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The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim |OT| Het Kos Dovahhe

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zethren said:
Huh. Thought I remembered it in Morrowind.

Okay, guess my memory is just super bad when it comes to good ol' nirnroot, but I didn't play very much Oblivion so that could be why.

Any lore as to why nirnroot does this?
Special plant... the name should give that away. (For those who don't know) Nirn is the world where the continent of Tamriel is. But can't remember anything specific, and UESP is under heavy load and doesn't load pages at the moment so can't check.


Timber said:
Having a bound battle axe that automatically traps souls is the greatest thing.

Yes. I use bound sword actually, but I bought that whole line. It gets even better when you one-shot anyone's summoned things with it as well. Fuck outta my way noob conjurers, only I get to have pets.


Woorloog said:
Oh, one question, are there many essential characters in this game (just yes or no, don't want to know whom specifically)? IE characters you cannot kill, just knock unconscious. Can companions be killed for good? I don't like having a follower who will most likely die because the AI is too dumb and charges towards a group of bandits alone (have had this happen once already but luckily i was faster and saved the day).

One time one of my companions got killed. I don't know if I did it (was double-casting a fireball spell point blank on enemy and she was right near me), saw her dead after the explosion. Other times, I've seen enemies attack her and take her life to 0 but she just falls on her knee and gets up eventually. I'm guessing the PLAYER can kill companions, but enemies will only take them out of battle.


carfo said:
One time one of my companions got killed. I don't know if I did it (was double-casting a fireball spell point blank on enemy and she was right near me), saw her dead after the explosion. Other times, I've seen enemies attack her and take her life to 0 but she just falls on her knee and gets up eventually. I'm guessing the PLAYER can kill companions, but enemies will only take them out of battle.
Hmm, that would explain why one guy did the same you described while fighting a giant spider. Right after that it one shotted me. GG, coming back later.
Needs some experimenting then...


My horse tried to run when I was fighting a dragon so I went Gregor Clegane on his ass. Should have never doubted my ability to kill a dragon.


Sullichin said:
How do I activate my werewolf powers again? Equipping "beast form" doesn't seem to do anything..?

You equip it then hit the shout/power button. On PC it's Z by default. Like racial powers its use is limited to once per day unless you have Hircine's Ring, at which point you can do it twice.

You can increase the amount of time you spend in the form by
feeding on corpses
. :>

Also if you hit Z while in Werewolf form you do your Werewolf powers. The one you get off the bat is a fear AOE move that makes enemies flee. Also random cute touch - when you're in Werewolf form, wolves don't aggro on you. Don't recall if that was the case in Morrowind.


Saint Nic
TekDragon said:
Well this is disappointing. Without even trying very hard I've managed to trivialize the game.

Smithing + Alchemy + Archery + Sneak = Dead everything. God help Skyrim when I finish leveling enchanting and have 2 rings, a necklace, and 4 pieces of armor - each with +75% archery damage.

Where did you find an archery damage enchant? Or have you? I've been spending mad gold to DE for new enchants, but that's getting painful on my wallet.


Still working with the companions. I officially have the blood of the beast now :D

Only thing that's sort of bugging me is the loot. I know it's just a case of where I've happened to explore, but I haven't come across any too great yet. Would kill for an impressive bow. Or at least a cool looking one. All I've seen so far is the generic leveled stuff (Elven Bows, Orcish Axes, Steel Swords, etc.).


nicoga3000 said:
Where did you find an archery damage enchant? Or have you? I've been spending mad gold to DE for new enchants, but that's getting painful on my wallet.

Probably the easiest item to get for archery damage is just join the dark brotherhood, the hood gives you 20% (though I found a light armor elven helm in some dungeon that did 25%, I ditched it for the brotherhood one to get the set bonus).

I stole a ring of archery or something like that from someone too, just a random person sleeping. It adds another 15% bonus, though apparently you can only equip one ring at a time which seems silly seeing as you have at least 2 capable fingers.
So I finished the Dark Brotherhood missions.

I think they were disappointing compared to Oblivion. In Oblivion, the betrayal was far less obvious, the meat of the missions were more entertaining/challenging and the other characters were more interesting. It felt very short to me, like by the time I was done with the EZPZ tutorial missions it was already nearing the end. The stuff with Cicero didn't fit very well with my vision of sneaky-sneaky DB action. The only mission where I seriously had to be stealthy was the last one when I actually killed the Emperor. It was also the only mission that was even slightly challenging.

The other ones were too scripted. Killing the bitch on her wedding day was a cool idea, but I ended up just sitting on a balcony using the bow that they obviously put there for the explicit purpose of me killing her with. Killing the fake emperor was reasonably interesting, but again, there was no way to mess it up. It was so scripted and ridiculously easy. Most of the other missions were just variations on go here and kill this guy with no restrictions on how I did it and no real challenge to pulling it off whatsoever.

