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The Black Culture Thread

Dabanton said:
Yeah american based stereotypes of black people are worldwide. I live in the UK and it's always funny when for instance japanese people come over. My friend is japanese and she sometimes looks after new arrivals coming over for university.

Their first impressions are almost always to ask me if i play basketball or if i'm a rapper?Now i know these are innocent questions so i'm not going to chastise them for it as that is the view they get of black people in their country, But they usually learn their is more to black people than the cliché.

Same thing in europe holidaying in places in which their are no black people is always an experience. I always have a summer break in europe but i used to be scared to travel to these places as my view was that i wouldn't be welcome but i have learned that people are not as bad as i had imagined.

Obviously you get the stares when you arrive but something is always magical when people come to shake your hand and say hello. It's like your the guest of honour for the week. Also when i was single, the ladies were always very receptive.. :D
A reminder of why we can't be too hard on Shanedus. Dude just ignorant...and harmless.
I love being tall(6'3"), but I hate when people ask do I play basketball, and then I tell them no, and they look at me like I grown a second head or some shit.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
StinkFist said:
Another story, I was on a blind date with this German girl. "Wow, you don't speak black". I stood up and walked out. No response, no nothing. The date was going great before that comment. Damn, that chick had a beautiful ass.

I appreciate your principled stance, but you really should have held your head high and walked out of her apartment many hours later.
Lord Cuze said:
I haven't had a racist incident with average people in a looooong time. I think some of that goes away as you get older (I'm 32).

However, every time I'm pulled over, the cop asks me where I work. Can't say what my day job has to do with my expired inspection, but um okay? Not sure if that's normal or not.
I get the, "Is this your car Sir??" All the time. I mean...you ran my plates and you see my drivers license why the fuck do you need to ask me this??
Lebron said:


TacticalFox88 said:
I love being tall(6'3"), but I hate when people ask do I play basketball, and then I tell them no, and they look at me like I grown a second head or some shit.

It was always funny growing up and being of above average height. I would get the do you play basketball question all the time.
TacticalFox88 said:
I love being tall(6'3"), but I hate when people ask do I play basketball, and then I tell them no, and they look at me like I grown a second head or some shit.

Question, because this is an interesting read, are there any other professions, activities, or things people assume you like because you're black? Also things they assume you don't like?

People always look at my friend sideways when he says he likes stuff like Alice in Chains.


Devolution said:
Question, because this is an interesting read, are there any other professions, activities, or things people assume you like because you're black? Also things they assume you don't like?

People always look at my friend sideways when he says he likes stuff Alice in Chains.

A lot of people assume that rap is our favorite genre. They also get surprised if we like rock, alternative, etc...
MWS Natural said:
I get the, "Is this your car Sir??" All the time. I mean...you ran my plates and you see my drivers license why the fuck do you need to ask me this??
I could share many stories. oh man. I've been pulled over at least half a dozen times to date. Not breaking any laws. They'd see me riding...windows down & music loud and probably assume I'm a drug dealer.
zero_suit said:
A lot of people assume that rap is our favorite genre. They also get surprised if we like rock, alternative, etc...

don't worry; it's all family here.

Dreams-Visions said:
I could share many stories. oh man. I've been pulled over at least half a dozen times to date. Not breaking any laws. They'd see me riding...windows down & music loud and probably assume I'm a drug dealer.


don't worry; it's all family here.


I think he meant it in the "thats all you're supposed to listen to" sort of way

Devolution said:
Question, because this is an interesting read, are there any other professions, activities, or things people assume you like because you're black? Also things they assume you don't like?

People always look at my friend sideways when he says he likes stuff like Alice in Chains.
rapper. Its more surprising that they assume you have any serious occupation. Maybe in the future people we'll assume we're authors, scientists and doctors instead of atheletes or entertainers.

edit: and people assume I dont like mayonnaise
Devolution said:
Question, because this is an interesting read, are there any other professions, activities, or things people assume you like because you're black? Also things they assume you don't like?
They assume whatever the stereotype is. Rap music, rims and white womenz.

Dreams-Visions said:
I could share many stories. oh man. I've been pulled over at least half a dozen times to date. Not breaking any laws. They'd see me riding...windows down & music loud and probably assume I'm a drug dealer.
I've actually had a contractor say that to me, "first thing I think of when I see you in your car?.....drug dealer." All I could do is laugh lol.


don't worry; it's all family here. :)
Naw brah, Radiohead 4 lyfe :)


best seen in the classic "Shadow of the Beast"
Devolution said:
Question, because this is an interesting read, are there any other professions, activities, or things people assume you like because you're black? Also things they assume you don't like?

