Shows up on your save file.SpeedingUptoStop said:Is this number on the stats page? I coulda swore I knew where it was when I started, can't find it.
BeeDog said:I'm not liking the fact that a mammoth, a giant or especially a fucking Wispmother are much, much harder than a goddamn dragon.
Tenck said:Yeah this has been bothering me a bit. I was hitting a dragon and landed like 10 arrows and took like 35% of his health. Seems odd to me, and can't even begin to imagine how much health that would take off a damn mammoth and giant.
lowhighkang_LHK said:35% damage from 10 arrows? Are you a god-like archer or what difficulty were you on?
cackhyena said:So if I buy a horse, is it RDR style where if he dies, I can call him back ( or the equivalent ) soon after? Or is death for horses permanent? Low on money, so it's a tough call here.
Zefah said:Yeah... I suppose they needed to make Dragons not too difficult due to the requirement to kill lots of them and suck their souls, but they really are way too easy. I think it has to do with the fact that magic damage doesn't really do much in this game (at least in my experience on adept difficulty). There's nothing scary about a dragon when their only attack is magical breath that does very little damage. I just shout them down to the ground and pummel them until they die, which doesn't take very long.
Damn it.bearythebear said:You gotta buy a new one.
The strength of dragons can vary pretty wildly. They throw some easy ones around the world for low level players. I actually killed one with two shots from my bow. Mammoths and giants tend to be more consistent in terms of power, but I have no issue taking them out without them even touching me from a distance with a bow. Dragons are still the most dangerous thing in the game I think.Tenck said:Yeah this has been bothering me a bit. I was hitting a dragon and landed like 10 arrows and took like 35% of his health. Seems odd to me, and can't even begin to imagine how much health that would take off a damn mammoth and giant.
FStop7 said:Dear Bioware,
Skyrim is what Mass Effect was supposed to be.
FStop7 said:Dear Bioware,
Skyrim is what Mass Effect was supposed to be.
FStop7 said:Dear Bioware,
Skyrim is what Mass Effect was supposed to be.
RPG fans don't want ME to be a TPS genre which is the point people make when they say a comment like that.Riposte said:Comments like these are utterly dumb and petty. They are many fundamental differences between the series, going as deep as being in different genres.
FStop7 said:Dear Bioware,
Skyrim is what Mass Effect was supposed to be.
So far everything has been pretty easy, even on Expert. Crowd control is the only area that's gotten tricky. The only single mob that caused me trouble was a frost troll. I'm thinking about bumping up the difficulty to Master.
You! How are you taking screenshots?Zefah said:Off with his head!
Relaxing at home after a day of adventuring.
Hawkian said:You! How are you taking screenshots?
Dice said:Played "In My Time of Need"
Sold that bitch out! I don't even care if she was lying or not, she asked me to go fight like 7 dudes and one of them is some kind of blade god. Bitch, you tryin to get me killed?!
Also bought the house. Now I can finally settle down and start taking my time. I hated having all this stuff I wanted to keep and nowhere to put it.
Angry Fork said:RPG fans don't want ME to be a TPS genre which is the point people make when they say a comment like that.
Nah, two of those bitch asses have done that to me. Flying off with their tails between their legs.Scullibundo said:So am I the only one so far to have a random dragon fight end with the dragon flying away just before delivering the final blows?
Storm Shout is pretty godly for this reason.Lebron said:Nah, two of those bitch asses have done that to me. Flying off with their tails between their legs.
I wish I had a shout to ground those mofos.
Methinks you like titties. There are better options in Skyrim. You're a dragonborn! THE dragonborn! You get to be choosy!balddemon said:but man, shes so hot
Dice said:Methinks you like titties. There are better options in Skyrim. You're a dragonborn! THE dragonborn! You get to be choosy!
Did some searching and they literally have one that makes them land. Hah, I must obtain this.Dance In My Blood said:Storm Shout is pretty godly for this reason.
Dice said:Played "In My Time of Need"
Sold that bitch out! I don't even care if she was lying or not, she asked me to go fight like 7 dudes and one of them is some kind of blade god. Bitch, you tryin to get me killed?!
Also bought the house. Now I can finally settle down and start taking my time. I hated having all this stuff I wanted to keep and nowhere to put it.
This is Bethesda. At least they look like women this time.Riposte said:Doesn't every female in the game have the same tits, ass, and body shape? That has been the case as far as I can tell.
Thanks so much for replying... not having Detect Life's been killing meYo Gotti said:I didn't buy it, but I did get it from completing a quest.
East of Ivarstead, Southwest of Mistwatch and West of Riften, there's a dungeon called Treva's Watch, just to the East of that Dungeon there's a camp of Mercenaries, talk to one of them who will give you a quest to infiltrate Treva's Watch, complete the quest and he'll give you the Detect Life Spell
Hawkian said:You! How are you taking screenshots?