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The Division Open Beta Thread: Is it out yet?

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I think they still need to up the respawn rates of mobs in the DZ.

Anyways, up to 4800dps and 5600hp. Got basically all the gear I want out of this beta, so, guess it's time to go rogue tonight.
Aren't they also adding "missions" to do in the DZ or did i hear it wrong?

This will get buried, but whatever:

"In the alpha and beta, the area of the Dark Zone was very small, it was a little bit more dense in terms of encounters than I expect the final version to be. We won’t have all the spawn camping issues that we had in the beta because it’s a much wider space.”

He is also keen to point out that there’s going to be more to the Dark Zone than an anarchic and formless battle for loot. As in Destiny’s Crucible, it is going to be a place with a calendar of events and activities. “This isn’t the company line, so I don’t know if this is going to be frowned on,” says Gerighty. “But for me, the Dark Zone is the jewel in our game, this is almost a social experiment. We’re definitely going to keep supporting it with events and special, very precise calendar moments and things like that. It’s going to be part of a continued push, post-launch.”



What they could do with DZ is change the Rogue player display.

Make it into a ping feature maybe every 10 sec which displays a player behind walls and such as it does now, but from the 10sec ping point it slowly becomes harder to see as they fade away as the countdown goes down.

At 5 sec they are completely gone which gives them 5 sec to move freely/flank and get away before they are pinged again.


Considering it's supposed to be a huge draw for this game, Dark Zone seems pretty devoid of stuff to do. Basically just wander around and hope that you run into one of the 3-4 random mob spawns?

This is what's gonna make or break the game for me. Will be interesting to see what they have in store for full release.


I was wandering around in the DZ earlier and there was a street that was completely blasted with snow and ice on one side and not so much anywhere else around it. It was pretty funny to see the 2-3 cars completely covered in snow and around the corner the cars were barely covered. Freak weather in the Dark Zone.


I was wandering around in the DZ earlier and there was a street that was completely blasted with snow and ice on one side and not so much anywhere else around it. It was pretty funny to see the 2-3 cars completely covered in snow and around the corner the cars were barely covered. Freak weather in the Dark Zone.
I saw something like that, too. If we're talking about the same place, look around a bit. I noticed a fire truck nearby, hooked up to a hydrant. I'm guessing the building was on fire and it froze after they tried putting it out.

Environmental storytelling is fun.
Most people do not like finding loot only to have it taken away by some dickhead. They will stop playing.

If people are really that 'sensitive' then maybe they should play something more gentle.

Maybe Ubisoft could give away some free trigger warnings and a safe space to all those delicate little flowers who can't stand tension or challenge?

I've played plenty of both the CB and OB. It's perfectly possible to extract plenty of gear when playing solo and even easier when part of a team. Sometimes you get killed for your gear but often you don't. More often than not players at the DZ form an uneasy truce and defend against anyone going rogue anyway. If you go into "Group Management" you can change the "Privacy" setting so that anyone can join your group. People will sometimes join you if you work together to defeat the same NPCs or take down some rogues.
The Dark Zone is fine as it is. It dosent need to be made toddler-safe.
Played both the PS4 and PC versions and will absolutely go with PC. In my opinion, the shooting mechanics lends itself much more to a mouse than analog stick.

Plus the graphics and performance on PC are significant enough to make it an easy decision.

For me, 60fps made a HUUUUUGE difference.
Plays great with XB1 cobtroller, too. Smooth.

Agreed on the FPS. It's jarring to go from PC to console

Yeah I tried closed beta on PS4 to see how it was after playing on PC a bunch. Nope.

I'm sticking with my PS4 version. I have zero skills with mouse and KB when it comes to online gaming which is why all of my multi-player focused games are still on the PS4. I'll gladly trade visuals and frame rate for getting owned by KB Mouse guys. Frustrating that I can't enjoy GTA 5 online because no one is using a controlller. I won't make that mistake again.


I'll eat a heaping pile of crow if this game has a thriving PVP scene 3 months after launch.


