I'd be kind of interested in impressions from people who've never played an Elder Scrolls game or didn't enjoy Oblivion that much. I hope to pick this up post-holiday when things have died down a bit and I can actually devote time to it. The thing is I'm a fantasy nerd, the hype for this game is infectious, the trailers nearly give me a boner and I actually can play on a PC now and enjoy the likely amazing mod enhancements that will come later (please say there will be a no weight mod).
The only thing holding me back is that I never could really get into either Oblivion or Fallout 3 and I don't know why. I mean I love RPG's, but it's something about that realization of that Bethesda style of game where the world is so damn huge, there's so much shit to do and the actual story arc is like 1/100 of the game that tends to just make me feel kind of intimidated or feel I'm not accomplishing much. I'm like the opposite of the people who don't touch the main quest for 70 hours or so.
I need something to make me feel invested in the game's fiction to make me feel grounded or what I'm doing has purpose.
I really, really want to actually try this time, though, instead of just getting sidetracked by other games after only putting about 20 hours in. I'd really like to know if the main quest or side quests are compelling or not, because I really need a hook if I'm going to be sold on this game world. I will say my younger self that had no money and tons of free time would go ape shit over this.