post lol.

Lebron said:
"What music do you listen to?"
*Gets ready to answer*
"Rap, right?"
"Yeah, sometimes. I listen to other styles too, outside of country. Oh, and I think you going to have to meet me somewhere"
Haha exactly. Was at a party once and this one dude acted like he wanted to fight me when I told him I loved Radiohead. He just kept calling me a liar and was getting upset that I wasn't telling who I really listened to (must be rap music!).


Juanadams said:
Just out of curiosity what are black-gaf's opinion's on blacksploitation movies?

Sweet Sweetback's Baadasssss Song is the msot ridiculous thing I've seen on film but worth it just know the back story behind it all and what Melvin Van Peebles had to go through to get it made.


Juanadams said:
Just out of curiosity what are black-gaf's opinion's on blacksploitation movies?
Fred Williamson...need I say more?


I have. Bish tag too. I will have it until the end of time :(
I know this has probably been mentioned in this thread already:

(Blaster Knuckle)

But holy shit. I just read the first chapter. This manga is amazing. You don't see enough bad ass black protagonists as is in american literature, let alone Japanese literature


best seen in the classic "Shadow of the Beast"
lightless_shado said:
I know this has probably been mentioned in this thread already:

(Blaster Knuckle)

But holy shit. I just read the first chapter. This manga is amazing. You don't see enough bad ass black protagonists as is in american literature, let alone Japanese literature
Panther from eyeshield was badass too. The mangaka made it known as well. So much that it became embarrassing


dskillzhtown said:
Nope. Anything like that being sent where I work would immediately result in a firing.

What about non-racist political emails? Do you get them at work?

MWS Natural said:
Aren't you the guy who puts up with racist shit at work all the time? If not my apologies, I know it was one dude who posted in here that would just let people do all types of crazy shit at work and get away with it.

What? :lol No, that wasn't me.
lightless_shado said:
I know this has probably been mentioned in this thread already:

(Blaster Knuckle)

But holy shit. I just read the first chapter. This manga is amazing. You don't see enough bad ass black protagonists as is in american literature, let alone Japanese literature
Cosign on this, one of my favorites. It sucks that they never made an anime for it though.


Knowledge is power, guard it well
MWS Natural said:
Because it's silly to hand out a compliment for something so minor that is such a basic part of your job. If he commended me for cutting the IT budget by tens of thousands of dollars, working long hours and weekends or doing something exemplary I would have taken it as a compliment. If someone complimented me on how well I eat without dropping food all over my self then I most likely won't. "You eat so well, nothing like a barbarian at all!"

In my experience I have only gotten these types of "compliments" from white people. I've never had a black person comment how surprised they were how smart I was or how well I spoke. Clearly others in the thread have shared this same experience.
So you only have a problem with compliments from white people? If blacks give you the same type do you give them a second thought?
K.Jack said:
So you only have a problem with compliments from white people? If blacks give you the same type do you give them a second thought?

I don't know about him, but I'd be equally as annoyed. The point is you shouldn't be praising a grown man for doing something simple as if he's a toddler that finally stopped needing diapers.

MWS Natural said:
Wow...just wow...I don't even know what to say to this headline. I knew things were bad but damn, just speechless.

More Black Men Now in Prison System than Were Enslaved

I hate that headline/quote so unnecessary and just generally provocative. Its not that much of a surprise to me though, usually when a country is going through economic difficulties, prison populations swell and historically black folk are the poorest and most desperate who turn to crime and thus fill up most of the prisons.

It also doesn't help that some of the sentences that are handed out are so terrible, like giving someone like 10 years for posession of a small amount of drugs. We could make an entire discussion thread that goes past 10 pages about how prisons make petty criminals into hardened ones as well. Some people go in there and learn their lesson, but the only thing that most people get out of the experience is "be more careful next time"


It's a real shame that there is no proper way of living like a black man.
Looking into the option of prostethics and makeup in order to disguise myself as a black brother in order to get an insight into black culture in the USA.
Shanadeus said:
It's a real shame that there is no proper way of living like a black man.
Looking into the option of prostethics and makeup in order to disguise myself as a black brother in order to get an insight into black culture in the USA.


best seen in the classic "Shadow of the Beast"
Shanadeus said:
It's a real shame that there is no proper way of living like a black man.
Looking into the option of prostethics and makeup in order to disguise myself as a black brother in order to get an insight into black culture in the USA.

