Petrie said:Well content-wise fighting games are really light. Sure you can keep replaying the same thing over and over and get better. I really think based on that alone a $60 price tag is just out of line for most of them.
Oh on average sure, this game is actually a really good step forward though. Not even from a gameplay standpoint, just having a well fleshed out story mode, with all the little extras (TEACH ME, BOOBIE LADY!). And to have online good enough that lag is negligible, which is astounding since I think one of the rooms I played in someone was from florida (I live in washington [state])
I can't remember the last game I bought other than this where I felt the price was warranted (I'm cheap
But I totally agree 60 bucks for most fighting games, especially as bare bones as street fighter was, is definitely too much. I'm almost offended at how fucking awful the animated cut scenes were, scratch that I am offended. I would have even preferred the use of stills like this game does over that. Ideally they should have just used the in game models
I think I'm starting to ramble