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The Black Culture Thread



Just another broad with the "features" of a black woman. She tust gets attention because of her skin color. Yeah, I said it...

I just called you all out. Deal with it.

Celebrities are overrated as fuck.
F@mous said:
To all those who went to elementary/middle/high school with white people.

Didn't you hate when you had a fresh haircut and the white person would say...."but you don't have any hair!"

the worst.

That's cool man. Though I loved college.....didn't really care for "Morehouse" as an institution. And they dicked me on my law school recommendations....but I still got into a great law school without em.
OMFG~! I hated that shit so much.


BloodySinner said:

Just another broad with the "features" of a black woman. She tust gets attention because of her skin color. Yeah, I said it...

I just called you all out. Deal with it.

Celebrities are overrated as fuck.

Totally. I've handled many black women with asses that trump Kardashian's. She's bad as hell though.

But she's getting the Jlo (omgshehasabigbuttmaybeicangetonetoo) treatment. You're right.


BloodySinner said:

Just another broad with the "features" of a black woman. She tust gets attention because of her skin color. Yeah, I said it...

I just called you all out. Deal with it.

Celebrities are overrated as fuck.

Equus Bellator Apex

Junior Member
F@mous said:
Didn't you hate when you had a fresh haircut and the white person would say...."but you don't have any hair!"

the worst.


It's even worse when motherfuckers want to touch your hair.

I'm like...

"Bitch, we both know it's been hours since you've washed your hands.

So why you want to run your greasy ass palms all through my scalp?"

I never actually said that though, because I was so shy.
Parallax said:
im curious as to how that happens. they dont have bet in japan, so for once that isnt responsible. i find it hard to believe that geographical segregation is that strong.

I'm pretty sure they base black people on perceptions that white people in america have. Blacks that achieve a lot of attention in the media are usually ones that play into stereotypes. Every once in a while you do get a Japanese artist who either A.Takes time to really research black culture and people or B. Goes to a place with a good black population.

It really makes it hard to travel to a place where there aren't a lot of black people because their only experience/understanding of black people comes from how they're portrayed in American media, and lets be honest, the media doesn't exactly paint a good picture of us most of the time. Its even worse for us Africans, because everyone thinks Africa is just a cesspool of violence and disease.
Equus Bellator Apex said:

It's even worse when motherfuckers want to touch your hair.

I'm like...

"Bitch, we both know it's been hours since you've washed your hands.

So why you want to run your greasy ass palms all through my scalp?"

I never actually said that though, because I was so shy.
I do however love it when a fine ass non-black female likes to rub my head.
F@mous said:
To all those who went to elementary/middle/high school with white people.

Didn't you hate when you had a fresh haircut and the white person would say...."but you don't have any hair!"

the worst.

Never heard that one, but my town was pretty progressive.


I'd get the hair thing every time I would whip out my brush(that I kept in my pocket). They be all like, "why you need to brush your hair? There's nothing there!", to which I reply, "because I look like an African slave." That would always work for me, since they would be afraid to reply back hah. But really, can't be swagged out with a nappy ass head. They just don't understand.
Derwind said:
I got cornrows recently for the first time. Its been 3 weeks now and they're starting to get frizzy and loose. :(

Is this normal?

My hairs somewhat a mix of loose, wavy, curls. My background is East African so I don't know if that has a part to play with my hair in my genetics. :/
yeah, 3-4 weeks is about time to get them taken out and re-braided.


Only thing I hate about hair cuts/shape ups is that it's fresh for about a week then it get nappy uneven again just like that.
Dang Face, I just ate an hour ago and I'm already hungry!

I have cornrows and get them done about once a month. I don't do much to manage them beside occasionally grease my scalp and cover them up at night but they usually look good for awhile.
Lebron said:
I'd get the hair thing every time I would whip out my brush(that I kept in my pocket). They be all like, "why you need to brush your hair? There's nothing there!", to which I reply, "because I look like an African slave." That would always work for me, since they would be afraid to reply back hah. But really, can't be swagged out with a nappy ass head. They just don't understand.


Brothers, don't you love it when certain females slightly panic or grab on to their handbags when they notice your near them, or their handbag. Being six feet and three inches, I get this *reaction* a lot. Use to hurt me when I was a teenager.
Wonder if this happens to blonde haired blue eyed men.
F@mous said:
To all those who went to elementary/middle/high school with white people.

Didn't you hate when you had a fresh haircut and the white person would say...."but you don't have any hair!"

the worst.

