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The Disney Blu-ray Thread: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Vault

I was in a local store and I saw Cinderella is 'available for a limited time only'. Is this bullshit because I swear it's been there for a good 6 months now. This is in Australia though, if that makes any difference.
I was in a local store and I saw Cinderella is 'available for a limited time only'. Is this bullshit because I swear it's been there for a good 6 months now. This is in Australia though, if that makes any difference.

Technically, everything is available for a limited time only. For Disney, that means a couple of years.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
How can anyone be on the fence about Beauty and the Beast?

I saw it recently in theaters in 3d. It's a beautiful movie, but it's not that interesting, and it's got a ton of problems with it that's never addressed, and that's not even including the Stockholm stuff.

Why did the wealthy Prince open the door? He's an important member of royalty, so his servants should have done that.
Why did the Enchantress curse him for not letting her stay? He's royalty. He had no reason to trust her.
He begs for forgiveness, but she curses him anyways, so she's spiteful.
Why was Chip not aged, but the Beast was? Was Cheap made as a teacup and ... then turned into a human boy?
Why did the Enchantress curse the servants? What did they do wrong?
Why did she specify that he had to find his true love and it had to be female? What if he was gay?

Seriously, fuck that movie. It's pretty, and the Gaston song is great, but it's full of so much bullshit from the original story that was never fixed.


napkin dispenser
I get my copy of Tigger Movie next week! =D



I saw it recently in theaters in 3d. It's a beautiful movie, but it's not that interesting, and it's got a ton of problems with it that's never addressed, and that's not even including the Stockholm stuff.

Why did the wealthy Prince open the door? He's an important member of royalty, so his servants should have done that.
Why did the Enchantress curse him for not letting her stay? He's royalty. He had no reason to trust her.
He begs for forgiveness, but she curses him anyways, so she's spiteful.
Why was Chip not aged, but the Beast was? Was Cheap made as a teacup and ... then turned into a human boy?
Why did the Enchantress curse the servants? What did they do wrong?
Why did she specify that he had to find his true love and it had to be female? What if he was gay?

Seriously, fuck that movie. It's pretty, and the Gaston song is great, but it's full of so much bullshit from the original story that was never fixed.

These are pretty much nitpicks. Does it really matter or that much or detract from the movie? Not that BATB is a perfect movie but I think these criticisms are unfair.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
These are pretty much nitpicks. Does it really matter or that much or detract from the movie? Not that BATB is a perfect movie but I think these criticisms are unfair.

It absolutely does. The entire point of the movie is to learn to love the Beast because he's the same inside as everyone else. Well, why would I hate him initially when I realize he's been dealt a very poor hand for no particular reason? Like, hey, childhood being robbed from you makes you kind of cranky. Any social worker could tell you that.


Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
How can anyone be on the fence about Beauty and the Beast?

I like it less every time I see it. I pretty much hate it now.
but I still bought it on Blu... twice
The stage musical resolves the thing with the prince being turned into a beast as a boy thing by not mentioning his age, only that he was cursed for ten years. It also implies that everyone's age was frozen, which would explain Chip. I don't usually forgive plotholes when they're dealt with in other media, but there you go.

Still love B&TB even if the enchantress is kind of a jerk.

Also, the original release of the movie said "If the Beast could love someone, and someone could love him in return, the spell would be broken." Disney changed it because parents complained (gasp) about the ambiguity of the language.


I was in a local store and I saw Cinderella is 'available for a limited time only'. Is this bullshit because I swear it's been there for a good 6 months now. This is in Australia though, if that makes any difference.
Even if it's available for two years before disappearing, that's still "a limited time".
Snow White is certainly A+ tier. especially considering it is 75 years old. It's production alone makes it a staggering achievement that created an industry and changed Hollywood forever.

I'd put Alice up there too as one of the all time Disney classics.

What is it about Finding Nemo, Wall-E, Toy Story, Monsters Inc. that makes them probable classics? And what are the missing tangibles in Pochahontas, Hunchback, Hercules, etc that is keeping them from gaining the classic status the way that Mermaid through Lion King were able to achieve so early after their release? I remember watching Wall-E and getting that "it" feeling that I got from seeing American Beauty in the theaters for the first time. I never cared for Monsters Inc., but I'm not blind to its qualities either.


For me, nothing really. I much prefer Pocahontas, Hunchback and Hercules to WALL-E and Finding Nemo though I'm well aware that it's a minority opinion.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
For me, nothing really. I much prefer Pocahontas, Hunchback and Hercules to WALL-E and Finding Nemo though I'm well aware that it's a minority opinion.

