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The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim |OT| Het Kos Dovahhe

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Let me show you through these halls, my friend, where treasures of indie gaming await...
Sarcasm said:
Guys..I can't manage to kill dragons, how are you doing it?

Shout -> Shoot arrows -> Run -> Hide -> Shoot arrows -> Run -> Hide -> Shoot arrows -> Run...


y'all should be ashamed
I love the zombie spells. Ran across a prison with a bunch of dead bodies in the cells; raised them all so they could kill the bandits further in the fort. I could have dispatched the bandits easily myself, but it's too damn fun to experiment like this.


DoctorWho said:
Is there any reason to keep all the dragon bones you get from killing a dragon? Should I just sell them?

You can use them for Smithing, but otherwise just sell them. They're worth a ton of money, which is great for Speechcraft building (especially if you whip up a simple potion of Fortify Barter, even +4-5% can help).

Speaking of Speechcraft (heh), I think that as soon as the construction kit comes out I'm going to mod the Merchant perk so that it does something beyond "sell anything anywhere." I loathe that, and wish that stores were even more exclusive (which I will also try to mod). I don't want to be able to sell my heavy armor at Fletcher in Solitude or the Drunken Huntsman in Whiterun! (I usually don't in the first place, but allowing the restriction in hard code makes it more immersive for me).

But, uh, what's a good replacement for it?

Another mod I'll probably make is the homosexual version of Allure, so you could put it in whenever you play a gay character.


Saint Nic
Nard Bagman said:
I'm going to spend time today leveling up sneak, restoration, and smithing from the suggestions here and UESP. When my character is able to level up, should i do it or just keep him at the same level and keep leveling up those skills to my heart's content until i want to go to the next level? I'm afraid leveling him up before i have the gear and stuff i want will cause some combat inequalities with higher level enemies. Is this based in something or should i just level the shit out of my dude? Might be a stupid question but idk

You could go that route to cheat the system a bit. I mean, it would grant you the benefits of high level skills, but it would sort of ruin the idea of leveling as you go.
Man, being at work after a 4 day binge fucking bites. It's like Im here at work, sitting at my desk doing my duties, but Im not. Mentally Im still in Skyrim continuing my story in my fucking head and zoning out like a full ritard. It is indeed gamer euphoria at its fullest.
Crazetex said:
You can use them for smithing, but otherwise just sell them. They're worth a ton of money, which is great for Speechcraft building (especially if you whip up a simple potion of Fortify Barter, even +4-5% can help).

Sounds good. Might keep a small amount, just in case, and sell the rest.


JumpingTheGun said:
Man, being at work after a 4 day binge fucking bites. It's like Im here at work, sitting at my desk doing my duties, but Im not. Mentally Im still in Skyrim continuing my story in my fucking head and zoning out like a full ritard. It is indeed gamer euphoria at its fullest.

Exact same boat here (except for the 4 day binge - very lucky). It's good that 2 other guys I work with are also well into the game, so we're talking Skyrim until we can go home and play.
Sarcasm said:
Guys..I can't manage to kill dragons, how are you doing it?

Shoot arrows if it does that thing where it hovers over you and breathes fire. Otherwise when it lands I just get up in its grill and melee the sumbitch. Might have to use a few pots.
This is on a light armored character as well, don't have any crazy gear or anything.


Toma said:
70 is supposedly the hard limit.

And the game isnt structured to be able to do everything in one play through. Wait for mods or play again with a different playstyle.

I dont want everything..just the main ones to support my melee build. Heavy Armor, Block, and One Handed are the skills I want to mostly max except for a few perks. I also want to do Smithing but am hesitant to dump perks into something thats pretty useless to me once I get the best of everything in the game.

prowler_ said:
No reason to keep them but once you get 100 in smithing, you can make Dragon Armor (there's both light and heavy armor)

Is Dragon Armor ONLY available by Smithing or can it be bought in pieces from NPCs once you get high enough?


DoctorWho said:
First one: arrows and a lot of help.

Second one: A couple of people to help me and I just slashed at it until it died.

Toma said:
Shout -> Shoot arrows -> Run -> Hide -> Shoot arrows -> Run -> Hide -> Shoot arrows -> Run...

My second dragon was pretty much this:

Was working on [QUEST]
Missing In Action
and had to go to [LOCATION]
Northwest Keep
(or something it was very very far from the town with Jarl) so after taking a carriage to Solitude..I run - grab my horse and head out. I hear the noise, humm I think a dragon - nah. Than bam music! I am like nooo I am in the middle of nowhere, than a freakin assassin ambushes me hah! Well I died. I tried kiting it back to solitude but the guards can get in the way and they own me.

So I just kited and let it deaggro - as in it went away. No assassin this time and now I am lost trying to get to that keep down on the coast.


Are there a finite number of dragons or will they just constantly appear, so seeing as i'm early in (level 11) couldn't I just sell the sets of bones I have now and it won't affect me that much.