The only really positive thing I can say for it was that bringing back Lucien Lachance through that unique power was awesome. Otherwise, I hope the Thieves Guild missions scratch my sneaking itch better.


charsace said:
My horse tried to run when I was fighting a dragon so I went Gregor Clegane on his ass. Should have never doubted my ability to kill a dragon.
My horse charges into battle without me. Sucks, cuz its an easy way for them to get killed.


Quick question.... I am a Redguard. Should I
Join the Imperial Legion
or the


Anyone experiencing this bug with pickpocketing: Equipping items to boost success rates seem to lower them. For instance, Eorlund has 1500 g on him, with all my equipment (Roughly 45% boost to pickpocket) I have 0% chance to steal it. With none of that equipped, I have 34% chance.
Havent read a lot of the replies here, had no internet for 2 weeks =\. (I D/L'd the patch through wireless off my wifes iPhone, lol)
Fjordson said:
Still working with the companions. I officially have the blood of the beast now :D

Only thing that's sort of bugging me is the loot. I know it's just a case of where I've happened to explore, but I haven't come across any too great yet. Would kill for an impressive bow. Or at least a cool looking one. All I've seen so far is the generic leveled stuff (Elven Bows, Orcish Axes, Steel Swords, etc.).

From what I understand, loot sort of scales with your level. It would be neat to have world-drop type epic items though, where you can just randomly get something really good. Certainly that would be something more easily modded in on the PC version.


Which town has a temple again? These diseases are pissing me off, and I can't find any potions to cure it. Also, those blessed stones didn't work. I still have all the illnesses I had before.


Unconfirmed Member
Mothman91 said:
Haven't encountered any dragons since the first one... sucks.

my last save is right as a dragon is about to attack me and I'm out in the middle of nowhere

I think the game hates me for beating up all those farmers :(


come in my shame circle
My first bit of adversity in regards to the Gray Mane:

Holy shit getting Thorold out of the prison was hard as hell. Took me a couple tries and running away. I realized afterwards that I had rockjoint so it probably explained why it was so hard to kill everyone, but still damn!


Saint Nic
Derrick01 said:
Probably the easiest item to get for archery damage is just join the dark brotherhood, the hood gives you 20% (though I found a light armor elven helm in some dungeon that did 25%, I ditched it for the brotherhood one to get the set bonus).

I stole a ring of archery or something like that from someone too, just a random person sleeping. It adds another 15% bonus, though apparently you can only equip one ring at a time which seems silly seeing as you have at least 2 capable fingers.

Just as I said that, I found a +25% archery Elven Bracers for sale. There goes 1800g, but that is going to make my life CAKE once my enchanting is up higher.

Thanks for the tip, though. Gives me more reason to go get started on their quest line. :)


D4Danger said:
my last save is right as a dragon is about to attack me and I'm out in the middle of nowhere

I think the game hates me for beating up all those farmers :(
Well, dragons are easy to kill tbh. Those i slaughtered anyway.


Zeliard said:
Whoever thinks the dragon fights are too easy or whatnot needs to bump that difficulty up to Master. :p

Just had a great fight against a basic frost Dragon. Went to a bandit's camp for a quest and while fighting them, the theme kicks in and I spot a Dragon off in the distance fighting one thing or another.

After he murders it, he makes his way over to the bandit's camp and starts spewing at everything with his frost breath. My companion and I take care of the bandits and then I summon a Flame Atronach and resurrect a bow-wielding bandit as I'm dual-casting big ass fireballs, so it's basically me and three followers bombing all this stuff at this dragon and it just looks awesome, visually. My horse kept trying to join in as well, which was sort of adorable.

We get the dragon down to around 60% or so health and he decides to fly away towards this small nearby farm, which he starts terrorizing. I go into Werewolf form and do a four-legged sprint down there with my group, and we all team up with the farmers there to kill the dragon off, with 7 or 8 of us just yelling and hammering away on the poor bastard.

In a neat touch, these guys also commented in surprise on the fact that I absorbed a dragon's soul right in front of them, like in the more scripted dragon events.

I've only had a few dragon fights so maybe I'll eventually become overpowered for them or they'll just feel samey after several, but so far they're good stuff as a mage and they tend to be impressive on a visual/audio level with all the stuff going on.

That farm also has this crazy jester guy named Cicero who asks for your help to fix his wagon. If you agree to help him he launches into perhaps the most sarcastic dance I've ever seen in a game.

Holy shit this game!!!!!! I hate that fucker. People who have done DB quests know what I'm talking about.

The amount of detail and side quests and interconnecting plots and trivial meetings are just UNREAL.

Game of the Forever.


ezekial45 said:
Which town has a temple again? These diseases are pissing me off, and I can't find any potions to cure it. Also, those blessed stones didn't work. I still have all the illnesses I had before.
Just buy a Potion of Cure Disease(cures them all), most general shops should carry it. Or Mandrake Root from the Alchemy shops, it's cheaper than the Potion.


Zeliard said:
You equip it then hit the shout/power button. On PC it's Z by default. Like racial powers its use is limited to once per day unless you have Hircine's Ring, at which point you can do it twice.

