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The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion |OT|

Ghost said:
Theres a letter you need to take to him, i think you must have read it to activate the next bit of the quest, but anyway, its on the left as you enter the house, in the corner of the 'living room' theres a convenient shaft of light shining on it.

yeah figure it out myself in the end whoopsy silly me


needs to show more effort.
Kung Fu Jedi said:
If you look closely, the number of panels on the floor match up with the number of characters on the scroll. Looking even closer, you'll see that there are symbols that make a pathy all the way across each of grids on the note. Match up those paths on the grid with the panels on the floor, and you walk safely across.

makes sense, too bad its not at all required to 'solve' the puzzle ;P


This sounds like an interesting mod, though I didn't mind scaling and the absurdity of bandits with daedric armor as much as some here. Completely random loot sucks (pretty much only boss chests are even worth checking out) and this mod might actually make the situation worse unless he tweaked "boss chest" rewards. Also, you'll have to do a lot more level grinding to get access to high end eq, which isn't preferable.

edit: so I suppose it's a mixed bag

Oscuro's Oblivion Overhaul


I decided to make this mod after realizing that Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion suffered from significant gameplay and "realism" problems that, in my view, detracted from the potential enjoyment of such a beautiful and massive RPG. Creating, balancing, and testing the needed changes was a time-consuming task, but the result is a more rewarding experience that I hope also helps those of you that found the game wanting upon release.

The following list describes the problems and how I addressed them:

The first major issue is that of linearity of challenge. In Oblivion, quests, combat encounters and rewards are "leveled" relative to the level of the player's character. This concept, while offering some good gameplay elements (freedom of choice, gentle learning curve, etc.) was implemented too indiscriminately. The sense of accomplishment in improving one's avatar suffers because the world is constantly changing to meet a pre-designed level of challenge. Also, "realism" and "immersion" disappear when the player notices glitches in the continuity of the world (Town guards so high in level that one wonders why they need a "hero" after all; lowly creatures that can suddenly give High-Chancellor Ocato a senseless beating, etc.)

The goal of this mod is to increase the overall challenge of the game, to increase the chances of the unexpected to happen, to reduce the flaws that hurt the "realism-factor" of the "leveled" system, to tweak item rarity and presence in the world, to add some new content and, lastly, to change some of the variables of the game system to balance its gameplay.

To preserve the positive aspects of the "leveled" system and remedy the negative ones, this mod changes the following:

I went through every NPC and creature in order to cap their max level. In general, the caps fall mostly between 4 and 40, with some special cases. Every modification allowed a range where the creature or NPC can level relative to the level of the player; those that were capped or static by default I left mostly untouched. The criteria to choose the level of caps took into account the relative power of the creature, the frequency, the status (named, boss, occupation), the relevance for the main quest and guild quests, the lore of tamriel, etc. Also, most of these changes also included a minimum level. This will enhance the sense of danger when traveling into unknown areas, it will also add to the realism of the game's world and, finally, provide a sense of accomplishment when what once was a threat becomes a hunt for sport. A complete list would be too large for a readme file, here are some of the most significant and common changes:

1- Daedra remain unchanged except for capped levels. Also, their spawn lists were changed to give a more random chance of encountering weaker daedra at higher levels. For example, Fire atronarchs, clannfears and scamps can appear in oblivion areas, gates, special dungeons, etc, regardless of the level of the player. The higher level daedra have a slightly higher chance of spawning, to keep the player on guard.

2- Dremoras are now significantly more powerful. Markynaz and Valkynaz have their levels capped but with a range where they keep up with the player. Every leveled list that included dremoras is now updated, even quest ones. This means that some quests, specially the main quest, will be more difficult and the player will not be able to complete them at low levels. Roughly, a level 20-25 will stand a chance, anything below that and it will be a world of hurt. At a player level of 40+ almost all dremoras will be lower than the player, with the exception of some special cases. At lvl 50 the player should be able to mop the floor with just about every creature in Cyrodiil. (Example: Kynval are lvl 12, in most cases they will not spawn unless the player is level 13--the intervals of Dremora reach near lvl 40)