You're not alone. To me, Toy Story 1 and Incredibles are the only Pixar movies I'd consider classics.


I have it VHS and I remember loving it as a child. I just don't know if it still holds up.
All the Disney films hold up. The ones that don't weren't actually that well received in the first place.
For me, nothing really. I much prefer Pocahontas, Hunchback and Hercules to WALL-E and Finding Nemo though I'm well aware that it's a minority opinion.
Wall-E has always been over-rated. It's an absolutely beautiful first act but then it becomes Goofy Fat People Who Have The Typical Pixar Character Quirks In Space.

UP! followed this trend by compressing that beautiful first act into a beautiful ten minutes instead.


Sailor Stevenson
What is it about Finding Nemo, Wall-E, Toy Story, Monsters Inc. that makes them probable classics? And what are the missing tangibles in Pochahontas, Hunchback, Hercules, etc that is keeping them from gaining the classic status the way that Mermaid through Lion King were able to achieve so early after their release? I remember watching Wall-E and getting that "it" feeling that I got from seeing American Beauty in the theaters for the first time. I never cared for Monsters Inc., but I'm not blind to its qualities either.

eh, I put Pocahantas in the classic / golden era. But at that point is on a decline. There is an intangible factor there that is hard to describe, but it may come down to just having a lot of heart. Nothing is really wrong with those movies, they just don't strike that perfect magical note. Herc / Hunchback / Poca don't ever quite make you go "damn I've never seen anything like this before" the way you felt when you saw Mermaid/Aladdin/Lion King. I think half of it is those movies never felt quite as epic either. Hercules maybe could've been the closest but was almost too goofy.

In terms of the pixar films:

Toy Story certainly did, and is as revolutionary in its own way as Snow White was.

Nemo has tons of heart and is probably in my top three Pixar flicks. The creatures and underwater animation is stunning. The whole thing is wonderfully cohesive with great performances, it's touching, it's gorgeous.

Wall-E did by being completely bold and making a movie without much dialog, especially early. It's risky, but it paid off.

The scene that pushed Monsters Inc. into the classic category from me, was the door chasing sequence at the end. it's this perfect illustration of 3D animation beginning to take over, and they do it there by taking one of animation's oldest tropes, the chase scene in the hallway with all the doors, and completely turning it on its head for a new generation. Utterly brilliant.


Mermaids overrated its in classic status due to its songs

I think Hercules belongs in the classics list tbh it was a Greek Aladdin and had charming characters story and music I think poncho trying to be uber serious killed some 90s Disney steam

Mulan is classic too IMO god know she's whored out in the princess line


So, I'm having non-buyer's remorse about missing the vaulted classics. Is it worth paying Amazon prices for stuff like Snow White, or would I be better off just waiting for them to roll back around?
So, I'm having non-buyer's remorse about missing the vaulted classics. Is it worth paying Amazon prices for stuff like Snow White, or would I be better off just waiting for them to roll back around?

You're probably going to be waiting a very long time, unfortunately. Five years, minimum, and probably much longer. The Snow White DVD came out in 2001; the Blu-ray didn't come out until 2009.

I'd say it's worth it, but I'm a Disney nerd, so take that for what it's worth.


So, I'm having non-buyer's remorse about missing the vaulted classics. Is it worth paying Amazon prices for stuff like Snow White, or would I be better off just waiting for them to roll back around?
Which ones have you missed for definite? They usually stick around for two years in circulation.

If it isn't many, I say bite the bullet and pay out of your ass, then make sure you never miss another one again.


It's odd seeing talk about Pixar classics with no mention of Ratatouille, which is my favorite Pixar flick.

When Ego takes his bite at the end with the flash back, really hits hard for me.


So, I'm having non-buyer's remorse about missing the vaulted classics. Is it worth paying Amazon prices for stuff like Snow White, or would I be better off just waiting for them to roll back around?
Snow White is $55, Sleeping Beauty is $40 on amazon(US). Don't know where you're from. Get them. There's one Sleeping Beauty left in stock according to what I just saw. You'll pay roughly twice as much for them if you had bought them w/o coupon on day one, but if it's digging at you that much it will be worth it.


Sailor Stevenson
It's odd seeing talk about Pixar classics with no mention of Ratatouille, which is my favorite Pixar flick.

When Ego takes his bite at the end with the flash back, really hits hard for me.