... i dont know how to respond to what you said. but talking to black people would be a lot cheaper and probably just as effective
Shanadeus said:
It's a real shame that there is no proper way of living like a black man.
Looking into the option of prostethics and makeup in order to disguise myself as a black brother in order to get an insight into black culture in the USA.

All you need is a black man's approval.
Shanadeus said:
Sorry, living as a black person when you're white I meant.

Or you could just do what everyone else does and read books, blogs and watch videos about black culture and the experiences of black people around the world. Instead of acting like a journalist from the 1950s
Shanadeus said:
It's a real shame that there is no proper way of living like a black man.
Looking into the option of prostethics and makeup in order to disguise myself as a black brother in order to get an insight into black culture in the USA.

lol, you're somethin' else man.

reminds of a show or something I saw a few years ago were the producers took a black family and a white family and had them "trade" races for a while to see what it was like for the other. Forgot the name of the show or what station it even came on though........
Shanadeus said:
It's a real shame that there is no proper way of living like a black man.
Looking into the option of prostethics and makeup in order to disguise myself as a black brother in order to get an insight into black culture in the USA.

Just go kick it with some cool black dudes and you'll get the picture.

Preferably lively ones with good jokes.
Lord Cuze said:
Just go kick it with some cool black dudes and you'll get the picture.

Preferably lively ones with good jokes.

I think he believes that we can never trust white folk, and black people would act differently around him so he must learn their mannerisms, infiltrate their society and become one of them and gain their trust. And possibly meet one he loves in the process and never return to life as a white man.


lightless_shado said:
I think he believes that we can never trust white folk, and black people would act differently around him so he must learn their mannerisms, infiltrate their society and become one of them and gain their trust. And possibly meet one he loves in the process and never return to life as a white man.
Well, I was just kinda thinking of what you said.
You can't really experience the struggles a black person goes through as a white person.
You can read as many books or blogs, or watch movies about black people and you still won't get a proper POV of the life of a black person.

It would certainly be interesting to be a black person for a day and see in detail how differently the world treats you.


So I like to dress nicely. I tend to look up GQ, Esquire, GAP, Kenneth Cole, DKNY ads for ideas on cloth. Problem is, these models tend to be of one particular race, 90% of the time. Is there a site, blog, magazine or whatever my fellow stylish brothers take examples out of? Yes, I know I can wear what other races wear, but coloring of the skin is a big thing when dressing up.


best seen in the classic "Shadow of the Beast"
lightless_shado said:
I think he believes that we can never trust white folk, and black people would act differently around him so he must learn their mannerisms, infiltrate their society and become one of them and gain their trust. And possibly meet one he loves in the process and never return to life as a white man.
There's no negrodium in the black community, so the initial reason would be a waste of time.

Shanadeus said:
Well, I was just kinda thinking of what you said.
You can't really experience the struggles a black person goes through as a white person.
You can read as many books or blogs, or watch movies about black people and you still won't get a proper POV of the life of a black person.

It would certainly be interesting to be a black person for a day and see in detail how differently the world treats you.

but why would you want to expose yourself to something like this? you could possibly look black, but theres more to being black around black people at the moment than color. theres a whole experience that you wouldnt be able to pick up in just a day.
Shanadeus said:
Well, I was just kinda thinking of what you said.
You can't really experience the struggles a black person goes through as a white person.
You can read as many books or blogs, or watch movies about black people and you still won't get a proper POV of the life of a black person.

It would certainly be interesting to be a black person for a day and see in detail how differently the world treats you.

Ah I see. Well black covers a really broad range of people and experiences. Plenty of blacks don't understand each other. Some don't experience the struggles you speak of and/or some don't even notice. For some, the struggle is not much different from what whites and others go through.

I wouldn't worry too much about reaching out or anything like that. Treat all people with compassion and that's all you'll ever need to understand.


StinkFist said:
So I like to dress nicely. I tend to look up GQ, Esquire, GAP, Kenneth Cole, DKNY ads for ideas on cloth. Problem is, these models tend to be of one particular race, 90% of the time. Is there a site, blog, magazine or whatever my fellow stylish brothers take examples out of? Yes, I know I can wear what other races wear, but coloring of the skin is a big thing when dressing up.