3- Vampires are very different now. There are four different types of vampires: regular, fearsome, deadly and ancient. They all have an interval where they will appear in the usual vampire havens and dungeons. The space between the intervals allows the player to experience both challenge and a good ol-fashioned vampire-killing spree. For example, at lvl 16 there is a good chance that you can clean up a vampire nest with ease (except if patriarchs or matriarchs are around) Anything below level 8 will have a very tough time against the regular vampires. Deadly and ancient vampires carry specially good loot, but they will not show up until level 25 or so. Again, some surprises are in store for the daring adventurer. The most powerful vampires are the ancient patriarchs and matriarchs. These will appear in the late stages of the game provided that you have not cleaned every other regular patriarch or matriarch in Cyrodiil, something hard to do unless you reach mid twenties. Some dungeons will become "re-occupied" if you clean them early on. Rumor has it that a very powerful vampire lord has brought to Cyrodiil a feared relic in order to cleanse it of its power with the aid of other elder buddies of his kin.

4- Goblins of different tribes vary now in power. Some are rather scrawny, others are now very strong in comparison. All of their levels and loot tables are capped and adjusted accordingly, plus a new item here and there if you can find them. Regular, run-of-the-mill gobbies are also capped and tweaked, the warlords will give you a good beating unless you are a seasoned adventurer.

5- Mythic creature leveled lists are modified so that there is a chance that lower level critters will spawn even at high levels. This is specially prevalent in wilderness areas, where now there is also the chance that powerful creatures may surprise the wandering player. That is, there is now the slight possibility that you will run into very tough fights while exploring the wild. The more remote and inaccessible the area, the higher the likelihood of an untimely encounter. The strongest of mythic creatures, the Minotaurs, are capped but can put up a fight even against the experienced player.

6- Undead are mostly untouched, except for level caps on their strongest versions: wraiths/Lichs. Some skeletons are a bit stronger but they remain among the weakest of the undead, alongside zombies. Leveled lists for undead are modified so that there is now the chance that they will spawn weak undead regardless of the level of the player. Again, higher level undead have a greater chance of appearing in these situations.

8- Bandits, Marauders, Conjurers and Necromancers are capped, their loot lists adjusted and spread at variety of level ranges so that some difference between them is apparent. Bandits can be very low level and reach early twenties. Some exceptions are the bandit bosses and the infamous Black Bow Bandit crew. Marauders tend to be slightly more powerful. Necromancers and Conjurers will give some trouble to the inexperienced adventurer, but later on they will easily become cannon-fodder. However, the boss versions are rather powerful. The expulsion of necromancers from the Mages Guild has bred resentment. Necromancers of Tamriel, under the guide of the experienced Fayth Noor, gather in Cyrodiil to plot against the Archmage.

9- Every guard in game is now level-capped. They are not lowly beginners, but you will not get the feeling that they are so powerful that your presence in Cyrodiil is a nuisance. At high levels you will be able to school most guards. Some towns have stronger regiments, others are weaker. Guards in the stages of the main quest are leveled appropriately, stocked with some healing potions and ready to rumble. Still, powerful enemies will take them down more easily than they can do the same to you. This also applies to the blades and the imperial guards.

10- Every citizen of Cyrodiil, friendly or not, is level capped, when possible, in-synch with the difficulty of the quests with which they are associated. I have tried to give them a generous level range so as not to stiffle or demean the quest progression. With that said, a lot of npcs involved in quests have minimum level caps which means that you may not be able to finish the hard guild quests early on. A great feature of this change is that you will no longer get your ass handed down to you by a hoe wielding punk of a farmer after you pilfer his house clean or take his daughter to the "barn."

11- The levels of the Arena fights are completely changed. They do not simply scale according to your level. Now, each batch of fighters has its own level range, increasing up until a much more epic fight with the Grandchampion. You will not be able to beat the Arena unless you are highly experienced and decked out. This is a significant change from the original, where the Grandchampion of Cyrodiil, capital of Tamriel, was a fearsome level 10 warrior! Morituri te salutan!

12- Finally, every loot table and NPC-gear table has been adjusted to match their occupation and status. You will not find hardly any npcs with Elven, Ebony or above, except in some cases to flesh out the mysteries of Tamriel. The same applies to monsters, except powerful ones, and Bandits, Highwaymen and Marauders. Also, even at higher levels they will not constantly sport chainmail, mithril, dwarven and orcish. They will still appear in leather, iron, fur and steel on a regular basis.

