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The Black Culture Thread

Ninja_Hawk said:
This is how I felt in high school. I was blasting Nine Inch Nails while everyone around me was cranking Soulja Boy and that whole craze. Though I was cool with alot of kids, I secretly felt pretty disconnected in high school. Luckily, college changed all of that.

Amazing how this is the complete opposite for me. I was always introverted, shy , and self conscious, but in high school I was able to open up some because of our shared culture and background. But now in college, I just feel like I can't relate to anyone, and I feel sorta trapped in this "shell".I don't know how to open up to anyone because the majority here is white, and every encounter I have with someone is a little awkward.

The irony of all this is, is that I'm half white ( my father is German ). Yet, even though I'm half white I have almost no connection to that side of me, since I've barely know my father, and I've been raised by my step dad; who is full black, in an all black family with my 3 sisters and mom for my whole life.

I mean part of the reason I went back to college was to "culture" myself, y'know, interact with different races and ethnicities. Mostly because I feel like I've spent most my life in a bubble, in the same city and around the same people. It's tough for me though, trying to find some common ground with people I barely know from a different background, and being kinda socially awkward sure doesn't help......
Zoramon089 said:
What about this dude! He was so awesome, most people didn't realize there were other Green Lanterns and thought the movie was whitewashing the character by picking Ryan Renolds

I was bored killed an hour before bed


StinkFist said:
I'd really like to see a white Jewish-American thread. I'd like to hear what life is like as a practicing Jewish person. Orthodox to be specific. Any culture/community you guys/gals would be interested in learning about via forum posts?
i'd love it if there was a foreigner in japan thread where they talked about how cool japan was except for those crazy incidents with the locals and stuff.

StinkFist said:
Which is worst.
A. Having your own race say you speak white

B. A white person saying you don't speak black.
i usually reply with "i'm from the caribbean"
Dreams-Visions said:
yea, I've just never heard it. maybe it was just not apart of the culture where I grew up in the midwest or the people I surrounded myself with.

then again, maybe it's more than that. I also know I learned to "adjust" my language based on who I was around. I think most successful black folks have that "home language" that we speak when around our family and people...and the "business language" we speak in the classroom, boardroom, or around people we don't know (and especially cute chicks).

When I'm in my professional environment, I speak professionally. When I'm at home, I shift between them rather fluidly. Going from speaking each word crisply to "...but dis muhfucka here..." Hell even sometimes here on GAF, I'll have a "moment".


LMAO word. I'm exactly the same. I've mastered that shit over the years :D. If you heard my brother talking while he's playing NBA2k11 and then while hitting some girl up you wouldn't think it was the same person.

StinkFist said:
Which is worst.
A. Having your own race say you speak white

B. A white person saying you don't speak black.

A is the worse, because it cuts us down and bigs up other people at the same time. Black people need to believe in and embrace the ability to be intellectual people, to be intelligent people. When we say we "speak white" and mock or deride ourselves for it, it's implicitly suggesting we can't even embrace the basic parts of being respectable members of society - being able to speak properly, convey ideas properly, communicate properly.

What the fuck, why should it be odd or wrong to be able to speak goddamn English correctly? Didn't we go to school? We used to fight to the death just for the right to learn to fucking read, and now...

...yeah, A is a pet peeve of mine.
Chick at work: "What kind of gun do you own?"

Me: "Don't own a weapon." (lol)

Her: "What, did you kill someone and throw it in the river?"

Blank stare, then I turn and walk off. Bitch. Should I have gone off and hurt this girls feelings? She always says racial, borderline racist shit. Ugh.
Big Baybee said:
Blank stare, then I turn and walk off. Bitch. Should I have gone off and hurt this girls feelings? She always says racial, borderline racist shit. Ugh.

I'll apologize in advance as to how I'll sound in response to this. Is someone so ignorant to think that's ok to ask? Perhaps it was a failed attempt at a joke? My brain is imploding...must stop trying to find rationale.
Urban Scholar said:
I'll apologize in advance as to how I'll sound in response to this. Is someone so ignorant to think that's ok to ask? Perhaps it was a failed attempt at a joke? My brain is imploding...must stop trying to find rationale.
She is joking, but its always some type of racial thing. Then there are times when she tells me things and is not joking, like the one time she tells me she was scared of me because I'm big and black, and she thought I was a thug. Thugging at the elementary school where I work. Its always "why are the black kids hair so nappy" or "you know they are probably on government assistance". Shits annoying.


