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The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion |OT|


stuck my tongue deep inside Atlus' cookies
After 55+ hours, my brief (yet incredibly intense) Oblivion love affair is coming to an end, I think. I know other people (most people?) have put 100+ hours into the game, but you have to understand, for me to even clock 55 is absolutely incredible. I have a huge stack of RPGs all sitting with 10-15 hours on the game clock. I almost never ever beat my games if they run much longer... I just get bored. In fact, 55 hours might be the most I've EVER spent with the singe portion of the game.

But still... I don't know if I'm going to be able to bring myself to finish up loose ends, and get the handful of remaining achievements. The problem, well, one of the problems, is that I really hate Oblivion. I mean... you're SUPPOSED to hate Oblivion... it's a hellish place. So I guess in that sense the designers did their job. But eh. I didn't enjoy all the redness, and loathed the few main-quest quests that force you to close Oblivion gates. Never closed any of the optional ones.

The 2nd issue is that the combat has finally gotten to the point of repetition, for me. The whole game in general, in fact. There are still the occasional flashes of brilliance (pushing tough enemies off cliffs has been a recent favorite), but in general it's all slashy slashy, unless a badguy is especially tough, then I switch to the charged-up staff.

I'm practically finished... completed the fighters guild and mage's guild, have a couple in the thieves left, and about half the DB. In the main quest I'm currently stuck in paradise, which, by the way, has been really anti-climactic. I guess I dunno what I expected, but it's been pretty underwhelming.

The final kiss of death might have been that Oblivion was removed from my 360 for the first time since I got it, 25 days ago. Once a game comes out of the system and back on the shelf, the odds that it'll go back in are very, very slim.

We'll see. It's the only 360 game I own so that gives it an edge, but eh. I might get through it, but I won't enjoy the final 10 or so hours as much as the first 55.

I'm not a "hater" by a longshot. The amount of time I've spent, and how much I ENJOYED that time, is almost unrivaled with any game.
GDJusting: At least finish up the Dark Brotherhood Questline. It's excellent and well worth your time. Do it before September gets here and a bunch of new games drop. :)


GDJustin said:
The 2nd issue is that the combat has finally gotten to the point of repetition, for me. The whole game in general, in fact. There are still the occasional flashes of brilliance (pushing tough enemies off cliffs has been a recent favorite), but in general it's all slashy slashy, unless a badguy is especially tough, then I switch to the charged-up staff.
Most of us vets have had to take periodic breaks. I don't care how magnificent a title is, it's impossible to keep from getting burned out after pouring so many hours into any one game. So don't be afraid to step away for awhile... rent some other titles... focus on other things for awhile... then come back to it in a couple of weeks (or even a few months).

What I did to break up the monotony is to create a completely different type of character. My primary guy is a big, tough shadowknight who wears heavy armor, charges into battle with sword and shield, and summons undead to fight by my side. It's pretty vanilla, and I got bored of combat fairly quickly. So after putting the game down for a few months, I came back and created a hot dark elf chick, who wears very light leather armor, and has no melee skills at all. She's amazing with a bow... and is well versed in destruction and illusion magic. Combat is radically different and much more exciting/fun. It's like playing an entirely new game.


GDJustin said:
The problem, well, one of the problems, is that I really hate Oblivion. I mean... you're SUPPOSED to hate Oblivion... it's a hellish place. So I guess in that sense the designers did their job. But eh. I didn't enjoy all the redness, and loathed the few main-quest quests that force you to close Oblivion gates. Never closed any of the optional ones.

The nice thing about Oblivion gates is you can run right through them most of the time without killing anything. Just book it up to the top and grab the stone.


Vark said:
The nice thing about Oblivion gates is you can run right through them most of the time without killing anything. Just book it up to the top and grab the stone.
Ha! That's like saying, "dip yourself in chum then swim the Atlantic." Easy as pie!


stuck my tongue deep inside Atlus' cookies
Vark said:
The nice thing about Oblivion gates is you can run right through them most of the time without killing anything. Just book it up to the top and grab the stone.

Yeah, I did do that with the two city gates I closed to get some support for Bruma. I even did it with the great gate... hopped right across the lava, healing like mad :)

The one that killed me was I got an Oblivion map that was confusing as shit. I ran ALL THE WAY AROUND the tower, doging giant spiders shooting lighting and other such nonsense, only to hit a dead end. I was so confused... it took a long time. When I backtracked I found some obscure entrance to an underground labyrinth.

