MFW killing a 4 man group of Manhunt targets
Their reaction in chat
Wut?i feel like the dz is gonna be so unfair for people that cant play a lot like some people do
Not really. Now that I have played it I am not getting the Destiny comparisons at all. It honestly feels like it's own animal.
Basically, it's an online RPG that just so happens to be a cover shooter set in New York after society has broken down due to an outbreak. All that mixed with an area that allows for your choice of co-op or being a dick in almost a Dark Souls sort of fashion and you can make that choice whenever without having to summon or be summoned to do so. There is really nothing else like it.
This is like saying it's not fair because you don't have enough time to master the guitar or a sport.
Make the time if it's that important to you, if not, or you can't, that's life mang!
Yeah, there are a few places. Not exactly sure where they are though since I don't remember. I know there are a few in some of the interior spaces you can go into in PvE.
Destiny is the first thing that popped into my mind after spending time with the game. "open world" areas with instanced levels/zones within them that you can do solo or in a group, RPG elements, skills that you can use, bullet sponge enemies, and lots of loot. It's military third person destiny.
at least it has dark zone, but we'll see how that holds up over time.
don't get me wrong, I liked destiny, and this seems enjoyable minus some poor usability/ui quirks. I hope they improve it over time because i enjoyed my first run with it, I just question the longevity it will have for me.
DPS or "damage per second" takes basically everything into account, including reload Speed and such.
DPS is best used to compare two weapons of exactly the same type.
Like,you can't look at an assault rifle with 3000 DPS and a shotgun with 2500 DPS and say "the assault rifle is better!" because the delivery of their damage is entirely different.
use DPS to compare between the same types and use everything else to compare what you want. SMGs for example have Bonus crit, LMGs have huge magazines, sniper rifles have huge DMG per bullet, etc...
The more I play this, the less I like it. There does not seem to be much depth to it. Nothing in it is as engaging as Devils Lair was in the Destiny beta. AI seems terrible.
It means that in the long run it will be empty. Not many people can afford to spend the time needed, and the rest will move on to other games.Wut?
This is like saying it's not fair because you don't have enough time to master the guitar or a sport.
Make the time if it's that important to you, if not, or you can't, that's life mang!
I'm pretty sure he's questioning the viability of DZ as a whole if you're not able to spend your entire life grinding for the best loot. If you can't really compete, there's no point in playing and it's not fun. That would be like if the person who played Ryu for 300 hours did double damage hadukens. Sure, they might fight better because of practice but you're being double fucked and it's another advantage on top of an already sizable one (playtime/experience). It's the same issue that broke destiny for me. multiplayer in games like this should be about player skill, not just loot. so I feel like the concern is if you can't get decent loot, you're just going to get camped/trolled constantly and it will ruin the experience. Maybe that's how they want the game though, and that's fine. It's just going to turn some people away is all.
Being online with RPG elements is about as far as I can go when comparing the two. Destiny is fun and plays great for what it is, but at least The Division does not have light levels or any kind of bullshit like that to worry about. And with the DZ it is even more of a completely different beast.
The way the devs have described it, it seems like running into strangers in the DZ is not supposed to be a frequent occurrence so overgeared players shouldn't be such a major issue. I like the DZ but I do feel they need to dial up the PvE aspect of it a bit more.
ahh, really? okay. When I played last night i saw 1 pve enemy and maybe 25 players Lol. I kinda figured it was all PVP, I didn't realize the PVE factor was there at all.
The more I play this, the less I like it. There does not seem to be much depth to it. Nothing in it is as engaging as Devils Lair was in the Destiny beta. AI seems terrible.
I'm pleasantly surprised with this game. The AI isn't perfect, but it's not half bad. I love killing cleaners and shooting grenades out of dudes hands. Glad I went PC, I would hate this game on a console because I'd never be able to pull off the precise shots. Still not sure if I'm going to buy it. It's a fun game, but I'm not sure if it's going to hook me to warrant the $60 price and enviable DLC bullshit.
Last night I killed a guy that seemed to blow up for no reason. I made a video of it to slow it down to see what happened, decided to webm it to share.
He was about to throw a nade rofl and you killed him so he dropped it and it blew. Well done.
I came to the Division after playing Hearts of Stone in WC3. Feels like butta.
3.49 for a doughnut, wat
Anyone kinda feeling like the launch on PC is going to be a mess?
- Both betas now I've been unable to connect because of Mike or Delta errors. I can get around that with WTFast, but it's a bit worrying.
- Told my friends about the game and they all downloaded the beta excitedly, and not one of them can even get the game to launch because of random issues.
I just want to say, fuck all of the guys dug in that store in the DZ. They come down on top of you like a pack of wolves.
uhhhh this game is kinda amazing? Why did people try to sour this experience? It's actually really awesome.
uhhhh this game is kinda amazing? Why did people try to sour this experience? It's actually really awesome.
Boss★Moogle;195978707 said:I just started but man this game is ugly. I feel like I'm playing a 360 game. I never though Destiny was much of a looker either but man it looks way better than this.
Is this game running 720p with no AA, cause that' what it looks like. Even the text in the UI is full of jaggies. And even with that the models and textures look awful.
I don't mean to be a downer but I'm just really shocked. I haven't really followed this game since the reveal trailer that looked amazing, but apparently the downgrade is significant.
The Division is also a lot more of an RPG than Destiny. It's almost like Diablo.
Played the closed beta and sorta enjoyed it, but having to play the same stuff again has killed my enthusiasm entirely. Too much of this game just feels so blatantly mediore. The world which has been constructed in such detail ultimately feels completely empty, populated by repetitive and uninteresting AI, and even more repetitive and uninteresting enemies. On the whole though, it is simply empty. You can run down a road for hundreds of metres past masses of carefully crafted geometry and find literally nothing to do or care about.
The combat itself feels passable at best, and with all the difficulty in the game essentially deriving from armored enemies turning into bullet sponges, it's hard to feel remotely enthused when you're in a gunfight. If not from the shared world side of this game, it would be left in the dust by almost every third and first person shooter on the market. There's just so little variety to the weapons, the enemies, and the encounters. I'd never have imagined myself pining for the scant variety of Destiny's enemies and weapons, but its PVE content has The Divison trumped comfortably.
The game cries out for deeper combat mechanics, and the obvious question is why there are no proper stealth mechanics in the game. The Division would be an infinitely greater game if it took cues from The Last of Us in terms of its combat design. With good AI, scarce ammunition, and proper stealth mechanics, you can make realistic combat work, and you don't need to rely on making bosses into bullet sponges either. Instead, we've got the most run-of-the-mill third person shooter imaginable, set in an open world which is full of emptiness.
The only quality that I find in this game resides in the Dark Zone. There is no denying the excitement of seeing people and not knowing whether they are friend or foe. Yet, there is so little variety, at least in the beta, of things to do in the Dark Zone. The core mechanic of getting loot, and trying to get it out through the extraction zones is great... but neither the way you have to get that loot nor the loot itself is exciting at all. There's a reason that RPG style games tend to use a great deal of fantasy, and it's because getting a slightly better M4 isn't actually exciting.
There's clearly plenty of potential in The Division, and it is undeniably impressive from a technical point of view... but the actual design decisions that have been made here are a complete waste of that potential. I hope the full release brings something new to the table, but right now this feels like it will devolve very quickly into a repetitive loot grind.
I still cant believe how a open world game that is not even out yet looks so bad. Ubidowngrade ftw.
It looks bad even compared to last-gen GTA 5.
And it is really repetitive.
I pass, have fun with it everyone.