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The Division Open Beta Thread: Is it out yet?

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So I got some time with the beta yesterday, I enjoyed the two missions, the one for the Tech side more so, as the flamethrower guys were really awesome to battle as was the cool environment. At this point I was sure that I will preorder the game.

After getting to lvl 8 and thinking that I've discovered most of the stuff outside the DZ, I got to the Dark Zone.

And here comes the part where I'm not sure anymore if this will be the game for me.

The concept is cool and frustrating at the same time, most of the time when I was robbed from my new found items it wasn't too bad (it's also the beta, so everything is kinda worthless) and then there were times were I killed a Rogue and got his stash with nice items, so I got that going.

I got to DZ lvl 9 and got some money to buy mods and gear, but scavenging and for most parts accidently getting myself to be the Rogue was not fun, not that you lose money and experience, no you even lose the precious keys for the only things where you have a better chance to get blue stuff from.

At the end I was full equipped with lvl 8 blue items, but somehow still had problems with the NPCs in the DZ, not ony could they bring me to the brink of death in 3 seconds, I also had a hard time killing them.

As I don't know how much they place emphasis on the DZ, but if it is low on the pve end game content size for people who most of the time are lone wolfs, I see myself regretting a purchase like I did with Destiny, two times :(

Edit: Also wanted to mention the sluggish controls, read from a few others that they were mentioning some input lag, really felt that at some times. Any word if this will be in the final product?


Played one last little bit just now, dark zone is still fantastic fun. Really looking forward to the final release now and starting with a character that won't be deleted after a few days :p


The wait begins again



enjoyed open beta more than closed one. was actually hoping they would extend it for an extra day like they did the closed one.
Yeah, i learned to hate that ugly red border :(

Yeah i really do hate it, i want to walk more dammit! and see what else is out there beyond the red. But other then that i just want to par up and be able to do what i want without looking at the map and seeing that there's nothing else to do or shoot. I need all the activities!!


How's your experience who played solo?
I spent around 8 hours this weekend playing alone and it was a bit ...boring. There's always that nice feeling of finding a little better gear, but pvp was just not for me. I either was destroyed trying to take on groups of multiple rogues or was destroyed if I went rogue - there's always like 4 player nearby who immediately gang up on you. The only thing that I felt was left for me was to run around killing npcs and try to find crates, which are almost always closed. Can you open the same crate only once? I kinda want to buy this game, but I see that it's designed to play with multiple friends, going solo being a second-class experience :\
How's your experience who played solo?
I spent around 8 hours this weekend playing alone and it was a bit ...boring. There's always that nice feeling of finding a little better gear, but pvp was just not for me. I either was destroyed trying to take on groups of multiple rogues or was destroyed if I went rogue - there's always like 4 player nearby who immediately gang up on you. The only thing that I felt was left for me was to run around killing npcs and try to find crates, which are almost always closed. Can you open the same crate only once? I kinda want to buy this game, but I see that it's designed to play with multiple friends, going solo being a second-class experience :\

My advice is to not base you're experience in regards to solo with this beta at all. Though i will say that it's kind of tense in the DZ, going it alone was starting to click for me. After i tried it and finally got into a instance that wasn't filled with rogues and random dbags. ;p

But again don't base solo on what you played so far, given it not even close to half of what you will get to experience in the full game (good or bad). It would be a disservice otherwise.

Plus it seems that these beta's were about group missions (two) and dz content rather then pure solo content. The online aspects of the game.


I enjoyed several sessions in the beta (both solo and as a 4-man crew with friends) but found myself getting bored after about an hour in each play. Interest just dropped off a cliff. I think I'd regret buying the full game for this reason so will probably pass.
I enjoyed several sessions in the beta (both solo and as a 4-man crew with friends) but found myself getting bored after about an hour in each play. Interest just dropped off a cliff. I think I'd regret buying the full game for this reason so will probably pass.

Does not compute....eh can always buy later i guess.


loadout worked better than i thought. other agents would just melt at the constant dps. still prefer having a marksman rifle as secondary. hopefully they have high-end snipers in the game

loadout worked better than i thought. other agents would just melt at the constant dps. still prefer having a marksman rifle as secondary. hopefully they have high-end snipers in the game


Damn! How long did you play to rack up these amounts of money and equipment? I guess you were in a group of friends most of the time?


If I ever post something in Japanese which I don't understand, please BAN me.
Love when I have one bullet left and manage to set a cleaners tank on fire exploding three others. So good.

Haha yeah and people say the shooting sucks, making a Cleaner go boom is satisfying as fuck!
How's your experience who played solo?

I liked it, you just have to change your mindset a lot in the Darkzone. Never engage players first, you need to take a more of a vulture approach by engaging rogue players when you see someone else taking them on. Get some shots in to get the XP, try to snatch the loot first and run to the other side of the map for an extraction.