People always look at my friend sideways when he says he likes stuff like Alice in Chains.

madden. i havent played a game in years, and i do love football, but i havent touched a copy in forever. when i was in oregon trying to preorder a game while i was up there, the dude assumed that i was after madden. after we spoke for a few minutes and i was talking about all the other things i was into, he looked at me like i was a damn mythological being.

MWS Natural said:
Naw brah, Radiohead 4 lyfe :)

i feel that. i blew a few minds when i said i liked duran duran too.
lightless_shado said:
rapper. Its more surprising that they assume you have any serious occupation. Maybe in the future people we'll assume we're authors, scientists and doctors instead of atheletes or entertainers.

edit: and people assume I dont like mayonnaise

I never realized how good tv programing was for me growing up until I noticed that series like Fresh Prince and Family Matters were a great window into realizing black people are just like everyone else. At that point in time I just wasn't exposed to many other black kids, and programs like that I think were actually beneficial. Of course I could be talking out of my ass since I only see it from a white person's point of view. I'm sure black nerds didn't like being called Urkle or Carlton every step of the way.


best seen in the classic "Shadow of the Beast"
Devolution said:
I never realized how good tv programing was for me growing up until I noticed that series like Fresh Prince and Family Matters were a great window into realizing black people are just like everyone else. At that point in time I just wasn't exposed to many other black kids, and programs like that I think were actually beneficial. Of course I could be talking out of my ass since I only see it from a white person's point of view. I'm sure black nerds didn't like being called Urkle every step of the way.

urkel screwed us all.
Devolution said:
Question, because this is an interesting read, are there any other professions, activities, or things people assume you like because you're black? Also things they assume you don't like?

People always look at my friend sideways when he says he likes stuff like Alice in Chains.
I like Anime. They give me WTF looks
I hate Watermelons. My own kind gives me WTF looks.
I like Rock Music. I get WTF looks.
I listen to SOME country music. I get SERIOUS WTF looks.
I dislike gangsta rap (but love hip hop) WTF looks again.
I made straight A's through HS. I was a "sell out" to the "man"
I was the only black male one the Tennis team. Blacks AND Whites made fun of me because of that.
I enjoy reading. Some guys tell me, literally, "Man, nigga fuck a book"
I use proper grammar. They tell me I'm trying to be uppity snob that doesn't remember where he comes from ( I was raised in the suburbs FFS!)

Ugh. This making me angry just typing this shit.
Devolution said:
What do you guys have now or recently though? Like shitty ass UPN?

I don't think we really have anything these days. The last black sitcom that I enjoyed was everybody hates chris. Black shows in general don't seem to be doing well. I'm angered by the fact Tyler Perry is doing well, but on the other hand he does a lot of charitable work.
TacticalFox88 said:
I like Anime. They give me WTF looks
I hate Watermelons. My own kind gives me WTF looks.
I like Rock Music. I get WTF looks.
I listen to SOME country music. I get SERIOUS WTF looks.
I dislike gangsta rap (but love hip hop) WTF looks again.
I made straight A's through HS. I was a "sell out" to the "man"
I was the only black male one the Tennis team. Blacks AND Whites made fun of me because of that.
I enjoy reading. Some guys tell me, literally, "Man, nigga fuck a book"
I use proper grammar. They tell me I'm trying to be uppity snob that doesn't remember where he comes from ( I was raised in the suburbs FFS!)

Ugh. This making me angry just typing this shit.

<3 Just postin' this stuff though gives people a good window into the bullshit you have to deal with. Hopefully it will knock the rose privileged glasses off some folks. What I like best about this thread is how open and non-hostile the Q&A sessions are as long as people aren't acting in bad faith.

I don't think we really have anything these days. The last black sitcom that I enjoyed was everybody hates chris. Black shows in general don't seem to be doing well. I'm angered by the fact Tyler Perry is doing well, but on the other hand he does a lot of charitable work.

