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The Black Culture Thread

Lebron said:
Black people in Naruto? The fuck? I've been out of the loop far too long.

Not an anime, but



I have to give props to all of yous who've been participating in this thread. Most people tend to be so damn narrow minded or think im too harsh when speaking of racial topics. But you bunch, you seem very realistic. The internets isn't so bad all the time.

Oh and Since I know you're reading this, enjoy your banning, turd ;)
lightless_shado said:
Haven't had that experience. I already mentioned I don't know any black people, but whenever I discuss it with my mom she loses her shit. She argues that it won't work out if I try to date anyone that isn't black because they won't be able to see a lot of things from a black point of view, and that their family won't accept me.

She's sort of right too, parents(black, white or whatever) seem to panic when there is the possibility that their descendents wont look anything like them or worse, will end up looking like the very people that treated them like shit.

Have you brought home a white girl? If not, and you do, please inform the thread.
My sister doesn't want me dating anyone who isn't black claiming that I would dilute the race. Yep, according to her, I would be responsible for the erasure of blacks in America
My parents don't care about race, but my grandma and aunts do. They've tried setting me up with the typical "thick church girl who can cook types" but I find that so vapid and boring. And as I'm not religious and don't like radio rap we wind up having little to talk about.

The aftermath of this=my grandma or aunt calling and wondering why I don't like her, and whether I'm dating "someone...a white girl?" Like clock work lol. They've said they're concerned because I grew up in the suburbs for the most part, so I'm around more white people that I don't realize many racial issues are still a problem in this country blah blah blah.

I'd date a white chick if I liked her. I know a lot of black guys who are dating white girls, and often the fattest, homliest, most average ones at that. And in terms of my own racial problems/whatever you want to call it: while I would have no problem dating a black, latina, etc girl who was a little on the thick side of things, I'd never date a thick or slightly overweight white woman. Regardless of whether she was clearly my life partner type match. That stereotype is so ingrained in my mind I couldn't possibly play into that. If that makes me guilty of caring what others think, so be it.
My mother doesn't have a problem with me dating someone outside my race, and she actually correctly predicted that I would.

My sister doesn't have an issue with that sort of thing either.

Probably some older people in my father's side would care, but my mother's side is filled with people who date outside their race lol.
afaik, race was never an issue in my traditionally black American family (our roots are in Georgia). We have whites and asians and I personally have never observed any problems.

I do recognize and understand the issue though.
My first boyfriend was black, he's also my best friend. Lasted like a month or two before we kind of mutually broke up because it was just too weird. Still awesome palsies though. I have a feeling he'd date a white or asian chick before a black girl.
Bringing home a white girl: something that would be very difficult for me to do. But if she was the one, my fam would be fine with it. Mom would be a bit frustrated...but my parents grew up in a mixed race city in the 60s. there were fights every week. And my father was the president of the black student union in college. Old hurts die hard.

Also, guilty pleasure: Baby Boy. The movie is so damn funny to me.



Shanadeus said:
Speaking of black stylings:

Is it true that some black women seek up white men just so that their kids will have straight hair?
It's one of the weirdest stereotypes I've ever heard.

wow there are people like this poster in real life?
Devolution said:
Have you brought home a white girl? If not, and you do, please inform the thread.

A close family member did. He brought home a black girl and my mother was furious. She's a real African though so she tried to keep it a secret that she HATED her, so she was just being hospitable, but talking shit whenever the girl wasn't around. My relative's white GF's parents couldn't stand him. Its not like he was a stereotype either, but based on the fact that he was black they just wanted nothing to do with him, to the point where they even started ignoring their own daughter. They're the super religious type who use religion to justify their bigotry.

One of my mom's fears is that she won't be comfortable if she decides to visit her son and daughter in law. Its a sort of irrational fear but I can sort of see where she's coming from. But I have to be honest though, when it comes to children my mom will keep quiet for their sake. And I have to be honest, my mom was much kinder to the white GF than her own parents were after they found out she was dating a black guy. I have an uncle who has a son and daughter that are bi-racial. They were born out of wedlock and he rarely sees their mother or her. He married a white woman, but then they got divorced after a little over a year. My mom still loves her niece and nephew. Probably the main reason she even keeps in touch with her brother.

I can only speak about how parents will react, but when it comes to other black women I think that they have that same fear. Females in the global black community struggle with the fact that many men seem to be just so attracted to white women(which I guess goes back to that whole standard of beauty argument), they hate the feeling of not being wanted by people who are supposed to want them. Again, I can't really speak for most black females, we have some in this thread and I'm sure they can shed some light if they show up.