Those changes addressed some of the problems that I found with the "leveled" system. I believe that the game's atmosphere and gameplay improve greatly with them. I added a few more changes for the sake of rounding the mod, also with the aim of improving realism, tweaking lackluster skills, birthsigns and a few other issues. The changes are:

1- Every loot table for armor, weapons, gems, jewelry and special items has been revamped, except most of the quest-related ones. The aim here was to make items more scarce and rare until higher levels. For example, Dwarven will not appear at lvl 6, but lvl 13+; Daedric will not begin to drop until around very early thirties. The same formula, scaled appropriately, I applied to the remaining lists. Powerful items will be more special and not simply lying around at every corner after level 20. (As an aside, the editor for Oblivion has a few bugs, one of which affects how items and levels in lists are organized, I went through the lists as many times as I could before going completely bananas--you try going through hundreds of items across hundreds of cross-referenced lists--but inconsistencies may remain here, some by design, others by bug and yet others because I didn't feel like tweaking them any longer.)

2- The value of gems, jewelry, silver house-wares and pelts is now higher so that thieves have a greater enticement in risking their neck than the measly gold coin that they can squeeze out of a silver fork.

3- A few new items now appear near or in powerful NPCs. These are not mighty or common enough to imbalance the game, but they add some flavor to the also new NPCs.

4- Birthsigns have changed. I have kept the original spirit of each constellation but I have modified their effects, and added new ones, to balance them out. Unless you are interested in roleplaying a cursed character, very few people would choose the sign of the Lord (90 hit point heal spell, 25% weakness to fire) over the Mage (50 points of Magicka, as much as a 25 bonus to INT would give, without penalties)

5- The skills of Hand to Hand and Sneak have some modifications. Hand to Hand was sorely lacking at release. Its range is very short, its damage can't hold a candle to powerful weapons, its rate of block was half of wielded weapons and the player cannot use gauntlets to add offensive on-hit spell effects as with every other weapon. Now, hand to hand damage max is higher, its rate of block also went up (although still lower than that for weapons), it has a longer reach and its staggering chance while blocking was adjusted upwards. Sneak Attacks now do slightly higher damage at Journeyman and Expert ranks, x7 and x8 respectively. Marksman Sneak attacks in the same ranks are x3.5 (displays just as the normal x3) and x4 respectively. Also, disarming chances of Special Attacks and Blocks are now higher than a poor 5%, which meant that only 1 out of 20 blows would actually disarm an opponent. The chances to Knockdown and Paralyze with Marksman Special Attacks also went up slightly.

6- Descriptions for the notices of Mastery achievement in-game are re-written now to reflect a higher sense of pride and accomplishment, rather than the same old text used in the prior perks' notices. Descriptions of Birthsigns differ so as to include the changes and additions. Finally, changes to the perks of Sneak also appear in the notices brought up when a player reaches a new rank.

7- The speed of arrows and magic attacks increases by 20% and 10% respectively. This is done to offset the ease with which one could avoid the ranged attacks of NPCs and monsters by timing sidesteps.

8- The minimum levels necessary to receive Daedra Lord quests at their shrines is now higher for most of them--anywhere from lvl 15 to lvl 20. This change obeys two reasons. First, it did not make a lot of sense to me that a Daedric Lord would grant a lowly lvl 2 the honor of serving under them with the promise of an item of power. Now, in order to be a worthy champion, you are going to need to know how to skin some beast other than sheep. The second one is related to acquiring a decent level before tackling more dangerous stages of the main quest--a build-up towards a more epic finale.

9- Fighter's and Mage's Guilds in the main towns of Cyrodiil now have special Storage Chests to stash the player's growing inventory.

10- Last, the day-time length is now doubled. It takes twice as long to transverse between dusk and dawn. This change aims at both "realism" and practicality.


methodman said:
God damn: So I went to sleep in that boat in the waterfront, and I guess some bandits took it. I killed three of them, got the women to hand over her sword, and the owner of the boat tells me to go to sleep. Every fucking time I wake up the game freezes on me!

I tried doing the cache thing (Holding A as you start the game from the dashboard) but it doesn't work. HELP neoGAF! :( I was thinking about starting over as a warrior anyways, but I wanted to finish off the thieves guild quests as my theif :(

I just did that quest last night. When I went to sleep I only slept for an hour. My conditions sounded similar... 3 dead gang members, Selene locked in a room, Bouncer driving the boat, and funky elf chick out by the bar.

Try clearing the cache again... hold a, power on console and wait for the Bethesda logo.


