see5harp said:I can't believe how many people are buying 3D versions of Tron Legacy. It wasn't even close to being a great movie in 2D much less 3D.
It is $5 more expensive and most of us got $13 off so why not?
see5harp said:I can't believe how many people are buying 3D versions of Tron Legacy. It wasn't even close to being a great movie in 2D much less 3D.
markatisu said:It is $5 more expensive and most of us got $13 off so why not?
Gameboy415 said:Scored Tron & Tron Legacy 3D for $28 at Target with the two coupons today!
I wish I knew about the bunny munny coupon when Tangled came out... :S
Assuming The Incredibles Blu-Ray is going to be $24.99 next week, I'm going to try to use the Bunny Munny (Target) coupon and the Disney Coupon and get it for $9.99!
From Mexico. Paid $35 for it. Funny thing about it is that I bought it directly from amazon. I really don't know if they are still listed there, but I doubt it.VitaminApple said:Dumbo? What? How?
FOOTE said:From Mexico. Paid $35 for it. Funny thing about it is that I bought it directly from amazon. I really don't know if they are still listed there, but I doubt it.
isny said:See my post. It's $29.99. Cars however is $24.99.
Oozer3993 said:Some one over at CAG said that Best Buy will have the Incredibles for $24.99 so it might be possible to price match.
BertramCooper said:I think the Kingdom Dance sequence will end up being a legendary piece of animation. As will the lantern scene.
isny said:I can't believe retailers here in Canada are trying to charge $34.99 for it.
Leeness said:Joining in on the love for this sequence! I adore it, and the whole movie.
My sister pointed out an amazing looking background character (we love to look for hilarious frames/background characters in animated movies) and now I can't help but look for her sometimes, haha.
1:25 in the video, the ugly looking little girl on the right, haha. See how many times she pops up in the sequence!
Nooooo. I'm hoping it will be one of those ~special Tuesday~ releases, at the very least.![]()
isny said:It will be...for $29.99. (Luckily I have a lot of credit at Future Shop so I'll just price match it with Rogers)
The Broken Ska Record said:I ordered the Ducktales movie from Disney Movie Rewards last month, but I've yet to get it.![]()
BertramCooper said:I'm enjoying the Tangled love. It absolutely deserves every ounce of praise it gets.
I think the Kingdom Dance sequence will end up being a legendary piece of animation. As will the lantern scene.
The 3d is good. Not overdone. The lights scene is something else.bloodforge said:Finally picked up Tangled yesterday with the 3d blu-ray. Fantastic movie.
Haven't watched in 3d yet, waiting on my 3d glasses I ordered to come so I can watch it in 3d.
I hope you've purchased the films that to going back into the vault at the end on the month.Le-mo said:I'm putting a hold on buying blu-rays since I currently have around 30+ movies out on loan and I want to get them all back before buying anymore movies. I don't want to have any more movies out on loan. But damn, I miss buying Disney's classic.
I don't think it's ever said that the king and queen named her Rapunzel.StuBurns said:I know it's stupid to analysis a film like that, but I wondered how Rapunzel proved she was their daughter. I also don't get why the mom kept her name and birthday as it was, seems moronic.
Good point, they don't outright say her name is Rapunzel, but her birthday is certainly unchanged. I feel like a scene is missing where they identify her, at the end a servant walks in and gives the parents and nod of affirmation before they come out and see her.BertramCooper said:I don't think it's ever said that the king and queen named her Rapunzel.
In the prologue, Flynn just says, "I'll give you a hint - that's Rapunzel." And she's always referred to as the "lost princess" by people in the kingdom, and never Rapunzel.
I think Rapunzel is the name Mother Gothel gave her, not the king and queen.
Yeah, the birthday thing occurred to me as well. Gothel is exceptionally arrogant and only seemed vaguely aware that Rapunzel was making a connection between the lanterns and her birthday. She seemed very convinced that Rapunzel was completely in the dark about pretty much everything. So I guess she was just being really careless.StuBurns said:Good point, they don't outright say her name is Rapunzel, but her birthday is certainly unchanged. I feel like a scene is missing where they identify her, at the end a servant walks in and gives the parents and nod of affirmation before they come out and see her.
It's Disney's policy of taking their most popular movies out of print for a long period of time before re-releasing them. Don't worry about Tangled - it's not going to be vaulted any time soon. It mainly applies to the Disney animated films that are more than a decade old.About this 'Vault' thing, what is that about? How long do I have to buy Tangled before it disappears?
Good point, from the tower it's apparently too far to see what they really are, she could have just assumed Rapunzel would never care enough to wonder what they are.BertramCooper said:Yeah, the birthday thing occurred to me as well. Gothel is exceptionally arrogant and only seemed vaguely aware that Rapunzel was making a connection between the lanterns and her birthday. She seemed very convinced that Rapunzel was completely in the dark about pretty much everything. So I guess she was just being really careless.
This seems really bizarre to me, although I guess it makes the releases more notable. I imagine I'll end up buying Tangled day one anyone, in the UK it's the same release date as Black Swan so I was thinking of leaving it a few months, but I'm actually less keen to see Black Swan again.BertramCooper said:It's Disney's policy of taking their most popular movies out of print for a long period of time before re-releasing them. Don't worry about Tangled - it's not going to be vaulted any time soon. It mainly applies to the Disney animated films that are more than a decade old.
i thought it was ok, not the best pixar movie ,but not the worst it was just ok IMO.Llyranor said:Is Cars that bad? I keep hearing bad things about it, but with the sequel coming out, I'm wondering whether I should give it a view.
Its actually pretty enjoyable. Better than most of Dreamworks' output. Just keep your expectations low.Llyranor said:Is Cars that bad? I keep hearing bad things about it, but with the sequel coming out, I'm wondering whether I should give it a view.
Llyranor said:Is Cars that bad? I keep hearing bad things about it, but with the sequel coming out, I'm wondering whether I should give it a view.
By no means is Cars bad. By any normal standards, it's a solid film.Llyranor said:Is Cars that bad? I keep hearing bad things about it, but with the sequel coming out, I'm wondering whether I should give it a view.
Cars is great. Cool characters. Sadly, the voices of two of them are now dead (George Carlin and Paul Newman).Llyranor said:Is Cars that bad? I keep hearing bad things about it, but with the sequel coming out, I'm wondering whether I should give it a view.
speculawyer said:Anyone have the UPC for the incredibles handy? The $10 coupon is now up.
Fake edit: here it is: 786936244250
Real Edit: I guess I'm behind on things.
Complaint . . . why isn't The Incredibles in 3D? I'd like all the future Pixar releases to be released in 3D. I guess they found a way to double dip with Blu-Rays.
Llyranor said:Is Cars that bad? I keep hearing bad things about it, but with the sequel coming out, I'm wondering whether I should give it a view.