EDIT: Has anyone here studied black history? I have a question about slavery.
I don't think there would be any issues with my family and me dating out of my race. And the ones I have dated, families seem to not have a problem with it either.


Devolution said:
My first boyfriend was black, he's also my best friend. Lasted like a month or two before we kind of mutually broke up because it was just too weird. Still awesome palsies though. I have a feeling he'd date a white or asian chick before a black girl.
Go on...

You mean two friends dating type of weird?

Londa said:
wow there are people like this poster in real life?
Yeah, the world isn't a utopia. Although I'm pretty sure he was being facetious and no one knew how to handle it.
Londa said:
wow there are people like this poster in real life?
Not that I've ever met. Though I have met some that prefer fairer complexion blacks. Probably for those kinds of reasons.

Old engrained self-hate dies hard too. Ask Sammy Sosa.
Pretty sure my parents don't care, as long as the guy isn't a shithead. They're probably some of the more tolerant people of that age bracket that I know actually.


Dreams-Visions said:
Not that I've ever met. Though I have met some that prefer fairer complexion blacks. Probably for those kinds of reasons.

Old engrained self-hate dies hard too. Ask Sammy Sosa.

I was wondering if there are real people like the poster of that thread.

Honestly none of my female friends or any females I've known have said or implied this. I guess its never come up? So I took the comment as him/her being racist when he has already said that he has never befriended a black person, and hasn't been exposed to blacks. So how would he know if black females felt that way?

I showed a co-worker a before and after of Sammy and she kept saying "are you serious?" about 5 times straight lol.
Londa said:
I was wondering if there are real people like the poster of that thread.

Honestly none of my female friends or any females I've known have said or implied this. I guess its never come up? So I took the comment as him/her being racist when he has already said that he has never befriended a black person, and hasn't been exposed to blacks. So how would he know if black females felt that way?

I showed a co-worker a before and after of Sammy and she kept saying "are you serious?" about 5 times straight lol.

I wouldn't pay attention to Shan. In terms of darkness:

Londa said:
I was wondering if there are real people like the poster of that thread.

Honestly none of my female friends or any females I've known have said or implied this. I guess its never come up? So I took the comment as him/her being racist when he has already said that he has never befriended a black person, and hasn't been exposed to blacks. So how would he know if black females felt that way?

I showed a co-worker a before and after of Sammy and she kept saying "are you serious?" about 5 times straight lol.
Understand, the issue of skin color is a world-wide issue for centuries. Whether you're in India, the Dominican or the US, the afterglow of slavery and hate still weigh on the lives of people of color. lighter was righter and the greater society certainly does little to change that perception.


1966, Ebony Magazine ad. Skin bleaching cream, used to make you look lighter. Sad. But what's sadder? The market for skin bleaching cream is still quite strong today.


as a black female I get frustrated that I am not considered african american because my hair is wavy/curly and not as tightly curled as what is expected from an african american. I am lighter in tone, but its usually my hair which is the reason.

I hate the "do you have a little indian in you?" question. Or the, "you look hispanic, its because of your hair".

my two cents.


PhoenixDark said:
My parents don't care about race, but my grandma and aunts do. They've tried setting me up with the typical "thick church girl who can cook types" but I find that so vapid and boring.

Maaan, I WISH I could find a church chick who could cook. Would be so refreshing over these sorority girls whose idea of making a meal is walking to the res cafe.

I don't know why, but it sometimes bums me out that my grandma on my black side pretty much expects me to date a white girl because i'm lighter skinned then my sisters, but expects them to both date brothers.

I would love to date a black girl, I just don't get to chill with many. Gotta diversify my social circle, I guess.

EDIT: On the topic of self-hate (I posted it earlier but it got skipped over, and I think it's legitimately interesting):

http://www.worldstarhiphop.com/video...pY4M722kq9K87v-High Schoolers comment on light skin VS Dark skin. Ugh.
Londa said:
as a black female I get frustrated that I am not considered african american because my hair is wavy/curly and not as tightly curled as what is expected from an african american. I am lighter in tone, but its usually my hair which is the reason.

I hate the "do you have a little indian in you?" question. Or the, "you look hispanic, its because of your hair".

my two cents.
speaking of which, are there any African Americans here to DON'T have some Indian in them? I've got plenty on both sides of my family. lol.

oh, and curly haired black women are my absolute favorite. dunno why. cheers.


Well its a given that African Americans have a mixture of race in their blood. Its just that I get wrote off as not being or looking black solely on my hair. I think that is silly because not all blacks have course hair.


Dreams-Visions said:
Bringing home a white girl: something that would be very difficult for me to do. But if she was the one, my fam would be fine with it. Mom would be a bit frustrated...but my parents grew up in a mixed race city in the 60s. there were fights every week. And my father was the president of the black student union in college. Old hurts die hard.

