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The Double Toasted team AKA the best film reviewers out there


You can add their reviews to your podcast player by pasting this link



this is life changing


I love you man.

Were you downloading their shit manually? How did people not know you could add sound cloud pages to a pod catcher? I used a different URL though which did not have very old episodes. I tried to get the DT guys to add their shit to iTunes but they stubbornly refuse to listen. It seems to take like 5 seconds.


Were you downloading their shit manually? How did people not know you could add sound cloud pages to a pod catcher? I used a different URL though which did not have very old episodes. I tried to get the DT guys to add their shit to iTunes but they stubbornly refuse to listen. It seems to take like 5 seconds.

What link did you use. The other one is not working for me :(
Were you downloading their shit manually? How did people not know you could add sound cloud pages to a pod catcher? I used a different URL though which did not have very old episodes. I tried to get the DT guys to add their shit to iTunes but they stubbornly refuse to listen. It seems to take like 5 seconds.

I would just listen through the SoundCloud app. I didn't download because I would just stream at home while working but I always hated that SoundCloud would forget your position after a while and that UI is not good.

I tried adding an RSS feed for them before but it didn't work properly. I guess I used the wrong one. This works perfectly in PocketCasts but I'm hoping that their new reviews show up properly, still don't see the star wars review (even though it's in the extravaganza but still).


I would just listen through the SoundCloud app. I didn't download because I would just stream at home while working but I always hated that SoundCloud would forget your position after a while and that UI is not good.

I tried adding an RSS feed for them before but it didn't work properly. I guess I used the wrong one. This works perfectly in PocketCasts but I'm hoping that their new reviews show up properly, still don't see the star wars review (even though it's in the extravaganza but still).

The sound cloud app is shit.


It's annoying they haven't added the RSS option, you just check the box in your settings.

I wonder why they won't add their shows to itunes, etc.. Is it because of their partnership with soundcloud? Do they not want to lose views? I feel like they're missing out on a lot of viewers being exclusive to soundcloud/youtube videos.

I also wonder if they've thought of doing shows at venues. Remember when they did spill-con?

-The cloud flipper option never worked well. Doing it now the latest episode is the Birdman review.


I would just listen through the SoundCloud app. I didn't download because I would just stream at home while working but I always hated that SoundCloud would forget your position after a while and that UI is not good.

I tried adding an RSS feed for them before but it didn't work properly. I guess I used the wrong one. This works perfectly in PocketCasts but I'm hoping that their new reviews show up properly, still don't see the star wars review (even though it's in the extravaganza but still).

How'd you add it to pocket casts. I tried to add it using the above links, but I can't figure it out.


Formerly Alaluef (not Aladuf)
I tried adding an RSS feed for them before but it didn't work properly. I guess I used the wrong one. This works perfectly in PocketCasts but I'm hoping that their new reviews show up properly, still don't see the star wars review (even though it's in the extravaganza but still).

-The cloud flipper option never worked well. Doing it now the latest episode is the Birdman review.
yeah that was my experience too, I tried clouflipper and something else before but nothing worked right. I didn't know you could get an rss feed through soundcloud directly, but then again it's not a site I use much outside of Double Toasted.


The sound cloud app is shit.

Its gotten better at not forgetting my place when i pause and close out for more than two seconds, but now I have to contend with like five Soundcloud Go ads in a row when i open it. Double Toasted was the only thing i was using the app for so Im happy to ditch it

I didn't know you could get an rss feed through soundcloud directly, but then again it's not a site I use much outside of Double Toasted.
Same. it seems obvious in hindsight now
shieeeeeeeet, this works even on the iOS Podcasts app. Thank you so much!!

it's not pulling the most recent upload (Rogue One review) for some reason though.

I guess the Rouge One review not showing up is because it has not been enabled for download. I presume that once Korey or whomever it is that runs the soundcloud page enables it, it will show up in the feed.


