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The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion |OT|


datamage said:
Hmm, I decided I wanted to try a thief. I chose these major skills; sneak, security, blade, athletics, light armor, armorer, marksman. How does this sound? So far sneaking around and shooting arrows is lots of fun.
Pretty good. You may also want hand to hand, though I don't know if it works with sneaking. Mainly cause it depletes fatigue when you hit enemies with it, and your bow will probably be the primary source of your damage.


Reading the manual in intimate detail now. Run into one potential issue:

The target markers have three colors, and two of them are red and green. I'm red/green colorblind, and can't tell the difference between the colors in the manual. :lol


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
GhaleonEB said:
Reading the manual in intimate detail now. Run into one potential issue:

The target markers have three colors, and two of them are red and green. I'm red/green colorblind, and can't tell the difference between the colors in the manual. :lol

It won't effect you too much, Red indicates what direction your next quest waypoint is, Green indicates in very nearby, normally in the same zone.


Im not sure if this has already been discussed here but im totally stuck in the thieves guild quests..

I've fenced over 600 gold and apparently the gray fox is supposed to contact me if i wait around in the imperial city... I've been wandering all around the city for hours, waiting. I also tried sleeping at several different inns many times, but nothing's happened yet :(

Anyone know what im supposed to be doing?
Bobety said:
Im not sure if this has already been discussed here but im totally stuck in the thieves guild quests..

I've fenced over 600 gold and apparently the gray fox is supposed to contact me if i wait around in the imperial city... I've been wandering all around the city for hours, waiting. I also tried sleeping at several different inns many times, but nothing's happened yet :(

Anyone know what im supposed to be doing?

Sleep in the Waterfront district, preferably in your own house if you have one. If not, try sleeping on a bum's bedroll.
Fusebox said:
Amen to that. Making a big, genuinely earned purchase in an RPG can be hugely satisfying imo.

Problem: there really is nothing big and rewarding to buy in Oblivion. Merchants are a joke. All the best stuff is dropped/random quest reward/random chest reward. The best house in the game is also the cheapest, and even then the best houses aren't hard to come by. My warrior had about 120K in the bank by level 20 or so from religiously selling everything. It gets really ridiculous once every NPC is walking around with Daedric.

I did make a spell that would have theoretically cost about 2 million to make, and cost about 600K mana to cast :lol
Suikoguy said:
What is the point of the Weakness to Magika then?

To add on to that, there's a Mage quest that requires it. They give you a freebie, but I cast it in the wrong order the first time (my last save was too old to go back to) and I don't know how to get another one. I've visited all the spell sellers I could find and no luck. I can't create it either. WTF.


My Arms Your Hearse said:
Problem: there really is nothing big and rewarding to buy in Oblivion. Merchants are a joke. All the best stuff is dropped/random quest reward/random chest reward. The best house in the game is also the cheapest, and even then the best houses aren't hard to come by.
I don't agree with that. Personally, I think the best house in the game is in Skingrad, which sells for 25k. Once you fully furnish the mansion with the trophy upgrades and servant's quarters, you've spent closer to 40k.

And I think that the best items in the game should be found in dungeons or recieved as a reward for difficult quests. I mean, if you could just walk into some random store and buy legendary armor and weapons, then there would really be no reason for you go dungeon crawling.


God damn: So I went to sleep in that boat in the waterfront, and I guess some bandits took it. I killed three of them, got the women to hand over her sword, and the owner of the boat tells me to go to sleep. Every fucking time I wake up the game freezes on me!

I tried doing the cache thing (Holding A as you start the game from the dashboard) but it doesn't work. HELP neoGAF! :( I was thinking about starting over as a warrior anyways, but I wanted to finish off the thieves guild quests as my theif :(


What's everyone's favorite side dungeon in the game? So far, my favorite one that I've done is Vilverin. It's located just across the lake when you exit the Imperial Prison Sewers, actually.

I like it because it's a really long, deep dungeon. Like most Ayleid ruins, you run into traps, hidden switches, etc. and it has a nice variety of enemies, along with a little story. I actually went into it on my first time playing the game, right after I left the sewers.

I still haven't found a side dungeon that's impressed me this much, though I love the
Oblivion gates.