Crazetex said:
Speaking of Speechcraft (heh), I think that as soon as the construction kit comes out I'm going to mod the Merchant perk so that it does something beyond "sell anything anywhere." -snip-

But, uh, what's a good replacement for it?

Maybe a carrying capacity+ perk, like the one in Pickpocketing? Doesn't really make sense to have it under Speechcraft, but then again, you're being granted bonuses by magical holes in Aetherius.

Salaadin said:
Is Dragon Armor ONLY available by Smithing or can it be bought in pieces from NPCs once you get high enough?

I've heard that you can get it near some really high-level named foes.


It does annoy me just a little that if you want to RP a mele only character the game punishes you by throwing Dragons at you who will from time to time refuse to land and just fire-bomb you.

"use a bow!" great, I thought it was a role playing game not a min/max MMO.
Eteric Rice said:
When going Mage, would I be able to max out Destruction and Conjuration, or should I only grab a few abilities in each?
If you keep levelling 'em, you'll definitely be able to pick all the perks in them.


JumpingTheGun said:
Man, being at work after a 4 day binge fucking bites. It's like Im here at work, sitting at my desk doing my duties, but Im not. Mentally Im still in Skyrim continuing my story in my fucking head and zoning out like a full ritard. It is indeed gamer euphoria at its fullest.

me and you bruv, me and you

I am loving the random meetups on the road that have occured cause of the shit you have done in the cities:
First I got attacked by hired thugs, I dealt with them but not the man who sent them.
Second I got freaking attacked by a dual weilding assasin from the dark brotherhood! I took that as an honour and I needed to do more of whatever I am doing to anger their guild :)
Third, a fellow theif tried to rob me on my travels, until I told him I was a thief too... he then said "oh yea I saw you at X and X!" we high fived and went seperate ways.

I love my play style, I am a thief/asassin/conjurer/destruct/bowman. I have learnt to enchant. I was getting one shotted quite a bit. But now I use the lightning rune as my fall back, a paralysis bow. If they make it to me the lightning rune normally does just enough damage for me to switch to my cojuring/ sword to take their soul. Loving it!!!


JumpingTheGun said:
Man, being at work after a 4 day binge fucking bites. It's like Im here at work, sitting at my desk doing my duties, but Im not. Mentally Im still in Skyrim continuing my story in my fucking head and zoning out like a full ritard. It is indeed gamer euphoria at its fullest.
Ashamed to admit it but i'm doing the same. Almost worse because it's been so long since ive actually liked a a game too.

Also i guess im done with the major guilds beside the College of Winterhold. KInd of at an impasse now. Should I go questing for shouts and loot? Main quest? Civil War?


i give up. would someone please tell me where i can find the shout that will
make dragons land. i am getting tired of taking 30 potshots at one in the air with my bow just to have the fucker fly off. it's happening way too often. i think they are just fucking with me at this point.

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
So, is there any whim or reason to Alchemy? I usually just click 3 random things I have in my bag and see what happens. Accidentally wasted all of my vampire stuff though.

Also, what other crafts should I level? Is it necessary to put stuff in skill trees for Blacksmithing or anything? Dragon armor sounds awesome...


will totally Facebook friend you! *giggle* *LOL*
So uh, what's the deal with that lady with the cabin who keeps talking about how she is loney? I went the wrong way up to Bleak Falls Barrow and found her, I never knew what to do. I just robbed her of all her shit when she wasn't looking and let her be, thinking if I tried to attack her, she'd turn out to be some crazy wizard or some shit.
SpeedingUptoStop said:
So uh, what's the deal with that lady with the cabin who keeps talking about how she is loney? I went the wrong way up to Bleak Falls Barrow and found her, I never knew what to do. I just robbed her of all her shit when she wasn't looking and let her be, thinking if I tried to attack her, she'd turn out to be some crazy wizard or some shit.

I found a random house out in the wild and there was in fact a crazy wizard inside, I had to book out of that place because he could kill me so insanely fast.


legbone said:
i give up. would someone please tell me where i can find the shout that will
make dragons land. i am getting tired of taking 30 potshots at one in the air with my bow just to have the fucker fly off. it's happening way too often. i think they are just fucking with me at this point.

According to the strategy guide, you can only earn that shout from the main questline, no walls.


I think half of my backpack weight is because of books.Damn, I'm too lazy to read them, but I'm afraid I might lose some important quest/history information if I don't take them with me :\
Victrix said:
Ok that was epic

Artifact spoilers

Azura's Star

So I just hit level 20 and I figured I should go investigate the rumors of the Star.

Azura's shrine is way up on a mountaintop, way way up.

The final step is returning the incomplete star, I take it back to her shrine maiden and...

A fucking dragon strafes the mountaintop shrine, flying over us both and hovering in midair torching the place.

I'm now fighting a dragon on a mountain top in the middle of a blizzard

Flinging spells up at the beast, its finally defeated and then...

Artifact spoilers again

I have to go into the Star to cleanse it. Except, as it turns out, its filled with heinously powerful mage creatures who nuke the shit out of me if I show my face.

