Something that really bugged me recently was when I was browsing YouTube and it recommended a Ninja Turtles 1990 movie cast panel at some convention. I looked at the panel and couldn't believe when I saw Kevin Clash sitting up there on stage with the rest of the cast.
"Don't they know about the allegations? How could they have him up there?" I thought.
Well, I'm guessing I'm in the same boat as a lot of people where I heard the initial allegations that the media blasted all over TV and the internet, but not the fact that the allegations were quickly found to be fabricated and eventually recanted by the accuser.
NEW YORK (AP) - A man who accused Elmo puppeteer Kevin Clash of having sex with him when he was a teenage boy has recanted his story. In a quick turnabout, the man on Tuesday described his sexual r…
If you look around, you can find comments from people back when this was all going down essentially saying, "The media better make as big of a deal about the allegations being false as they did when they first were made." Well, no it didn't really work that way.
It bothers me that, of all people, the voice of Elmo got torn down this way and that I unwittingly was taken for a ride by the accuser and the media.
"Always believe the victims," they said.