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The Black Culture Thread


lightless_shado said:
But on one hand, he does help keep the thread on life support.

So I've decided to give The Wire another chance. Last time I got interrupted by too much stuff and I never got the chance to sit down and watch it. Starting from season 1. I'm amazed at how well this show did. We talk about how shows with a large black cast don't usually do so well critically and in terms of ratings, so what was the magic ingredient that made this one so popular? Is amazing writing really all a show needs to appeal to white audiences?.

An in depth knowledge of the area and the issues surrounding it. If anything it's taken years for audiences to flock to the Wire. Season 1 started in 2002. I remember when i used to tell people about it and would just get blank stares because they had never heard of it.

Then we had the fact that the big awards shows always ignored it, despite having some of the best acting going, though it's probably a good thing.

I think David Simon best summed it up.

‘The Wire’ is dissent,” he says. “It is perhaps the only storytelling on television that overtly suggests that our political and economic and social constructs are no longer viable, that our leadership has failed us relentlessly, and that no, we are not going to be all right.

Also another quote and the reason i think it took a while for people brought up on standard procedural police dramas, where everything is all tied up cleanly in an hour to get into the Wire. It actually needed you to pay attention as no. Things would not be explained again and again.

David Simon: My standard for verisimilitude is simple and I came to it when I started to write prose narrative: fuck the average reader. I was always told to write for the average reader in my newspaper life. The average reader, as they meant it, was some suburban white subscriber with two-point-whatever kids and three-point-whatever cars and a dog and a cat and lawn furniture. He knows nothing and he needs everything explained to him right away, so that exposition becomes this incredible, story-killing burden. Fuck him. Fuck him to hell

lightless_shado said:
Didn't that JJ Abrams show have really good writing and directing? What do you guys think.

As for Undercovers i actually liked it but it had the problem that most of these shows have repetitive plots.

I don't think i saw any actual character development in all the episodes i watched also the tone was too light. I would have loved to have seen a show with the tone of Alias. Another point is that while the characters were black it was never really referenced in the show. It could have been any ethnicity in those roles


best seen in the classic "Shadow of the Beast"
msv said:
Haha, woa. So weird seeing this thread here, everybody talking racist as hell by GAF standards, but somehow it's taken seriously.

and here we go. im sure youre trolling


I, myself, have yet to see even one episode of The Wire. It's very intimidating. All I hear is how great it is, and I see all those seasons. In my head all I can say is "sheeeeiiiiiiiit".


So it would seem that my coworkers just jumble all of us "blacks" in the same pot. Do people not understand that a Haitian man, and an African man have their very own cultural differences? Everyone understands that Irish, and Italians are worlds apart, but "black" people, are black people. Growing up in NY, no West Indian American wanted to be considered African American. "African Americans are too ghetto" is just one of the comments from back in the day.


StinkFist said:
So it would seem that my coworkers just jumble all of us "blacks" in the same pot. Do people not understand that a Haitian man, and an African man have their very own cultural differences? Everyone understands that Irish, and Italians are worlds apart, but "black" people, are black people. Growing up in NY, no West Indian American wanted to be considered African American. "African Americans are too ghetto" is just one of the comments from back in the day.

Sounds like the bigger asshole was the black man who considered the other black man too ghetto. Yet your beef is with the white guy for thinking you're similar?


StinkFist said:
So it would seem that my coworkers just jumble all of us "blacks" in the same pot. Do people not understand that a Haitian man, and an African man have their very own cultural differences? Everyone understands that Irish, and Italians are worlds apart, but "black" people, are black people.

This reminds me, one time my friend had a poll in I don't know which class and the question was something like: "What ethnicity are you?" or something along those lines. It had tons of choices, Chinese, Japanese, French, Polish and then obviously... Black.
Bishman said:
Hey Black-GAF, why do n****s mean mug? I remember growing up, I learned that quick and had adjust to it. It made me feel like I was too friendly, smiling and shit... lol. I was the cool kid with everyone in my neighborhood... like the dude that was down with the hood guys, white people, Indians, Mexicans, and etc.

