Beaulieu said:
Beaulieu said:
Woorloog said:Random? Let's see, found hunters hunting animals, random wanderers, someone i could've robbed through dialogue, random patrols (dead now), random dragon attack, free stuff that i gave away... I think there's a lot of random things in this game. And random of course means you don't encounter them always but that keeps them interesting.
Dinokill said:When I open a chest/body whatever how the fuck I get out of that? I star mashing until I get out.
PC version.
I liked the song. Well worth 25 gold, considering how quikcly you can get it back.Teknoman said:I ran across a stampeding moose, and then some wandering glowing bard that might have killed a wolf before he ripped me off. 25 gold for a song? I want a refund >_<
Haha it's a webcam stream! I'm tweaking qaulity though, give me a few.Square Triangle said:It's blurry!
No you can only activate one at a time, so if you choose thief after warrior you will have the thief bonus onlyFlyinJ said:So, about those "stone circles of power". The one the guy walks you by in the tutorial, and you select mage, thief or warrior. Are there a lot of these around the world? I just walked by one and none of the three stones were active. I activated "warrior" when I walked by the first one, if I activate "thief" on this one, will it change the other one to "thief", or do I get both "warrior" and "thief" bonuses.
Also, does the stone you activate stay active on the initial stone circle, so if you walk by it again you'll see the one you selected glowing?
13 stones AFAIK, one for every Birthsign in previous games.BlazingDarkness said:No you can only activate one at a time, so if you choose thief after warrior you will have the thief bonus only
I believe there are 8 stones scattered around the world? Or I heard something alluding to 8 stones from an NPC
Ah okay, must be a different 8 stones I read about thenWoorloog said:13 stones AFAIK, one for every Birthsign in previous games.
Will it not unlock if you change the time of day?Cutwolf said:Well my game is broken.
Inside the morthal guard house and for some reason it's locked from the inside and I'm out of lock picks. Thanks Bethesda!
BlazingDarkness said:Ah okay, must be a different 8 stones I read about then
Will it not unlock if you change the time of day?
What platform? I play on 360, no crashes (or bugs for that matter, outside the texture issue) so far.calder said:Dear Bethesda, would it be too much to ask that I can play through the first 10 minutes without a complete lockup? Yes? How about 5 minutes? Not even that huh. 👎
MisterAnderson said:After fast traveling back to town, I was greeted with this amazing sight.
The music track playing right here was incredible. This game, while rough around some edges, is really something else.
Are you sure there are any environmental boosts at all? Flames on ground leave a patch of fire but it doens't damage anyone.Zeliard said:Do they have any other environmental boosts to magic outside of lighting oil spills with fire? Streams of water or puddles with lightning?
Woorloog said:Are you sure there are any environmental boosts at all? Flames on ground leave a patch of fire but it doens't damage anyone.
Sorry for bumping my post, but I figured it could be useful for others too.Aurora said:Anybody out there playing a Stealth/Thief/Assassin build? I won't have the game for quite a while being abroad and all, but I was hoping to get some feedback from you guys. How has this build changed since Oblivion? What sort of perks have you found successful? Is lockpicking/pickpocketing worth it?
Thanks in advance!
Interesting. Gotta try out shock spell on water but i doubt there's any effects.Zeliard said:There are oil spills on the ground at times and you can use them to propagate fire with a basic Flames spell or whatever. I remember reading something pre-release about the player being able to knock over oil lamps to cause a spill, but the oil spill I found seemed to have already been there.
Beaulieu said:
Hmmm? Lighting the oil slicks on fire does do area damage to everyone in the area, or are you talking about something different?Woorloog said:Are you sure there are any environmental boosts at all? Flames on ground leave a patch of fire but it doens't damage anyone.
Didn't know about the oil being flammable in this before your answer, just pointed out that nothing else is flammable, the flames are purely visual effect.Zeliard said:I think he was just talking about lightning random stuff in the environment on fire, since you can basically do that.
webrunner said:Start it to get a little earlier to hear Jeff's hilarious voice acting for the Giant:
webrunner said:Start it to get a little earlier to hear Jeff's hilarious voice acting for the Giant:
Woorloog said:I liked the song. Well worth 25 gold, considering how quikcly you can get it back.
Of course you can listen to songs for free at inns
cyberheater said:Holy fuck. So I'm wandering through this misty forest at night and a assassin attacks me as I'm crossing a bridge. I kill him. Search him. Find a note that says there's a contract out on my life. Amazing.
Epyon MX said:Any tips on finding dragons? I can't wait to fight one and don't want to spend 12 hours before I find one.
Check out any mountains, Dragon Temples (word walls, you know?), other peaks, don't fast travel as to have higher possibility of a random attack.Epyon MX said:Any tips on finding dragons? I can't wait to fight one and don't want to spend 12 hours before I find one.
Buy a house from Whiterun (5k gold) and some upgrades to gain chests. That's the safest way to store loot IMO.DarthWoo said:I'm sure this may have already been answered, but this thread grows too quickly. Are there any good safe storage containers early in the game? I'm hoping that I can dump some of my stuff inGerdur's house in Riverwood, now that she's given me the key and told me that I can stay as long as I want.
Beaulieu said: