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The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion |OT|

The bow that was used in the video must have been a high-end magic bow. Even the puny Bow of Sparks has sent enemies flying when I shoot them with it.

I'm currently level 8.. and I'm typically using a combination of arrows and magic to bring down enemies.

I just took down an Undead Aeylid king (got a sweet staff, btw) by using my amazing acrobatic abilities to jump to a location he couldn't follow me to and I rained down death in the form of silver arrows upon him :lol


Spoiler for dark brotherhood quest that involves the prisoner:

I am in the sewers, and I have found 2 gates that are sealed. Where do I need to go now?
Gloomfire said:
Spoiler for dark brotherhood quest that involves the prisoner:

I am in the sewers, and I have found 2 gates that are sealed. Where do I need to go now?

Is there a gate with a hard lock? I remember having to pick through one. Your compass should tell you where you need to be going.
Question about
during the early bit of the main quest:

I closed the first Oblivion gate and cleared out Kvatch and now Martin is following me, supposed to take him to Weynan Priory or whatever...however, he will seemingly follow me anywhere. He's not a bad fighting partner actually :lol I took him spelunking and we had a good old time beating down fools (merauders) :lol Anyway my question is how long can I keep him around? Will he go anywhere and fight by my side for as long as I want?
scooby_dooby said:
Impossible to find? Join the thieves guild by meeting a guy at midnight in that waterfront in the impercial city, then goto Bruma and goto the guy who buys stolen goods.

100 lock pick for 500 gold. Not exactly impossible, takes maybe 30 minutes.

I thought I couldn't join the Thieves Guild because it would conflict with my Dark Brotherhood membership. Or does being a member in one guild not affect the other?


Eel O'Brian said:
I'm so damned pissed at this game right now it isn't even funny. I couldn't figure out how to finish the
quest last night, and I'd forgotten to save, so I had to play five hours worth of quests over again today. I approached the quest several different ways, and still couldn't figure it out. I finally got so frustrated I went out and dropped $20 on the guide, and, following the instructions given to a T, I still can't finish the goddamned quest.

I've talked to Steffan.

I've spied on Jearl and Saveri.

When I try to follow them, Jearl disappears and a message pops up saying Sevari is dead, and that I should go talk to Burd.

I do that, and talk to the bum who says she has a visitor.

I don't have any lockpicks, so I have to wait for Jearl at the ruins again and kill her to get her keys. Lockpicks are required for just about every fucking mission, yet they're almost impossible to find. What the hell is that all about? I take the keys and enter her home, and there's nothing NOTHING NOTHING GODDAMNED NOTHING in her home for me to find.

According to the guide, I need to find a cave, yet Jearl and Sevari won't ever lead me to it, and when I go southwest like the guide says I just keep going and going and going and never find it. I just can't find the fucking cave no matter where I look. Does it even exist?

This mission has serious flaws. Apparently everything must be completed in an exact order, and any straying from it breaks the mission so it can't be finished. Only problem is, neither the game nor the guide gives a clear mission order. Can someone please, please, please help me here so I can finish this damned mission and move on? Because I'm seriously about to snatch this game out of the 360 and stomp it into a million pieces. A whole day I've wasted on this.

Alternate solution:

You're on the right path; you're looking for a trapdoor near her table, I think one of the chairs is on it. It took awhile for me to spot, too, so don't feel bad! Look for "Jearl's Orders" in her basement and take them back to Jaffe.

Vyse The Legend said:
:lol :lol
I'm sorry for laughing, but the quest isn't broken and can be done in any order. What you're missing (and you will kick yourself for this) is that there is a trapdoor on the floor in Jearl's house. Just, look down near the table/rug. :lol Anyway, Go in there and find the paper with her orders from the Mystic Dawn. Then take them to Jauffre. Quest over.

I must have walked around that table at least 100 times and never saw it.
You're right, I'm kicking myself as I type this. Thank you!
gblues said:
Alternate solution:

You're on the right path; you're looking for a trapdoor near her table, I think one of the chairs is on it. It took awhile for me to spot, too, so don't feel bad! Look for "Jearl's Orders" in her basement and take them back to Jaffe.


And thank you, as well!

Mr Jared

So. Besides being the single most god awful experience in a video game that I have ever experienced, catching Vampirism has one awesome side effect once you do the 8 hour quest to cure it!


Thanks for giving me yet ANOTHER reason to restart. . Stupiidddd fuccckkingg gaaaaame.

EDIT: I guess as payment for fucking up your character, the NPC that gives you your reward of 500 Gold is bugged so that you can keep asking for the reward and you keep getting it.

Millions of gold is not enough to ease my pain ;______;

Baron Aloha

A Shining Example
alkaline black said:
So. Besides being the single most god awful experience in a video game that I have ever experienced, catching Vampirism has one awesome side effect once you do the 8 hour quest to cure it!


Thanks for giving me yet ANOTHER reason to restart. . Stupiidddd fuccckkingg gaaaaame.