Honestly, I think every Pixar film is pretty much a classic besides:

Cars / Cars 2 (though these are both fun, and as good as Dreamworks general films)
Bug's Life
Toy Story sequels (though these are near-classics too, esp. TS2)

I have yet to see Brave, I know I know, pull my Disney fan card. Was out of the country when it came out and summer was just ridiculous so I never got to it. Blu-ray is pre-ordered and it'll get a proper screening at home


It's odd seeing talk about Pixar classics with no mention of Ratatouille, which is my favorite Pixar flick.
I gave up trying to convince people why Ratatouille was Pixar's greatest artistic achievement years ago. They just see superheroes or vintage toys and let their nostalgia get in the way.


The bonus material on Snow White is insane. Just found Steamboat Willie on disc two and watched it for the first time....I thought that it would be primative and unamusing, but it was glorious. Mickey is a hilarious asshole in that one.
The bonus material on Snow White is insane. Just found Steamboat Willie on disc two and watched it for the first time....I thought that it would be primative and unamusing, but it was glorious. Mickey is a hilarious asshole in that one.

Early Mickey is a totally awesome little piece of shit. But then he morphed into a generic corporate mascot, while Donald Duck took over the role of resident asshole.
It's odd seeing talk about Pixar classics with no mention of Ratatouille, which is my favorite Pixar flick.

When Ego takes his bite at the end with the flash back, really hits hard for me.

I did not like Ratatouille from the outset. The premise of a rat becoming a Parisian chef didn't interest me, and even after seeing the movie, my opinion didn't change. My least favorite Pixar movie.
I think I got most of the movies I wanted that are out so far (from main line skipped Fantasia and Pinocchio, also skipping aristocrats, will probably grab rescuers 1&2), on the fence for Pochahontas, Fox and the Hound, and LatT though. I don't remember them well enough to recall if worth grabbing (yes I'm completely ignoring the inclusion of Pochahontas 2)
Early Mickey is a totally awesome little piece of shit. But then he morphed into a generic corporate mascot, while Donald Duck took over the role of resident asshole.
Really glad they're gonna be taking him back to his roots in the coming months/years. Selfish dick Mickey is my favorite Mickey. I don't think he'll revert all the way but he'll certainly be better than he is now.


Picked up Pete's Dragon yesterday at Best Buy for $12.99 using one of those Upgrade & Save coupons. I've never seen it and I'm not a huge fan of the live action/animated match-up, but we'll see how it goes. And for that price, I couldn't resist.
Can you guys tell me if I got a fake Fox and the Hound blu-ray? It came without a slip cover, without any inserts, the two dvd copies of the films sit on top of one another in the case, and the center of the blu-ray disc seems strange.

I can post more pics if needed. I bought it used on Amazon in "like new" condition.

edit: crap, the photos look huge. how do i resize them for you all so it doesn't take up so much space? ok. did that fix the photos?


Can you guys tell me if I got a fake Fox and the Hound blu-ray? It came without a slip cover, without any inserts, the two dvd copies of the films sit on top of one another in the case, and the center of the blu-ray disc seems strange.




I can post more pics if needed. I bought it used on Amazon in "like new" condition.

crap, the photos look huge. how do i resize them for you all so it doesn't take up so much space?

Quote for size.


remember me
Can you guys tell me if I got a fake Fox and the Hound blu-ray? It came without a slip cover, without any inserts, the two dvd copies of the films sit on top of one another in the case, and the center of the blu-ray disc seems strange.

I can post more pics if needed. I bought it used on Amazon in "like new" condition.

edit: crap, the photos look huge. how do i resize them for you all so it doesn't take up so much space? ok. did that fix the photos?

I can check when I get home, but I'm pretty sure the DVDs came stacked like that on mine, which I got direct from the Disney Blu-ray club. I remember thinking it was odd. That its missing the inserts and slipcover is not unusual for a used copy.
That's just how Disney is doing it because they're cheap. The DVD copies of both Rescuers movies are like that as well as the Pochohontas 1&2 DVDs. I'm sure Hunchback will follow suit.
Yikes, really? That is cheap. And, usually doesn't the inner circle of a DVD/Blu-ray usually have a silver-ish circle or something? Again, it just looks cheap so I don't know if this is a copy or not.


Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
That's what the discs and case are supposed to look like.
Mine has a slip case but I bought it close to release. They start leaving them off after a few months. It's quite possible yours never had a slipcase, but they also could have sold it separately. There's a market for that.
And the inserts were just the Disney Movie Rewards code and an ad for Blu-ray 3D
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