Wow, some nice texture packs in the works already;



Why did I get the 360 version again? Heh.



yeah some of these mods for pc are amazing, but my pc wouldn't have handled this game anyways. I hope they release at least one fucking mod for the Xbox version, because my game keeps freezing at one part, and it's pissing me the fuck off. Guess I'll have to start being a Warrior + Mage instead of atheif :(


methodman said:
yeah some of these mods for pc are amazing, but my pc wouldn't have handled this game anyways. I hope they release at least one fucking mod for the Xbox version, because my game keeps freezing at one part, and it's pissing me the fuck off. Guess I'll have to start being a Warrior + Mage instead of atheif :(

Are you still locking up on the ship?
Finished the Dark Brotherhood quests, damn that cellar was spooky, was expecting something to jump out at me.

Money rolling in now and I'm only lvl 14, 16k + I already own the anvil house


Is there a microtransaction for the fun?
I am VERY disappointed so far. Two freezes and where the fuck is the content? I can only wander around decently pretty scenery for so long before wanting to gouge my eyes out. Sure, I may have wandered from the initial quest. BUT WHERE THE FUCK IS ANYTHING? All I've seen is a few deer and some mushrooms where it says "You find nothing useful" great. So I chase a deer and set it's ass on fire. But seriously EMPTY FIELDS OF NOTHING! Where the fuck did I wander off to and better yet WHY is there such expanses of nothingness? So I wander into some Imperial city or someshit and talk to people with vapid conversational trees walk into a room and get attacked for entering it. GREAT!
Did I get this from straying off the path so soon? I don't play many western RPGs so maybe I'm just missing something? Obviously you people are finding something to do in this game, so where the fuck is it? Best I got was spinning around a colored wheel having a whiney bitch say "THAT'S FUNNY!" and "YOU DON'T REALLY MEAN THAT!"


I'm not as deluded as I make myself out to be
RevenantKioku said:
Is there a microtransaction for the fun?
I am VERY disappointed so far. Two freezes and where the fuck is the content? I can only wander around decently pretty scenery for so long before wanting to gouge my eyes out. Sure, I may have wandered from the initial quest. BUT WHERE THE FUCK IS ANYTHING? All I've seen is a few deer and some mushrooms where it says "You find nothing useful" great. So I chase a deer and set it's ass on fire. But seriously EMPTY FIELDS OF NOTHING! Where the fuck did I wander off to and better yet WHY is there such expanses of nothingness? So I wander into some Imperial city or someshit and talk to people with vapid conversational trees walk into a room and get attacked for entering it. GREAT!
Did I get this from straying off the path so soon? I don't play many western RPGs so maybe I'm just missing something? Obviously you people are finding something to do in this game, so where the fuck is it? Best I got was spinning around a colored wheel having a whiney bitch say "THAT'S FUNNY!" and "YOU DON'T REALLY MEAN THAT!"

Learn to use your menu - quest list, active quest and the compass will help you get into the game. er...learn to play the game full stop.

As for walking around the land, I can barely walk anywhere without finding some new ruin, cave or dungeon. Its almost annoying to find a new distracion while I'm about to do something else. You know what would be cool, some kind of checklist which shows which dungeons you've looted because I just know I missed some or will come back to one I've already done a few months down the line.

Or do they re-generate loot? :D


I haven't seen a single cave dungeon or nothing. I haven't seen anything besides a goddamned deer! I don't mind doing pointless shit but there has been absolutely nothing around! Except I cratered once from just jumping. :(


RevenantKioku said:
Is there a microtransaction for the fun?
I am VERY disappointed so far. Two freezes and where the fuck is the content? I can only wander around decently pretty scenery for so long before wanting to gouge my eyes out. Sure, I may have wandered from the initial quest. BUT WHERE THE FUCK IS ANYTHING? All I've seen is a few deer and some mushrooms where it says "You find nothing useful" great. So I chase a deer and set it's ass on fire. But seriously EMPTY FIELDS OF NOTHING! Where the fuck did I wander off to and better yet WHY is there such expanses of nothingness? So I wander into some Imperial city or someshit and talk to people with vapid conversational trees walk into a room and get attacked for entering it. GREAT!
Did I get this from straying off the path so soon? I don't play many western RPGs so maybe I'm just missing something? Obviously you people are finding something to do in this game, so where the fuck is it? Best I got was spinning around a colored wheel having a whiney bitch say "THAT'S FUNNY!" and "YOU DON'T REALLY MEAN THAT!"