Also, is anyone else hoping that Bethesda (or mod makers for that matter) come out with a mod/expansion that adds in some other areas of Tamriel? It's really awesome exploring Cyrodiil, so I'm just hoping that they're going to add in stuff like the Black Marsh or other areas (hopefully areas that are vastly different from Cyrodiil) in the future.
methodman said:
God damn man, how many hours you put into it? 200?

I think my clock is at 82hrs or so. This is all on 1 character, by the way. He's level 36.

I rank the guilds as follows:
1. Dark Brotherhood (big surprise). As SnakeXs said once, if this had been the main quest I would've been happy.
2. Thieves Guild.
3. Fighter's Guild. While it dragged on a bit, it was overall pretty decent.
4. Arena.
5. Mage's Guild. This was by far the most painful. Ironically, this was the very first guild I did. The quests to gain entrance to the Arcane University were awesome, but then they became VERY repetitive.
Go here and kill Necros. Go there and get this while killing necros.


firex said:
What's everyone's favorite side dungeon in the game? So far, my favorite one that I've done is Vilverin. I still haven't found a side dungeon that's impressed me this much, though I love the
Oblivion gates.
Yeah, Vilverin used to be my favorite dungeon... until I accidently stumbled upon the Pale Pass quest in Bruma.

One word to describe that experience... epic.
The Countess asks you to solve a riddle from an ancient text, and locate a mythical dungeon somewhere up in the snow covered mountains. What's really cool about this quest, is that there are several parts to the puzzle, and it requires you to find landmarks and a hidden passageway. The dungeon itself was pretty difficult for my level 20ish character, and the rewards are nice, depending on what you choose to do with them.


hyperbolically metafictive
question: my armor rating seems to cap at 85. does this mean that it doesn't matter whether i wear daedric or ebony armor? does it mean that it doesn't matter whether i wear a helmet or not, as long as my armor rating stays at 85?

i wish i'd noticed this before i went through all that trouble to get a nearly-full set of daedric armor, when all things being equal i'd rather wear the cooler-looking ebony armor. :(


Ugh, I fucked up so bad tonight-

It all started when I was just messing around while getting various Mage's Guild folk to vouch for me to the University. I got a little restless in Bruma and killed someone in the Mage's Guild there, intending to reload my autosave...

Well as soon as I was about to press start to go and reload, a loading screen popped up and I appeared outside the Mage's Guild door with a message I had been suspended. I didn't worry too much, pressed start to reload, but it had autosaved over my previous autosave, and my last REAL save was 3 levels ago. I then go to the University to see about getting back in, and he tells me I need to get 20 deadra hearts and 20 vampire dust. No big deal.

So I've already got 20 deadra hearts, and I only need 10 more Vamp Dust. I head out to a vampire cave, get about 7 dust, then go back to my house to dump off my loot and rest. I wake up with vampirism (somehow didn't see that I had gotten that blood disease in the vampire cave). I walk out to test out my new vampire powers, and cringe when I realize it just autosaved again.

Now I'm stuck as a vampire, and in addition to trying to get back in with the Mage's Guild, I have to figure out the quest to rid myself of this vampirism.

Silly stuff.


Harmonica said:
Ugh, I fucked up so bad tonight-

It all started when I was just messing around while getting various Mage's Guild folk to vouch for me to the University. I got a little restless in Bruma and killed someone in the Mage's Guild there, intending to reload my autosave...

Well as soon as I was about to press start to go and reload, a loading screen popped up and I appeared outside the Mage's Guild door with a message I had been suspended. I didn't worry too much, pressed start to reload, but it had autosaved over my previous autosave.
I had a similar thing, also at the Mage's Guild but I didn't lose as much progress. I picked some spells off of a table without paying attention and apparantly I'd stole them, I'm just so used to taking things legally from there, next thing I know I'm outside with the same suspension message and my autosave ruined. You think I would have learned but I still rely on the autosave too much.


Yeah, the autosaves can get you. I lost a full level and some progress in the main story from not doing a proper save. Not set to far back though, just gotta reacquire the skeleton key and Azura's Star. Skeleton Key almost feels like cheating, no matter your security rating you can just sit there and hammer on auto until it gives.


hyperbolically metafictive
ok, ebony and daedric armor only seemed equal because i was wearing a couple rings with shield enchantments, which act directly on armor rating. i guess i could wear different rings if i stuck with daedric. though...now i think i'll use a sigil stone to add 20% shield to an article of ebony armor, and wear that anyway. ebony just looks cooler! :x

another question: does fortifying blade skill past 100 achieve anything? it doesn't seem to increase the damage rating on my swords, but does it increase my chances of paralyzing or knocking down or whatever?