So then I had to go through this huge maze of caves that all looked the same and I could never tell if I was going the right way or not because they were split up into multiple sections. Of course, I was ignoring all the enemies so I had a big string of Deadra chasing me, and should I hit a dead end, I couldn't run by them in the cave hallway... they were too narrow. I got trapped, all the time.

That one was awful. It probably would have been faster to actual kill the baddies and take my time. "running" through it took forever.
I cleared nearly all Oblivion Gates that I closed by killing everything inside, but after awhile, I did get kind of bored with them, so I did the run through, especially when I got close to the top of the tower.



This mod got me back into the game - added 16 hotkeys for spells or items, two hotkeys for switching equipment sets, and the ability to delete spells

As I played through the game the first time as a mage, the xbox-ified interface drove me up the ****ing wall, and while I found mods to fix the MAN SIZED inventory screens, I couldn't get around the ultra-shitty hotkey limits

Next step, hopefully they'll be adding customizable hotkeys and autospells (push button to cast spell), but just as it is, it helps a lot

Also dug up some other handy mods, but that one really helped

There's also this amazing piece of work (and sort of pathetic on Beth's part, given the lack of updates, but whatever)

http://www.elderscrolls.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=538636 (unofficial patch, fixes dozens of random broken tidbits)
I haven't put this game in in months but I just read that there was patch for the 360 that was released back in June. So I boot up the game and I was expecting to see the prompt telling me that the game needs an update but I got none. I then went to the download section but the patch wasn't in there either. What the hell do I have to do to download this thing?


I'm lazy, so I'll just repost this

Just released, Oscuro's Oblivion Overhaul 1.3 is out

This mod is so massive that attempting to sum it up in a single post would be a waste of time

Instead, here's a link to the webpage with more info


Here's a link to a trailer video for 1.3


Annnd here's a link to the file itself


Hitler Stole My Potato said:
I haven't put this game in in months but I just read that there was patch for the 360 that was released back in June. So I boot up the game and I was expecting to see the prompt telling me that the game needs an update but I got none. I then went to the download section but the patch wasn't in there either. What the hell do I have to do to download this thing?

Hey! That's a good question! I wonder what the answer is!
Hitler Stole My Potato said:
I haven't put this game in in months but I just read that there was patch for the 360 that was released back in June. So I boot up the game and I was expecting to see the prompt telling me that the game needs an update but I got none. I then went to the download section but the patch wasn't in there either. What the hell do I have to do to download this thing?

There has only been one patch for the game. If you've already got it installed, obviously you don't need to install it again. You may try running the 360's maintenance routine, as it will clean up the drive, and force you to reinstall the patch.

I may be remembering wrong, but it seems like the patch was out earlier than June though.
Kung Fu Jedi said:
There has only been one patch for the game. If you've already got it installed, obviously you don't need to install it again. You may try running the 360's maintenance routine, as it will clean up the drive, and force you to reinstall the patch.

I may be remembering wrong, but it seems like the patch was out earlier than June though.

I just don't rememeber downloading a patch for it though. Maybe I did but I was just too drunk to remember. Not really sure.

:lol Patience man!:D

I don't have time for that bullshit! :p


I just got my 360, and since everyone is HIGHLY recommending Oblivion, there are a few things I really still have doubts about. I don't want to sift through several pages in this thread so I'm just hoping someone is kind enough to give me a simple, stright answer.

- Level scaling. Geez, I really don't like the sound of this. I like to explore the world freely like in many MMORPGs, and sometimes the excitement is where you enter a new land realizing every monster can kill you in one hit. You can decide to back off and come back later, or run and keep running but get all the treasures :) With scaling, that probably won't happen.

- I have not played Morrowind or any Elder Scroll's game. Will I enjoy it? The only other traditional fantasy RPG I played as of recently is Baldur's Gate 1 & 2, and that's actually like a couple of years back :lol Generally, I enjoy the atmosphere of these fantasy-based RPGs when presented well and I have no doubt Oblivion does that well. Just double-checking if I really really will like this series.


Troidal said:
I just got my 360, and since everyone is HIGHLY recommending Oblivion, there are a few things I really still have doubts about. I don't want to sift through several pages in this thread so I'm just hoping someone is kind enough to give me a simple, stright answer.

