Blargh! My only BluRay player is my PS3. Hopes, dashed.You create an account on their site and they ship it to you. Shipping to North America is cheap. Most people who still buy Blu Rays pick up a great deal from them, as most UK BR discs are region free. (Although these Ghibli ones are not. You'll need a region free BR player, or a PC BR player and use BD Region Tray to change your region settings on the fly)
Disney dub. Who watches Ghibli dubbed though? =/
Disney dub. Who watches Ghibli dubbed though? =/
Nah, TLM doesn't have an official date yet.Looks like Little Mermaid 3D has an official release date of Sep 13:
Btw, how was Monster Inc 3D? I'm only going because it's only a $1 with my movie money but I was still interested in thoughts. I think I'm going to wait on Little Mermaid 3D until it comes out for home as 3D does look better on my TV (unless there is another deal like this one...maybe with Wreck-It-Ralph?).
fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuThink Aladdin got pushed to 2014 to make way for Peter Pan.
me want Aladin 3 movie box art
I'm not sure about that. From what I heard that Aladdin isn't Diamond Edition, but I could be wrong tho.
That's Disney for you.It wasn't going to be at first. Then it was announced earlier this year as one. Now, who knows.
With all this talk, we still haven't heard anything on Jungle Book!
How do they even decide on what is a Diamond Edition? It seems fairly arbitrary. Aladdin's DVD release was a Platinum Edition so I think it's a safe bet it will get a Diamond Edition.
How do they even decide on what is a Diamond Edition? It seems fairly arbitrary. Aladdin's DVD release was a Platinum Edition so I think it's a safe bet it will get a Diamond Edition.
Aladdin had a crappy encoding, so it was deserved.Problem is that I heard that Disney weren't happy with Aladdin's sales (as Platinum) I can't give out the source but I remembered several people were discussing about it. I think I read that in this thread or Blu Ray thread someone else linked to.
Where is a A Goofy Movie![]()
Disney dub. Who watches Ghibli dubbed though? =/
Currently sitting at 850 reward points. Enough for a blu ray.
Or, I could wait and save up to 1500 and get this bad boy:
Much, much better cover.
A little OT, but does anyone know if the Disney Store usually stocks products to correspond with the release of the Blu Ray? Just saw that they added new Peter Pan stuff and I would love to get some Atlantis or Brother Bear plushes. Lol
Dang. I knew it would be a long shot with titles like that. Guess I'll have to do some searching online....They do indeed. With catalogue titles like Atlantis and such though I think the chances are slim to none that you'll see any new product produced. Top tier titles like Lion King, Monsters Inc, etc. tend to get the new merch produced for the Disney Store and Disney Parks around the time the blu ray is released.
List price on Amazon for some of the blurays is $45-55? Fuck right off. Ridiculous.
Saw great condition blu's for Brave and Lady/Tramp for $15 each at a local game store in Toronto. Probably should have bitten.
That is one seriously ugly box. The base artwork is the same but... well, look what they've done to it!I would suggest importing the five disc with the same artwork from North America.
Are Canadian releases the same as American releases?
What exactly are you getting all huffy about? It's never sold at list price by amazon, it's been like that for pretty much forever.
Uggh, I hate how I stop following these for so long and then all of a sudden a heap have been released and I'm behind again.
I'll have to go investigate to see which ones I own and don't own.
I'll start reminding you in pop gaf when new releases come out!
I thought he was talking about Sleeping Beauty and Snow White when I read before. Those are OOP, and have been for years, so yeah the price is going to go up.
Didn't read like that at all, seemed to suggest that amazon was gouging people because the list price is high but they never charge list price... Was just weird because amazon actually has a "list price" but it doesn't really mean anything. If I misunderstood than I misunderstood but it seems oddly worded if that's the case.
That is one seriously ugly box. The base artwork is the same but... well, look what they've done to it!
I also don't really like the original Tron. It's just dated. Much as I suspect Tron Legacy will be dated in 30 year's time, too.
Here's a photo of mine. It's lenticular, so it looks really great in person.
Atlantis is also coming out same day 3-12-13 too with an awesome cover:
(sorry for small pic, high quality one isn't available yet)
Ahh I've been looking for this set everywhere this Boxing Week but it seems like it's sold out everywhere now. Had to settle for Legacy alone (not bad since it was $15, but Tron Classic was nowhere to be found, either).![]()
No, you're right. The second part of my post wasn't directed at you. I was just stating why the prices are so high now.
I just watched the original again last night. It's so much better the second time around. (Yes, I admit I had only watched it once before, the day I bought the Blu)