It's on your save file, so when you go to load up a game you'll see the playtime on it.Corky said:how do I check my total playtime on pc? ( without resorting to the built in steam counter 9
It's on your save file, so when you go to load up a game you'll see the playtime on it.Corky said:how do I check my total playtime on pc? ( without resorting to the built in steam counter 9
Bitmap Frogs said:Guys, I have an urgent question.
I found out on a vendor a spell that says it traps enemies souls, generating soulstones. Do I need empty soulstones or whatever or they just drop it if they die before the 60 seconds run out?
Man, can't believe how much I'm enjoying this game despite the QA issues with the PC version.
Dance In My Blood said:It's on your save file, so when you go to load up a game you'll see the playtime on it.
You have to buy the shout in the shouts menu. I forget what button you press though.AngryMoth said:I was under the impression that in order to unlock shouts you first find one of the walls on with the word on, then kill and dragon and absorb the soul to unlock the shout, but I've killed 2 dragons now and my new shout still isn't available?
Ah, I haven't seen this menu yet. Thanks!QuantumBro said:You have to buy the shout in the shouts menu. I forget what button you press though.
Bungieware said:Why do all the guards in Whiterun sound like Schwarzenegger?
Anteater said:I'm running out of inventory space and I don't know what to get rid of :lol
I'm sad
Nope. I can confirm that this doesn't work.Corky said:Is it possible to dump stuff into a house one owns?
nicoga3000 said:Yes. Have empty soul gems in your inventory, cast Soul Trap, and if the soul gem is big enough (and the enemy dies before said timer runs out), you'll capture the soul to use with enchanting and recharging.
Anteater said:I'm running out of inventory space and I don't know what to get rid of :lol
I'm sad
BlueTsunami said:One thing that I absolutely love is how visceral and dynamic the combination of Destruction spell in one hand and Sword or other one-handed weapon in the other hand feels. You end up hitting an enemy when his/her block is down with your weapon then back up and blast them with a destruction spell. It just feels so right.
add the spell to your 'favorites' to quick-select.Incendiary said:Question to people who've played Elder Scrolls before: is there a way to quick-select magic, or do I always have to go into the menu to select new spells?
Bitmap Frogs said:Are you running out of room at your house?
I found out buying furniture from the guy that sells you the house spawns more containers.
Volimar said:Watching a stream where the player was fighting a dragon and then got attacked by a frost troll. He complained about his bad luck, but then the frost troll and the dragon started fighting each other, and with the player's help, the troll and dragon did a double KO. I want this game in the best way.
Morokh said:Are named dragons tougher than non named ones ?
Just killed a Blood dragon and it was pretty easyI'm level 25, but still.
And I have 2 dragon souls now but I can't unlock any of the dragon shouts I have in my list did I miss something ?
Dragon bones weight a ton, though you probably still want to hold onto them.Anteater said:Nah, just my inventory, I haven't gotten a house yet, I do have the money to buy one, but I can't make up my mind if I should level my smithing or buy a house :lol, but I'm not sure if I want to craft with this full inventory.
The problem is I don't even know why I'm full! It could be all the ingredients and food.
Check your active effects. I've gotten Ataxia from being bitten by wolves a few times. You can heal yourself at shrines, like those in the temples of Whiterun.cuevas said:Why is everyone saying I look sick?
cuevas said:Why is everyone saying I look sick?
disease. go to a templecuevas said:Why is everyone saying I look sick?
I'm a dark elf and everyone says I look really pale. That's just my natural skin color. *Cry*cuevas said:Why is everyone saying I look sick?
cuevas said:Why is everyone saying I look sick?
subversus said:a dark elf? Because you are.
ElyrionX said:This hasn't even shown up on my quest log.
Maybe I should continue with my main quest though I'm a little tired of dungeon raiding at this point andthe horn of whatever for the Greybeards doesn't sound like it's going to be a quick and easy task.
styl3s said:So i plan on rolling a battle mage but i want to go deep into heavy armor so orc is appealing, best "starting" stats the imperial would be the best choice but does it really matter?
Dice said:Fucking fuck. I just killed a dragon in Riverwood then went to screencap it and the game crashed. Reload from my save in the town and now it's not showing up. This game needs a "save on gaining dragon soul" option because it's like I have the instinct that it always saves whenever something significant happens and I never remember to do it.
Also, do you have to see the greybeards to learn new shouts? I have two unactivated shouts and two dragon souls. It won't let me unlock them.
Dice said:Also, do you have to see the greybeards to learn new shouts? I have two unactivated shouts and two dragon souls. It won't let me unlock them.
Anteater said:Nah, just my inventory, I haven't gotten a house yet, I do have the money to buy one, but I can't make up my mind if I should level my smithing or buy a house :lol, but I'm not sure if I want to craft with this full inventory.
The problem is I don't even know why I'm full! It could be all the ingredients and food.
Man, I didn't even know you could get married in this.VindictiveGnome said:The most hilarious thing just happened to me. I'm waiting to attend my wedding and people start coming in. Guess who made a surprise appearance? Lydia's dead corpse! I left her in a dungeon forever ago. Haha! It immediately says I failed to attend my wedding when her dead body shows up at the door.