- Level scaling. Geez, I really don't like the sound of this. I like to explore the world freely like in many MMORPGs, and sometimes the excitement is where you enter a new land realizing every monster can kill you in one hit. You can decide to back off and come back later, or run and keep running but get all the treasures :) With scaling, that probably won't happen.

- I have not played Morrowind or any Elder Scroll's game. Will I enjoy it? The only other traditional fantasy RPG I played as of recently is Baldur's Gate 1 & 2, and that's actually like a couple of years back :lol Generally, I enjoy the atmosphere of these fantasy-based RPGs when presented well and I have no doubt Oblivion does that well. Just double-checking if I really really will like this series.
I was in almost the exact same position as you're in now when I bought it. Don't worry, you'll like it. :) And about scaling, I had by doubts about it, but it really fits Oblivion. It's just that kind of game. From the start you can go almost anwhere and do any quest and the enemies will be as powerful as you. I worried a lostabut how to plan my levelling so that I wouldn't get unbalanced but I just messed it all up. Turns out the best thing to do is just play the game as you want to, the rest takes care of itself. At least it did for me. :)

One last tip: save before you go out into the overworld and keep that save in case you want do re-do your character withut going throught the tutorial.
Is there a spell that let's you move creatures/people? I found a telekinesis spell for objects but I'd love to just fling corpses around.

Kind of annoyed from earlier. I finally got around to the first Oblivion Gate quest(50 hours in lolz) and after that I did the clearing out Castle Kvatch quest. I accidentally "killed" the guard I was with a few times so when I finally got back to Anvil to relax at my house I get arrested with a 2000 bounty.

I just took the jail time though because that way I can regain the stats I lost over time and get more levelups.

Also one time while I was wondering the forest I heard the music change and suddenly a mountain lion lept at me. Unfortunately for him I was walking along a hill so he lept over my head and fell to his death.

As I was wondering around the mountains I found a Daedra statue that looked like a giant mudcrab. I'm at school so I don't remember the name of it but when I tried to activate it it said something about a path. Anyone know what that's about?
Troidal said:
- Level scaling. Geez, I really don't like the sound of this. I like to explore the world freely like in many MMORPGs, and sometimes the excitement is where you enter a new land realizing every monster can kill you in one hit. You can decide to back off and come back later, or run and keep running but get all the treasures :) With scaling, that probably won't happen.

- I have not played Morrowind or any Elder Scroll's game. Will I enjoy it? The only other traditional fantasy RPG I played as of recently is Baldur's Gate 1 & 2, and that's actually like a couple of years back :lol Generally, I enjoy the atmosphere of these fantasy-based RPGs when presented well and I have no doubt Oblivion does that well. Just double-checking if I really really will like this series.

Yonn's pretty much already answered your questions, but really, the level scaling is a non-issue. If you just play the game the way you want to, it won't even really be noticed. Unlike most MMORPG's, there are no zones in Oblivion, you just wander where ever you want to go, and you will indeed, at times, wander into areas that you shouldn't be in until you are a much higher level. There ARE creatures in the game that will own you until you build up some better weapons/armor, skills, etc. It's just that the game is so wide-open, that the scaling does allow you to explore the entire world, either at 1st level, or 30th, and still get a challenge.

As for whether or not you'll enjoy it, that's up to you. Oblivion is by far the most approachable of any of the Elder Scrolls games. It's easy to pick-up and get going, and they have made it simple to stay on quests and find where you need to go. Probably the biggest issue for newcomers, is the incredible sense of scale, and open endedness, at the beginning. It can be overwhelming at first. But if you have questions, or need help, there is always this thread. :)
For anyone who feels like throwing a buck away, there's a new DLC coming;


I've got to ask, just what the hell is the point of this? It doesn't list any new effects, just the same old stuff in different combinations. Modders have come up with some crazy spells; force pushes, polymorphing, unconsciousness, one created a vortex around the player that picked up any objects close enough and made them whirl around; and all we get from official paid content is the same old stuff?

Some of the "new" spells:

Here are just a few of the new spells obtained from Spell Tomes:

Blink: A low-level invisibility spell to get you out of trouble.

Baltham's Insight: a short duration but long range detect life spell.

Shield Wall: Fortify Heavy Armor and Shield effect.

Night Form: Powerful Invisibility and Fortify Sneak, and take Sun damage, which reduces Magicka cost to cast.

