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The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion |OT|


Rekwest said:
I just find this http://www.oldblivion.com/index.php do you think it works?

It works, but mileage varies. If you have an Nvidia card on the higher end of the pre-PS2.0 set, then it really will do well. Lower end Nvidia's suffer some problems, and it seems that older ATIs (mine was Mobile Radeon Mobility 9000) are really left in the dust because there's NO dynamic lighting yet at all.

Once oldblivion confirmed my old PC wasn't going to do it for me, I caved and bought a 360. :(


Well, I'm boned. I need marksman training yet I'm such high level that I can't get an elven bow to drop, nor can I find where to buy one. Blah! Anyone know how to acquire an elven bow at around level 35?


Running off of Custom Firmware
If you're playing "vanilla" Oblivion, then MUCH of the game scales directly to your level. Kinda silly really. One of the first things I fixed via mods.


Meh, I don't have a problem with Oblivion scaling everything, but I am looking for a mod where I can buy a elven bow though. I mean shit, what kind of quest makes you find loot that doesn't drop for your character level?

Btw, what mod do you speak to fix the scaling problem?


If you're playing "vanilla" Oblivion, then MUCH of the game scales directly to your level. Kinda silly really. One of the first things I fixed via mods.

Well, logical leaps aside, I prefer an adventure to a personal workshop. I mean, once you've made it "Your game", what keeps you playing? It's clear that the world has no control over your progress anymore, no?


Running off of Custom Firmware
Oscuro's Oblivion Overhaul

Amongst things, what it does is COMPLETELY remake the enemy and loot leveled lists, by hand. He grants min and max caps to almost all enemies in the game. Weaker type enemies will cap out at certain level, eventually becoming total cannon fodder. Most medium and strong enemies also have max level caps, but also might have MIN level caps, meaning that instead of having pretty much all enemies steadily level at you, you can (and will) potentially find enemies with a min level WELL above yours. So yeah, now there will be locations and caves that are way too dangerous for you at first, etc. Logic rules apply. Roads and light wilderness will hold easier enemies. Remote mountain tops and deep valleys will hold greater challenges.

Likewise, loot leveled lists are now completely redone as well. Regardless of your level, you WILL not be able to complete a set of Daedric Armor by wiping out a randomly spawned Bandit NPC mob. Steel starts showing up earlier. Iron and Steel will always make up the brunt of what you'll find. The stronger you get, the chances of finding elven, dwarven, ebony, glass, mithril, daedric, etc., loot (slightly) increase.


Edit - Speevy. I prefer a rollicking good adventure too. Oblivion borked a couple of elements that were always part of TES adventuring. The OOO mod merely restores something that was always part of TES, and was destroyed in Oblivion.


Mashing said:
Meh, I don't have a problem with Oblivion scaling everything, but I am looking for a mod where I can buy a elven bow though. I mean shit, what kind of quest makes you find loot that doesn't drop for your character level?

Btw, what mod do you speak to fix the scaling problem?

The shops are carrying iron, steel, elven, drarven, etc. for me. Are all your shops selling daedric stuff (which are on the bandits on my game)?


I'm getting everything BUT elven. I don't think they're selling Daedric yet, but I get that in Oblivion and off bandits. It's quite frustrating. I even have that mod that adds a bow merchant outside the imperial city but he's selling everything BUT elven as well.


I would like to try this just to see what the fuss is about, but I doubt Bethesda would ever update something like that on the 360 version.


I think when I was closing the Burma gate, one of the guards who was almost dead got in the way of my swing and I killed him or something because I randomly had a 1000 gold fine I found out.. and now I've got 1 infamy. I'm sad. :(


Two questions:

1) Is there any way to tell what is causing your stats to be negatively modified? I was in combat and got a message that I had contracted something, but it was chaos and I didn't see what it was. Now my Intelligence is being brought down a TON (which sucks since I'm battle mage) but I have no idea what to do about it. I've tried curing poisons, cure diseases, sleeping, visiting shrines, etc.

2) Is there a way to view the detailed map for areas you have visited but are not currently in? For huge swaths of wilderness I just ran a straight line, finding a few things along the way (usually being chased). Other areas I maped out completely, uncovering everything. I'd like to revisit those areas I skipped most of but I can't remember where they were. Any way to 'zoom in' on a place via the map?