For some reason where I'm at, they call it making a screw face. I think some people have it semi-perma built-in too. They're not necessarily trying to, but they just don't smile a lot.

I went to University in the South where people aren't used to that sort of thing. A couple of us were kicking it at a friend's apartment, one of the guys sorta had the built-in one. Well, the roomate comes home and is doing some random roommate shit.

All of a sudden he stops and in a panicky voice asks the one dude, "Why are you looking at me like that?" *facepalm*

After some silence, the friend that lives there says, "What are you talking about, that's just how he looks!" The roomate was mortified, but I never quite worked out who was more embarrassed.


StinkFist said:
So it would seem that my coworkers just jumble all of us "blacks" in the same pot. Do people not understand that a Haitian man, and an African man have their very own cultural differences? Everyone understands that Irish, and Italians are worlds apart, but "black" people, are black people. Growing up in NY, no West Indian American wanted to be considered African American. "African Americans are too ghetto" is just one of the comments from back in the day.

Me and my parents had a discussion like this a while ago.
StinkFist said:
So it would seem that my coworkers just jumble all of us "blacks" in the same pot. Do people not understand that a Haitian man, and an African man have their very own cultural differences? Everyone understands that Irish, and Italians are worlds apart, but "black" people, are black people. Growing up in NY, no West Indian American wanted to be considered African American. "African Americans are too ghetto" is just one of the comments from back in the day.

SMH acting like they don't have ghettos in the west indies.

I differentiate between black people of all regions. As a person who was born in Africa and grew up in Canada, I'm shocked by how many white Canadians expect me to be acting like I'm either STRAIGHT from Africa, or like someone from a Ghetto in New York.

Lord Cuze said:
For some reason where I'm at, they call it making a screw face. I think some people have it semi-perma built-in too. They're not necessarily trying to, but they just don't smile a lot.

I went to University in the South where people aren't used to that sort of thing. A couple of us were kicking it at a friend's apartment, one of the guys sorta had the built-in one. Well, the roomate comes home and is doing some random roommate shit.

All of a sudden he stops and in a panicky voice asks the one dude, "Why are you looking at me like that?" *facepalm*

After some silence, the friend that lives there says, "What are you talking about, that's just how he looks!" The roomate was mortified, but I never quite worked out who was more embarrassed.

Its funny, people always tell me I'm like this too. They think I've got this sort of permanent frown on my face as if I'm about to slap the next person who looks at me. I don't even realize what I'm doing. In my mind I don't think I'm frowning at all
Bishman said:
Hey Black-GAF, why do n****s mean mug? I remember growing up, I learned that quick and had adjust to it. It made me feel like I was too friendly, smiling and shit... lol. I was the cool kid with everyone in my neighborhood... like the dude that was down with the hood guys, white people, Indians, Mexicans, and etc.
FWIW, I never mean-mug anyone. There are only 2 things you'll get from me if I don't know you:

1.) Head-nod.

2.) half-smile (no teeth) + head-nod.

That's really it. I'm not a mean guy (I don't think I come off as such online either) and I never feel challenged per-se. Life is good. So I have no reason to be anything but respectful.
My default look is a mean mug unfortunately. I just try and smile for no reason so I'll seem happy -- since I am. I don't want people to get the wrong idea.

Staring into a brother's soul with a mean mug...


I have the T-Mac look by default, always zoning out. I don't mean mug, but I will roll my eyes if I see some hood clown looking fucker on campus.

My lady is scared I'm going to get shot one day or something since I always do it when eye contact is made, but I can't help it, the eyes naturally do it on their own. Your ass is going to college, why the fuck do you need to be wearing a 5X shirt when you're 160 and have your pants so low that they're wrapping around your kneecaps which forces your dumbass to hold your pants as you're walking because you're allergic to belts? Yeah, I'm going to roll them.

Dreams-Visions said:
We are outnumbered and under-supplied.

