Scullibundo said:Dwarven dungeons...GODDAMN.
I read this as Dwarven dragons. Sweet Jesus.
Scullibundo said:Dwarven dungeons...GODDAMN.
bengraven said:Hey, does anyone want to get married?
And here's everyone you can marry:
Camilla Valerius Imperial, found in Riverwood.
MrBig said:The house at Markath has an abundance of book space for those looking for that.
House is 8000, the living room furnishings were 1000. Simple bandit killings were all it took to make it available from the steward.
After 3 hrs with the pc version I plan on buying a 360 controller for it.Forkball said:So are the PC controls really that bad? I heard that the UI was pretty much based around the controller.
cackhyena said:Can you get vampirism again? If so, do you have to do all that shit over?
Yo Gotti said:Do we know if it's safe to store stuff in random houses?
I just did a quest where I killed everyone inand I'm thinking about making this place my first house, is it safe to just throw things on the ground an in the containers here?Black-Briar Lodge
It's not great but it's still better than vanilla Oblivion and Fallout 3.Forkball said:So are the PC controls really that bad? I heard that the UI was pretty much based around the controller.
bengraven said:Hey, does anyone want to get married?
And here's everyone you can marry:
Aela the Huntress Nord, found in a farm outside Whiterun.
Aeri Nord, found in the Pale, inside her house.
Anwen Redguard, found in Markarth Temple.
Avrusa Sarethi Dark Elf, found in the Sarethi farm in the Rift.
Borgahk the Steel Heart Orc, found in Mor Khazgur.
Brelyna Maryon Dark Elf, found in the College of Winterhold.
Camilla Valerius Imperial, found in Riverwood.
Dravynea the Stoneweaver Dark Elf, found in Kynes Grove.
Ghorza gra-Bagol Orc, found in Markarth.
Gilfre Imperial, found in the Mixwater Mill in Eastmarch.
Grelka Nord, found in Riften.
Iona Nord, also found in Riften.
Jenassa Dark Elf, found in the Drunken Huntsman, in Whiterun.
Jordis the Sword-Maiden Nord, found in Proudspire Manor, in Solitude.
Lydia Nord, found in Dragonsreach, in Whiterun.
Mjoll the Lioness Nord, found in her house, in Riften.
Muiri Breton, found in The Hags Cure, in Markarth.
Njada Stonearm Nord, found in the Companions Faction House, in Whiterun.
Orla Nord, found in the Temple of Dibella, in Markarth.
Ria Imperial, found in the Companions Faction House, in Whiterun.
Senna Imperial, found in the Temple of Dibella, in Markarth.
Shahvee Argonian, found outside Windhelm.
Sylgja Nord, found in Shors Stone.
Taarie High Elf, found in Solitude.
Temba Wide-Arm Nord, found in Ivarstead.
Uthgerd Nord, found in her house, in Whiterun.
Viola Giordano Imperial, found in Windhelm, in Eastmarch.
Ysolda Nord, found in Whiterun. (that's my girl, don't touch)
Switters said:Ruminations on Dark Brotherhood missions:The one where you snuff the bride? Well, I hit her with the staff of fury and watched her bodyguard fucking knife her down without blinking. My reward? The shade of Lucien LaChance now does my bidding. GOTMFF.
Exact same. Woke up around 8 hungover, drove home and then I had the longest single gaming session of my entire life.Count of Monte Sawed-Off said:Got up at 7am hungover and played the game all day. It's great.
robotrock said:minorish spoilers
Any tips on vampire feeding? Like, areas easy to feed in with barely much chance getting caught sneaking around
pakkit said:So I bought a horse for 1000 gold, rode it for about 5 minutes, got attacked by a dragon, defeated said dragon....and now my horse is gone.
Did it die? Did it run away? Can I call it back? Did I just waste 1000 gold?
bengraven said:Hey, does anyone want to get married?
And here's everyone you can marry:
Houston3000 said:
Press Rename
Erase Old Name, Type New Name
Press Enter
Press Enchant
It's worked for me that way, enchanted quite a few items.
dreamer3kx said:Anyone getting stat bug once in awhile, weapons are showing stronger then equipped weapon when its not, ps3 version.
Yoshichan said:Well that's enough day 1 Skyrim for me... I'd say 19 hours is fair enough for now ._.
I really want to progress through the first main mission so that I can start seeing dragons roam... because running around the world is actually getting a tad boring now![]()
19 hours
holy crap dude. :lolgetting a tad boring
Im nowhere ito the main story line and still see dragons all the timeYoshichan said:Well that's enough day 1 Skyrim for me... I'd say 19 hours is fair enough for now ._.
I really want to progress through the first main mission so that I can start seeing dragons roam... because running around the world is actually getting a tad boring now
G'night sweet Skyrim
edit: Oh and I found the trolls... as a caster, they were a joke!
bengraven said:Hey, does anyone want to get married?
Ysolda Nord, found in Whiterun. (that's my girl, don't touch)
Gen X said:Happened to get the 'yes' from the person I asked. Lucky for me I had already done a quest for her as well as bought that amulet so people know I am available. That is who my female character is going to marry. Yes, I am going to have a lesbian wedding in Skyrim.![]()
Thanks!Zeliard said:You generally make less noise and dodge more effectively. Light armor also uses up less stamina, along with of course weighing less. There are useful perks in both the light and heavy armor trees that make them significantly better. I'm mostly going Mage gear though.