Steve, you lied to me :( I finally have a greater fame rating than imfamy, and I still cant pray at a church! I am still a "wicked one".


Solo said:
Steve, you lied to me :( I finally have a greater fame rating than imfamy, and I still cant pray at a church! I am still a "wicked one".

Think you have a bounty and need to pay (Thief Guild) it off before you can pray. At least, that's what happen to me. Kept on giving me that message until I paid the bounty. Was kinda stumped at first.


formerly "chigiri"
Might have missed it, but is there any word on when the so far underwhelming DLCs will be available to us PAL people in the rest of Europe and not just the UK?
Is translation being the issue for the delay, if so why are the non-localized areas such as scandinavia suffering?:)
Ok, first of all, why aren't you guys saving more regularly? :lol Seriously, it takes like 10 seconds, and can save you a lot of trouble if your game crashes, you screw up badly, or you die unexpecedly. I never reload a save because I made a poor choice in what I say or do, but I have been killed when I wasn't expecting it, and I was glad I didn't have to go back too far. You can save at anytime. Use it!!

I finally got into the Arcane University after doing all those mundane, tedious tasks to get recommendations. I started the Mage Guild questline, and so far it's going well. I've got my staff and I'm off to recover the book from the Count in Skingard. Along the way, I'm doing a few sidequests as well. So far, the Mage Guild stuff is not nearly as fun as the thieves guild, but I'm still enjoying every aspect of the game.
methodman said:
I tried doing the cache thing (Holding A as you start the game from the dashboard) but it doesn't work. HELP neoGAF! :( I was thinking about starting over as a warrior anyways, but I wanted to finish off the thieves guild quests as my theif :(

I'm pretty sure you can only clear the cache from a power-on.
methodman said:
God damn man, how many hours you put into it? 200?

It's actually not THAT hard to unlock all of the achievements if you put your mind to it. There were plenty of people on mygamercard.net with all of the achievements within a couple of days of the game's release. If you have a single-minded focus on unlocking the achievements and don't go on any side quests or explore any dungeons, it could probably all be done in 35-40 hours or so.

However, if you are like me, you are 55 hours into the game and still have less than half of the achievements because I am being constantly sidetracked by side quests, raising skills, checking every crate/chest and buying/selling everything, buying houses, exploring the world, searching for Nirnroots, etc. If I was more focused I could probably have 75% of the achievements by now, but that's not how this game is meant to be played and it's not fun to play it like that. I don't understand all of the people on mygamercard.net who just rushed through the game to get achievements because to me, that misses the whole point of this game. To each his own, though..

Anyway, congratulations, Vyse - I know it was a lot of hard work to get through all of the quests. How many of the side quests (houses, towns, daedric, etc.) did you do along the way?
I agree. I just play the game, and when I unlock some achievement, I just sorta go "Oh, cool" and move on to what ever next thing I planned to do in the game. Of course, that's pretty much how I feel about achievements in all the games. :)


I found a Giant Weyoun Stone in a random cave I explored. Its worth 0 and weighs 0 so I'm guessing its a key item in a quest in my future that I just did early?
ok I'm stuck on where spirits have lease. Bought the house, fought the ghosts found Velwyn, talked to him, asked him to help me lift the curse. He just tells me i bought it so i gotta do it on my own... wtf
mmlemay said:
It's actually not THAT hard to unlock all of the achievements if you put your mind to it. There were plenty of people on mygamercard.net with all of the achievements within a couple of days of the game's release. If you have a single-minded focus on unlocking the achievements and don't go on any side quests or explore any dungeons, it could probably all be done in 35-40 hours or so.

However, if you are like me, you are 55 hours into the game and still have less than half of the achievements because I am being constantly sidetracked by side quests, raising skills, checking every crate/chest and buying/selling everything, buying houses, exploring the world, searching for Nirnroots, etc. If I was more focused I could probably have 75% of the achievements by now, but that's not how this game is meant to be played and it's not fun to play it like that. I don't understand all of the people on mygamercard.net who just rushed through the game to get achievements because to me, that misses the whole point of this game. To each his own, though..