I used to watch Living Single, Martin and even The Steve Harvey Show had some gems. Everything since is like =/. Also too bad Steve Harvey went batshit.


best seen in the classic "Shadow of the Beast"
Devolution said:
What do you guys have now or recently though? Like shitty ass UPN?

no, i meant that urkel made it seem like being intelligent and black automatically made you a joke. he was a loser that no one wanted around, he didnt get the attention of the girl until he turned himself cool. i truly believe that it really did a lot of damage to the black community. then again, upn was a mess at times too.
Parallax said:
no, i meant that urkel made it seem like being intelligent and black automatically made you a joke. he was a loser that no one wanted around, he didnt get the attention of the girl until he turned himself cool. i truly believe that it really did a lot of damage to the black community. then again, upn was a mess at times too.

Oh yeah, totally forgot about Stephan. Messed up. Yeah that's a screwed up message. There was a good episode though of Fresh Prince where Carlton just rails back at Will for giving him shit about "not being black enough."
Parallax said:
no, i meant that urkel made it seem like being intelligent and black automatically made you a joke. he was a loser that no one wanted around, he didnt get the attention of the girl until he turned himself cool. i truly believe that it really did a lot of damage to the black community. then again, upn was a mess at times too.
that's an American culture thing, not a black thing.

As one who's done a lot of public speaking trying to encourage minorities and women to go into STEM (science, tech, engineering, mathematics) fields, there is a resistance in the greater culture to STEM fields. Think Saved By The Bell or Salute Your Shorts. In fact, think of any show you watched growing up where being smart was cool that wasn't a cartoon.

American culture is been trying to recover from the damage ever since. Black culture just amplifies everything to the extreme thanks to other issues. And women struggle with the stereotype of STEM being for men. Stinky, unattractive, socially-withdrawn white men, to be specific. As a result, both women AND minorities stay away more often than they should/could.

As a former national officer in NSBE, I'm pretty sensitive to this issue. It's just horrible. The American culture, black subculture, women subculture, mediocre schools and teachers. It's fucking whole generations.


soundscream said:
I would fight you all to the death, yes.

As for not fitting the black bill, back in HS my dad would let me use his G35 a lot for school and what not. Black kid, red G35, windows down blasting Megadeth(and sometimes Initial D music!). Heads. Would. Turn.

Hell, I still blast mostly rock music when I'm driving around. Haters gonna hate.
Lebron said:
I would fight you all to the death, yes.

As for not fitting the black bill, back in HS my dad would let me use his G35 a lot for school and what not. Black kid, red G35, windows down blasting Megadeth(and sometimes Initial D music!). Heads. Would. Turn.

Hell, I still blast mostly rock music when I'm driving around. Haters gonna hate.
Megadeath? Damn, that's pretty hard core. But who am I fooling, I used to blast Drowning Pool (Tear Away, Bodies) and Three Days Grace (Wake Up, I Hate Everything About You, Never Too Late) out of the rides. I don't know if I got too many looks, but it sure as hell felt good at the time.

Anger Management Music FTW.
Devolution said:
Oh yeah, totally forgot about Stephan. Messed up. Yeah that's a screwed up message. There was a good episode though of Fresh Prince where Carlton just rails back at Will for giving him shit about "not being black enough."

It's kinda weird though. It's been ages since I last watched it, but I remembered when Stephan first appeared Laura ended up hating him and the entire "message" [at least that was the impression I got anyway] was that it was better to be yourself than to be fake. Or something. Though considering Steve later cloned himself to make a permanent Stephan which Laura fell in love with I guess that kinda throws that out the window. Really that show just got weird as hell in the later seasons. And then they replaced Carl's wife with someone with lighter skin in the last season, like what happened with Aunt Viv in the Fresh Prince. For the record, the original Aunt Viv was the best, not to mention hotter.

Overall, I think that trope really affected me much more than I ever realized... a lot of things have actually. I'm still slowly struggling to let go of all of the crap I've been fed from all sorts of places. It does kinda make you wonder how many people with great potential in all sorts of fields have been squandered because they thought it was something that a black person couldn't do.

Speaking of black shows, I liked the Bernie Mac Show. Though I haven't watched much TV in years.


Dreams-Visions said:
Megadeath? Damn, that's pretty hard core. But who am I fooling, I used to blast Drowning Pool (Tear Away, Bodies) and Three Days Grace (Wake Up, I Hate Everything About You, Never Too Late) out of the rides. I don't know if I got too many looks, but it sure as hell felt good at the time.

Anger Management Music FTW.
Hah! As did I. Heck, I had I Hate Everything About You as the ringtone for my ex for a good min.