Pride of Hirstaang: Fortify Strength, Resist Frost, and Summon a Bear.

Orum’s Aquatic Escape: Invisibility, Night-Eye, and Water-breathing.

Elemental Blast: A powerful offensive spell with: Fire damage, Frost damage, and Shock damage.

Magicka Vortex: Absorb Magicka, Weakness to Magic 25% and Stunted Magicka.
GreekWolf said:
As many hours as I've put into this game, I can't believe I'm still discovering new areas.

Anyone know anything about the Shattered Scales caverns? It's located close to the Mouth of the Panther, hidden away in an aclove toward the end of the winding river. My daedroth and I cleaned it out last night down to the second level, but I kept getting the impression that the whole thing was part of another quest, so I quit and decided to do some research. I'm pretty sure it's not a guild task. Any clues?

I suggest that you check out Rockmilk Cave, just north of Leyawiin. That doesn't have anything to do with Shattered Scales Cavern, but it is awesome in its own right.


I do wish there were some NEW effects, not just old ones, but this is the kind of content I've been asking for: new items or creatures dropped into the game world. It looks like it will just be 80 points, or one buck, so I'll plunk down for it. I've got a good 80 dungeons to do in my current game, so having something new to find will be worth it. I hope my purchase will contribute to NEW items in the near future. Got that, Vark, Steve? :D

Edit: On second thought, I'm skipping it. I won't use most of the spells, and I HATED having so many spells to scroll through on my other character - I've been really careful of the spells I acquire this time around. If I could buld a custom tab of the spells I actually use, I'd go for it.


stuck my tongue deep inside Atlus' cookies
Confidence Man said:
For anyone who feels like throwing a buck away, there's a new DLC coming;


I've got to ask, just what the hell is the point of this? It doesn't list any new effects, just the same old stuff in different combinations. Modders have come up with some crazy spells; force pushes, polymorphing, unconsciousness, one created a vortex around the player that picked up any objects close enough and made them whirl around; and all we get from official paid content is the same old stuff?

Some of the "new" spells:

Here are just a few of the new spells obtained from Spell Tomes:

Blink: A low-level invisibility spell to get you out of trouble.

Baltham's Insight: a short duration but long range detect life spell.

Shield Wall: Fortify Heavy Armor and Shield effect.

Night Form: Powerful Invisibility and Fortify Sneak, and take Sun damage, which reduces Magicka cost to cast.

Pride of Hirstaang: Fortify Strength, Resist Frost, and Summon a Bear.

Orum’s Aquatic Escape: Invisibility, Night-Eye, and Water-breathing.

Elemental Blast: A powerful offensive spell with: Fire damage, Frost damage, and Shock damage.

Magicka Vortex: Absorb Magicka, Weakness to Magic 25% and Stunted Magicka.

I'm halfway inclined to agree with you.

On the other hand, this is $0.99.


Great Rumbler said:
I suggest that you check out Rockmilk Cave, just north of Leyawiin. That doesn't have anything to do with Shattered Scales Cavern, but it is awesome in its own right.
Thanks man, I'm gonna try that out tonight. :)
Wow! That new DLC is about as useful as horse armor, but at least it's cheaper. Still not something I'd purchase. Obviously the $1 is no big deal, but I just don't see that as being all that useful. You can create those spells yourself easily enough. I guess it would save you some time, but like Ghaleon already said, there already plenty of spells to work through as it is, and only so many Pre-sets that you can assign them to.

This smacks of a quick DLC release while they work on some other ones for down the line. Throw something together quickly, don't charge much for it, but get it out on the Marketplace, while you work on more content for later. Either that, or they're just plain out of ideas.


Kung Fu Jedi said:
Yes it is, and it adds to this treads post count too! :lol
Curse you and your logic! *shakes fist*

T'was the plan. ;) 20,000 here we come! heh.

Even picking up some new games, I'd really like to get back into Oblivion after taking months off. So I'm looking for a dl that'll add something worth going back for. This isn't it!

Where's my expansion?!


Nerevar said:
Kung Fu Jedi is an Oblivion-answer machine.
Indeed. He makes us so proud... *tears up*

On a side note, I moved into 4th place in post # in this thread. In your face Cogent!

...even though you're banned heh.