Anyway, congratulations, Vyse - I know it was a lot of hard work to get through all of the quests. How many of the side quests (houses, towns, daedric, etc.) did you do along the way?

I own 3 houses, all fully furnished: 1 in chorral (main house), one in imperial waterfront, and one in skingrad. I've done about 80% of the daedric quests. A ton of freeform quests, including the lengthy pale pass quest. A ton of sidequests- about 20ish or so (I can get specifics later). I'm up to the third part of the nirnroot quest (have to get 30 now =() too. Not to mention, I've read most of the books in the game too. Haha.

My character is level 36. My seven major skills are: blade (95ish), block (78ish, I tend to move around more than stand and block because my agility is low so I get recoiled a lot), heavy armor (95ish), alteration (100, unlock all spell 4tw), illusion (100, chameleon 100% 4tw), mysticism (65ish), restoration (60ish).

Overall, my goal wasn't to rush and get them all. I just did them at my own pace. I think the order I did the guilds helped too. Since I did mages first, I got my magic up very quickly. Due to my super high alteration and illusion, I was able to do the thieves and dark brotherhood quest lines very quickly (probably less than half the time a weaker character would've taken).

In any case, I got a few things left to do with my main character then I'm going to make a evil vampire character. ^_^


Chili Con Carnage!
MrPing1000 said:
ok I'm stuck on where spirits have lease. Bought the house, fought the ghosts found Velwyn, talked to him, asked him to help me lift the curse. He just tells me i bought it so i gotta do it on my own... wtf

Theres a letter you need to take to him, i think you must have read it to activate the next bit of the quest, but anyway, its on the left as you enter the house, in the corner of the 'living room' theres a convenient shaft of light shining on it.
Vyse The Legend said:
I own 3 houses, all fully furnished: 1 in chorral (main house), one in imperial waterfront, and one in skingrad. I've done about 80% of the daedric quests. A ton of freeform quests, including the lengthy pale pass quest. A ton of sidequests- about 20ish or so (I can get specifics later). I'm up to the third part of the nirnroot quest (have to get 30 now =() too. Not to mention, I've read most of the books in the game too. Haha.

My character is level 36. My seven major skills are: blade (95ish), block (78ish, I tend to move around more than stand and block because my agility is low so I get recoiled a lot), heavy armor (95ish), alteration (100, unlock all spell 4tw), illusion (100, chameleon 100% 4tw), mysticism (65ish), restoration (60ish).

Overall, my goal wasn't to rush and get them all. I just did them at my own pace. I think the order I did the guilds helped too. Since I did mages first, I got my magic up very quickly. Due to my super high alteration and illusion, I was able to do the thieves and dark brotherhood quest lines very quickly (probably less than half the time a weaker character would've taken).

In any case, I got a few things left to do with my main character then I'm going to make a evil vampire character. ^_^

Awesome! Thanks for the stats! I love to see what others have accomplished in games of this scale. I'm also on the 3rd part of the Nirnroot quest (I only need 5 more!) and I'm about to start buying all of the houses in the game since I have nothing else to spend my money on...


I'm not as deluded as I make myself out to be
Just checking after awhile with the game and levelling up, whats everyones weapon/attack style of choice?

I like to summon a creature then switch to my long sword/shield combo with touch magic on top of that. Close ranged combot mostly with my creature stabbing them from behind :D

I find my ranged attacks quite ineffective a lot of the time. Maybe get in one or two shots when sneaking but since I dont like running backwards and firing I just switch to my sword after a couple shots. Ranged magic also seems quite inaccurate/ineffective.
Ghost said:
Theres a letter you need to take to him, i think you must have read it to activate the next bit of the quest, but anyway, its on the left as you enter the house, in the corner of the 'living room' theres a convenient shaft of light shining on it.

This part really annoyed me and tripped me up for about 10 hours. I talked to that guy dozens of times hoping he would come back to the house but I eventually gave up and moved on. It pissed me off, too, because at that point in time 5k was a lot of gold for me!

