We're in the same boat. The fucked up thing is I was really close to preordering that set and decided to hold off because I didn't have the funds at the time.WordAssassin said:One thing that just infuriates me about the Disney Treasures sets, is that I have the first 3 of Donald cartoons, and they made a SUPER low run of the 4th set, and EOL'd it really fast, so I'm missing the final set. My dad and I are SO pissed. Shitloads of the first 3 volumes on store shelves to this day, but Volume 4 is GONE. Rage.
The Treasure sets I have:
Chronological Donald 1-3
On the Front Lines (War Time toons and various propaganda films)
Disneyland: Secrets, Stories, & Magic (so good)
Complete Goofy (UK release bought for like $8 shipped from Amazon UK)