Also, guilty pleasure: Baby Boy. The movie is so damn funny to me.

My parents don't care really, I've brought home white girls. I remember my mom telling me that my dad would trip if I brought a hispanic chic home, that's bullshit though cuz dude be flirtin with hispanic chics on the regular. If she's bad, she's bad. As far as bringing home girls are concerned, I give em' the daytime talkshow test. Could you picture this chic on the maury povich show? Could you picture this girl on Jerry Springer? If the answer is yes, then my folks are gonna tell me I'm fuckin up.

Yea I know both shows are fake

Londa said:
Well its a given that African Americans have a mixture of race in their blood. Its just that I get wrote off as not being or looking black solely on my hair. I think that is silly because no all blacks have course hair.
Yea, East Africans say hi.
Dreams-Visions said:
Understand, the issue of skin color is a world-wide issue for centuries. Whether you're in India, the Dominican or the US, the afterglow of slavery and hate still weigh on the lives of people of color. lighter was righter and the greater society certainly does little to change that perception.


1966, Ebony Magazine ad. Skin bleaching cream, used to make you look lighter. Sad. But what's sadder? The market for skin bleaching cream is still quite strong today.

That flickr link I just posted has a decent amount of these types of ads.




People talk about rap video's starting this shit but the truth is that it's been happening forever.
Londa said:
Well its a given that African Americans have a mixture of race in their blood. Its just that I get wrote off as not being or looking black solely on my hair. I think that is silly because no all blacks have course hair.

I really think its stupid how people can be "disqualified" because of skin tone or hair. We come in many different configurations. There are some people whose parents are both clearly black who produce very light looking children that could pass for half black. My paternal grandfather was one of these. His hair wasn't tightly curled, his eyes were very light, and he was just generally very light.

East Africans(specifically Somalis, ethiopians, etc) seem to have the same complaint because some people are hesitant to consider them black even though they are very dark skinned.
Kitschkraft said:

People talk about rap video's starting this shit but the truth is that it's been happening forever.
I have that one IN a magazine a Senator gave me. A mint condition vintage Ebony. I can't remember the year...maybe 1957? Had a drawing of Fred Douglass on the cover. Crazy to flip through the pages. There were at least 4 skin bleaching ads and 3 or 4 hair straightening ads. all making the same point: the closer to white you get, the happier you'll be.

Devolution said:
It's pretty chill and informative, also accepting =).
aka: colored folk being our normal selves. :)

Yo Gotti

Forgot this thread existed.

Random racist experience I had the other day:

I run a small business with a partner who isn't black, and we were shopping for offices. After a great tour of a couple buildings it was around 5 o' clock and the typical suit types were starting to leave as we were heading to the elevator.

A couple guys are getting into the elevator in front of us, one of them cracks a pretty funny joke, and I laugh, not that I'm trying to intrude on their conversation or w/e, but he was pretty loud with it so I laughed, he catches wind of me laughing at his joke and must've thought I was laughing AT him or something because he gives me this weird uncomfortable mug like he's offended or some shit, then he turns to the other guy and says some slick shit about "hey man, your wallet's sort of hanging out of your pocket you better watch that someone could grab it real easy" clearly referring to the fact that "theres a black guy around". He was saying it to was a younger guy probably my age who didn't seem to care at all and I think he tried to shut it down to not offend me so obviously.

This kind of stuff didn't bother me personally and actually makes me feel inspired inside in a weird way, its just too bad this type of thing still does happen. It surprises me because the hate/jealousy is so strong and baseless in this older generation, the younger guy really seemed uncomfortable that the older guy brought it up and had sort of a "shut the fuck up" expression on his face.

Anyway that's it, just thought I'd share this with black-gaf.


lightless_shado said:
I really think its stupid how people can be "disqualified" because of skin tone or hair. We come in many different configurations. There are some people whose parents are both clearly black who produce very light looking children that could pass for half black. My paternal grandfather was one of these. His hair wasn't tightly curled, his eyes were very light, and he was just generally very light.

East Africans(specifically Somalis, ethiopians, etc) seem to have the same complaint because some people are hesitant to consider them black even though they are very dark skinned.

this is me. My mom has grey/hazel eyes like her father and both her parents are black but have with very light skin tones. The same if for my father and his parents. Yet I am always told I must be mixed.

I think this happened because waaaaaaaaaaaaaay back in the day lighter skin tone folks dated lighter skin tone folks like it was a elite club.

edit: Down the line there will be a white in the family tree because of slavery. But if someone has a light skin tone it doesn't mean one parent is white while the other is black.
For better or for worse, we do have to thank Shanadeus for his idiocy. This thread was staggering around before it. We've also found some new regulars. Himuro would be proud if he were here.
Yo Gotti said:
Forgot this thread existed.

