Reuenthal said:
You will find it at Magic Menu, and select it there. You can put it in your favorites with F if I recall correctly and use Q to equip it without having to enter the magic screen.
Press Z to activate it.
Oh! That's what I was missing.
Just got out of the intro area and while I was totally impressed with my performance in there, mostly a solid 50-60fps, as soon as I stepped out... sub-5fps. Weird.

Anybody know what I should start tweaking down first for minimal visual impact? 8xAA looks soooo good, I wanna keep it.
Game is obviously incredible. Zeliard and I are of like mind- set the game to Master difficulty before your first encounter and you won't regret it.
My thoughts:
-Keyboard and mouse aren't as bad as I expected, but I will be wanting to switch to a 360 pad. I might wait it out til my adapter arrives rather than jury-rig a solution with my existing pc pad though. Mouse wheel works for the favorites menu, which is the most important thing of all.
-The subtle ways the intro areas invite you to try different playstyles are VERY clever, considering the game doesn't ask you anything about classes or starting gear. Soon after despairing that the game was gonna make me sword n' shield it through the intro, I found a dagger and equipped healing in my offhand... thus my career as a nightblade was begun. Won't be touching a shield again for the rest of the game.
-Combat is WAY improved over Oblivion. It just feels more natural, and, dare I say it- fun. Haven't seen any finishing moves yet, but it just feels better all-around.
-I don't know how veterans feel about the way magic is equipped and used in Oblivion, but it sort of feels like a joke to me after 5 minutes with this game. Equipping a spell in your offhand and using it mid-battle becomes second nature by the third time you do it.
-Love the favorites system as I expected I would. Keeping that list short is going to be the tricky part.
-How do I take screenshots easily? The game at its best is seriously gorgeous, not just serviceable.
Can't wait to explore the increeeeedibly open world you see upon stepping out. Gonna try and finish this dumbass project, get some snacks and port and stay up all night.
If only I didn't have to tweak my settings down...
Yoshichan said:
Is anyone playing as a 100% magician? I'm curious to know if they handled magic well in this game.
They did. I never, ever, ever go pure mage in any game, but this is the first one that ever had me considering it just because of how sweet it is.