Playing on the XB1, and I am getting this every 5-10 minutes right now:
"The division services are not available at this time. Please try again later. Delta 20000950"
Seems to be happening to a few folks, and not to others, but this is basically crippling my play efforts. I have lost recently gained gear (come back extended magazine clip, COME BACK!), and certain map markers have vanished and I have to "rediscover" them a second or third time. I know there is "maintenance" tomorrow morning, but right now this game is not stable at all for me.
I had 2 problems in about 4-5 hours of game play yesterday when it was just XB1 people online with the beta, but today, it is way more problematic. In the closed beta, I had 3 problems TOTAL the entire time. Whatever they are doing right now, it seems to not want to work well on my end. So I got in what playtime I could today, and I will keep an eye for anything more about this. But it has doused my fun with the game somewhat. I get tired of being thrown out of the game, have to load it back up, walk maybe two or three blocks and then get thrown out again.
Also, is it me, or does it seem to be even more deserted than the Closed BETA? It seems there are less "random" encounters than before, but that could be because my data seems to keep getting reset today. It just feels like there is less going on than before to me.