Running off of Custom Firmware
1) Navigate to you magic menu and check out the right-most submenu to check out your active effects (positive and negative).

Speevy, I believe Bethsoft's official stance is NO homebrew mods on the 360 version.


there is joy in sucking dick
GhaleonEB said:
Two questions:

1) Is there any way to tell what is causing your stats to be negatively modified? I was in combat and got a message that I had contracted something, but it was chaos and I didn't see what it was. Now my Intelligence is being brought down a TON (which sucks since I'm battle mage) but I have no idea what to do about it. I've tried curing poisons, cure diseases, sleeping, visiting shrines, etc.

2) Is there a way to view the detailed map for areas you have visited but are not currently in? For huge swaths of wilderness I just ran a straight line, finding a few things along the way (usually being chased). Other areas I maped out completely, uncovering everything. I'd like to revisit those areas I skipped most of but I can't remember where they were. Any way to 'zoom in' on a place via the map?


1. You have to go to the spell section and then click the Skull Icon with the Thunderbolt (it should be the last selection). It shows both Negative and Positive buffers

2. I don't think theres a way to do that. The only way to view a detailed map is if your at that location


I'm sure Bethesda could "officially" do everything that guy did and more in a matter of an afternoon, if they haven't done it already.


Running off of Custom Firmware
Speevy said:
I'm sure Bethesda could "officially" do everything that guy did and more in a matter of an afternoon, if they haven't done it already.

I'm sure a team of 100 or so could do in an afternoon what one guy alone did in a matter of a week (though he's constantly tweaking it, for balance, of course). But no, they most assuredly haven't, and according to what we know of the up-coming patch (PC and 360), no major rebalancing of the gameplay is in the works.

Why so defensive about it?

Edit - Hey Mashing, do you know of the console commands in the PC version? Google 'em and GIVE yourself an Elven Bow. Could be a glitch, Elven equipment not spawning at all.


I'm not defensive about it really. I actually just wish they'd fix some minor things which don't have to do with the scaling, like better AF. But I've never been a PC gamer so I can't complain about what you guys get, and pay for.


Running off of Custom Firmware
Speevy said:
I'm not defensive about it really. I actually just wish they'd fix some minor things which don't have to do with the scaling, like better AF. But I've never been a PC gamer so I can't complain about what you guys get, and pay for.

Fair enough. I'm sure you've heard it again and again, Morrowind's relevancy (to me, personally) over the past 4 years had a lot to do with the mods. Unlike then, I just don't have the patience to deal with what I see as flaws in Vanilla Oblivion. I will NOT be downloading massive total conversions or even significant map/quest additions until after I've finished the game. But restoring Daggerfall and Morrowind-style gameplay balance to Oblivion was a big deal to the community. If it weren't, there mods probably woudn't exist yet! :D


there is joy in sucking dick
Ugh..I hate that chests are not truely limitless storage. If you put to much in, it ends up hiding some items that you can't access until you take things out. Its kind of annoying and I would rather have a message telling me that no more can fit instead of making stuff dissapear


Okay, I haven't been able to find anything about this, but how the hell can I get my conjuration skills up if I'm at 7? Is there any conjuration spell I can even cast? Or do I have to just train 5 times per level with a mage guild dude until I'm at 25 and can do scamps????

Sigh. :(


not an idiot
i don't have anything to add other than this is the greatest fucking game ever made.

that is all.

p.s. the lack of AF does suck.


I just finished the main questline at level 11 (isn't that too early)? What an epic ending. Now I guess I'll just start adventuring, raiding dungeons and doing all side quests then :)


Running off of Custom Firmware
mxz said:
I just finished the main questline at level 11 (isn't that too early)? What an epic ending. Now I guess I'll just start adventuring, raiding dungeons and doing all side quests then :)

Just as an aside, the Oscuro's Oblivion Overhaul mod I mentioned a few posts ago will guarantee that you won't be able to beat the MQ at level 11, or the Arena at level 5. :)


Mashing said:
Meh, I don't have a problem with Oblivion scaling everything, but I am looking for a mod where I can buy a elven bow though. I mean shit, what kind of quest makes you find loot that doesn't drop for your character level?