Random racist experience I had the other day:

I run a small business with a partner who isn't black, and we were shopping for offices. After a great tour of a couple buildings it was around 5 o' clock and the typical suit types were starting to leave as we were heading to the elevator.

A couple guys are getting into the elevator in front of us, one of them cracks a pretty funny joke, and I laugh, not that I'm trying to intrude on their conversation or w/e, but he was pretty loud with it so I laughed, he catches wind of me laughing at his joke and must've thought I was laughing AT him or something because he gives me this weird uncomfortable mug like he's offended or some shit, then he turns to the other guy and says some slick shit about "hey man, your wallet's sort of hanging out of your pocket you better watch that someone could grab it real easy" clearly referring to the fact that "theres a black guy around". He was saying it to was a younger guy probably my age who didn't seem to care at all and I think he tried to shut it down to not offend me so obviously.

This kind of stuff didn't bother me personally and actually makes me feel inspired inside in a weird way, its just too bad this type of thing still does happen. It surprises me because the hate/jealousy is so strong and baseless in this older generation, the younger guy really seemed uncomfortable that the older guy brought it up and had sort of a "shut the fuck up" expression on his face.

Anyway that's it, just thought I'd share this with black-gaf.

Good. Really makes me feel happy knowing that younger people are more reasonable than their predecessors and able to spot subtle racism. Thx for sharing.


spindashing said:
For better or for worse, we do have to thank Shanadeus for his idiocy. This thread was staggering around before it. We've also found some new regulars. Himuro would be proud if he were here.

I would lurk this thread, but never got the courage to comment. lol
B1gg_Randall said:
If I did bring home a women from another race and someone had a problem with it I would say FUCK EM!!! I know my mom wouldn't care tho...

Sorry, just HAD to.

Interestingly enough, the movie started out with an interracial 4some


spindashing said:
For better or for worse, we do have to thank Shanadeus for his idiocy. This thread was staggering around before it. We've also found some new regulars. Himuro would be proud if he were here.
Yep, Shanadeus is a pretty swell guy, I know because he has a MLP avatar.

A true martyr. Too bad he had to die for us, luckily he can cast a revive spell in a few weeks and come back with full health.
spindashing said:
For better or for worse, we do have to thank Shanadeus for his idiocy. This thread was staggering around before it. We've also found some new regulars. Himuro would be proud if he were here.
I personally didn't mind him.

Then again, I read his posts as if a 7 year-old were talking. He's from a country where they *are* no African Americans. Hell, or black people of any country for that matter. Treads like ours can offer people like him insight into things he only experiences via internet and movies. A challenge we as minorities have to actively engage.

I do wish more of his questions weren't so...unlearned, though. But I'd like to think they were genuine (albeit very ignorant).

Londa said:
I would lurk this thread, but never got the courage to comment. lol
well welcome, damn it! welcome.
Londa said:
I would lurk this thread, but never got the courage to comment. lol
I'm glad that you've decided to eventually comment. It's always awesome to hear of another fellow member of the black community on NeoGAF. It's even more awesome when it's a sista, lol.

B1gg_Randall said:
If I did bring home a women from another race and someone had a problem with it I would say FUCK EM!!! I know my mom wouldn't care tho...


Edit: Beat.

Edit 2: As far as Shanadeus goes, I'm still a little iffy on him. Although he is from another country and I should have more tolerance over how he presents himself on these forums, for some reason I cannot.
Yo Gotti said:
This kind of stuff didn't bother me personally and actually makes me feel inspired inside in a weird way

I know what you mean. For me it's like, people can hate if they want to, but they can't stop me from coming up. This issue is their problem, not mine.


thanks :)

Lord Cuze said:
I know what you mean. For me it's like, people can hate if they want to, but they can't stop me from coming up. This issue is their problem, not mine.

I love saying "hi hater". Then both me and the hater laugh together. :p
As far as interracial dating goes, my parents wouldn't mind. Of course, the main thing they worry about is religion, which is another can of worms. However, my siblings have had a bad history when it comes to choosing partners in general. Nothing to do with race, they just didn't know when to, uh, wrap it up. My older sister in particular was against interracial relationships at one point, though she was using Maury of proof of why they don't work so... yeah, don't know what to say about that.

Not really interested in dating, too much chaos to deal with. That and I'm pretty much socially awkward.
Devolution said:

These two even deck an akatsuki.


IIRC the 8 tails one raps while he fights or something.. It was pretty funny.
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