Story as old as time itself. I still get irked when I mention outloud at work that I need a cut and everyone is like why?.....*grumble *grumble* I like to stay clean cut darn you


best seen in the classic "Shadow of the Beast"
StinkFist said:
Brothers, don't you love it when certain females slightly panic or grab on to their handbags when they notice your near them, or their handbag. Being six feet and three inches, I get this *reaction* a lot. Use to hurt me when I was a teenager.
Wonder if this happens to blonde haired blue eyed men.

the wierd thing is, when im on a train, my focused face repels a lot of people.... except for the elderly, and tourists from europe. there could be empty seats all over the train, but they always seem to gravitate towards me
StinkFist said:
Brothers, don't you love it when certain females slightly panic or grab on to their handbags when they notice your near them, or their handbag. Being six feet and three inches, I get this *reaction* a lot. Use to hurt me when I was a teenager.
Wonder if this happens to blonde haired blue eyed men.

The best is old white lady's closing the elevator doors.

StinkFist said:

Also, is there any black women here? I'd love to hear their point of view.

Its diet /grape soda.
Equus Bellator Apex said:

It's even worse when motherfuckers want to touch your hair.

I'm like...

"Bitch, we both know it's been hours since you've washed your hands.

So why you want to run your greasy ass palms all through my scalp?"

been rocking the mini fro for many years. I grown used to people petting me. I actually kinda miss it since I'm not with my friends :(
I haven't had a racist incident with average people in a looooong time. I think some of that goes away as you get older (I'm 32).

However, every time I'm pulled over, the cop asks me where I work. Can't say what my day job has to do with my expired inspection, but um okay? Not sure if that's normal or not.
Parallax said:
the wierd thing is, when im on a train, my focused face repels a lot of people.... except for the elderly, and tourists from europe. there could be empty seats all over the train, but they always seem to gravitate towards me

I have a similar effect on old white men. They seem to nod their heads or some shit whenever they make eye contact with me. I guess they think I have that "old fashioned grit" or something because I look like I'm frowning.

What do you guys think about young men in general today? do they seem softer than they did in the past? I want to get the opinion of some older GAFrican-americans/Canadians.
Lord Cuze said:
I haven't had a racist incident with average people in a looooong time. I think some of that goes away as you get older (I'm 32).

However, every time I'm pulled over, the cop asks me where I work. Can't say what my day job has to do with my expired inspection, but um okay? Not sure if that's normal or not.

He wants to know if you work at the same place as his friend


My dad use to walk 2 miles to school in some homemade shoes, in Louisiana, in the 50's. I complain if I have to walk out to take the trash. Take from that what you will.
Lebron said:
My dad use to walk 2 miles to school in some homemade shoes, in Louisiana, in the 50's. I complain if I have to walk out to take the trash. Take from that what you will.

This man stole my response...kidding...sort of.
StinkFist said:
Brothers, don't you love it when certain females slightly panic or grab on to their handbags when they notice your near them, or their handbag. Being six feet and three inches, I get this *reaction* a lot. Use to hurt me when I was a teenager.
Wonder if this happens to blonde haired blue eyed men.

I go out with my black friend a lot. There usually isn't weirdness because I'm in the bay area, but every once and a while some uptight older person can be seen squinting in our direction. It's funny (or sad) how people still cling to bullshit.
I finally got around to reading this article about "black flight" for those who might not be able to read it

IN THE 1990s black Americans began returning in significant numbers to the South. This marked a reversal of the Great Migration, in which their parents and grandparents fled Jim Crow racism in the 1920s and 1930s for jobs in the industrial cities of the north-east, Midwest and West. But since 2000 the destination of many inner-city blacks has shifted again, according to details from the latest census. From Oakland to Chicago to Washington, DC, blacks are surging from the central cities to the suburbs.

Analysis of 2010 census data by William Frey, chief demographer for the Brookings Institution, shows that more than half the cities with large concentrations of blacks have seen significant declines in their black populations. About half of black Americans now live in the suburbs, up from 43% in 2000.

This is proving a mixed blessing. Well-educated blacks are finding better jobs, bigger houses and newer schools, just as white-flight suburbanites did in previous generations. But many lower-income migrants from the inner cities are finding poverty, crime and poor social services when they arrive in their new homes. In the past decade, poverty has increased more than twice as fast in the suburbs as it has in the cities.

Related topics
United States
Race relations
Social issues
Although the black exodus is happening across the country, its consequences are especially vivid in Seattle and nearby Portland, two of America’s whitest big cities. In each of these cities, blacks were squeezed by restrictive property covenants and racial prejudice into a small but highly visible central district—black-majority islands in a white sea.