Hang out with Steve.
Confidence Man said:
For anyone who feels like throwing a buck away, there's a new DLC coming;


I've got to ask, just what the hell is the point of this? It doesn't list any new effects, just the same old stuff in different combinations. Modders have come up with some crazy spells; force pushes, polymorphing, unconsciousness, one created a vortex around the player that picked up any objects close enough and made them whirl around; and all we get from official paid content is the same old stuff?

Some of the "new" spells:

Here are just a few of the new spells obtained from Spell Tomes:

Blink: A low-level invisibility spell to get you out of trouble.

Baltham's Insight: a short duration but long range detect life spell.

Shield Wall: Fortify Heavy Armor and Shield effect.

Night Form: Powerful Invisibility and Fortify Sneak, and take Sun damage, which reduces Magicka cost to cast.

Pride of Hirstaang: Fortify Strength, Resist Frost, and Summon a Bear.

Orum’s Aquatic Escape: Invisibility, Night-Eye, and Water-breathing.

Elemental Blast: A powerful offensive spell with: Fire damage, Frost damage, and Shock damage.

Magicka Vortex: Absorb Magicka, Weakness to Magic 25% and Stunted Magicka.

So you posted only the example spells listed, and not the features of the DLC, which are:

* Hundreds of new spell-giving books

* All the most useful basic spells covered

* Low level and high level spells available

* Many new powerful spells with multiple effects added

* Extremely powerful new spells that are balanced with slightly detrimental effects to lower the cost in Magicka

* Find Spell Tomes in dungeons all over Cyrodiil

* Spend less time and money arming yourself with the spells you want and need

Hundreds of new books that you READ and they give you new spells.
Nerevar said:
Kung Fu Jedi is an Oblivion-answer machine.

:lol Just doing my part! :D

I'm not sure if the new DLC saves you time, as you still have to find the book that has a specific spell you're looking for. However, if you're starting a new character that's heavy on magic, it does seem that you could purchase this DLC to collect a lot of spells in a shorter period of time. I'm sure there are some pretty cool spells in the mix as well, but like others have said, some new effects would be great. Plus, there are already quite a few spells in the game, and you can make your own.


Are there any in-house expansions planned, ala Blood Moon and Tribunal with Morrowind, that will offer more to explore and a full length set of quest with unique weapons and items?
Nameless said:
Are there any in-house expansions planned, ala Blood Moon and Tribunal with Morrowind, that will offer more to explore and a full length set of quest with unique weapons and items?

There has been no official word on any expansions as of yet. Conventional wisdom leads us to believe that there will be one, but until there is an official announcement, it's all just speculation.

Unless we can get Vark or Steve to spill the beans for us! :D


So it took them two odd months to come up with a few spell books? I've got to say they really aren't exploiting this downloadable content thing to its fullest.
xabre said:
So it took them two odd months to come up with a few spell books? I've got to say they really aren't exploiting this downloadable content thing to its fullest.

Well, to be fair, they were cranking out new DLC on a regular basis for awhile there, and by most reports they were pretty popular with players, so I think they do know how to use the DLC to it's fullest.

But yeah, this one doesn't seem to be on par with the others, thus the low price I suppose. Of course, none of them have appealed to me all that much.

Yonn: Yeah, DB Quests rock. Best questline in the game. Enjoy them!


bengraven said:
Hopefully next time they add new monsters or vendors...
QFT. I was hoping for a few new effects, not just combinations of existing ones. Something like a new weapon class (knuckes for hand to hand, for example), new ingredients (add 20 new plants to the overworld), new enemies (after all enemies have been introduced, keep adding new ones, not just scale them), or new spells. NEW. NEW. NEW. Not combos of old.

Conceptually I love the idea of new loot. But it's gotta be something I can't already make/buy.
GhaleonEB said:
QFT. I was hoping for a few new effects, not just combinations of existing ones. Something like a new weapon class (knuckes for hand to hand, for example), new ingredients (add 20 new plants to the overworld), new enemies (after all enemies have been introduced, keep adding new ones, not just scale them), or new spells. NEW. NEW. NEW. Not combos of old.

Conceptually I love the idea of new loot. But it's gotta be something I can't already make/buy.

Of course, I agree with you. But those kinds of DLC would be much, much larger in size. We're talking new models for creatures, which then have to have proper animation for them, and sounds as well. Same with new weapons that don't already use the existing art assets to be built. Planets wouldn't probably be too tough, although again, it would be some new models with attributes assigned to them. You get the picture.