EDIT: I guess as payment for fucking up your character, the NPC that gives you your reward of 500 Gold is bugged so that you can keep asking for the reward and you keep getting it.

Millions of gold is not enough to ease my pain ;______;

Before/after pics?
Steve or Vark or anyone who can help me.

There's a door inside near the main enterence of Vilverin. When I go near it on the map, It's just a solid wall. Is it on a different level or something?

Mr Jared

Baron Aloha said:
Before/after pics?





She has become. . a man ;______;


I think traps and the double-team add a completely new element that wasn't present in Morrowind.

If you're anywhere near imperial guards or strong NPC's (even bandits that hate you), try grabbing some loot, then running out of the cave with bosses behind you. I've seen many an imperial soldier dismount his horse to take care of skeletons, bandits, whatever.

And as I said, the 3 minotaurs, unicorn, and imp attacking a lone bandit has to be one of the funniest things I've ever seen in a game.


Douchebag. Yes, me.
Are gems/rubies/diamonds/pearls/etc anything other than vendor fodder? I seem to remember hearing something about them being used for enchantments, but I can't see where to do that.


FlyinJ said:
Are gems/rubies/diamonds/pearls/etc anything other than vendor fodder? I seem to remember hearing something about them being used for enchantments, but I can't see where to do that.

You're thinking of soul gems.

If you're the appropriate level, you can trap a monster within a gem, then enchant the item with the monster's soul, giving it more power.


Douchebag. Yes, me.
Speevy said:
You're thinking of soul gems.

If you're the appropriate level, you can trap a monster within a gem, then enchant the item with the monster's soul, giving it more power.

Cool, so the other gems are just selling fodder?

I also just noticed something. Left and right bumper buttons on a purchase slider select the min and max of the slider.


op_ivy said:
any other archers out there?

is it me, or does archery just fucking suck? it takes me like 10-15 arrows to take down scamps and shit. maybe 8 if i get to get the sneak bonus. i'm getting owned repeatedly (in the castle following the first oblivion gate), its not fun. now i'm out of arrows (went through a good 100+) and doing dick squat with my sword.

archery can be really cool especially if you're using an enchanted bow. Nothing like one-hit sneak attack kills in dungeons. :D


I remember that given the right disposition, you could "Buy low, sell high" until all of a merchant's money was gone. I'm glad they fixed that, but the two infinite money glitches are kind of the same thing.


Hits with poisoned weapons are especially awesome. You make the strike, then the person is like OH MY GOD WHAT IS HAPPENING TO ME and falls over.


Anyone have any tips for the Dark Brotherhood quest I mentioned above? Specifically how to do it without alerting any
Gloomfire said:
Anyone have any tips for the Dark Brotherhood quest I mentioned above? Specifically how to do it without alerting any
I never had any problems with that. I just sneaked the entire way.

I guess just have patience and wait for the guards to turn around and patrol. They act just like the guards would in Metal Gear or Splinter Cell.
Liu Kang Baking A Pie said:
Exactly where the icon on the map shows you it is.

We just spent like a page discussing the easy-mode fast travel and map/compass system, and you're asking how to get somewhere?
the blue arrow takes me to the dudes house that was digging up graves. it seems like its keeping the last active quest still active.


Tag of Excellence
What the hell is up with the tone feature on the 360 version? My neck is white and it took me forever to revert the damage trying to change the beard sliders did.

Question is can I change my features before I leave the tutorial dungeon for the first time or do I have to create another character in order to edit the face?


Oh man, I think I may start over. I've put about 10 hours into this game, and my thief is still only level 3, and with only 66 health points.


Scottlarock said:

Go to the waterfront, turn around and go through one of the archways, go right until you hit the ghetto shacks. Wait at the stone wall in the corner a little passed the beggars bed until midnight. Its no fucking garden, I was looking for a damn garden.


So, this is where I am in the main quest:

So, I am trying to retrieve the Amulet of Kings from the cult that stole it. However, I've run into a problem.

So far, I only see two ways to do this. One, you can either masquerade as someone who wants to join the Mythic Dawn, or you can go apeshit and try to kill everything. I've gotten to the main chamber both ways, but it appears that you cannot retrieve the Amulet of Kings on this leg of the quest. However, you can grab the book that the boxart's based after (the name escapes me right now).

So, I tried muscling my way in. I got owned. I then tried the sneaking part. The problem with this is that they take your entire inventory away from you. Your initiation is to kill this Argonian that they had captured, also stripped of any weapons. Right by the book is the dagger they expect you to kill him with. My dilemma is whether I should kill the Argonian and then grab the book (hoping it qualifies me for the Dark Brotherhood questline and hopefully not screwing over any other quests I have with any other guilds) or just grab the book and the dagger and run my ass out of there. It appears too difficult to just fight my way through, considering the amount of Mythic Dawn that is in the cavern. I might try fighting my way through one more time, however, just to see what happened

The nonspoiled version: it's harder than three rings of hell... or three gates of Oblivion, whichever one you prefer :p
Bun Twist?