Saw this on GQ.com this morning -Birth of the Cool: 20 Black Style Pioneers

This is a pretty cool blog I found too http://www.theurbangent.com/
Bajan32 said:
Do it now then.. fuck worrying about the ugly stage.. that lasts for a little bit...
a sweet fro lasts till you are tired of it =)

Real ugly stage to worry about is dreads.. the point when they aren't long enough to anything with but hang like little turds till you can put em in a ponytail...that is a few years

Never going to pick my fro ever again. Took my hair out of twists and my hair was curly as its ever been after the wash...looked waaaaay better than a picked out fro though. In fact I might look into ways of getting it to be as curly as possible without screwing up the texture.

As for the dreads...I want them but the ish was guaranteed ugliness for a good 6 or so month not to mention the money and way too much maintenance. I want to give them another go at some point but it was too much for me.
StinkFist said:
So I like to dress nicely. I tend to look up GQ, Esquire, GAP, Kenneth Cole, DKNY ads for ideas on cloth. Problem is, these models tend to be of one particular race, 90% of the time. Is there a site, blog, magazine or whatever my fellow stylish brothers take examples out of? Yes, I know I can wear what other races wear, but coloring of the skin is a big thing when dressing up.

I know what you mean, but I guess you just have to chalk it up to the fact that these people are not advertising to you. No matter where you go(barring Africa or the Carribean) you will be in the minority. Kind of reminds me of shampoo commercials and how 99% of the time they have white models.

Shanadeus said:
Well, I was just kinda thinking of what you said.
You can't really experience the struggles a black person goes through as a white person.
You can read as many books or blogs, or watch movies about black people and you still won't get a proper POV of the life of a black person.

It would certainly be interesting to be a black person for a day and see in detail how differently the world treats you.

I was joking around. I hope you're not seriously considering doing this. DO NOT do this. You'll end up embarassing yourself, offending people and getting nothing out of it.
We're not lying when we talk about how most of the world looks at us and treats us, are our stories not good enough? why would you go through all the trouble to "find out for yourself?" Even if you made yourself look physically like a black person for a day or week or month you still won't get all the sides of the different aspects of the culture( such as how black people treat EACHOTHER based on skin tone or level of education). All you'll end up doing is verifying what most people have said about our experiences in this thread. At the end of the day, you'll take off your mask or whatever and you'll go back to living life the way you used to, but you won't have the same level of understanding and kinship with black people that they have with eachother. Those people have been black for their whole lifetimes.

Unless you spend 19+ years of being black you just won't get it, that doesn't mean that you still wouldn't be able to be sympathetic to the struggles of black people. Sympathy can sometimes be as good as complete understanding. If you read about us, you talk to us, and you see how we get treated with your own eyes then you can be sympathetic and understand on some level. And isn't that good enough?

Actually sometimes I wonder: How would neogaf be if we were forced to use pictures of ourselves as our avatars?


best seen in the classic "Shadow of the Beast"
lightless_shado said:
I was joking around. I hope you're not seriously considering doing this. DO NOT do this. You'll end up embarassing yourself, offending people and getting nothing out of it.
We're not lying when we talk about how most of the world looks at us and treats us, are our stories not good enough? why would you go through all the trouble to "find out for yourself?" Even if you made yourself look physically like a black person for a day or week or month you still won't get all the sides of the different aspects of the culture( such as how black people treat EACHOTHER based on skin tone or level of education). All you'll end up doing is verifying what most people have said about our experiences in this thread. At the end of the day, you'll take off your mask or whatever and you'll go back to living life the way you used to, but you won't have the same level of understanding and kinship with black people that they have with eachother. Those people have been black for their whole lifetimes.

Unless you spend 19+ years of being black you just won't get it, that doesn't mean that you still wouldn't be able to be sympathetic to the struggles of black people. Sympathy can sometimes be as good as complete understanding. If you read about us, you talk to us, and you see how we get treated with your own eyes then you can be sympathetic and understand on some level. And isn't that good enough?

this is the ugly truth. like i(and just about everyone in this thread) had said before there is more to being black that the color of our skin.

Actually sometimes I wonder: How would neogaf be if we were forced to use pictures of ourselves as our avatars?

a lot less fun for one. avatars show of the personal individuality of the person that goes beyond what they look like. having mug shots would just be off putting for a lot
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