Damn, you should be so lucky... I run into a Fort, Ruin, Cave, Statue, Alter, etc. all the time. Seems like only a couple hundred yards between "stuff"


needs to show more effort.
RevenantKioku said:
I haven't seen a single cave dungeon or nothing. I haven't seen anything besides a goddamned deer! I don't mind doing pointless shit but there has been absolutely nothing around! Except I cratered once from just jumping. :(

if you look at your compass at the bottom while walking around, look for symbols to pop up on it. Walk towards those symbols.

seriously, its rather rare to find an expanse of open area without at least *something* being on your compass.


Okay well I guess I don't really count shrines that say "you can't use this yet" as entertaining. I guess I just don't get why it matters if you can set your nose to one of 800 different settings if you can't find anything to fight in a forest except a few deer. :(
"Okay well I guess I don't really count shrines that say "you can't use this yet" as entertaining. I guess I just don't get why it matters if you can set your nose to one of 800 different settings if you can't find anything to fight in a forest except a few deer. :("

Of all the things to complain about, this one is just wrong. I don't know what you're doing, but I find dungeons on the way to dungeons. They're really everywhere.
RevenantKioku said:
Is there a microtransaction for the fun?
I am VERY disappointed so far. Two freezes and where the fuck is the content? I can only wander around decently pretty scenery for so long before wanting to gouge my eyes out. Sure, I may have wandered from the initial quest. BUT WHERE THE FUCK IS ANYTHING? All I've seen is a few deer and some mushrooms where it says "You find nothing useful" great. So I chase a deer and set it's ass on fire. But seriously EMPTY FIELDS OF NOTHING! Where the fuck did I wander off to and better yet WHY is there such expanses of nothingness? So I wander into some Imperial city or someshit and talk to people with vapid conversational trees walk into a room and get attacked for entering it. GREAT!
Did I get this from straying off the path so soon? I don't play many western RPGs so maybe I'm just missing something? Obviously you people are finding something to do in this game, so where the fuck is it? Best I got was spinning around a colored wheel having a whiney bitch say "THAT'S FUNNY!" and "YOU DON'T REALLY MEAN THAT!"

You suck at games. Oblivion has more content than any single-player game I've ever played. There are 200 quests, 10 large cities, ~20 small towns, 100+ dungeons, 6 main quest lines, and numerous ways to play the game. I can see many people why someone wouldn't like Oblivion but complaining about the lack of content is like saying that the CG sucks in Final Fantasy.

If your icon is RED, it means what you are doing is wrong. Read the manual.

Seriously, is this someone's joke account? Can someone be banned for absolute stupidity?

kaizoku said:
As for walking around the land, I can barely walk anywhere without finding some new ruin, cave or dungeon. Its almost annoying to find a new distracion while I'm about to do something else. You know what would be cool, some kind of checklist which shows which dungeons you've looted because I just know I missed some or will come back to one I've already done a few months down the line.

Or do they re-generate loot?

I used to go into every cave/ruin/fort that I saw while on the way to a quest but I've learned lately to control myself because you WILL be visiting a large percentage of these places on various quests throughout the game, and I don't intend to put Oblivion down until I've completed all of the quests.

A checklist would be nice, seeing as I keep track of what places I've been to with a pen and paper and make notes on the places that I want to revisit.

And YES, the dungeons do regenerate loot and enemies, after a week or two of in-game time. It doesn't really matter anyway because the loot and enemies are leveled, so chances are when you return you will find different enemies and loot anyway aside from a few key items.


This poster pulses with an appeal so broad the typical restraints of our societies fall by the wayside.
RevenantKioku said:
I haven't seen a single cave dungeon or nothing. I haven't seen anything besides a goddamned deer! I don't mind doing pointless shit but there has been absolutely nothing around! Except I cratered once from just jumping. :(
Oh come on, how long did you even play? Walk around on a path in any direction for two minutes and you'll come across a fort/shrine/cave/ruins.


I'm not as deluded as I make myself out to be
RevenantKioku said:
Okay well I guess I don't really count shrines that say "you can't use this yet" as entertaining. I guess I just don't get why it matters if you can set your nose to one of 800 different settings if you can't find anything to fight in a forest except a few deer. :(

Learn to use your quests and compass - really nothing more to say about this. Once you get accustomed to the game's interface you should start noticing more and more things and opening up more and more quests/tasks.

