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The Division Open Beta Thread: Is it out yet?

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You do some missions and one of them sends you to the DZ.

Pretty much every online/MMO focused game that has pub matchmaking, is just asking for trouble. The chance of getting bad players or utter jerks is pretty high.

I think if you like to Solo, then The Division might not be for you, since the meat of the game seems to come from DZ interactions.

I am playing solo and having a blast. It adds to the overall tension and risk/reward element. Sometimes I do great and other times I get killed and lose my loot. I see it as no different than Dark Souls in that regard.


Love reading about all these people that want to baby up the DZ.

Every time we killed someone last night they whined about it over voice chat. Its the whole point of the zone, to make you feel unsafe and add risk + reward. I just hope they don't listen to whiny ass people and change the DZ for the worst.



I need help


Got through the tutorial stuff and started getting nauseated in PS4. Not sure what is going on with games this year. I haven't had that problem since Fable 3 and this is the third game to do it to me this year.


Managed to sink a few hours into this yesterday - very impressed.

A couple of questions for people in the know though:

Do we know if this will have "instances" in the MMO sense? I liked coming across bosses in the DZ but are there more traditional dungeon type experiences planned?

Will there be missions and events in the DZ (like in the normal zones) or is it just NPCs and people in emergent, player driven stuff?

They're being very vague on "endgame" content for some reason.

The story missions seem to be the dungeon equivalent. They've mentioned an endgame 'challenge mode' for them, in addition to the hard mode that's available for the Madison Square Gardens mission in beta, which should be available for all of them at release (and I think the hard mode scales to player level, so should be useful all the way up to 30).

There are rumours about larger-group raid-style stuff too, but nothing concrete yet.

As far as DZ stuff goes, they've talked about there being activities and events in there, but again, nothing very specific yet.


Gold Member
Just got into a heavy snowstorm, pretty sure it was the first time but I noticed my character's entire posture changed when I was walking through the heavy wind and snow.

Amazing attention to detail.


Just got into a heavy snowstorm, pretty sure it was the first time but I noticed my character's entire posture changed when I was walking through the heavy wind and snow.

Amazing attention to detail.

The atmosphere is so thick you can't cut it with a knife.


Just got into a heavy snowstorm, pretty sure it was the first time but I noticed my character's entire posture changed when I was walking through the heavy wind and snow.

Amazing attention to detail.

It's also nice detail that when it's snowing more it starts to cover your backpack, shoulders and head :)


I think they said 12 missions. And as long as you are entertained in the Dark Zone.

I feel like the Dark Zone is a bit empty. I would like to have short missions there as well. Simply running around, looking for crates and enemies gets boring after a while in my opinion.


I think they said 12 missions. And as long as you are entertained in the Dark Zone.

They said more than 10 main missions and there will be a ton of side quests, plus the dark zone. Add to the fact that we are only seeing 22% of the entire map in the beta and it's safe to say that we will easily get our money's worth and then some.


They are using the cover on both sides to take those shots

Hmm... I haven't gotten my character to turn out from cover like that. Still would be way too cool and realistic for trained operative to take a knee for smaller profile and more stable aim, game can't handle that level of cool.



Love reading about all these people that want to baby up the DZ.

Who are these people?

Come the live version they need to be hunted down & shot. The whole DZ experience is about tension IMO - this is where the real anarchy happens!

Probably the same people who whine about driver assists in racing games. I'm an average player at best, but I still hew to 'git gud' as a principle in games.


Hey PC DivisionGAF, would you guys join and use a Discord server if I set one up? I set one up for CitizenGAF before and it might make it easier to coordinate GAF teams.
That M1a is ridiculous. I was excited when I picked it up since I own that gun in real life. It's gonna suck having to find it again when the game comes out. Got it relatively quick the other day.


Hmm... I haven't gotten my character to turn out from cover like that. Still would be way too cool and realistic for trained operative to take a knee for smaller profile and more stable aim, game can't handle that level of cool.

Perhaps we'll be pleasantly surprised in the release version =)
Hey PC DivisionGAF, would you guys join and use a Discord server if I set one up? I set one up for CitizenGAF before and it might make it easier to coordinate GAF teams.

Never used Discord, always use TS.

Wont say i wouldn't try it.
Would be easier for GAF groups.


That M1a is ridiculous. I was excited when I picked it up since I own that gun in real life. It's gonna suck having to find it again when the game comes out. Got it relatively quick the other day.