It's still intense sneaking about in the subway tunnels, grabbing chests and attempting to extract the loot knowing that you're just one bad mob spawn or team of rogues away from losing it all :D But yeah, you need to accept the fact that you will get destroyed if a team of players want to kill you.


Am I one of the few who'll be getting The Division as mainly a singleplayer experience?

Darkzone seems like chaotic fun, but I got a massive kick out of just exploring the city, doing side activities and finding new apparel.

1. The gun combat seemed great to me. 90% of the enemies aren't bullet-sponges, unlike many folk online would lead you to believe. All the grunts go down in a second or less if you play right (I love shotguns and if you're close enough it's an OHK). The harder encounters in the Beta required good accuracy, strategy, movement, grenade and Tool use. It's even possible to hide from the AI and lose them once they're firing on you.

You know the big flamethrower boss? He got me to near-death three times before I used the big container in the corner to hide and lose him. I then tracked back around while he peered behind the container looking for me. And when he turned his back, I got right up close to him and shotgunned him twice in his Fuel pack - killing him in one go.

I have never had a singleplayer combat encounter that good in Destiny. It was legit intense, fun, and required high-level planning/strategy. In Destiny the most I'd do is hide behind a pillar until my shield recharged. Then it would be back to shooting and jumping. Shooting and jumping. Shooting and jumping...

2. The movement/cover mechanics feel like a great evolution of the latter-day Splinter Cell games, Rainbow Six, and Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter. I love how tactical it is and how intelligent movement/cover can save your bacon when grenade throwers/bosses are about.

3. The RPGing system actually seems compelling and I love how it's tied to a physical place which you can walk into/out of. This was Destiny's biggest failing IMO - The Tower was dull, with no quest givers (just sellers) and the planet-zones were too small. The Division has one very large space which is holistically designed to immerse you in the adventure and content emergently pops up while you explore. This is what I wanted Destiny to be like all along.

4. The city's atmosphere and vibe is just intoxicating once you really get into it. I imagine in the full game it'll be even more intoxicating - with endless stretches of urban landscape to wander through. It's also surprisingly well designed - there are lots of secret corners, sewers, alleys, rooftops - which typically provide some sort of useful reward. Exploring it almost like I was playing The Last of Us always provided great outcomes and was really immersive/compelling. I love looting houses for apparel. The level design seems excellent on the whole.

I was sold on the game in my first half hour of play when I spotted a ladder onto a rooftop down an alley, ran down and scaled it, got in my first gunfight with two thugs pillaging a corpse, then encountered a platformer-style puzzle where I had to clamber over narrow rooftop passages to get to a loot-box. There is literally nothing that involved or interesting to do in Destiny's overworld.

Does it remind anyone of the part in Splinter Cell Conviction where the power gets knocked out in the middle of manhattan, and you have to traverse a chunk of the city? It feels a lot like someone at Ubi loved that bit so much they made an entire game of it happen. It's so good.

TL;DR: from my POV, The Division has: deeper combat than Destiny, a better world than Destiny, and fantastic quest/RPG/level design structure (also better than Destiny)

Hedge statement: Destiny burned me real bad, so I'll still be waiting for reviews on this one for the final say.

The place in question is basically an alley at the top of a ladder, it's long enough that people camping at the top can stay far enough back to be safe from grenades, but close enough to throw grenades down and/or shoot anyone who comes up the ladder.


Hope they re-design by release.

How's your experience who played solo?

Aha, I guess my post above is a response to your question!

I loved it solo and may be getting the game like that.

I'm mainly a singleplayer player.


Enjoyed the Open Beta but not convinced enough to getting the full game at launch.

- Like the setting, but don't really care for the 'Tom Clancy / military angle'. I would be fine if they go a bit more over the top with certain things. NYC is great tho.
- Impressed by the engine. Sure, 'its a downgrade' but it still looks pretty good and the shared world / matchmaking was smooth.
- Loved the fact that you could see friends on your map, even if they are in different instanced Dark Zones
- PvE stuff was rather .. boring and 'by the numbers'.
- controls were fine, altough a bit clunky. Found myself running into stuff when things got hectic.
- PvP / Dark Zone was fun with a group of friends, but everything is fun with a group of friends.

I'm worried that the Beta already had most types of gameplay/events we will encounter in the full game. Can't really see myself grinding out for loot that 'looks like everything else but has a higher DPS stat'. I'm a big RPG fan and I hope they will come up with some enjoyable PvE / single player content; that will probably make or break the game for me.


Damn! How long did you play to rack up these amounts of money and equipment? I guess you were in a group of friends most of the time?

didn't play for that long, it was me and a friend. we pretty much ruled the darkzone, couple successfully evaded manhunts and rogue hunting had me with a lot of money. we coordinated our attacks and healing pretty well, came to find out that most people in the darkzone drop their guards when they see you randomly doing jumping jacks, their mistake.
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