You're probably walking around some remote areas and avoiding all the landmarks. When you approach landmarks and get close enough it will tell you you have found "blahblah" and if you look around some more you will notice the door. They are sometimes easy to miss sure.

Follow the roads and you will certainly come across things. But if you are so lost just stick to the cities and talk to people, dont bother persuading them unless you want to for shopping or getting them to divulge some information.
RevenantKioku said:
Okay well I guess I don't really count shrines that say "you can't use this yet" as entertaining. I guess I just don't get why it matters if you can set your nose to one of 800 different settings if you can't find anything to fight in a forest except a few deer. :(

There are only a dozen of these in the world, and by level 10 there are only 3 or 4. Seriously, do you not have a better topic to complain about? Go look at the world maps in the back of the strategy guide. There are at least 500 points of interest JUST IN THE OVERWORLD in Oblivion.

Good job of derailing this wonderful thread!


I'm not as deluded as I make myself out to be
mmlemay said:
I used to go into every cave/ruin/fort that I saw while on the way to a quest but I've learned lately to control myself because you WILL be visiting a large percentage of these places on various quests throughout the game, and I don't intend to put Oblivion down until I've completed all of the quests.

A checklist would be nice, seeing as I keep track of what places I've been to with a pen and paper and make notes on the places that I want to revisit.

And YES, the dungeons do regenerate loot and enemies, after a week or two of in-game time. It doesn't really matter anyway because the loot and enemies are leveled, so chances are when you return you will find different enemies and loot anyway aside from a few key items.

Nice to know. I'm doing the same now, not visiting every damn dungeon I see lol. I was on my way to a quest once when I ran into like 3 dungeons on the way, by the 3rd one I was like "oh hell no!"

btw someone was talking about the White Stallion Inn for Knights. Well I dropped some meat on the floor accidentally and a knight in the room picked it up, sat at the table and ate it. I would not store my things in there :lol
kaizoku said:
Nice to know. I'm doing the same now, not visiting every damn dungeon I see lol. I was on my way to a quest once when I ran into like 3 dungeons on the way, by the 3rd one I was like "oh hell no!"

btw someone was talking about the White Stallion Inn for Knights. Well I dropped some meat on the floor accidentally and a knight in the room picked it up, sat at the table and ate it. I would not store my things in there :lol

The only truly safe place to store your stuff is a house.


mmlemay said:
If your icon is RED, it means what you are doing is wrong. Read the manual.
Icon? And what do you mean wrong? I thought the point of this game was to just wander around and do shit. Believe me, I've got better things to do than try to mock a game I just threw $60 at. I'm just saying, I picked a direction after I got out of the first zone, and have been traveling. I've seen some deer, some wolves a rat or two and some crabs. I haven't seen an entrance to shit. Okay nevermind, I just found this fort and shit is coming at me.


Okay so I found a dungeon, and upon entering three things ran out and kicked my ass. Okay I've obviously done something wrong here, because this is straight up stupid. I got out of there and have since been wandering around and taking out some goblins. This is starting to get more like what I was expecting, but I'm certainly not running into dungeons every two minutes of walking.


RevenantKioku said:
Okay so I found a dungeon, and upon entering three things ran out and kicked my ass. Okay I've obviously done something wrong here, because this is straight up stupid. I got out of there and have since been wandering around and taking out some goblins. This is starting to get more like what I was expecting, but I'm certainly not running into dungeons every two minutes of walking.

You need to go to the towns and talk to guilds and whatnot...

I can see it not being fun without direction, find some direction and then deviate.


RevenantKioku said:
Icon? And what do you mean wrong? I thought the point of this game was to just wander around and do shit. Believe me, I've got better things to do than try to mock a game I just threw $60 at. I'm just saying, I picked a direction after I got out of the first zone, and have been traveling. I've seen some deer, some wolves a rat or two and some crabs. I haven't seen an entrance to shit. Okay nevermind, I just found this fort and shit is coming at me.

The man can post on GAF and play at the same time. It's like a realtime transcript!


I take back my complaints about the difficulty and the level scaling. Im loving the fact that the game continues to challenge me 40 hours in. The alternative, being totally unstoppable, would have had me bored to tears.


ocelittle said:
You need to go to the towns and talk to guilds and whatnot...

I can see it not being fun without direction, find some direction and then deviate.

