I think my biggest gripe is that loot doesn't seem to stay on the ground for long. Sometimes you just don't have time to pick it up when you're in the midst of a frantic firefight.
I'd like to hear them talk about it at some point. It's annoying to have something at a vendor in the base of operations and when you sign back in, it's gone and replaced with something else. Right now, it's my biggest issue with the game.
Yup. Pissing me off i get punished for people running in front of my machine gun while im seconds away from killing a rogue.
Yeah. SLI is still broken. In the previous beta, you need to disable local reflections and restart the game for it to work. That no longer works.
Ha! The Darkzone is such a shit show. I've taken to hanging around extraction points with my scoped M1A and watching the groups of people waiting for the shit rats inevitably to go rogue.
Sometimes I extract some garbage ass piece of loot just to attract them. Then rain unholy hell on them. Like flies to shit lol.
Ugh, loving the beta so far but torn whether to get this on PC or PS4.
Worried about the cheating on PC but it plays so well with KB+M. No cheating on PS4, easier to just pick and play.
Tried many times to kill the flamethrower boss in sub way morgue by myself, just couldn't do it
Yeh, it's a bit of a joke. There was quite alot of discussion here at the time during the CB about it...I was hoping they would do something to fix it for the open beta but it doesn't look like they have, hopefully for the final version (but I wouldn't hold your breath)
imo all it does is create a gulf between the casual players and more hardcore players who exploit it.
Tried many times to kill the flamethrower boss in sub way morgue by myself, just couldn't do it
Tried many times to kill the flamethrower boss in sub way morgue by myself, just couldn't do it
Ugh, loving the beta so far but torn whether to get this on PC or PS4.
Worried about the cheating on PC but it plays so well with KB+M. No cheating on PS4, easier to just pick and play.
I had soooooo much fun with my friend in the beta that we're both going to buy the game. Before we tried it we were both 100% that we wouldn't but man, coop worked its magic again. If I were solo I'd probably have my doubts but being able to experience the entire game like this (tacticool and shit) in coop with a good friend is just amazing.
One question though - is the second mission (subway) restricted to normal difficulty? I was lvl 8 and he was 7 at the time we've tried it and there was no way to bring up the hard difficulty like we could for the hospital mission - which was great btw, I really think that hard should be the default setting for parties, it's so much more fun.
This is what I hate. Waiting ages for the extraction chopper only to have two groups come along and steal all the spots on the rope. It's garbage.Yes, as long as there is space on the rope.
In the Beta there is no hard for the that mission. The Dev's in an article I read earlier said all missions with have selectable difficulty levels, so in the final you should be good to go.
Getting some major delays in response times. Enemy shots registering several seconds after hitting them, and then I get damn near all my HP taken out in a split second out of nowhere.
Tried many times to kill the flamethrower boss in sub way morgue by myself, just couldn't do it
I really want a marksman rifle/sniper. Any place to get it right now in the beta?
I really want a marksman rifle/sniper. Any place to get it right now in the beta?
I really want a marksman rifle/sniper. Any place to get it right now in the beta?
Any words on cheating on PC?
They've made some adjustment and prevention to cheating for this beta, right?
Is the client for the closed beta the same as the open or do I need to re-download?
I made a PS4 community group for DivisionGAF about a week ago. We've got some members in there already but I'd love to see the group get bigger so that we can always have another resource for finding people to play missions with, getting squads together for the Dark Zone, etc.
If those of you who are playing on PS4 are interested, here's how to find it:
I'll try and accept any requests as soon as I get them, and feel free to send me a friend request (PSN: hydruxxo) too!
- Go to the Friends tab on your PS4.
- Search for 'hydruxxo' in the PSN search. Scroll down to my communities and select 'DivisionGAF'
- Send a request to join, and you're good to go
Update. I got SLI to work better by adding the beta thedivision.exe file into The Division profile with Nvidia Inspector.Something definitely aint right. If SLI is working as well as people say it is (99% per card), I should easily be seeing 60 FPS at 3440x1440. Instead it's 35-40. A touch higher indoors. I even have AO, reflections, and a few other settings turned down a notch.
Is the client for the closed beta the same as the open or do I need to re-download?
Yeh, it's a bit of a joke. There was quite alot of discussion here at the time during the CB about it...I was hoping they would do something to fix it for the open beta but it doesn't look like they have, hopefully for the final version (but I wouldn't hold your breath)
imo all it does is create a gulf between the casual players and more hardcore players who exploit it.
I'm having a ton of fun with this game but the UI seems like a cluttered mess to me.
Something definitely aint right. If SLI is working as well as people say it is (99% per card), I should easily be seeing 60 FPS at 3440x1440. Instead it's 35-40. A touch higher indoors. I even have AO, reflections, and a few other settings turned down a notch.
I'm having a ton of fun with this game but the UI seems like a cluttered mess to me.
Thankfully like most modern Ubisoft games you can change what you want to see in the UI through the settings menu.
Smh. The "cluttered mess" post again. I thought this had ended when people realized they could change it in the options menu.
Same client + a patch.