I really need to get back to speaking in High Schools and doing the Big Brothers thing. I tapered off after college...but the need for more male role models certainly didn't.
Yeah, I do mentoring here with some of the minority scholar programs that associate with the campus and went to some juvenile centers and prisons to talk to the guys that wanted to go to college after they're out. I'm normally the only black guy in our group, so they always want to talk to me a lot. It does feel good that I give them hope, apparently. I didn't realize it meant that much at first, but my advisor always tells me they like when I come since they rarely saw other black guys in the group so they would get discouraged. We can turn this war around, believe.
lightless_shado said:
Its funny, people always tell me I'm like this too. They think I've got this sort of permanent frown on my face as if I'm about to slap the next person who looks at me. I don't even realize what I'm doing. In my mind I don't think I'm frowning at all

This one brother I used to work with had a pretty good one. But, he definitely had that "man I wish he would" chip on his shoulder (know what I'm saying?). But if you got to know him he was a really cool guy.

Man, some people were afraid to talk to him about work related things. He was described as "unapproachable." It's like geez, c'mon man up and go talk to his ass, he won't bite.


Lebron said:
I have the T-Mac look by default, always zoning out. I don't mean mug, but I will roll my eyes if I see some hood clown looking fucker on campus.

I never did understand why people wanna be hard at work or school. It's kinda tough to be all O.G. when you're reading Tintern Abbey.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
Shanadeus said:
I'm sorry for asking this but what is a "mean mug"?
Is it just an angry face?
That you have on constantly?

Mean mugging is staring at someone with a scowl. For the recipient of said scowl, it is thought of as an intentional challenge. Folks here are just pointing out that it's a default facial expression for a lot of people and totally unintentional. I have one too. I got interviewed and the interviewer described me as "looking intense, like an angry boxer."
Man I haven't been here in ages.

I feel like I asked this before but, Do any of you guys go on Worldstarhiphop? I think a lot of the site is trash and really only ever find myself on there when there is a link to it is posted on gaf. I saw some people watching fights on there when I was in the lounge at he college.


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eternaLightness said:
Man I haven't been here in ages.

I feel like I asked this before but, Do any of you guys go on Worldstarhiphop? I think a lot of the site is trash and really only ever find myself on there when there is a link to it is posted on gaf. I saw some people watching fights on there when I was in the lounge at he college.

The site is absolute hot garbage, and (I believe) makes us look bad. But admittedly, when someone links me to the occasional fight video with a group of ratchet girls, I can't help but watch it.
DrFunk said:
The site is absolute hot garbage, and (I believe) makes us look bad. But admittedly, when someone links me to the occasional fight video with a group of ratchet girls, I can't help but watch it.

Yea, that's how I usually feel. That whole site is ridiculous, and I'm pretty sure everyone on there has a broken caps lock key.


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eternaLightness said:
Yea, that's how I usually feel. That whole site is ridiculous, and I'm pretty sure everyone on there has a broken caps lock key.

What kills me is how the site is quickly associated with us...its disconcerting :/
DrFunk said:
What kills me is how the site is quickly associated with us...its disconcerting :/

Anything bad that a few of us do gets associated with all of us. It gets tiring, especially because I think globally everyone underestimates how composed, intelligent, and hard working a lot of us are.

Also does anyone else find it sadly ironic how this thread is at its most active in a long time on april fool's?


eternaLightness said:
Man I haven't been here in ages.

I feel like I asked this before but, Do any of you guys go on Worldstarhiphop? I think a lot of the site is trash and really only ever find myself on there when there is a link to it is posted on gaf. I saw some people watching fights on there when I was in the lounge at he college.

I dont really find WSHH anymore offensive and trashy then like ebaumsworld or something. I really have no problem with it plenty of sites like it, its the internet.


I think we (brothers, and sisters) need to stop worrying how others view us due to our ignorant kin when they are in public using a certain word, or carrying on in a less than dignified way. A lot of the time it's just us being overly judgmental, or woorying too much

"Damn, you're making us look bad in front of white people".

Fortunitely and unfortunitely ignorance (just like drugs) is a human issue. Let us knock nock each other, but help each other better themselves by having higher standards for yourself, and children.


StinkFist said:
I think we (brothers, and sisters) need to stop worrying how others view us due to our ignorant kin when they are in public using a certain word, or carrying on in a less than dignified way. A lot of the time it's just us being overly judgmental, or woorying too much

"Damn, you're making us look bad in front of white people".