Btw, what mod do you speak to fix the scaling problem?
Personally, I'm not a big fan of the Oscuro's Oblivion Overhaul mod*, but if that's your thing, go for it. There are also simple mods that make vendor NPCs sell all levels of equipment at all levels. Sorry I can't be more specific, but browse the Oblivion gameplay mods section of www.tessource.net and find the vendor mods I'm talking about. I saw a couple different ones, and I personally haven't gotten them (I like finding things, plus the one thing I'd really want to buy is glass armor, and the mods that add colored glass armor make it available in shops).

*I can see why other people would like it - it keeps daedric and glass armor/weapons rare when they're supposed to be. But I don't mind high level enemies being in full daedric/glass (though even at level 40 I'd say that isn't so common - most enemies I find are in at least half glass/elven and daedric/ebony, if not sometimes even lower quality) because in my mind, it's a reward for getting to that high of a level, and also it keeps your enemies a bit challenging when you get artifact weapons and armor. I don't think there's any plausible story explanation for why most marauders are wearing daedric armor past about level 25, but it's still fun if you play for loot as much as for story and the experience. I find that the scaled enemies works well for keeping you on your toes... though I do wish they didn't remove a lot of the lower leveled creatures. I can understand getting rid of something like imps and regular wolves, but when there are quests that ask for lion pelts and other such stuff, it should be possible to find those items at any level IMO. In fact, that's one thing that's annoying me about the Azura shrine quest:
You have to bring glow dust, or something similar to that, to talk to her, but if I'm not mistaken, you only get that off a will o the wisp... but you can get Azura's quest at like level 2 and I've never seen a will o the wisp before that level.


Seth C said:
I think conjure dagger is a pretty low level spell.

Conjure Helmet is lower level. It got me to 25 when I would summon Imps & Scamps and then capture their souls.

Anyone got any tips for leveling Destruction? I've been casting fireball a lot more but it's still going up too slowly.


pilonv1 said:
Conjure Helmet is lower level. It got me to 25 when I would summon Imps & Scamps and then capture their souls.

Anyone got any tips for leveling Destruction? I've been casting fireball a lot more but it's still going up too slowly.
Someone posted in this thread the rate at which each skill builds up, and for destruction, your best bet is to get Arcane U. access and create a minimal self-damage spell and spam that. It also helps you build up restoration too!


pilonv1 said:
Conjure Helmet is lower level. It got me to 25 when I would summon Imps & Scamps and then capture their souls.

Anyone got any tips for leveling Destruction? I've been casting fireball a lot more but it's still going up too slowly.
I use Frost Touch a lot (I think that's it - 25pts damage at touch). I'm a level 11 character, and have about 59 on destruction, mostly from that and the fireball spells.

Also, I just
closed my second Oblivion gate. Looks like it was an optional one. I followed an off-path all the way up to the mountains in the north and found one up there.
One of the tip screens mentioned there were sixteen planes of Oblivion. One gate for each, perhaps? (I know you only *have* to
close three.

I love how some of these optional places are just fucking ginormous. I spent two and a half hours in there. The loot was amazing - Elven claymore, damage of 13. My best weapon at that point was a damage of 9, and it was whittled down to a 5 when I found that baby. Whoever said great loot isn't out there is on crack. I'm finding awesome stuff all over the place.


I think I'm doomed at level 18.

I should have done a costume class. Now I have (with no enchantments from equipment or otherwise) the following stats for my major skills:

Blade: 55
Blunt: 44
Alchemy: 31
Alteration: 32
Conjuration: 100
Destruction: 100
Mysticism: 33

I don't use the 3 that are in the thirties :-\ In fact, I don't even know how to make potions for alchemy lol. The only alteration skill I have is lock picking, and I have a telekenesis spell for mysticism but that's it as well...

Can you make spells from scrolls you have in your inventory or that you've used or something?


GhaleonEB said:
I use Frost Touch a lot (I think that's it - 25pts damage at touch). I'm a level 11 character, and have about 59 on destruction, mostly from that and the fireball spells.

Also, I just
closed my second Oblivion gate. Looks like it was an optional one. I followed an off-path all the way up to the mountains in the north and found one up there.
One of the tip screens mentioned there were sixteen planes of Oblivion. One gate for each, perhaps? (I know you only *have* to
close three.