Later on, I just happened to grab the hand and the letter during a random trip to Anvil and didn't think twice about it. The next time I was in Imperial City, I just happened to stop in the inn where he was staying and lo and behold, he agreed to come back to Anvil, and after completing the quest, I had my first nice house and I didn't even have to pay a dime to furnish it!

Damn it felt good to remove that quest from my active quests list. However, there are so many quests in the game and I'm so easily distracted that my active list seems to hover around 20 no matter what I do!


needs to show more effort.
kaizoku said:
Just checking after awhile with the game and levelling up, whats everyones weapon/attack style of choice?

I like to summon a creature then switch to my long sword/shield combo with touch magic on top of that. Close ranged combot mostly with my creature stabbing them from behind :D

I find my ranged attacks quite ineffective a lot of the time. Maybe get in one or two shots when sneaking but since I dont like running backwards and firing I just switch to my sword after a couple shots. Ranged magic also seems quite inaccurate/ineffective.

I lurk in the shadows and fire arrows at things when they aren't looking. If they see me and charge, I have 2 options depending on the surrounding terrain:

either I leap up onto a high place that the enemy can't reach eg in Kvatch
after you get inside the castle/town itself on the path to open the main gate, rather than fighting the dremora at their level I ran along the roof tops (as an assassin should be doing anyway) and fired arrows down upon them
or I pull out my dagger and dodge around and poke them after they've taken a swing and missed.

If it is a particularly difficult monster, or a difficult grouping, then it is time for poisons. I have acquired and created a nice little collection of poisons, the best of which being paralyzation. Arrows that when shot into the hide of a daedra, cause them to collapse on the ground and lay there for 5-7 seconds, is extremely effective.

Though all of that sorta goes out the window with chameleon equipment. Put all of it on, cast chameleon, and I have about 30 seconds where the enemy can't see me at all, and thus can't attack me, and everything I do is a sneak attack even if they are in my face.

I first achieved that level of this last night and I plan to throw that stuff away when I play tonight because it just makes the game stupid.
kaizoku said:
Just checking after awhile with the game and levelling up, whats everyones weapon/attack style of choice?

I like to summon a creature then switch to my long sword/shield combo with touch magic on top of that. Close ranged combot mostly with my creature stabbing them from behind :D

I find my ranged attacks quite ineffective a lot of the time. Maybe get in one or two shots when sneaking but since I dont like running backwards and firing I just switch to my sword after a couple shots. Ranged magic also seems quite inaccurate/ineffective.

I'm purely melee, but since my agility is low I get recoiled and knocked off my feet a lot. So to prevent this I move around a lot and try to dodge attacks. If I'm facing a very strong monster or several baddies, I tend to cast invisible and appear behind them to get a few jabs in. When fighting mountain lions, I hit them with paralyze then pummel them to death before they get up haha. I use 1h swords- usually Umbra or Goldbrand or we it's called.
kaizoku said:
Just checking after awhile with the game and levelling up, whats everyones weapon/attack style of choice?

I like to summon a creature then switch to my long sword/shield combo with touch magic on top of that. Close ranged combot mostly with my creature stabbing them from behind :D

I find my ranged attacks quite ineffective a lot of the time. Maybe get in one or two shots when sneaking but since I dont like running backwards and firing I just switch to my sword after a couple shots. Ranged magic also seems quite inaccurate/ineffective.

I'm playing as a Redguard warrior with very high Endurance and Strength levels. I use the combo of an enchanted long sword and enchanted shield, using the whole block and then get two quick swipes in approach, mixing in my heavy attacks sparingly. I also have a couple of decent touch destruction spells that I will use at the beginning of a fight until my magic runs out, and then I will always use at least one or two restoration spells after a battle to build up my Destruction/Restoration levels since they are major skills. Occasionally, if I am feeling frisky, I'll sneak around for the 6X bonus, but I only have so much patience for this!

Once you get enchanted weapons and you know how to block, there's not an enemy in the game that can't be taken out. Just make sure your block and agility levels are decent so you don't get staggered too often!
I use all elements of combat. I'm playing a Battlemage character at the moment, and I have a Frost Sword for up close melee, and mix that with some good destruction spells. But I also use my bow for distance stealth strikes, and when the bad guys come rushing towards me, I'll pull out my sword and mix it up.