Fortunitely and unfortunitely ignorance (just like drugs) is a human issue. Let us knock nock each other, but help each other better themselves by having higher standards for yourself, and children.

Sometimes you can't help but be ashamed of them though it's a natural feeling of disgust and pity.

I try not to be so judgemental of them but i can't help it.
Is there something else I can rock rather than the caesar or an afro? Anything that's "job compatible?"

Edit: I never felt shame in Worldstarhiphop. Ironically, I feel shame when I watch Maury and there's black people involved acting real ghetto/uneducated/etc which is ironic because it's scripted...
spindashing said:
Is there something else I can rock rather than the caesar or an afro? Anything that's "job compatible?"

Edit: I never felt shame in Worldstarhiphop. Ironically, I feel shame when I watch Maury and there's black people involved acting real ghetto/uneducated/etc which is ironic because it's scripted...

I think that some black dudes look pretty cool with the mini-mohawk thing (whatever it's called). Not like the Mr. T one, obviously. But where you have a low-fro all over and the top center is a little longer and slightly pointy.

Completely shaved is always cool if you have a nice looking head (unlike myself).

On a different note, some of the youngsters in my town are rocking a black mullet. It's low all over but the back of the head is a fro. Man I must be getting old, b/c I don't see the appeal at all.
I rocked that type of mohawk for a bit, but my father was against it saying that it was a hairstyle only for homosexuals so I had to get rid of it.

I was told that I look decent bald, but I don't like my head shape enough to rock that look.

I guess I'll keep the dark caesar look: light caesar if I am daring.

Lol @ kids rocking a mullet, though. I haven't seen that yet, I'm afraid.


I always wanted to do that old 50s Harlem slicked hair style, but I can only imagine what crazy shit I'd have to put on my hair.

Always wanted neck length dreads, but I HATE the in between hobo look. Maybe since next year I will be jobless I can experiment a bit. We should really have a thread on black stylings.


When I saw this I was so happy. The first non sports game to do a black guys hair Respectably, and actually nice.



Clothed, sober, cooperative
Dabanton said:
Sometimes you can't help but be ashamed of them though it's a natural feeling of disgust and pity.

I try not to be so judgemental of them but i can't help it.

Speaking as a white lurker, you should be aware that white people watching stupid fat people on Springer feel the exact same shame, but it's maybe one-step removed from the "club" feeling race engenders, since any given majority isn't going to feel the same sense of ownership or belonging.

I imagine white people in South Africa, for example, feel more like part of a club, if that makes sense. And in that way, their first thought about other white people will be "white people acting dumb" rather than "poor ignorant people acting dumb."

Anyway, poverty and ignorance breed the same kind of embarrassing social tropes, regardless of race. Just different flavors of it.


StinkFist said:
I always wanted to do that old 50s Harlem slicked hair style, but I can only imagine what crazy shit I'd have to put on my hair.

Always wanted neck length dreads, but I HATE the in between hobo look. Maybe since next year I will be jobless I can experiment a bit. We should really have a thread on black stylings.
Speaking of black stylings:

Is it true that some black women seek up white men just so that their kids will have straight hair?
It's one of the weirdest stereotypes I've ever heard.


Shanadeus said:
Speaking of black stylings:

Is it true that some black women seek up white men just so that their kids will have straight hair?
It's one of the weirdest stereotypes I've ever heard.

Just like some white women who seek black men to have mixed race children. People are stupid, just like yourself.


I apologize profusely for any hurt feelings that I might have caused but I really don't know much about black culture as you might tell.
I very rarely see black people around here so I've never had the chance of befriend one and find out for myself how things are and aren't.

Can someone explain to me the fascination with "rims"?
Always wondered about what's so great about them in shows such as "Pimp my ride".


Clothed, sober, cooperative
Shanadeus said:
I apologize profusely for any hurt feelings that I might have caused but I really don't know much about black culture as you might tell.
I very rarely see black people around here so I've never had the chance of befriend one and find out for myself how things are and aren't.

Can someone explain to me the fascination with "rims"?

Holy shit. I'm out.
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