Just to followup on this, if any of you are interested...
I completed my first membership today. My average price per BD was higher than what it could have been, but only because I decided to buy 3D titles as my commitments. In the end, I got the following for a total of $91.24, or an average of $10.14 a BD...
-Brave 3D
-Monsters Inc. 3D
-Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind
-The Nightmare Before Christmas 3D
-The Rescuers: 35th Anniversary Edition
-The Secret World of Arrietty
-UP 3D
-Whisper of the Heart
-Wreck-It-Ralph 3D
In addition to the above, I also got this exclusive Dumbo plush for free for ordering two combo packs at the same time (MI3D and WIR3D, my commitment titles)...
So in the end I got five Disney 3DBD titles, three Studio Ghibli BDs, another Disney BD combo pack that goes for up to $30 on Amazon depending on the day, and the Dumbo plush for $91.24. Heck, if you count the plush in the average it ended up being $9.12 an item.
You can't beat that anywhere! I'll be canceling my membership once WIR shows up in the mail later this week, then signing up once again for another round.
So has anyone done the 5 Blu-rays for $5? If so, what is the deal? Anything I have to pay for? Any catch?
When do you usually get the monthly email offer you have to accept/decline? I've gotten some emails from them, but nothing to accept/decline yet. I'm getting a little antsy as I don't want to be stuck paying for something I don't want.
Damn, sounds like a great deal. That means you basically get 8 blu-rays for about 90 dollars? Might wait a few weeks to do it, but that is so tempting.I did it a few months ago just search this thread or go back a few pages for details. You do have to buy 3 full price Blu's over the next 2 years but I think it's worth it. When you sign up you can usually get a deal on the first one so it's really only two at full price. If you need to get caught up or start a Disney collection it's great.
Hunchback and Mulan are about to come out on bluray? SOLD
Any word on Hercules?
no idea, but it was shown in HD last year ish... and it looked great so maybe next year? the US still needs Tarzan and One Hundred and One Dalmatians
When do you usually get the monthly email offer you have to accept/decline? I've gotten some emails from them, but nothing to accept/decline yet. I'm getting a little antsy as I don't want to be stuck paying for something I don't want.
It usually comes in the first week of the month. Don't be worried, you can check for yourself at any time by logging into the site. As soon as you log in you'll see near the top or so letting you know if you need to decline or not. Mine for this month is up now - "YOUR FEATURED TITLE The Hunchback Of Notre Dame 2-Movie Collection Blu-ray Combo Pack + Brother Bear 2-Movie Collection Blu-ray Combo Pack Respond before 04/02/13"
As long as you cancel your account in and out quickly, you shouldn't have to decline more than once or twice a membership, unless you keep an account open instead of closing it out ASAP.
Do they lock up digital releases as well, like remove them from iTunes?
Wait, what coupon?
Man, I'm getting sick of dealing with needing to be at Target when they open because they only stock two copies that will be gone if you try to get it later. I went at lunch and on the way home to two different Targets and they were cleaned out. This always happens when there's a Disney coupon.
Targets around here are usually fine for the first day. You just have to hit the two places the discs usually are, which is usually the front cash area or the kids DVD section. And if those places are empty, asking a clerk if they have more usually works. They just put out limited numbers here instead of the giant displays of yesteryear.
Did that, but both Targets were completely cleaned out up front, in the movie section and confirmed out of stock with raincheck tags from the clerk for all versions of the Blu Ray. This isn't the first time I've tried to grab something and had to go to multiple Targets and not having any luck. It always seems to be when there are coupons involved. It's starting to get annoying around here.
Jesus, that is crazy. My Target still had a stack left at around 10:40 last night when I went in.
I would have gotten the movie if I had a printer that worked to print the coupon. Wish they would take it off a smart phone.
Just a heads up to Ausgaf that all Disney/Pixar BDs are buy 1 get 1 free until the 10th. Picked up the Hunchback of Notre Dame and Mulan for a total of $20. They both include the sequels which I've never seen but I'm assume they're both exceedingly terrible?
But they do otherwise take them off iTunes if you don't purchase them?If you purchase them they dont
Haven't watched either of them but Hunchback 2 is generally regarded to be a steaming pile of shit and on of the worst DTV sequels. Mulan 2 is pretty lowly regarded too.
Is it odd that Atlantis still isn't properly up on Amazon?
Are Disney VHS tapes worth anything these days? My wife just brought a box home full of them from her Mom's place and we were just going to take them to Goodwill.
I give up; it's impossible to buy a 3D copy of Wreck It Ralph in the Bay Area. All Targets are out, all Best Buys are out, Fry's doesn't carry any version. I can't believe it's this hard to find.
Even the Little Mermaid penis cover sells for less than $4.
I think something's definitely odd. I wanted just the regular blu so I had no problems but when i bought mine i noticed the Target here had no 3D copies either. I've never seen that before.
Says I've already printed the Wreck It Ralph coupon the max times. I installed the coupon printer and had to restart chrome. When I go back it said the above, WTF.
I give up; it's impossible to buy a 3D copy of Wreck It Ralph in the Bay Area. All Targets are out, all Best Buys are out, Fry's doesn't carry any version. I can't believe it's this hard to find.
It's not everyday one can get a da1 disney 3D blu-ray release for $21-$22 dollars (I payed $20.58 w/tax included bc of the coupon and a toysrus pre-order card).
It's not everyday one can get a da1 disney 3D blu-ray release for $21-$22 dollars (I payed $20.58 w/tax included bc of the coupon and a toysrus pre-order card).