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The Division Open Beta Thread: Is it out yet?

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Beta DZ will be PvP clusterfuck like it was in closed beta, people just get bored of AI stuff and start going at it. I just would then mention to keep in mind that 25 players [DZ instance population cap] are forced to stay within in tiny, few blocks, area in beta. In full release that 25 players will be within whole DZ area. That is a lot area for 25 players so PvP will be rare occurrence, most likely.

I'm one of those "properly geared" players in open beta, I quite like putting those douches down and helping others to stay safe.

Where is the info about only 25 players in the Dark Zone at a time? As in the ENTIRE Dark Zone? Im still really on the fence about the game but that would push it to a no for me. I've been enjoying the high density of players in an area.

By the way - if you're solo how does one change DZ instances?


One thing I am curious about is once you get higher in level there won't be any point in hanging out in most of the map since areas are level capped. That will make the end game much smaller playable area wise. Did they mention how they plan to deal with this?
I agree, but lets see what the actual content is like, we only have like 2 story missions with this one.

I played about 5 hours last night and had an absolute blast with it. Love, love the UI and how fresh the game feels. Very tempted to get this day 1 for the right price.

Same here, really hope for a meaty SP story to beef up your character with tech, maybe exclusive loot for playing the campaign and finally hitting the..snitches, sell outs, trolls....= DARK ZONE lol.

..and the right price for this GOTY of the century is $59.99 sir.
One thing I am curious about is once you get higher in level there won't be any point in hanging out in most of the map since areas are level capped. That will make the end game much smaller playable area wise. Did they mention how they plan to deal with this?

DZ30 is its own unique DZ. They haven't elaborated beyond that. I assume new, tougher enemies, events, etc.


what does 'Death Location' on the map mean?...my last death location or some important NPC?...the game has the best depiction of snowfall ever...really gorgeous with the lighting...no wonder they call it the Snowdrop engine
what does 'Death Location' on the map mean?...my last death location or some important NPC?...the game has the best depiction of snowfall ever...really gorgeous with the lighting...no winder they call it the Snowdrop engine

Where you died. It's important in the DZ because some loot you drop can be private and only you can loot.


hopefully the map in the final game will be huge and the Dark Zone more populated then it is now...as it is now there's a lot of dead space where you are just running around with nothing to do looking for the next enemy NPC, Rogue or chopper extraction


make sure the pudding isn't too soggy but that just ruins everything
Where you died. It's important in the DZ because some loot you drop can be private and only you can loot.
Still dont understand how this works. I mean, it all goes in the bag, anything you loot from NPC or PC, I assumed it all hit the ground when you're killed.

Maybe if NPC's kill you, it's still private?


Still dont understand how this works. I mean, it all goes in the bag, anything you loot from NPC or PC, I assumed it all hit the ground when you're killed.

Maybe if NPC's kill you, it's still private?

you only get to pick up a small portion of the loot you were carrying when you died...they want to make the Dark Zone a high risk/high reward area


hopefully the map in the final game will be huge and the Dark Zone more populated then it is now...as it is now there's a lot of dead space where you are just running around with nothing to do looking for the next enemy NPC, Rogue or chopper extraction

Well the dark zone will be even more scarce come other players when the final game releases. 24 players to a DZ. The DZ will be huge.


So annoying to have to run back to your base to pick up loot. Why is this a thing? I understand needing to pick it up SOMEWHERE but I really can't pick it up at the entrance to the DZ or at least fast travel to the DZ?


So annoying to have to run back to your base to pick up loot. Why is this a thing? I understand needing to pick it up SOMEWHERE but I really can't pick it up at the entrance to the DZ or at least fast travel to the DZ?

yeah that is annoying...they have restock stations within the DZ so they should have a Stash location in there as well...I also don't like that there's no option to fast travel to any of the Dark Zone entrances...also why are there so many entrances where you can enter but then you are blocked off from exiting from that same location?
I'm, like, bugged. I have this red highlight on my character and I can travel outside the beta area without a timer lol Entering the DZ vendor in the red zone kicks me back out to the safe house.

Edit: Hmm if I go out too far Im kicked back the safe house. So there is a timer and it's slightly longer, but there isn't a warning. Weird.


