Cinderella has the usual gorgeous animation of Golden Age Disney but as a movie I found it to be dull. The movie has a claustrophobic feel to it due to how most of the movie takes place in the home. And for someone that's supposedly tormented she's sure cheery; the happy ending(which is wrapped up too fast) isn't as satisfying for this reason.
Even my sister commented on how the movie seemed better when she was a kid. I'd trade the movie in to Amazon but I can only get .10c for it haha. I'm going to see if the extra features can redeem the disc for me.
Also, this has the worst Second Screen feature so far. I'm usually a fan of these as you can catch more glimpses of behind the scenes material but it's a complete waste of time here. All you get are little animations and mini-games with no purpose and that never end. Very lame Disney.
I'm sure someone here would buy it from you for a decent price.