By 2010 the islands had largely gone. Seattle and Portland had become “smart cities”, magnets for hordes of young, highly educated and highly paid newcomers, most of them white and childless. Hungry for “diversity” and rushing into relatively rundown black neighbourhoods, they snapped up the only housing bargains left. White-owned banks were eager to make loans to yuppies. Tens of thousands of houses were gutted and rebuilt. As gentrification gathered pace, property prices exploded. Black homeowners cashed in, taking their windfalls to the suburbs. Black renters were squeezed out by higher rents.

“My clientele has all moved away,” says Charlene Williams, owner of De Charlene’s Beauty & Boutique in Seattle’s Central District. Her neighbourhood was 79% black when she set up shop in 1968. It was 58% black as recently as 1990. Now it is 21% black. Ms Williams once had 13 hairdressers on her payroll; now she employs none. The young Ray Charles once performed in black-owned nightclubs in the Central District. Those clubs are gone, as are the restaurants where Ms Williams used to buy pork-chop sandwiches and peach pie. Eateries now offer crepes, wood-fired artisan bagels and north-west fusion cuisine.The total number of blacks in the greater Seattle area has grown in the past decade, but they are widely dispersed to suburbs such as Renton, a dozen miles away. A few thousand black Seattleites still get together on Sunday mornings. They drive in from the suburbs to downtown churches. “There’s a community,” says Ms Williams, “but no unity.

Bolded part made me sad. Are any of you guys in American suburbs feeling this in your neighborhoods?


StinkFist said:
Brothers, don't you love it when certain females slightly panic or grab on to their handbags when they notice your near them, or their handbag. Being six feet and three inches, I get this *reaction* a lot. Use to hurt me when I was a teenager.
Wonder if this happens to blonde haired blue eyed men.

This has never happened to me....Never....

Though maybe this is due in part by the fact that I'm the least intimidating guy someone could meet. Hell, people still think I'm a young looking 14 year old kid even when I'm nearly 22.....and I'm like 5 feet 9 inches, so I don't really tower over anyone.


That and I grew up in a really huge multicultural environment. Rule of thumb for me, if there is less then 3 different ethnicities residing in one area, I don't want to live there. :)


BloodySinner said:

Just another broad with the "features" of a black woman. She tust gets attention because of her skin color. Yeah, I said it...

I just called you all out. Deal with it.

Celebrities are overrated as fuck.

Mad respect +1
Fucking bullshit just a few hours ago. I was giving a lecture to one of my classes for an assigned grade, and naturally I used correct grammar and "big" words (which is natural for me) and when I was done, this bitch had the nerve to say

"Damn, you knocked that shit out of the park, you've got to be the whitest black person I know."

WTF!!!!! UGHH!!!

Equus Bellator Apex

Junior Member
TacticalFox88 said:
Fucking bullshit just a few hours ago. I was giving a lecture to one of my classes for an assigned grade, and naturally I used correct grammar and "big" words (which is natural for me) and when I was done, this bitch had the nerve to say

"Damn, you knocked that shit out of the park, you've got to be the whitest black person I know."

WTF!!!!! UGHH!!!

Yep white = good and black = bad

Its like that dictionary scene in Malcolm X

There's a reason why they call us black.

It's not because of the color of our skin.


soundscream said:
Yeah it is.

5'10 is average

Height ain't nothing but a number. Plus there are upsides to being labelled "short", like the fact that I'm down to earth and because of my low center of gravity makes me sturdy thus you'll find it harder to knock me over compared to someone considered "tall". BWAHAHAHA!!! =D
lightless_shado said:
Well I don't think anyone notices an inch?

I'm a little over 5'10 btw, so I'm good. Most people are either as tall or shorter than me around here.

My moms 5'10 LOL

Actually there are quite a few people taller then me on a daily basis.

Derwind said:
Height ain't nothing but a number. Plus there are upsides to being labelled "short", like the fact that I'm down to earth and because of my low center of gravity makes me sturdy thus you'll find it harder to knock me over compared to someone considered "tall". BWAHAHAHA!!! =D

Planes and movie theaters are a pain in my ass.
And I am 20 and 5ft 7.5in. :(

Random: A police officer called me to his car while I was walking in Chestnut Hill during Spring Break at home in Philly thinking I was skipping school that day (I go to U of Pitt and this was in the late morning).
I am 5'9" but then again I am mixed. My mom is like 5'6" and my dad is 5'8" or so. My youngest brother is 6'2" though he's played Basketball since he was 11. I think the average height for latinos is something like 5'6" iirc so I'm doing okay.