You can increase the amount of time you spend in the form by
feeding on corpses
. :>

Also if you hit Z while in Werewolf form you do your Werewolf powers. The one you get off the bat is a fear AOE move that makes enemies flee. Also random cute touch - when you're in Werewolf form, wolves don't aggro on you. Don't recall if that was the case in Morrowind.

Thank you. I started a quest that would rid me of my beast power. I'm not quite ready to do that, being a werewolf is fun :)


Unconfirmed Member
RooMHM said:
Well, dragons are easy to kill tbh. Those i slaughtered anyway.

I must be doing something wrong then because it's killing me almost instantly.

It drops down and spits fire at me; I try and hide behind rocks but it doesn't work.
If I have a companion following me and I go off path so to speak and start going where the AI of the companion won't follow, they tend to find you by going a longer way around. however this time, he isn't showing up... is there a way to "call him"? I scaled a mountain and he's not coming and it's been a while. I have a feeling he might have died or something trying to get to me.


Actually Hircine's Ring isn't really working for me. Reading up on the nets people are saying it either gives you one more transformation or makes it unlimited, but I still seem to be limited to one transformation a day. Anyone know what's up?


The Cryptarch's Bane
I've only killed one random Dragon but it was NOT easy. Took me almost 2 hours. My character is not specced for it, I have this weird debuff to one-handed attacks, my companion was trapped at the peak of a mountain and couldn't help, and his frost cut through my crappy armor like nothing. I eventually beat him by push-shouting him off the side of a cliff then pelting him with arrows while he struggled to cling to the vertical rock-face. Pretty rewarding though.


Guys should I Join the Imperial Legion or the Companions ? I'm a Redguard
brerwolfe said:
i have zero complaints with my ps3 version. i have 20 or so hours logged, but everything runs smoothly. and the 5gb install was the fastest i've ever seen on the ps3.
Awesome! Almost missed this post because the thread goes so fast but it's generally better to have impressions from gaffots as opposed to professional reviewers.


Unconfirmed Member
MisterAnderson said:
If I have a companion following me and I go off path so to speak and start going where the AI of the companion won't follow, they tend to find you by going a longer way around. however this time, he isn't showing up... is there a way to "call him"? I scaled a mountain and he's not coming and it's been a while. I have a feeling he might have died or something trying to get to me.

I've found that doing the wait thing for 1 hour usually brings them back


Now that I have the 'heal other' spell and I have it down to a low magicka cost and have Lydia kitted out in Dwarven armour we're pretty much the best tag team duo in Skyrim. She just can't be killed.


isamu said:
Guys should I Join the Imperial Legion or the Companions ? I'm a Redguard
Its up to you! (Also I dont know if companions and imperial legion are either or, cant you be both?)

Dont play oblivion before hand unless you want like a 'before' 'after' of bad game V Good one >.<


Death Prophet
God, I have no idea what to do with perks in this game. Every time I get a perk I use it in a field I haven't gotten a perk in yet, but I feel like that's the wrong way to go about this considering how many perks there are. I feel a lot of anxiety when I get a perk because I have no idea what to choose...


Fantastical said:
God, I have no idea what to do with perks in this game. Every time I get a perk I use it in a field I haven't gotten a perk in yet, but I feel like that's the wrong way to go about this considering how many perks there are. I feel a lot of anxiety when I get a perk because I have no idea what to choose...
Just think about what kind of character you want to play and how you play, the pick your perks accordingly.

Im a 2h warrior dude with heavy armour, so I go for those! But I also might go alchemy cause I tend to use alot of potions >.>!
zmoney said:
Holy shit this game!!!!!! I hate that fucker. People who have done DB quests know what I'm talking about.

The amount of detail and side quests and interconnecting plots and trivial meetings are just UNREAL.

Game of the Forever.

This is what I've really been appreciating. Even something as innocuous as meaderies have their backstories - the rivalry, the plotting, the thieving, amazing! I also want to meet this Cicero guy, he sounds amazing.

As for my earlier post, I decided to write down all the quests and then knock a few out in one go at both Whiterun and Windhelm, but actually I found that simply methodically ticking quests off a checklist wasn't that enjoyable, so I'm going to tackle them as and when I feel like it, as opposed to trying to get 30 done in one go.

Today, after another 7 hours (8 hours on Thursday, 6 on Friday, 7 on Saturday and 7 today, for a grand total of 28!), I made a little bit of Thieves Guild progress, completed the very first Dark Brotherhood related mission at the orphanage (and am now awaiting news on that front) and cleared out a few caves / slayed a few dragons. I've also accumulated some 30,000 in gold, just waiting for houses to spend it on. I can't actually shift my gear, particularly apparel, quickly enough, thanks to the absurdly small wealth of merchants.

It's amazing how quickly time passes while playing this game.

EDIT: Also, where do I find the marriage jewellery? I want me a wife to go adventurin' with.
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