Man the lip syncing in this game is really bad >.> Like Alan Wake bad :X
Another thing: I don't really get the complaints about researching and base building being understated in this game. Since they reintroduced the project they've been clear that the focus was on creating a game set from the perspective of an XCOM field agent, not one of the commander of XCOM. So it makes sense that commander of XCOM deals with the base, and you simply just pick up research materials and return them to base as that's your role in the agency. Although I do think they could have built off of the researching minigame in BioShock 2 (equip the video camera and the combat basically turns into DMC from the FPV, the crazier, more interesting, and more off the wall tricks you do the faster the research bar fills) and done more with it here to appease the XCOM fans a little more, even though it'd be unnecessary and wouldn't work near as well here given that your tool chest is spread across three different people now.