Even the previous DLC used existing art assets in the game to create their settings. Adding new models/grahics/sounds make the DLC more worthwhile, but the also make the size of the download go up considerably. I wouldn't expect too much of those until an expansion.


Kung Fu Jedi said:
Of course, I agree with you. But those kinds of DLC would be much, much larger in size. We're talking new models for creatures, which then have to have proper animation for them, and sounds as well. Same with new weapons that don't already use the existing art assets to be built. Planets wouldn't probably be too tough, although again, it would be some new models with attributes assigned to them. You get the picture.

Even the previous DLC used existing art assets in the game to create their settings. Adding new models/grahics/sounds make the DLC more worthwhile, but the also make the size of the download go up considerably. I wouldn't expect too much of those until an expansion.
I don't think they will be TOO big, but yeah I get your point. I just keep seeing the DLC and asking, what's new there?

And - they set the stage with a new armor class from the first one: Horse Armor! I know they could do more if they wanted.

(And plants. Not planets. Though that would rock too. :D )
GhaleonEB said:
I don't think they will be TOO big, but yeah I get your point. I just keep seeing the DLC and asking, what's new there?

And - they set the stage with a new armor class from the first one: Horse Armor! I know they could do more if they wanted.

(And plants. Not planets. Though that would rock too. :D )

:lol Thats what happens when your fingers are faster than your brain. :D Pretty common for me. And yeah, I mean plants. Downloading DLC of Planets would be sweet, but I do think that would be HUGE! MS would need to release a larger HD first. Maybe we'll get that feature in Mass Effect though. :D

Oh, and Demi, welcome to the thread! Hope you enjoy the game. Let us know if you have questions.


Hang out with Steve.
GhaleonEB said:
QFT. I was hoping for a few new effects, not just combinations of existing ones. Something like a new weapon class (knuckes for hand to hand, for example), new ingredients (add 20 new plants to the overworld), new enemies (after all enemies have been introduced, keep adding new ones, not just scale them), or new spells. NEW. NEW. NEW. Not combos of old.

Conceptually I love the idea of new loot. But it's gotta be something I can't already make/buy.

You can't make spells that have negative effects in them which reduce the casting cost, like some of the spells in the new DLC. You'd have to be able to override the cost like you can in the editor, which of course you cannot do in-game. In addition, magnitudes and durations are limited in the in-game spellmaker, and are not in the editor. While some of the spells in this DLC you can make or buy, there are many that you cannot.


Hang out with Steve.
Kung Fu Jedi said:
Even the previous DLC used existing art assets in the game to create their settings.

There have been lots of new art assets in previous DLCs. Horse Armor was all new artwork. The entire Orrery was created for that DLC, large portions of Wizard's Tower were completely new, etc.
SteveMeister said:
You can't make spells that have negative effects in them which reduce the casting cost, like some of the spells in the new DLC. You'd have to be able to override the cost like you can in the editor, which of course you cannot do in-game. In addition, magnitudes and durations are limited in the in-game spellmaker, and are not in the editor. While some of the spells in this DLC you can make or buy, there are many that you cannot.

Steve: Do any of the spells have radically different abilities from the spells in the games or are they mostly variations of what can be done in the regular game, just given some unique properties to set them apart. Any examples of some really cool new spells?

SteveMeister said:
There have been lots of new art assets in previous DLCs. Horse Armor was all new artwork. The entire Orrery was created for that DLC, large portions of Wizard's Tower were completely new, etc.

Ahh... I stand corrected. Interesting. I thought that the small size of DLC downloads was due to the fact that it mostly used stuff already in the game and engine.

Forget what I said, and get working on new creatures then! :D


SteveMeister said:
There have been lots of new art assets in previous DLCs. Horse Armor was all new artwork. The entire Orrery was created for that DLC, large portions of Wizard's Tower were completely new, etc.

Hey Steve, how many new art assets are having to be made for the super high resolution texture PS3 version?


SteveMeister said:
You can't make spells that have negative effects in them which reduce the casting cost, like some of the spells in the new DLC. You'd have to be able to override the cost like you can in the editor, which of course you cannot do in-game. In addition, magnitudes and durations are limited in the in-game spellmaker, and are not in the editor. While some of the spells in this DLC you can make or buy, there are many that you cannot.
Right, but it's still combinations of effects that are already in the game. I like the tradeoffs in some of the ones listed, and I really like the concept. I was just hoping for a few new effects tossed into the mix.
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