Formerly Alaluef (not Aladuf)
I guess the Rouge One review not showing up is because it has not been enabled for download. I presume that once Korey or whomever it is that runs the soundcloud page enables it, it will show up in the feed.
good call, that must be the reason why it doesn't show up. they probably want people to stream it on soundcloud as much as possible since that specific review is on high demand right now.


Formerly Alaluef (not Aladuf)
Martin on the Why Him? review: "what's our lowest rating, "fuck you"? I give this movie a
"suck my dick"
I love them but lost a bit of respect. Downplaying Arrival and coming out skit skit for Rogue One turned them into just another internet geeks for me.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
Rogue One: A Star Wars Story SPOILER Discussion

It's a good one. Definitely don't watch until you've seen the movie, this is 40+ minutes so they cover pretty much everything. Wide variety of opinions.

They reviewed Assassin's Creed on Tuesday's show, so that video should be popping up soon.


Formerly Alaluef (not Aladuf)
Watching Rogue One later today, looking forward to the spoiler discussion. I wanted to watch it last weekend by my friends couldn't make it.
I get that Will is intentionally playing a troll, and they "need" a contrasting opinion so it's not just Korey and Martin (and I'm assuming Goodwin) spanking it over the movie for 40 minutes.

But he annoys the fuck out of me.


I get that Will is intentionally playing a troll, and they "need" a contrasting opinion so it's not just Korey and Martin (and I'm assuming Goodwin) spanking it over the movie for 40 minutes.

But he annoys the fuck out of me.

The Rogue One spoiler review was painful in that regard. Worst movie in the franchise? Really?....


Even Korey was getting pissed.
Like I don't think he knows how to sell being a contrarian asshole well at all, so he just comes off as a total asshole every time he's brought on camera to talk about a movie.

It'd be better if it was just Korey and Martin and whoever else saw it with them talking about it despite the fact that they all loved it. We don't need a contrasting opinion on the spoilers, the review itself was Korey and Martin loving the movie so the spoilers shouldn't be different, IMO.
Like I don't think he knows how to sell being a contrarian asshole well at all, so he just comes off as a total asshole every time he's brought on camera to talk about a movie.

It'd be better if it was just Korey and Martin and whoever else saw it with them talking about it despite the fact that they all loved it. We don't need a contrasting opinion on the spoilers, the review itself was Korey and Martin loving the movie so the spoilers shouldn't be different, IMO.

He needs to observe Martin a bit more if he wants to the do the contrarian troll thing.

I understand that he might not like films, but, as you said, he comes off as an asshole whenever he is talking about his opinion. Even when he brings up points that I agree with. I didn't mind him putting his opinion out there, but the way he did it, I think, is what made the Spoiler Talk go off the rails.
Lol they tore assassin's creed apart. I agree with what they said (although I wasn't nearly as confused as they were) but I still enjoyed myself during the watch.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
Will is just too extra. He's a contrarian, I get that. But he just takes it way too far, to the point where you can't even believe his stance anymore. I know someone just like him. He likes to see where the dice fall and then takes the least popular opinion.

Goodwin was basically on the same side of things with Rogue One, but his opinions aren't as hyperbolic.

Lol, I do love how during almost every argument Korey liking Don't Breathe, and Martin & Goodwin liking the new Blair Witch comes up. Think Korey mentioned both on Monday's show


Formerly Alaluef (not Aladuf)
Just listened to the 1h11min audio version of the spoiler talk, haven't watched the video yet. I was expecting worse, but Will's shtick was fairly quick at the start and then he was mostly quiet through the rest of the convo. I agree that he needs to refine that shit hard if he intends to continue being a contrarian though, it was just too transparent and not entertaining.

Goodwin was nitpicking some silly shit. He did back it up or concede when they argued, but it unfortunately took up time that could have been spent talking about certain aspects of the movie that they didn't cover. I feel like he was still a bit heated from the Facebook stuff with people coming at him, but shit, it's to be expected when you post stuff like that (the "I'm done trying to be a SW fan" thing).

Good talk overall. Korey talked about Will and Goodwin on the December 19 Casual Call-in Show, it was interesting.
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