leng jai said:The back of my PC version box says "Supports Xbox 360 controller for Windows".
Cot Damn! That settles it. Thanks!
leng jai said:The back of my PC version box says "Supports Xbox 360 controller for Windows".
ElyrionX said:"The Elder Scrolls V cannot be installed because it is not yet released."
WTF is this shit? Master race, my ass. If I had bought the 360 version, I'd be blasting away by now.
Anyway, is there a point to preloading if I already have the physical copy?
RaGMasTeR90 said:Here is a graphic comparison video from the console versions. I am surprised that it seems PS3 has higher res textures :O I wonder why they never showed PS3 footage than ...
Both Arkham City and BF 3 have come about 3 pm on release date for me. I have all day off tomorrow. If this shit isn't here at 7 am, I will go into hibernation or cryo freeze.legbone said:if you have release date delivery, it will happen sometime today. mine just changed to shipping soon. fuck yes. skyrim will be here tomorrow. glad i don't have to work.
Thorndyke said:Only played like 20min. Maybe its my replacement mouse i have with no drivers installed but the controlles feel very floaty. When I turn its like controller movement, but im using a mouse.
Impressed with dev consol access straight away. Just typed in FOV 90 and it worked.
Not to far into to comment on graphics just now. Have most things on High/ultra and it runs smoothly @ 1980x1020 (I have i5 2.7, 8 gigs, 6850, win7 64)
craigrushforth said:Wow, that is surprising. I'm sure the 360 will get a patch to fix the texture issue, but well done to Bethesda for devoting some proper time and effort to the PS3 version.
Hopefully they're both equally matched on framerate and tearing.
Not showing any PS3 footage at all prior to release will definitely have affected PS3 sales, which is a shame considering how close the versions are. Whatever the reasons were for not showing it I hope this crap stops soon.
craigrushforth said:Wow, that is surprising. I'm sure the 360 will get a patch to fix the texture issue, but well done to Bethesda for devoting some proper time and effort to the PS3 version.
Hopefully they're both equally matched on framerate and tearing.
Not showing any PS3 footage at all prior to release will definitely have affected PS3 sales, which is a shame considering how close the versions are. Whatever the reasons were for not showing it I hope this crap stops soon.
Assuming you have pc version.....press the tide (?) key. The key next to "1" key as per usual. Then, for eg, just type in FOV 90. And it will change. Or FOV "whatever number you want".blahblah...blah said:How do I change FOV?
It's probably the mouse acceleration that's been in all of Bethesda's Gamebryo games. You can get rid of it with INI editing but I don't know how to do it for Skyrim.pahamrick said:Mouse controls feel floaty to me, and not very sensitive at all. Need to start digging in the ini files looking for a way to tweak sensitivity since there wasn't an option in the ingame control options.
FGMPR said:This is one stunning looking game, imo. Settings at almost maxed and it just looks wonderful in motion. A massive upgrade from vanilla Oblivion...
You mean Xenoblade.RedSwirl said:A part of me hopes this doesn't usurp TW2for best RPG of 2011.or Dark Souls
There are screens on the previous page.Gvaz said:Hows the graphics on the PC guys?
Gvaz said:Hows the graphics on the PC guys?
FGMPR said:This is one stunning looking game, imo. Settings at almost maxed and it just looks wonderful in motion. A massive upgrade from vanilla Oblivion...
lucius said:Yeah it is weird when companies do that Deus Ex HR wasn't shown for 360 and that turned out the same pretty much, I even bought the 360 version.
Cutwolf said:Jesus, the flickering on PC is horrible. Almost as bad as BF3 beta.
Putting everything on ultra and the whole screen literally flickers. On high, trees, rocks, etc all flicker in and out.
Smooth as butter and pretty but the flickering...
Radeon 6990+6970 in crossfire.
There were pics a few pages back and they looked pretty identical to me with the xbox version. Don't know how it compares in motion.ttocs said:I'm interested in this as well. I thought the console and PC versions were comparable in terms of graphics based on an interview by Howard. The PC was supposed to be better, but only marginally. Any word on that?
pahamrick said:Disable crossfire. I had the same problem, there's no crossfire profile yet. I'm actually getting better performance with crossfire disabled then I was with it enabled.
Cutwolf said:Easier said than done when the 6990 will run as my default card and it has built in crossfire.
AdventChild said:Whats the solution to the f****** textures on 360?
Don't think that was ever really the plan, just something people assume modders will do in a (couple of) year(s) from now.Salaadin said:Wasnt there supposed to be high res textures on the PC version?
JonStark said:Any news on VPN front ?![]()
Gravijah said:you can curse here, my friend. let loose.
spekkeh said:Don't think that was ever really the plan, just something people assume modders will do in a (couple of) year(s) from now.
Draw distance seems to be further. Other than that, will have to wait for the DigitalFoundry article, doesn't really 'feel' different.NBtoaster said:More (this is max settings)
NBtoaster said:More (this is max settings)
Well that looks pretty great to me![]()
Cutwolf said:vpnsecure.me
AdventChild said:Whats the solution to the f****** textures on 360?
ttocs said:I'm interested in this as well. I thought the console and PC versions were comparable in terms of graphics based on an interview by Howard. The PC was supposed to be better, but only marginally. Any word on that?
Those look like 360 shots.Wazzim said:There are screens on the previous page.
NBtoaster said:More (this is max settings)
Ayup, needs a major texture upgrade.
How does it run? Any mid range setups?