One thing that might be kind of weird is that I love girls who are exactly my height or just a little shorter than me. Feels good to not have to look down or up every time you are talking/kissing/etc someone. Actually I've only ever dated 1 short girl, she was 5'1". All other girls I've dated have been very close to my height :p

TacticalFox88 said:
Fucking bullshit just a few hours ago. I was giving a lecture to one of my classes for an assigned grade, and naturally I used correct grammar and "big" words (which is natural for me) and when I was done, this bitch had the nerve to say

"Damn, you knocked that shit out of the park, you've got to be the whitest black person I know."

WTF!!!!! UGHH!!!

Ah.. I don't think I would have been able to contain myself. I would have gone beast mode on that bitch. Seriously.

Good job on your presentation though.


lightless_shado said:
I'm pretty sure they base black people on perceptions that white people in america have. Blacks that achieve a lot of attention in the media are usually ones that play into stereotypes. Every once in a while you do get a Japanese artist who either A.Takes time to really research black culture and people or B. Goes to a place with a good black population.

It really makes it hard to travel to a place where there aren't a lot of black people because their only experience/understanding of black people comes from how they're portrayed in American media, and lets be honest, the media doesn't exactly paint a good picture of us most of the time. Its even worse for us Africans, because everyone thinks Africa is just a cesspool of violence and disease.

Yeah american based stereotypes of black people are worldwide. I live in the UK and it's always funny when for instance japanese people come over. My friend is japanese and she sometimes looks after new arrivals coming over for university.

Their first impressions are almost always to ask me if i play basketball or if i'm a rapper?Now i know these are innocent questions so i'm not going to chastise them for it as that is the view they get of black people in their country, But they usually learn their is more to black people than the cliché.

Same thing in europe holidaying in places in which their are no black people is always an experience. I always have a summer break in europe but i used to be scared to travel to these places as my view was that i wouldn't be welcome but i have learned that people are not as bad as i had imagined.

Obviously you get the stares when you arrive but something is always magical when people come to shake your hand and say hello. It's like your the guest of honour for the week. Also when i was single, the ladies were always very receptive.. :D
perfectnight said:
One thing that might be kind of weird is that I love girls who are exactly my height or just a little shorter than me. Feels good to not have to look down or up every time you are talking/kissing/etc someone.

Ive always thought of hooking up with a girl my height or taller, but I think Id be weirded out.

I actually like much shorter girls, picking them up to kiss makes me feel all manly.


not licensed in your state
Dabanton said:
Yeah american based stereotypes of black people are worldwide. I live in the UK and it's always funny when for instance japanese people come over. My friend is japanese and she sometimes looks after new arrivals coming over for university.

Their first impressions are almost always to ask me if i play basketball or if i'm a rapper?Now i know these are innocent questions so i'm not going to chastise them for it as that is the view they get of black people in their country, But they usually learn their is more to black people than the cliché.

Same thing in europe holidaying in places in which their are no black people is always an experience. I always have a summer break in europe but i used to be scared to travel to these places as my view was that i wouldn't be welcome but i have learned that people are not as bad as i had imagined.

Obviously you get the stares when you arrive but something is always magical when people come to shake your hand and say hello. It's like your the guest of honour for the week. Also when i was single, the ladies were always very receptive.. :D

I can relate with this, I spent some time in Japan and I had the same apprehension (anxious because of acceptance, fear of being unwelcome), but when I arrived, I was welcomed just as well. Random people wanted to practice their English, shake my hand, or "feel my hair". Initially, yeah, it was weird, but when you realize that they see black folks every reverse blue moon, you learn they're probably just curious.

And yeah, the ladies love us over there

~Devil Trigger~

In favor of setting Muslim women on fire
soundscream said:
Ive always thought of hooking up with a girl my height or taller, but I think Id be weirded out.

I actually like much shorter girls, picking them up to kiss makes me feel all manly.
as a 6"5 man, talking to much shorter girls makes me feel like im talking to a child

had no experience with a woman taller than me but im not sure how i feel about it
I wouldn't sweat being shorter than average. When you're tall and a small guy whips up on you or lays you out playing football, everyone (and I mean everyone) is laughing at you...for days...and sometimes weeks. Redemption is nearly impossible in these situations too.

Dabanton said:
Same thing in europe holidaying in places in which their are no black people is always an experience. I always have a summer break in europe but i used to be scared to travel to these places as my view was that i wouldn't be welcome but i have learned that people are not as bad as i had imagined.

I lived in Europe for a bit as a kid, and had a pleasant time every where I went. A lot of people were very accepting or at least polite, which is good enough for me.
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