Stolen horses will trot off if you leave them alone for too long.
I'm absolutely wrecking shit dual-wielding axes and opening up fights with archery. Great combo.Anteater said:Any tips for a dual wielded uhh person? (don't know what "class" I want to be, but i just want to dual wield!), reason I'm asking is that I have a feeling that I might suffer from the lack of defense (using light armor), I thought about using archery but it seems that when they come after me I'd have to switch back to swords.
And I'm sure I might have trouble fighting something that has high damage if I'm to run straight up and poke it with 2 swords.
bengraven said:Hey, does anyone want to get married?
And here's everyone you can marry:
Aela the Huntress Nord, found in a farm outside Whiterun.
Aeri Nord, found in the Pale, inside her house.
Anwen Redguard, found in Markarth Temple.
Avrusa Sarethi Dark Elf, found in the Sarethi farm in the Rift.
Borgahk the Steel Heart Orc, found in Mor Khazgur.
Brelyna Maryon Dark Elf, found in the College of Winterhold.
Camilla Valerius Imperial, found in Riverwood.
Dravynea the Stoneweaver Dark Elf, found in Kynes Grove.
Ghorza gra-Bagol Orc, found in Markarth.
Gilfre Imperial, found in the Mixwater Mill in Eastmarch.
Grelka Nord, found in Riften.
Iona Nord, also found in Riften.
Jenassa Dark Elf, found in the Drunken Huntsman, in Whiterun.
Jordis the Sword-Maiden Nord, found in Proudspire Manor, in Solitude.
Lydia Nord, found in Dragonsreach, in Whiterun.
Mjoll the Lioness Nord, found in her house, in Riften.
Muiri Breton, found in The Hags Cure, in Markarth.
Njada Stonearm Nord, found in the Companions Faction House, in Whiterun.
Orla Nord, found in the Temple of Dibella, in Markarth.
Ria Imperial, found in the Companions Faction House, in Whiterun.
Senna Imperial, found in the Temple of Dibella, in Markarth.
Shahvee Argonian, found outside Windhelm.
Sylgja Nord, found in Shors Stone.
Taarie High Elf, found in Solitude.
Temba Wide-Arm Nord, found in Ivarstead.
Uthgerd Nord, found in her house, in Whiterun.
Viola Giordano Imperial, found in Windhelm, in Eastmarch.
Ysolda Nord, found in Whiterun. (that's my girl, don't touch)
Ainethach Breton, found in Karthwasten Hall, in Karthwasten.
Angrenor Once-Honored Nord, found in Candlehearth Hall, in Windhelm.
Argis the Bulwark Nord, found in Vlindrel Hall, in Markarth.
Athis Dark Elf, found in the Jorrvaskr Living Quarters, in Whiterun.
Balimund Nord, found in The Scorched Hammer, in Riften.
Belrand Nord, found in The Winking Skeever, in Solitude.
Benor Nord, found in Morthal.
Calder Nord, found in Hjerim, in Windhelm.
Cosnach Breton, found in The Warrens, in Markarth.
Derkeethus Argonian, found in Darkwater Pass.
Erik the Slayer Nord, found in Frostfruit Inn, in Rorikstead.
Farkas Nord, found in the Brill and Vignar, in Whiterun.
Filnjar Nord, found in his house, in Shors Stone.
Gat gro-Shargakh Orc, found in Pavos House, in Kolskeggr Mine.
Ghorbash the Iron Hand Orc, found in Burguks Longhouse, in Dushnikh Yal.
Marcurio Imperial, found in Riften.
Moth gro-Bagol Orc, found in Understone Keep, in Markarth.
Octieve San Breton, found in Solitude.
Omluag Breton, found in The Warrens, in Markarth.
Onmund Nord, found in The Hall of Attainment, in the College of Winterhold.
Pavo Attius Imperial, found in his house, in Kolskeggr Mine.
Perth Breton, found in the Miners House, in Soljunds Sinkhole.
Quintus Navale Imperial, found in White Phial Services, in Windhelm.
Revyn Sadri Dark Elf, found in Sadris Used Wares, in Windhelm.
Roggi Knot-Beard Nord, found in Steamscorch Mine, in Kynes Grove.
Romlyn Dreth Dark Elf, found in his house, in Riften.
Scouts-Many-Marshes Argonian, found in the Argonian Assemblage, in Windhelm.
Sondas Drenim Dark Elf, found in Goldenrock Mine, in Darkwater Crossing.
Sorex Vinius Imperial, found in Solitude.
Stenvar Nord, found in Windhelm.
Torvar Nord, found in the Companions Faction House, in Whiterun.
Vilkas Nord, also found in the Companions Faction House, in Whiterun.
Vorstag Nord, found in Markarth.
Wilhelm Nord, found in Ivarstead.
mlarine said:So I just got a new dragon shout and then I killed a dragon but I cant use the shout, whats up with that?
You can't unlock it or what?mlarine said:So I just got a new dragon shout and then I killed a dragon but I cant use the shout, whats up with that?