Hey guys, any configuration for my i7 4790K + GTX 970? I want 60 fps but I'm just getting ~45~50 with everything at maximum in 1080p.
What should I tweak for minimum visual impact and get the extra 20 fps?
I had lots of fun over about 6 hours, missions and side missions were a blast, a few times I had the COD issue of pushing to far forward then being killed at the end of two of the missions.
I couldnt get others to do a mission with myself, just random events which was fine.
Dark Zone is didn't really like, would melt some people and others were walking tanks... Just wasn't fun for myself, I hope they have a few other options for multiplayer fun which arnt dumb tdm. I got to rank 5, I dunno like 30 kills? I think I only died like 6 times and 3 were from my team.

From other people performances, I think this game hates my AMD CPU, because 960 shouldn't be chugging this hard on medium.


Hey guys, any configuration for my i7 4790K + GTX 970? I want 60 fps but I'm just getting ~40-45 with everything at the maximum in 1080p.
What should I tweak for minimum visual impact and get the extra 20 fps?

I just went to the high preset on my 780ti and it looks awesome with stable 60.


I've played around 6 and a half hours according to the Uplay timer.
So far right now I don't think I'll be buying it. The DZ was pretty interesting but the rest of it was eh. It also doesn't help that performance was all over the place on PC (30-60 fps).

I'll wait for reviews of the full game.


I'm torn over wether to pickup the full game or not. I've not been to the DZ so can comment on that aspect...the game world is fabulous! So much detail, looks stunning, runs super well...don't mind the shooting mechanics but I'm not sure about how varied the SP missions could be.....I've only played this Beta for an hour or so and the closed beta for maybe 2 hours...Unlike the Destiny beta it's hard to get a feel for how it's going to turn out. Plus, with DS3 and U4 just around the corner, and then R&C this may have to wait.....


Hey guys, any configuration for my i7 4790K + GTX 970? I want 60 fps but I'm just getting ~45~50 with everything at maximum in 1080p.
What should I tweak for minimum visual impact and get the extra 20 fps?

I don't have the same set up but first thing I tweaked were the shadow quality settings and went from 50 to a solid 60.
Maybe try those first.
Man... how rare are keys? I'm rank 8 and I haven't had a single key drop. I lost the ones I started with thanks to my group going rogue and getting me killed :(

I feel like I'll never open one of these damn chests.


When the beta is over 3 more weeks of waiting...

I was able to get inside the DZ vendor that's in the red zone if I time it just right :D but he didn't have anything I wanted :(

Man... how rare are keys? I'm rank 8 and I haven't had a single key drop. I lost the ones I started with thanks to my group going rogue and getting me killed :(

I feel like I'll never open one of these damn chests.

If only we could transfer. I have, like, 20 of them.


The game is good so far but uplay is far worse than steam or origin. Not sure if I can stomach dealing with that shenanigans for this game.


did they add the Parkour Mode setting for the consoles?...the PC version has had it and it makes a huge difference with it enabled...

PC Exclusive Facts and Features

More than a PC port and improved UI navigation feature
Customizable UI. Move, scale and adjust the opacity of a good portion of the HUD.
Invite your Steam friends and import them into your Uplay friends list
Group text chat
No mod support
No cross-platform. Additional source.
Parkour mode to continuously leap over barriers
Feature to get lined up with where your teammates are located on the map
Mouse, keyboard and controller support
Unlocked framerate
Multi-monitor support for triple-screen setups
Multi-GPU support
Multi-resolution support: “opt for 1080p or 4k and automatically adapt the resolution to fit multi-screen configurations with FOV correction”
LED keyboard support
Partnership with Tobii and its eye-tracking technology
The Division’s Exclusive PC Features & Settings Unveiled
Customizable UI. Move, scale and adjust the opacity of a good portion of the HUD.
Parkour mode to continuously leap over barriers
Feature to get lined up with where your teammates are located on the map

Don't see why these are exclusive. The HUD options is something DICE did right with BF4 on consoles.


Heh heh heh don't trust GAF.


Beta impresions:

This is basically Destiny with a different skin. I mean that as a complement and an insult. The core mechanics are fantastic and the shooting feels great. There's the loot grind to grab hold of you and a fun PvP experience when playing with others. Crafting, bounties, resource hunting, side quests, etc. But a lot of things have me worried, keeping in mind it is just a beta.

If the entire aesthetic of the game is going to be streets with cars piled up, ruined multi-story apartments, and tunnels with broken down subways it's going to get tiresome. It already was in the beta after 10 hours. I can only run past so many ruined buildings and cars before they all become the same.

