Blackface said:Anyone playing an assasin? If so, how is your build/ how is it going?
Squall ASF said:Yes.
Pumpkins said:Anyone here liking Skyrim after disliking Oblivion...?
I'm on the fence about picking up Skyrim.
Pumpkins said:Anyone here liking Skyrim after disliking Oblivion...?
I'm on the fence about picking up Skyrim.
JWong said:FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU how the hell do I get rid of this vampire shit!
Is there any cheats? This is really frustrating.
Reuenthal said:Is there any way to sell items that you stole? Answer with yes or no.
Wolves Evolve said:Haha I love this, going to use it. ANSWER WITH YES OR NO.
Wolves Evolve said:Haha I love this, going to use it. ANSWER WITH YES OR NO.
zmoney said:Two questions.
1. I'm lvl 13 and have been playing mainly as a sword and board tank. I really want to roll an archer/assassin/thief. Is it too late to run back to the stone things and choose a different sign and play the game completely differently?
2. Is it possible to actually take down dragons with dual daggers?
zmoney said:Two questions.
1. I'm lvl 13 and have been playing mainly as a sword and board tank. I really want to roll an archer/assassin/thief. Is it too late to run back to the stone things and choose a different sign and play the game completely differently?
The stones are like the blessings in Oblivion. There are absolutely no restrictions on your abilities. The stones are scattered across Skyrim and each one gives a different effect, and can be changed at any time.Derrick01 said:I can only answer 1 since I haven't fought a non story related dragon yet (I'm also around your level, 14 now). You can change to whatever you want but you basically wasted like 12-13 perks unless you already put them into stealth related stuff. I don't know of any way to get them back yet.
Derrick01 said:I can only answer 1 since I haven't fought a non story related dragon yet (I'm also around your level, 14 now). You can change to whatever you want but you basically wasted like 12-13 perks unless you already put them into stealth related stuff. I don't know of any way to get them back yet.
BlazingDarkness said:1)Better than Oblivion and Fallout 3. Never played Witcher 2
2)There's no 'classes' so to speak, but I'd say the most balanced for new players is to go in one handed with a weapon and the other hand some form of destructive magic
3)Save anywhere. Also, has autosaves
4)Combat is a mix of good and jank. It's definitely not brilliant but it does the job.
bengraven said:OK a few questions please guys:
1)How is the game overall so far...particularly in comparison to Oblivion, Fallout 3 and the Witcher 2?
I was a bit disappointed by Witcher 2, loved W1, so no comment. Oblivion: much better, much more atmosphere, much more fun, many more secrets even early on. Fallout 3: better laid out world, maybe not as interesting side quests but I'm really early in the game so don't take that very seriously, though I can't wait to see Fallout 4 after the advances made with Skyrim.
2)What is the best class to start with, if I have NEVER played a Bethesda game before and want to have fun and balanced journey?
No classes. You just use the skills you use and they level on their own. For example, I usually spec a thief/warrior thief yet I've found myself having become a battle mage with heavy armor and strong destro and one handed weapons, despite not intending to. Which is awesome, btw.
3)How is the save system? Can you save anywhere? If not, how spread out are the save points?
Save anywhere. Saves when entering most cells. You can even set it up to save when you open up the character menu! And how often it does, like "save every 5 minutes" when you open the menu.
4)Is the combat good?
A huge improvement over Oblivion. Similar mechanics, but feels so much more brutal.
Thanks in advance.
Thanks, that was it. Hold it down to grab, then tap again to drop. Good system.Greg said:It's hold in X on PS3, so I'm assuming A.
It's a quest item.Fusebox said:Does anyone know why I'm unable to enchant Balgruufs Greatsword? I disenchanted a weapon to get an enchantment but this sword doesn't show up in my item list when I try to create an enchanted item.
Fusebox said:Does anyone know why I'm unable to enchant Balgruufs Greatsword? I disenchanted a weapon to get an enchantment but this sword doesn't show up in my item list when I try to create an enchanted item.
Pinewatch was great. About half the dungeons I've been to are like that, the other half are structureless caves like the majority of the Oblivion dungeons.GhaleonEB said:Thanks, that was it. Hold it down to grab, then tap again to drop. Good system.
Pinewatch was effing' amazing. It was longer, more detailed and had a better build up and payoff than just about any dungeon in all of Oblivion. Not sure how indicative of future dungeons that is, but it got me off to one hell of a bang. Found a heap of treasure throughout and at the end that is clearly many levels above my current. I'm walking out feeling wealthy and powerful, something that never took place in Oblivion.
Now to find a town to dump my loot at.
Ah I see, I thought I was just given it by someone else as a reward, mixed up my swords, that makes sense now. Thx guys!Derrick01 said:Probably because you're supposed to give it to someone instead of being a jerk and using it/selling it![]()
I didn't hate Oblivion but I didn't come close to finishing it (fucking bugged vampirism cure), and I'm liking Skyrim a fair bit more so far.Dr Eggman said:I didn't like Oblivion yet I bought Skyrim. Why?
PumpkinPie said:Noob question: at the start of Oblivion you could choose what skills to specialise in but I haven't come across anything like that in Skyrim. I want to be an archer but I checked my stats after starting the game and my magic skills were much higher than archery skills, did I somehow influence the stats?
I helped out an orc about 12 hours in who told me that he'd tell the orc settlements about me, so I guess they'll be a few places with a lot of them.Snuggler said:Are humanoids rare in Skyrim? I just saw my first Khajit 8 hours in and I don't think I've even seen an Orc yet. Which is fine by me, btw, such filthy creatures.
ConvenientBox said:has this happened to anyone else?
Once you're able to slow time it's pretty easy to just destroy an enemy before they ever get to you, even if they're tough and take more than one shot you can just spam your slow time and get in multiple sneak attacks. It's pretty crazy.Fjordson said:Game is so fucking addicting. I'm loving archery for some reason. Going to try and rush the perk where time slows down when you aim your bow.
T Ghost said:Sir, you are my SAVIOR!
Snuggler said:Are humanoids rare in Skyrim? I just saw my first Khajit 8 hours in and I don't think I've even seen an Orc yet. Which is fine by me, btw, such filthy creatures.
Fuck these rats and spiders and shit running around the corner out of nowhere, fuck we don't love'em. Literally, KILL IT WITH FIRE.Wilsongt said:So, having never played an Elder Scrolls game, I gave in to the GAF hype and picked up Skyrim for PS3... Wow. So far, I have enjoyed what I played... all except when monsters jump out at me and scare the piss out of me.
Stupid monsters...
SpeedingUptoStop said:Fuck these rats and spiders and shit running around the corner out of nowhere, fuck we don't love'em. Literally, KILL IT WITH FIRE.