M1A's balancing is so bad and broken it's not even funny. Very high damage / bullet, very low to nonexistent vertical recoil, no horizontal recoil, fast fire rate and bullet spread recovery. This when compared to 20 or so years newer SCAR-H, only advantage SCAR-H has is larger mag and in every other aspect it's just a lot worse.

Devs really need rebalance DMR's.

Never used Discord, always use TS.

Wont say i wouldn't try it.
Would be easier for GAF groups.

Discord is superior to TS, imo.


Never used Discord, always use TS.

Wont say i wouldn't try it.
Would be easier for GAF groups.

TS was always my go-to before as well, but after using it for a while, I fell in love with Discord. Discord is by far the easiest to use, and most accessible VOIP service out there. I never exit it anymore. I mean, all you have to do to use it is have a Discord account, and click a url and BAM, you can chat.


Seriously? 12 missions? So only 10 more besides those 2 available on the beta? Can't be true.

This is the primary reason I am holding off buying at launch without knowing more.

We had a very similar experience with Destiny and I'm not going to assume there is more until I see it.

The devs said "more than 10 missions", which is a very specific number to reference. Even if it's 15 or so, having already played 2 of the missions makes me nervous for the final release.
I thought they were changing the amount you had to shoot an agent in the DZ before going rogue. I accidentally shot a guy one time during a firefight with literally ONE bullet. It forced me rogue and, in an act of attrition, I just stood still while people shot me.


This is the primary reason I am holding off buying at launch without knowing more.

We had a very similar experience with Destiny and I'm not going to assume there is more until I see it.

The devs said "more than 10 missions", which is a very specific number to reference. Even if it's 15 or so, having already played 2 of the missions makes me nervous for the final release.

If it is 12 Main Missions, that is about right for a SP campaign of sorts. Factor in the travel to mission, similar to what the 2 we have are like now but the later ones are probably more in-depth, especially once you get into the instance. 12 Missions of about 15mins or so, plus add in the difficulty/group factor, that's a few hours of straight campaign. Thrown in the side missions and all the other bits plus DZ. (I am sure they will have DZ focused missions)


Tried it out and played for about 4 hours, it's honestly better than what I expected and I'll keep an eye on the game. Even though this genre isn't usually my cup of tea I still managed to enjoy it.


They said more than 10 main missions and there will be a ton of side quests, plus the dark zone. Add to the fact that we are only seeing 22% of the entire map in the beta and it's safe to say that we will easily get our money's worth and then some.

Wow, uh...that's a bit concerning. I'll probably still get the game for coop alone but man, that sounds really light on content if true.

Xaero Gravity

I have a feeling some people are going into this not understanding the fact that these type of loot driven games are all about repetition and getting the best loot. For better or worse, the single player experience isn't the meat of the game, much like Destiny. It's going to be about throwing yourself at the end game content over and over again in order to get the gear you want. If you're going to buy this expecting a deep single player shooter with an amazing narrative and never touch the online aspects, I wouldn't bother.


Wow, uh...that's a bit concerning. I'll probably still get the game for coop alone but man, that sounds really light on content if true.

Outside of the campaign there will be a host of side quests, including ones that you will need to do to upgrade your facility. Then there is the DZ.

Put it this way:


The purple is the beta. The blue represents the full map. The game will be more than sufficient for a full retail release.


Gold Member
Wow, uh...that's a bit concerning. I'll probably still get the game for coop alone but man, that sounds really light on content if true.

Judging purely based off of main missions is pretty short-sighted. Look at how many side-missions and encounter missions this beta has.

If any, I expect people to complain that it takes forever to fully unlock the home base.


They said more than 10 main missions and there will be a ton of side quests, plus the dark zone. Add to the fact that we are only seeing 22% of the entire map in the beta and it's safe to say that we will easily get our money's worth and then some.

Yeah, that sounds just like the old Destiny "The Beta only has one of the planets!" stuff.

Wow, uh...that's a bit concerning. I'll probably still get the game for coop alone but man, that sounds really light on content if true.

At this point I'm holding off for reviews or if the devs come out and say something about content before release. If there are only 12 missions that means they are banking on the Dark Zone taking up the bulk of peoples time. I'm not sure the Dark Zone is worth the price of admission for me if all we get besides that is 12 missions and challenge modes.


I mean hell, who just blows through the main quests, while ignoring the rest in an open world RPG? That is what this game essentially is.
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