Big Baybee said:
Chick at work: "What kind of gun do you own?"

Me: "Don't own a weapon." (lol)

Her: "What, did you kill someone and throw it in the river?"

Blank stare, then I turn and walk off. Bitch. Should I have gone off and hurt this girls feelings? She always says racial, borderline racist shit. Ugh.

Whoa that's pretty bad.

A few winters ago at my job I was told something to the effect of "you look even more like a criminal" because I was wearing a black hoodie over my head.
Big Baybee said:
Chick at work: "What kind of gun do you own?"

Me: "Don't own a weapon." (lol)

Her: "What, did you kill someone and throw it in the river?"

Blank stare, then I turn and walk off. Bitch. Should I have gone off and hurt this girls feelings? She always says racial, borderline racist shit. Ugh.
Just reading shit like that makes me angry.

You know what, I think we need to educate people on the difference between niggas and black people.

Black people spend thousands of dollars on higher education and see the value of owning real estate.
Niggas spend thousands of dollars on ''getting high" and are concerned only with keepin' it real..

When Black people have children, they try to get better paying jobs to make
sure they can support their child...
When niggas have children, they change jobs to avoid paying child support.

When Black people have children, they invest in college plans, piano lessons and braces...
When niggas have children they invest in designer clothes, platinum jewelry and mini-Air Jordans

Black people watch out for their neighbors and understand the importance of strong neighborhoods...
Niggas watch their neighbors, and look for an opportunity to take advantage of their weaknesses.

Black people appreciate the sacrifices made for them by, their families to help them get ahead in life...
Niggas will sacrifice their Families and steal from them in order to get their next high.

Black people appreciate expensive jewelry designer clothes and nice cars but realize that they don't make the person....
Niggas define themselves by their designer clothes platinum jewelry and nice cars.

Black people will know the people at their local bank branch by first name...
Niggas will know the people at the neighborhood Check Cashers and liquor store by first name.

Black people see hard working brothers and sisters with legitimate jobs as potential mates...
Niggas won't even look at you if you're not a Hustler, Baller or a Bad Ass B**ch.

Black people will work hard to be innovative or to build something out of nothing.
Niggas will work hard at getting something for nothing.

Black people work hard all week and then go out on the weekend to relax and chill at the few Black night spots we have...
Niggas relax and chill all week and then go out on the weekends and work hard to mess up the few Black night spots we have.
Man, is changing jobs an option? There are a lot of professional places to work where you won't hear no shit like that.

I've never heard anything close to that at any job.


Big Baybee said:
Chick at work: "What kind of gun do you own?"

Me: "Don't own a weapon." (lol)

Her: "What, did you kill someone and throw it in the river?"

Blank stare, then I turn and walk off. Bitch. Should I have gone off and hurt this girls feelings? She always says racial, borderline racist shit. Ugh.

Report to HR department?


Big Baybee said:
Chick at work: "What kind of gun do you own?"

Me: "Don't own a weapon." (lol)

Her: "What, did you kill someone and throw it in the river?"

Blank stare, then I turn and walk off. Bitch. Should I have gone off and hurt this girls feelings? She always says racial, borderline racist shit. Ugh.

Sometimes people can be so stupid.


Londa said:
Sometimes people can be so stupid.

It's not about her being stupid, it's more she's trying to offend him, or she really believes that. Who raises these people?

To all you lurkers reading this that believe this stuff, how f'd up are your parents?


best seen in the classic "Shadow of the Beast"
TacticalFox88 said:
Black people work hard all week and then go out on the weekend to relax and chill at the few Black night spots we have...
Niggas relax and chill all week and then go out on the weekends and work hard to mess up the few Black night spots we have.

damn. this is why i hate going to majority black places. i always have to be on my guard in case someone is trying to test me. so that means im not drinking, and not having any fun. and fuck if im gonna pay a cover charge to be tense

Londa said:
Gaf knows everything. I am now white because Gaf told me I am. XD


holy shit. that thread is gonna end the same way our old thread did.
NotebookJ2 said:
What's Naturals Law?

MWS Natural said:
Natural's Law - is a humorous observation made by GAF poster MWS Natural in 2011 which is becoming an Internet adage. It states: "As an online discussion grows longer, the probability of a comparison involving black people approaches 1. In other words, Natural put forth the hyperbolic observation that, given enough time, in any online discussion regarding any form of conflict someone inevitably criticizes some point made in the discussion by comparing it to discrimination faced by blacks.

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