BlazingDarkness said:You're playing it wrong
Elder Scrolls games don't demand that you play them in massive sittings to complete immediately like most modern games do, it's a pick up and play game - you can accomplish a lot or very little in one sitting depending on how you like to play
They are drenched in atmosphere while allows you to just indulge yourself in some escapism for a little bit whenever you need to unwind
At least, that's how I play
This guy gets around. I found him in Whiterun.blahblah...blah said:Word of advice: entering into a drinking contest with Sam at Candlehearth Hall in Windhelm leads to one of the most interesting starts to a quest I've experienced so far (essentially, it's what would happen if Game of Thrones did a Hangover inspired episode...)
I really wanted to crack on with it, but unfortunately (as anyone who's done it will know), it sort of...messes...with you a little bit, and my aim for tonight is to track down the Dark Brotherhood, so I'll have to revisit the quest at a later date. It seems AWESOME though.
panda21 said:is it just me or did they change the part from the demo significantly? from what i remember of the quakecon demo it was Bleak falls, but parts of it were different ()no dragon appearing and then flying off at the very start before you enter, the boss fight at the end was different (i think?) and when you come out its in a different area
Complistic said:Anyone know if you can marry Lydia?
Spoiler tag your answer for others if you would.
Same, I experienced some unfamiliar rage seeing a UPS truck pass and turn the other way.Phreaker said:5:55pm, still waiting for UPS (from Amazon) /cries
Zeliard said:Do you have to progress any through the main quest before dragons start showing up?
SLV said:Someone answer this man dammit ! I have grown too attached to her ;(
Always safeguarding etc, want to just tie the knot and leave her at the lovenest xD
bengraven said:Go to Whiterun and do a couple of Jarl's quests. Eventually you'll do the dragon fight from the original Todd Howard demo and after that dragons appear.
MarshMellow96 said:So yeah, best difficulty setting to go with?
bengraven said:It's killing me, btw. My left speaker is broken and the only headset I can find is missing stereo.
So I'm turning around and facing everyone who's talking or they're just floating subtitles with no sound.
Same. JRPGs are played to get from one cut scene to the other. WRPGs are all about being in the world and enjoying it...that's why the companies put more work into sidequests and distractions than a 20 minute CGI ending.
Acullis said:You can leave her there even if you haven't married her, just go to your house and then say "It's time we part ways" and then she stays there.
AFAIK anyway, I just saw her go lie down when I said that, I haven't actually gone back to my house to check on her lol
Yes, there's a toggle for both cinematic (in cutscenes/during important parts) and general (things you overhear).Pseudo_Sam said:I don't have the game yet, but can you turn the subtitles off?
Pseudo_Sam said:I don't have the game yet, but can you turn the subtitles off?
SLV said:But but but... is there a way to marry her ? ;(
Off by defaultPseudo_Sam said:I don't have the game yet, but can you turn the subtitles off?
Cdammen said:Just started playing, three hours in. Just got my first shout... how do I use it? I've equiped it and pressed the right button but nothing happens. It says it cost 5 of something. Not stamina, right?
Also, how do I learn spells? Do I commit scrolls from one-time use to memory or is it all in the skill tree?
Is the solution on the claw itself? Look in your inventoryAesius said:Anyone got the solution to the first Bards College quest? (puzzle in a dungeon).
I'm at Dead Man's Respite. I already got King Olaf's Verse, but now I'm trying to go through a big ornate doorway using the Dragon's Claw, but there are three rings that need to be lined up correctly to proceed. I have no idea what the solution is
Zeliard said:MASTER
Thanks! It's kinda unclear in-game. I don't think I ever saw a prompt for any of that. Especially the shout confused me: "Hey you just got this thing doing this and you can equip it... but you can't use it. Nowmxgt said:I believe it requires something you get from dragons
So far I've bought my spells from vendors or found them
Brawls for money?Zefah said:Just got in my first brawl with some older lady in a tavern. I beat the shit out of her and won 100 gold! Yay!
Oh, and I just realized there is a big help section in the system menu of the game. Lots of good info in there!
The perfect Dark said:shit, I got the arrow-bug. does anyone know how to remove the arrow from my ..umm...chest?![]()