Robobandit said:Well, I've been playing for a while.. performance is a bit lower than I expected, but maybe nvidia's new drivers will help out.
Think I finally got things where I want them (I'm trying to keep the framerate at 30 or higher mostly, I could crank the res but it would be a bit too choppy for my liking)
my final settings, I think. In normal circumstances, it stays in the 40s or so, unless I look out over a big vista like the one in the pic, almost never below 30.. indoor, the framerate is several times higher.
Resolution: 1280x780
All at or near Max (1 click away) except for the following -
Object and Item fade in are approximately half way (no need to look half way across a cell and see if a Goblin has barrels at his camp, imho)
Interior and Exterior (Int and Ext) shadows are a little less than half, with exterior being a little lower.
Grass shadows = on
Shadow filtering = high
Tree Canopy shadows = on
Water = high
v-sync disabled
Result? playable to high framerate on my rig, and it still looks pretty.
Now, on to the gameplay and overall package impressions... one word sums it up very nicely.. "WOW"
The combat is fluid, I absolutely love the way physics affect everything in the environment, the dungeon designs that I've seen so far are nothing short of incredible. Load times are a split second on my rig for outdoor cells, still quite short for internal ones.
Voice acting is amazing, some of the best I've heard.. I haven't even gotten very far.. I got out of the sewers and then decided I'd go hunting, so I've been killing deer and wolves outside of the Imperial City.
My character was pinned as an Agent, which I decided to go along with. Basing the class suggestion based on how you played the game thus far as an ingenious idea, seamlessly integrated into the game.
My only complaint really is somewhat lower than expected performance, but I can't really find a reason to complain about anything else
Excellent Job, Steve, Vark and the rest of the crew, I'm sure it only gets better from here
(I'm in love with the packaging of the Collector's Edition, also)
My rig:
Athlon 64 X2 4400+
2048mb pc3200 ddr
eVGA 7800 GTX 256mb @490/1300
HP F2105 21" lcd monitor
snatches said:Definition of Painful:
First off, I'm stuck at work for over an hour and a half, while EB has had my copy of the CE 360 version sitting there since 10:30. Secondly, when I get home, I have to devote at least 3 hours to my wife and kids. Then, if I still have some energy(stayed up finishing GRAW last night), I am gonna try and take a serious dent out of this game. Hell, I might even pull an all nighter.
Who am I kidding I'm not 15 anymore.....*sighs*
The deal is still on. I traded Kameo and PGR3 for Oblivion this morning.ChrisJames said:This is kind of off topic, but does anyone know if ebgames still has the deal where you can trade in 2 Xbox360 games for a new 360 game? I am tempted to trade in Dead or Alive 4 and Call of Duty 2 for Oblivion. Also, if I only traded in Dead or Alive 4 would I get at least $30 in credit? Any help would be much appreciated.
Vennt said:Dopeyfish is going to find himself forcibly silenced unless he gets into the habit of using spoiler tags, hint hint....
DopeyFish said:i'm sorry, but i'm just incredibly annoyed right now... i was enjoying this game until it decides to say "eh! you NEED to go out of your way for 10 or so hours to continue enjoying the game again"
.hacked said:Anyone encountering any freezing in the X360 Collectors edition?
Put in about 2hrs into it and it just keeps getting worse. it started out with some long pauses while opening boxes or changes menus in you inventory. Now it freezes when I inspect a corpse, box or even open a door.
WTF is going on?
All my other X360 games still work fine.
.hacked said:Anyone encountering any freezing in the X360 Collectors edition?
Put in about 2hrs into it and it just keeps getting worse. it started out with some long pauses while opening boxes or changes menus in you inventory. Now it freezes when I inspect a corpse, box or even open a door.
WTF is going on?
All my other X360 games still work fine.
Oblivion uses the Xbox 360 hard drive extensively to cache (copy and reuse) game data. This is done to optimize all loading the game does. It has been found in rare cases on some Xbox 360s that the cached data can get overly fragmented. This exhibits itself by the game taking a long time to load anything from menus, dialogue, sounds, objects, levels, and more.
To solve this problem, reset your Xbox, and hold down the A button as the game is booting up. If any button is held while Oblivion is loading, it will clear its hard drive cache, and create a new one. Once you see the Bethesda Softworks logo video, the game is already loaded, and the cache should have been cleared.
Note, this does not effect your game in any way other than loading. You will not lose any saved data.
.hacked said:Anyone encountering any freezing in the X360 Collectors edition?
Put in about 2hrs into it and it just keeps getting worse. it started out with some long pauses while opening boxes or changes menus in you inventory. Now it freezes when I inspect a corpse, box or even open a door.
WTF is going on?
All my other X360 games still work fine.
Xbox 360 Long Pauses with Hard Drive"
Oblivion uses the Xbox 360 hard drive extensively to cache (copy and reuse) game data. This is done to optimize all loading the game does. It has been found in rare cases on some Xbox 360s that the cached data can get overly fragmented. This exhibits itself by the game taking a long time to load anything from menus, dialogue, sounds, objects, levels, and more.
To solve this problem, reset your Xbox, and hold down the A button as the game is booting up. If any button is held while Oblivion is loading, it will clear its hard drive cache, and create a new one. Once you see the Bethesda Softworks logo video, the game is already loaded, and the cache should have been cleared.
Note, this does not effect your game in any way other than loading. You will not lose any saved data.
Speevy said:I had some similar problems with Jade Empire. You're talking about dirty disk errors, right? Yeah, apparently they're back for a new generation, though I still think the performance of this game on the 360 is MILES ahead of Morrowind.
Mrbob said:Try to clear your cache off of the X360 HDD. I found this on the forum from a Bethesda dev:
Speevy said:Are there people talking about their created characters? I don't know what's a spoiler and what's not, so I'll just tag everything.
My first one is a white Argonian, looks more like a white dragon actually. Really awesome.
gblues said:FUCKING UPS!!!
Meridian, ID's Oblivion shipment is stuck somewhere in Kentucky. Probably a bunch of redneck geeks hijacked the van. The manager was going to check the Boise store to see if they had any, but I had to get to work. My wife, bless her heart, is hopefully going to score it for me. If she can't get it, I will have to go to EB and choke a bitch (the clerk, not my wife you freaks!).
Vennt said:Talking about your created chars is fine, talking about specifics such as solving particular problems such as Dopeys vampirism etc. without using the spoiler tags is not. Some people like to explore and discover such actions for themselves. Thanks.
Krowley said:if anybody with a basic 360 without a HDD bought this game, i would love to hear how it's running... i may buy a 360 later this week, but it will probably have to be a non HDD version, so i would love to hear about the loading times on a system without a hard drive. The impressions here are making me impatient... i just have to play this...
Kabuki Waq said:considering how much the game loads with HDD it think it would be next to unplayable without it.
Orodreth said:For anyone thinking about importing the game unfortunately its been confirmed as not region free.
you can autorun in the PC version.. 'q'Suikoguy said:No way to autorun correct?
Alski said:God Damn Bethesda! Why does your character creation always have to be sooooo bad?
Alski said:God Damn Bethesda! Why does your character creation always have to be sooooo bad?