I love how some of these optional places are just fucking ginormous. I spent two and a half hours in there. The loot was amazing - Elven claymore, damage of 13. My best weapon at that point was a damage of 9, and it was whittled down to a 5 when I found that baby. Whoever said great loot isn't out there is on crack. I'm finding awesome stuff all over the place.
I think that tip is just some background lore, like the tips you can get going to Bruma or Leyawiin where they talk about architectural influence from the bordering provinces, because I've seen (though not personally cleared) more than 16 oblivion gates. They're basically another optional dungeon.


I ventured down to Leyawiin to meed my second fence, and while down there I did all the quests I could.

One of them
was about becoming a knight.

Anyway, now I'm of high enough level for the Will-O-Wisps. As I was leaving the town to head for Bravil, I noticed my friend on the road fighting a Will-O-Wisp. She had a green sword on her, so I decided to let the thing kill her so I could see what it was.

I've now got a nice glass longsword.


Spencerr said:
Can you make spells from scrolls you have in your inventory or that you've used or something?
Spellmaking is done when you've gotten a recommendation from each mages' guild chapter in a major city (excluding the imperial city) and you're then allowed to join the arcane university. Be forewarned that it costs money - quite a lot if you're making a powerful spell with multiple effects.

Now, as for raising those skills (assuming you want to): You have some really easy ones to max out. Grab a Mortar and Pestle (found all over the place) and grind some herbs together to make potions for Alchemy. It requires no combat whatsoever, just exploring the world and picking herbs, though there are some ingredients you get by killing creatures.

Alteration and Mysticism are really easy to raise up. You should have detect life and protect in your spellbook, you can just spam cast those to raise them up if you want. The hardest skills I've found to raise are heavy/light armor, block, blade, blunt, marksman and security. Everything else you can run around and do at zero risk pretty much. But, as it's been said in this thread before, minor skills can in a lot of ways wind up being more important than major skills, so you may want to focus on those instead.


firex said:
Spellmaking is done when you've gotten a recommendation from each mages' guild chapter in a major city (excluding the imperial city) and you're then allowed to join the arcane university. Be forewarned that it costs money - quite a lot if you're making a powerful spell with multiple effects.

Now, as for raising those skills (assuming you want to): You have some really easy ones to max out. Grab a Mortar and Pestle (found all over the place) and grind some herbs together to make potions for Alchemy. It requires no combat whatsoever, just exploring the world and picking herbs, though there are some ingredients you get by killing creatures.

Alteration and Mysticism are really easy to raise up. You should have detect life and protect in your spellbook, you can just spam cast those to raise them up if you want. The hardest skills I've found to raise are heavy/light armor, block, blade, blunt, marksman and security. Everything else you can run around and do at zero risk pretty much. But, as it's been said in this thread before, minor skills can in a lot of ways wind up being more important than major skills, so you may want to focus on those instead.

Lol I know how to make spells, but it's not like it automatically opens up the entire library of effects for you. I meant can you use effects from scrolls you have or have had.


oh. well, you have to buy a spell with the effect you want. So go buy the cheapest version of whatever effect you're looking for and you can create that spell then.


As it says, it removes magic effects. I've not really played around with it, but I think the "dispel x pts" listed only applies to damage effects/fortifications. i.e. dispel 50 pts would remove 50 pts of a fortify magicka or something. I think it's only really useful for enemies that put up some annoying buffs, since you can just cast spell reflect/absorb on yourself.


okay 360 owners:

anyone playing oblivion on a 4:3 lcd? it's horribly stretched instead of letterboxed and it won't render in any other resolution than 720p either. is there any way around this?


Bah, so how do you enchant weapons or armor when you have finished the main storyline and there is no more Oblivion with Sigil stones?


there is joy in sucking dick
mxz said:
Bah, so how do you enchant weapons or armor when you have finished the main storyline and there is no more Oblivion with Sigil stones?

You can do it when you first get into
The Arcane University as part of the Mages Guild quests. Theres different building that allow you to do different things. The most noteable ones being Spellmaking and Enchanting of Weapons

On another note. I just finished the Dark Brotherhood Quests :D

So when you finish it....all that happens is
You become the Listener and have to report to the Speaker once a week to report on who to kill (Straight from Sithis, to the Dark Mother and so on) and all you get is some money? That sucks, I would rather get some amazing armor or enchantment but I guess the Dagger of Woe is sufficient and Shadowfax

Speaking of which, I used to travel around Oblivion on foot...I had no fricken idea how fast a horse could get you around in comparison to being on foot. Its making exploring and finding new areas much more easier.
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