Bon Appétit


What a fun game. Was playing for an hour or so with a buddy. Although, I can see how it might not be much fun running solo. Day one buy for me.


Not sure what I should think about this game. I played the Xbox One version and I think it looks very good. But I was also trying out the PC Version and then playing it on the TV, which made the experience in terms of graphics even better. I think they really nailed it with the graphics, the atmosphere is amazing.

I think the gunplay is also fun, but I am little bit scared of the content. Probably it will get really boring with time, as it is with most Ubisoft games. Go into this area, do X,Y and Z ... , do the same in the next area. What I have seen from the story so far, isn't really interesting.


Pre-ordered the Gold Edition (yes I'm part of the problem) after playing this game basically most of my weekend.

In the end I picked PS4, have a lot more people on there to play with and don't have to worry about cheaters.


So what's the plan at launch? Rush to level 30 and unlock everything before the dark zone?

That's what I'll be doing I think.


Good thing i went with the PC version the controls kb+m are solid but also it looks like i said before with my screenshots beautiful on PC.


I concentrated on skill power this time. Ended up close to 2300 on it and my sticky bomb dishes out some serious damage and it seems to even speed up the cooldown.


The biggest problem I have at the moment is the turrets. If you lay down a turret and someone hits you, even if they aren't rogue, then it starts shooting them, so you go rogue! If someone shoots you and lays down a turret, the turret will start shooting you, and if you hit the turret at all, you go rogue! So much bad design there, it is ridiculous. Otherwise, I like using them for suppressing fire and distractions, but man if they don't have their issues right now.


Gold Member
Just played as a 4-player squad in the Dark Zone, that was dope as hell.

It's awesome how the dynamics change when you're in a group, and super interesting to see the behaviour of other players before and after they realise you're a 4-man squad.

Went rogue twice, both times because a squad mate accidentally hit another player who ran through the crossfire like an asshole. I don't know how but they should find a solution to that. Anyway, unfortunatel some squad mates were in the DZ for the first time so they had no idea what was going on with the Rogue thing. Still tense as hell though.

Such an awesome game, can't wait for the full release. It's going to be insane.
We're talking about a videogame ffs, not a rollercoaster ride or horror movie.
There's no fun to be had from tension if all it leads up to is a big disappointment at the end of some scumbags looking to steal your loot.

No, there's no fun to be had when the game just hands you items with no challenge.

The problem I have is that the zones will come to be dominated by premade parties of people with the best gear and who play a shitload of the game. It's the nature of PvP in an RPG setting that I don't like. The feedback loop of "play game, get better" is distorted by the forcing function of "play a lot, get good items" and "have group of nolife friends, wreck everyone".

I always find that I have trouble with coop loot/PVP games because I'm either not as into them as my friends or the reverse. Somebody is always frustrated by somebody else's lack of dedication. I understand that there needs to be a challenge and that the competitive rush is a good thing. I also don't like PVP when it devolves into a question of who has played the most of the game rather than who is better at it.


Got a pack full of blues.
All my ammo spent.
But it's alright
Got it on the hook!

Went on a quick solo jaunt through the DZ. Got my first bottle onto the DZ next to the gas station, but the others looked suspicious so I ran away. A group of 4 ends up camping the balcony near the gas station. They go hard rogue/manhunt. I keep slyly pelting them with Marksman headshots, but they just run around all twitchy. Eventually two of them come down in my general direction searching and I'm wondering if that's going to turn into all four. Slap tracking concealment and run headlong into the level 9 yellow enemies on that corner. The two rogues don't chase too far and return to their group. I kill the AI enemies and run back to the gas station extraction and set off a flare just to mess with them.

Ended up setting off 3 extraction flares just to mess with them. They couldn't stop me and didn't want to chase me. I'd kill AI, run back to set off a flare and then run away again. Shot all of the rogues in the head a few times, but they'd hide and heal each other. Pretty sure they never found out where they were getting hit from.

Never used Marksman rifles in the first beta, but they're really handy.
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