My earlier character was a thief, and I used my Fire Bow most effectively, again striking with stealth shots, and avoiding actual melee if I could help it. He is decent with a blade though, so I'm likely to pull out blade if an enemy gets too close.
Kung Fu Jedi said:
I finally got into the Arcane University after doing all those mundane, tedious tasks to get recommendations. I started the Mage Guild questline, and so far it's going well. I've got my staff and I'm off to recover the book from the Count in Skingard. Along the way, I'm doing a few sidequests as well. So far, the Mage Guild stuff is not nearly as fun as the thieves guild, but I'm still enjoying every aspect of the game.

Okay, a lot of the Mages stuff was a bit tedious, but somehow I got roped into having to do the Dreamworld Quest for the Guild Leader in Bruma (I think?) before I could ask her about a recco. Holy shit. That took the Painting World quest, had sex with it, and TOTALLY NEVER CALLED IT BACK.

It was, no lie, some serious Indiana Jones And The Last Crusade type ish. But now I've finally got my Arcane U membership on lock and I can start really running shit.

BTW, PA needs to cook up some Arcane U sweatshirts right quick.
BenjaminBirdie said:
Okay, a lot of the Mages stuff was a bit tedious, but somehow I got roped into having to do the Dreamworld Quest for the Guild Leader in Bruma (I think?) before I could ask her about a recco. Holy shit. That took the Painting World quest, had sex with it, and TOTALLY NEVER CALLED IT BACK.

It was, no lie, some serious Indiana Jones And The Last Crusade type ish. But now I've finally got my Arcane U membership on lock and I can start really running shit.

BTW, PA needs to cook up some Arcane U sweatshirts right quick.

Yeah, I loved the Dream World Quest. I liked that you had to think about things to get through it, and it wasn't just constantly fighting. It was a cool concept too. Right up there with the Painting Quest.

I haven't done it yet with this character, but I did it with my thief. My mage didn't have to do that quest to get a recommendation though. She really wanted you to work for that one! :lol


BenjaminBirdie said:
Okay, a lot of the Mages stuff was a bit tedious, but somehow I got roped into having to do the Dreamworld Quest for the Guild Leader in Bruma (I think?) before I could ask her about a recco. Holy shit. That took the Painting World quest, had sex with it, and TOTALLY NEVER CALLED IT BACK.

It was, no lie, some serious Indiana Jones And The Last Crusade type ish. But now I've finally got my Arcane U membership on lock and I can start really running shit.

BTW, PA needs to cook up some Arcane U sweatshirts right quick.
I haven't found the painters quest but the Dreamworld quest was easy to find. After I got my recommendation from the Guildmaster she goes "oh god oh no!", after I just fixed everything so I go WTF, and when I talk to her she tells me that she needs my help. Therefore, awesome dream world level.

And I usually fight by summoning some creature, then using the rest of my magic to send out 35 damage fireballs while they charge at me. If they're still alive at that point I just go on a head to head battle, using my ice-touch if they get too close. I think I'm gonna mess around with poisons and paralize soon though.


needs to show more effort.
speaking of the dream world quest, I had been wondering. What were you supposed to do with those panels arrayed in a grid on the floor? You get some note or something trying to give you a pattern for what I assumed was a puzzle of some sort.

I looked at the clue
I looked at the grid/panels in front of me

I then proceeded to jump down the line of the grid (in between the panels) and so never actually stepped on a panel. I looked a tthe clue again. Still didn't understand it, tossed it away and finished that part of the quest.
If you look closely, the number of panels on the floor match up with the number of characters on the scroll. Looking even closer, you'll see that there are symbols that make a pathy all the way across each of grids on the note. Match up those paths on the grid with the panels on the floor, and you walk safely across.


That part of the dreamworld quest stumped me because I didn't see you could scroll down the puzzle solution note. When I got to the third floor puzzle I went...um? DUR!
Kung Fu Jedi said:
Yeah, I loved the Dream World Quest. I liked that you had to think about things to get through it, and it wasn't just constantly fighting. It was a cool concept too. Right up there with the Painting Quest.

I haven't done it yet with this character, but I did it with my thief. My mage didn't have to do that quest to get a recommendation though. She really wanted you to work for that one! :lol

Actually, what had happened was I talked to a guard when I arrived in town and that kickstarted the DW quest and I couldn't get the Guild Leader to talk about anything else until I finished it.
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