Generally when people ask(and answer with rap?), I just tell them I listen to music...outside of country. Funny enough, on the first date with my GF, when I picked her up I had Vivaldi playing(just felt like it). She said that sealed the deal for her before the date even took off, since she played violin(had no idea originally). Classical Swag.

I will say, once you break those stereotype perceptions with people they seem to become pretty good friends. At least in my case. I think that's one of the good things I like about growing up in the diverse environment that I had. It made me pretty open and cultured, without every reallying knowing it.

Devolution said:
You guys need to get a passenger to video tape the jaws droppin'.
Yeah, it's pretty awesome. Probably get it more from other black folks than anything else hah.


I have a harder time dealing with stereotyping from my black friends and cousins, than anyone of any other creed or ethnicity. They actually have a genuine problem with my tastes. -_-

They hear me listening to bands like Dream Theater, Queens of the Stone Age and Avenged Sevenfold and they treat me as if I'm insane for liking something outside of the status quo they've set.

Fuck its infuriating. I don't even want to go into the racists hyperbole they rant on about. And I don't think they even know how racists they can be, as if its okay to stereotype and belittle other ethnicities when they're not in the room. :facepalm


Derwind said:
I have a harder time dealing with stereotyping from my black friends and cousins, than anyone of any other creed or ethnicity. They actually have a genuine problem with my tastes. -_-

They hear me listening to bands like Dream Theater, Queens of the Stone Age and Avenged Sevenfold and they treat me as if I'm insane for liking something outside of the status quo they've set.

Fuck its infuriating. I don't even want to go into the racists hyperbole they rant on about. And I don't think they even know how racists they can be, as if its okay to stereotype and belittle other ethnicities when they're not in the room. :facepalm
Yeah. I tend to say, from my experience, black folks tend to be more racist towards other black folks than anything else. Then you factor that in with the ridiculous black on black crime statistics and it just become depressing. I really don't understand it.
Derwind said:
I have a harder time dealing with stereotyping from my black friends and cousins, than anyone of any other creed or ethnicity. They actually have a genuine problem with my tastes. -_-

They hear me listening to bands like Dream Theater, Queens of the Stone Age and Avenged Sevenfold and they treat me as if I'm insane for liking something outside of the status quo they've set.

Fuck its infuriating. I don't even want to go into the racists hyperbole they rant on about. And I don't think they even know how racists they can be, as if its okay to stereotype and belittle other ethnicities when they're not in the room. :facepalm
The sooner black folks abandon this "Acting White" mentality, the better. It's extremely disheartening that a young black male is afraid to try his best in school because he's afraid of what his fellow peers will say
Lebron said:
As for not fitting the black bill, back in HS my dad would let me use his G35 a lot for school and what not. Black kid, red G35, windows down blasting Megadeth(and sometimes Initial D music!). Heads. Would. Turn

Young Black Male + Black G35 Coupe + Bose Sound System + The Beatles =

MWS Natural said:
Young Black Male + Black G35 Coupe + Bose Sound System + The Beatles =



Perfect gif. I had a black friend who had wealthy parents and he used to drive around his dad's BMW 5 Series. Heads would turn, including the cop's on the next town over where it was 99% rich white people.

He (and me when I was with him) got stopped a couple of times when we went to pick up one of our friends over there. One time the cop followed us out of the neighborhood we got stopped at.

Needless to say, I do not miss that shit-hole city and its surrounding towns/suburbs.


Yeah, while commuting to work via train, I'd be listening to either Tool, Megadeth, or some dubstep. Blacks and whites when sitting next to me would have this baffled look.

Some years ago I got my brother to enjoy listening to System of A Down. Once he saw a groups of black teens, he quickly returned me my iPod. I lol'd



As sad as this is to say, you are the only brother other than myself that I've met that appreciates some Megadeth. :::hugs iPad:::

Is it wrong of me that im expecting some really annoying shit to happen to once i start working in the corporate world of advertisement/marketing. First I'll be interning, and I'll tell you this, I'm not fucking getting anybody any fucking coffee.


StinkFist said:

As sad as this is to say, you are the only brother other than myself that appreciates some Megadeth. :::hugs iPad:::

I like Megadeath, I'm currently listening to "Go To Hell"...:p


soundscream said:
Yeah it is.

5'10 is average

I always found it funny that black guys under 6 foot got a complex about it. Did us 6 foot + guys step on you lot or something? I'm 6 foot 2.