...or Ponytail?

The fun thing about the ponytail is that it's almost my *exact* hair style and colour.

(I swear the key to making an attractive female character in this game is the "beard" panel... no, really!)


hyperbolically metafictive
Mrbob said:
Oh man, I think I may start over. I've put about 10 hours into this game, and my thief is still only level 3, and with only 66 health points.

you do know that you have to sleep to gain levels, right?


drohne said:
you do know that you have to sleep to gain levels, right?

Yeah, I'm a level 4 thief with 69 hit points. I haven't even started the main quests yet, but I don't think that will get the job done.

Mr Jared

^^remilia^^ said:
Bun Twist?

...or Ponytail?

Ponytail. Oblivion models have too much forehead to make the bun look nice :(

I think the trick to pretty characters is the lips and the chin to jaw ratio. If you can get all those down well, you're good to go. It's nigh impossible to come up with a nice set of lips. They either come up too small, too huge or just blah.


so I fought my way to the shrine room (the one with the book) and stayed back in the shadows until the guy took the Amulet.... AND THEN ALL OF THEM EXCEPT FOR ONE LEFT THE ROOM!



Make a special class which includes the thief skills you like, then a viable combat specialization (I recommend blade, destruction, marksman, or blunt weapon)

Problem solved.
Mrbob said:
Oh man, I think I may start over. I've put about 10 hours into this game, and my thief is still only level 3, and with only 66 health points.

What are your main skills? I have an Agent and I level all the time due to Athletics/Sneak/Speechcraft/Merchantile/Illusion/Marksman as Main Skills.


So remember last night when I asked dumb questions like "how do you play without following the main quest?"... well, today, I realised how.

I joined the Guild, did 3 missions there and did the "harlett stealing hoes" mission.

This game sucks you in. I cannot remember the last time i spent 5 hours on a game


I have a very delicate question to ask, and I don't want anything spoiled obviously.

This is for people who have beaten the game already. Can you keep playing without missing a beat? I remember in Morrowind I was so disappointed because the whole world was like
"I love you Nerevar! You are the savior of the world. I don't care if you attack me Nerevar!"
I would prefer to not have to complete the main quest dead last, because I plan on completing ALL of this game's quests.


It's not actually trolling if you don't admit it
I can't remember who mentioned earlier in this monster of a thread that lowering the difficulty slider two tiny clicks to the left makes this game FUCKING AWESOME, but thank you.

Combat feels really good now. My level 17 spellsword can take down rats/wolves/bears/lions/goblins now without fear of death if I don't fuck around. It's still challenging (a goblin shaman or triceritops motherfuckers will still pwn me if I'm not careful), but all of the frustration is gone.

I recommend some of you out there try this. Just two tiny clicks to the left. It doesn't even really look like you're "cheating." :p


krypt0nian said:
What are your main skills? I have an Agent and I level all the time due to Athletics/Sneak/Speechcraft/Merchantile/Illusion/Marksman as Main Skills.

Yeah, this is why I'm going to start over. I went into this game a little blind, and I picked up the strategy guide which had a ton of good info about creating a character.


chespace said:
I can't remember who mentioned earlier in this monster of a thread that lowering the difficulty slider two tiny clicks to the left makes this game FUCKING AWESOME, but thank you.

Combat feels really good now. My level 17 spellsword can take down rats/wolves/bears/lions/goblins now without fear of death if I don't fuck around. It's still challenging (a goblin shaman or triceritops motherfuckers will still pwn me if I'm not careful), but all of the frustration is gone.

I recommend some of you out there try this. Just two tiny clicks to the left. It doesn't even really look like you're "cheating." :p

Im hesitant to try this... I want the full experiance, but I have been frustrated with trial and error reloading of saves.

Can anyone else confirm this is a decent solution?
Speevy said:
I have a very delicate question to ask, and I don't want anything spoiled obviously.

This is for people who have beaten the game already. Can you keep playing without missing a beat? I remember in Morrowind I was so disappointed because the whole world was like
"I love you Nerevar! You are the savior of the world. I don't care if you attack me Nerevar!"
I would prefer to not have to complete the main quest dead last, because I plan on completing ALL of this game's quests.

In my experience you're treated about the same. You'll get comments, but you can't just do anything you want (
you need to comlete the Thieves Guild questline for that

It certainly doesn't affect your quests or anything.
KarishBHR said:
Im hesitant to try this... I want the full experiance, but I have been frustrated with trial and error reloading of saves.

Can anyone else confirm this is a decent solution?

Lower levels, not so much but as soon as you hit level 12 or so you're probably going to want to do it. Getting raped by a Minotaur or a bear as soon as you step outside isn't fun. Just moving that slider over a couple of notches helps. It's still a challenge but you won't feel like beatin' your dog out of frustration.
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