The enemies were just meat bags and had no interesting characteristics. The flamethrowers were fun to fight and that's about it. By the end I was pumping 2 clips of a submachine gun into one enemy before taking him down. Ugh. The story was forgettable the instant they started to tell it. The PvP while fun, is horribly imbalanced towards people playing in groups. Playing solo was often infuriating. But the whole thing was redeemed by a late night group of 4 goofing around in the Dark Zone. Sounds a lot like Destiny right?

All that being said I would pay $60 for what I played this weekend and 10+ more hours of content. It was a blast to play but if, as was the case with Destiny, the Beta is an indication of the entire experience it'll be disappointing.


I just got stuck on a staircase. Let me up past the garbage, won't let me out. That's what I get for exploring open world games LOL

My first game I took up a shooting position on the scaffold next to the Ops centre and slowly sank through the platform, and got stuck behind the support beams. Had to create a whole new character.

Have finished all the missions and am now about to enter the DZ...should I buddy up?


The enemies were just meat bags and had no interesting characteristics. The flamethrowers were fun to fight and that's about it. By the end I was pumping 2 clips of a submachine gun into one enemy before taking him down. Ugh.

Sounds like you need better loot tbh. Only bosses take me more than a clip (of my assault rifle) to down, and regular enemies go down with a few shots of my marksman rifle. It'd definitely get a lot less fun for me if I needed to spend two clips per enemy. How do you even survive the dark zone if you need to spend that much ammo on regular mobs?


Sounds like you need better loot tbh. Only bosses take me more than a clip (of my assault rifle) to down, and regular enemies go down with a few shots of my marksman rifle. It'd definitely get a lot less fun for me if I needed to spend two clips per enemy. How do you even survive the dark zone if you need to spend that much ammo on regular mobs?

Pre-context post Edit: I had all three weapons level 8 blue with a blue mod each and three level 8 armor pieces blue and all the rest green level 8. It wasn't a loot problem...

Not sure, that's the problem. I bought blue level 8 items from dark zone vendors and that was the result. Even the blue level 8 DZ M1A marksman rifle takes 3-4 rounds to finish off a level 8 purple (or blue can't tell). Forget a yellow elite enemy that'll take a clip of 10 head shots to the face. I guess my phrasing may have been wrong, standard mobs, as with Destiny, were never the problem, it was the elites and majors that just sucked down bullets.

The fact that the hard mode PvE mission had every enemy as purple and that same SMG that could take a standard enemy out no problem, took an entire clip+ to finish. Ugh. This is what was available to me. To be fair I made a tank build, most my stats went into Stamina. But by I was at 2700dps by the end. For a game that wants so badly to be about tactics, it's really just about brute force. Same problem as Destiny. You make a loot based game, difficulty becomes based on how good your loot is (or how much you've grinded, etc).

And for the record I'm one of the DGAF members that spent well over 500+ hours in the last year on Destiny. I'll still play the hell out of The Division, just sucks it'll have the same problems.


Ah yeah, I decided to focus more on dps, I have about 5000dps. That probably helps with the frustration :p

Is this game worth it is you only play solo campaign?

Hard to say, depends a lot on the amount of content at launch. I would generally say no though, because the game only really shines in co-op imo.


Game is struggling to let me on this morning, keep getting an error when trying to log in, then sometimes I'll get to the character screen and it'll kick me out after that :( sad times


So annoying to have to run back to your base to pick up loot. Why is this a thing? I understand needing to pick it up SOMEWHERE but I really can't pick it up at the entrance to the DZ or at least fast travel to the DZ?
I assumed that is so you get ported to a different server/get to play with different people (probably in case you're an annoying fuck, I guess -or people on your server are)


Hey, guys. I just found out there is going to be a midnight launch of The Division in my humble little town! Are you guys having a midnight launch somewhere else too? I am really excited, this will be my first midnight launch XD

Hype going through the roof!


Oh... Is that what they meant? I thought it was a mission specific to the open beta. Like made for it.

If it's just that mission... I guess I interperted what they meant by "exclusive" wrong.

Well you could be right as the mission/s to unlock the tech wing may change in the final game. So if it does, then that particular mission was indeed exclusive to the betas. Same goes for the Madison Hospital mission


Here's the tank I built btw. I could take A LOT of damage. So I could have certainly tweaked my gear to be more offensive, BUT I built it on playing DZ alone and needing that extra health to survive. This is all from DZ 1-7 and PvE 1-8 gear. I have a bunch of DZ 8-8 gear that I haven't even picked up yet (stupid system). Mostly just armor upgrades, no new good weapons.

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