Devolution said:
Oh yeah, totally forgot about Stephan. Messed up. Yeah that's a screwed up message. There was a good episode though of Fresh Prince where Carlton just rails back at Will for giving him shit about "not being black enough."
Did anyone notice how in the earlier seasons the "Carlton's white" jokes were etremely common. However in the later seasons that shit pretty much stopped

Derwind said:
I have a harder time dealing with stereotyping from my black friends and cousins, than anyone of any other creed or ethnicity. They actually have a genuine problem with my tastes. -_-

They hear me listening to bands like Dream Theater, Queens of the Stone Age and Avenged Sevenfold and they treat me as if I'm insane for liking something outside of the status quo they've set.

Fuck its infuriating. I don't even want to go into the racists hyperbole they rant on about. And I don't think they even know how racists they can be, as if its okay to stereotype and belittle other ethnicities when they're not in the room. :facepalm

This type of stuff happened in my secondery school and uni in London. Although there was no acting white when it came to school work and stuff, the issue of "acting white" was brougt uup when you act corny. When some guys would say i acted white or whatever, i was like who the fuck are you to cast stones, you alisten to rock, skateboard etc etc. Not that there's anything wrong with that but hey i can pull shit ou of my arse to. Also when guys say they are from a nearby "blacker" borough instead of your true borough who the fuck are you to startcasting stones. This guy i am referring to he was actually quite smart and was like top of his class in medical school but he bought into the bullshit.

However what realy pisses me off is when i hear the acting white shit from non-black people at uni. I can think of about two times at uni when this white and asian guy were lucky it was not my 14-year old self with a shorter temper cos i was this far from going ape-shit on somene. Plus when white people say it, it's like you are trying to insult me by saying i act like you! Idiots.

StinkFist said:
I remember my first year of college in the student lounge. This super aggressive ghetto broad arguing with this brother. Her screaming that she can't stand those who act white and you can pretty much sum up the rest.

Another story, I was on a blind date with this German girl. "Wow, you don't speak black". I stood up and walked out. No response, no nothing. The date was going great before that comment. Damn, that chick had a beautiful ass.

Why not chek her, instead of just walking away. Whenever someone says some egregious or some borderline foul shit i check em 9/10.

Whoa. Whoa.

Whoa. Whoa. Whoa.

Pause the conversation. Someone said that they don't like motherfucking watermelon?

I expect you to gather all your stuff. . .
Bleepey said:
However what realy pisses me off is when i hear the acting white shit from non-black people at uni. I can think of about two times at uni when this white and asian guy were lucky it was not my 14-year old self with a shorter temper cos i was this far from going ape-shit on somene. Plus when white people say it, it's like you are trying to insult me by saying i act like you! Idiots.

Yeah, at my job there were often jokes and such about how I act and blah blah. One day I got a bit pissed. I told them ok seriously its not a joke, this is who I am, I talk like because that's how I have been talking through life. I just had this conversation with my neighbor (16yr old kid) whose going through the same thing quoted.

spindashing said:

Whoa. Whoa.

Whoa. Whoa. Whoa.

Pause the conversation. Someone said that they don't like motherfucking watermelon?

I expect you to gather all your stuff. . .

I don't either....sorry.
Could we not meant the watermelon word, grr i want some watermelon now :(

Yay shoppings today

i love watermelon, if its wrong then i dont want to be right


StinkFist said:
Another story, I was on a blind date with this German girl. "Wow, you don't speak black". I stood up and walked out. No response, no nothing. The date was going great before that comment. Damn, that chick had a beautiful ass.

All my life I've been told that I sound white, but only recently I've been told that I sound Hispanic. Growing up I never really understood how speaking without any particular accent or specific vernacular made me sound more like one race than my own. It never really bothered me, but yeah I always tell people that they'll be disappointed when they realize I don't adhere to the stereotypes society has set for us. I like what I like and I'll be damned if I let another judge my interests based on some arbitrary standard.
Mangoes > Watermelon, but I cannot fathom people not liking the latter. All races can enjoy it unless you're allergic. =(

As for the "talking normally" conversation, I must chime in as well and say that I've gotten compliments over how well spoken I am in comparison to my black peers etc. At first I didn't mind it, but as I grew older it started to hit me how wrong it sounded. Hell, a previous girlfriend who was white told me that, "You're nice, not like the other black guys." At the moment, I thought she only meant that I was unique and unlike the others but later on I noticed how fucked up it was.
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