The one town I was in the guards said that there are no guilds in the city. >< I really feel like I'm missing something here.


RevenantKioku said:
This is starting to get more like what I was expecting, but I'm certainly not running into dungeons every two minutes of walking.
Oh, you will. Over 200 of them. :lol

I've played nearly 100 hours now, and still haven't found half of them. The more I play, the more I realize just how much larger this game is compared to Morrowind.... and Morrowind was ridiculously huge.


dante786 said:
How do i get melus petilius to kill me during the daedric shrine quest for molag bal? anyone?

I know no one has even answered yet, but i figured part of this out, only thing is
how do i get him to kill me with the mace?

plz, someone help.


RevenantKioku said:
The one town I was in the guards said that there are no guilds in the city. >< I really feel like I'm missing something here.

Check out your world map and fast travel to any one of the major cities (Anvil, Skingrad, Leyawiin, Bruma, etc.)...you don't have to have been there to fast travel, so try that, talk to people and find something to do.


GreekWolf said:
Oh, you will. Over 200 of them. :lol

I've played nearly 100 hours now, and still haven't found half of them. The more I play, the more I realize just how much larger this game is compared to Morrowind.... and Morrowind was ridiculously huge.

What level are you?


ocelittle said:
What level are you?
About to hit 37, I think.

Game is still just as challenging as it was back when I first started. I mean, I'm much more powerful now and never lose a fight... but I still have to plan my battles carefully, especially when I'm about to take on a room full of Daedra Lords. And I still try my best to avoid Lich and Gloom Wraith.


That's good to hear.

What's the max level?

Also, what's your highest stat so far? I'm worried that I'm not going to be super fast when I'm at max...I mean I'm fairly fast right now (80ish), but would love to be able to blaze through the overworld by the end.


they call me "Man Gravy".
ocelittle said:
That's good to hear.

What's the max level?

Also, what's your highest stat so far? I'm worried that I'm not going to be super fast when I'm at max...I mean I'm fairly fast right now (80ish), but would love to be able to blaze through the overworld by the end.

max level is just when you max all your major skills at 100. Then you can't level anymore.

And your stats all cap at 100 as well. At 80 you should be pretty damn fast though. You can virtually guarantee a 100 in every stat if you try to work your stat multipliers so you get a x5 on at least two stats every level up.
RevenantKioku said:
The one town I was in the guards said that there are no guilds in the city. >< I really feel like I'm missing something here.

Jesus Christ.....you can't walk into a town, talk to a guard, and assume that's all the town has to offer.

Step 1 - read the instruction manual. You will find out how to play the game, navigate the menus, and learn that if your cursor is over an object and turns red, you are NOT supposed to take that item or open that door or it's considered a crime and you will go to jail or be asked to pay a fine. Don't do this until you are a decent thief and you know what you are doing or you will get in trouble a lot.

Step 2 - go to a medium-sized town like Chorral and FULLY EXPLORE the town. Talk to enough people and you will find plenty of quests. You can go to your quest log at any time to see your current quests and choose one to make your active quest (this adds the marker to your compass). Within a couple of hours I had plenty of quests, and at my current point I always have around 20 current quests to choose from.

Step 3 - learn to fight. If you have a melee character, learn to block and counterattack. If you have a thief, learn to sneak and get sneak attacks or use your bow/arrow. If you are a magic user, throw magic at the enemy. Make sure you heal your character. At the first 5 levels, you shouldn't be challenged by anything unless you run into a room of 5 enemies like an idiot and let them surround you and pummel you. Play to your character's strengths.

That should get you started and ensure that you don't corrupt this thread with idiotic posts. Are you sure that you've played a video game before? You seem clueless!


Nerevar said:
max level is just when you max all your major skills at 100. Then you can't level anymore.

And your stats all cap at 100 as well. At 80 you should be pretty damn fast though. You can virtually guarantee a 100 in every stat if you try to work your stat multipliers so you get a x5 on at least two stats every level up.

It thought it was 255 for each stat?
Dang...I heard wrong :(

I still haven't figured out how to use my multipliers...I have never upped a stat by more than 3 when levelling up.


mmlemay said:
That should get you started and ensure that you don't corrupt this thread with idiotic posts. Are you sure that you've played a video game before? You seem clueless!
I haven't played an RPG like this in years. And to be honest, unless this picks up I'm sure I won't play one like it again. A little direction isn't a bad thing. The game just feels overwhelming.
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