I puzzle over this for a few moments, then resolve it by sprinting to my target, using my voice to get there faster, and dual wielding magic staves, which I use to nuke the shit out of my target, killing him before the others can catch up to me.

Unscripted awesome. So good.

I fought a dragon there too!
Regarding the artifact,
i preferred to bring it back to the mage in Whitehold. You still have to beat the mage and the daedra in the Star, but then you get the Black Star which absorbs the soul of human enemies instead of creatures.


steals Justin Bieber DVDs
Is it me, or does anyone else find the controls to be clunky and non intuitive? I don't mean the actual gameplay, but navigating the menus and switching weapons and spells and such. Constantly pausing to go into the menus disrupts the flow of the game and slows it down. I know that Skyrim has two hotkeys, but in my mind this is not enough. This is why I'm really hope Bethesda makes a WiiU version. Using the tablet to manage your inventory and look at your map on the fly would be totally awesome.


thanks guys. guess i need to work on the main story line. 20 hours in and i don't think i have gone very far in the main story. i'm not sure i even remember which quest is the main story. damn i love this game.


Deadly Cyclone said:
So, is there any whim or reason to Alchemy? I usually just click 3 random things I have in my bag and see what happens. Accidentally wasted all of my vampire stuff though.

Also, what other crafts should I level? Is it necessary to put stuff in skill trees for Blacksmithing or anything? Dragon armor sounds awesome...

You need to go to ur ingredients menu and try one of each to reveal one of the unknown effects.
Once you do that the alchemy thing cataogories stuff that are similar. You mix them together and you get a potion. The more you mix the more of the secondary and tertiary effects you will discover. Allowing you to further mix more kinds of potions.

Bah my google chrome spell checker isn't working.

richiek said:
Is it me, or does anyone else find the controls to be clunky and non intuitive? I don't mean the actual gameplay, but navigating the menus and switching weapons and spells and such. Constantly pausing to go into the menus disrupts the flow of the game and slows it down. I know that Skyrim has two hotkeys, but in my mind this is not enough. This is why I'm really hope Bethesda makes a WiiU version. Using the tablet to manage your inventory and look at your map on the fly would be totally awesome.

For me its a massive upgrade from Oblivion, and I can now work the menu system without issue since I dumped so much time into it. I prefer using the keyboard but I wish there was more consistancy. Need to wait? Press T, drag ur slider or use the arrow keys. Press Enter to start.... I press enter nothing happens. Actually got to press E.

Is it possible to put more than one kind of enchantment on a weapon?
I managed to finf myself a Bow of Soul Snaring. As long as I kill any creature with it within five seconds of initiating combat, their soul is mine (as long as Ive got the required size soul gem). Quite a handy little system to keep weapons enchanted.


Death Prophet
I definitely should have waited until after finals to get this game. I'm finding it increasingly hard to study for long periods of time.
EschatonDX said:
Ashamed to admit it but i'm doing the same. Almost worse because it's been so long since ive actually liked a a game too.

Also i guess im done with the major guilds beside the College of Winterhold. KInd of at an impasse now. Should I go questing for shouts and loot? Main quest? Civil War?

Id go with Winterhold and then the Civil War and then tie up whatever loose ends/sidequests that interest you and THEN do the Main Quest last. After the Main Quest, finish up the sides.


Sh1ner said:
You need to go to ur ingredients menu and try one of each to reveal one of the unknown effects.
Once you do that the alchemy thing cataogories stuff that are similar. You mix them together and you get a potion. The more you mix the more of the secondary and tertiary effects you will discover. Allowing you to further mix more kinds of potions.

Bah my google chrome spell checker isn't working.

Is it possible to put more than one kind of enchantment on a weapon?

you can get a perk at enchantment level 100 that lets you put two enchantments on an item. (i think).
Restarted the game last night as a more Mage-focused character. Playing as a Dark Elf and using Destruction Magic as my main attack, although I'm augmenting it with stealth bow strikes and one-handed weapons as well. I know some of it is that I'm more accustomed to playing the game now, but I went through the early stages of the game in half the time as I did with my other character, who is more stealthy thief/assassin/mage. I'm wiping out enemies that gave me trouble before in no time flat with my new build, and I definitely feel more like a badass.

Finding Rune Stone for The Mage was nice as well. I learn all magic skills 20% faster, which is really helping to build up those areas more quickly.


Has anyone done much with enchanting? I'm at work and fiending for my skyrim hit, so I've been planning out the rest of my characters build. I'm currently at level 21 and I figure I can get most of what I want combat/sneak/armour wise by around level 38-40. That leaves me enough perks before 50 to perk up to the top branch of enchanting/alchemy/smithing. Currently looking at enchanting.

I get that you disenchant/enchant items to put your skill up. I know you have to soul trap in order to fill the gems, so that you can create enchantments. What I'm wondering is;

1. Is there a specific place I can get an item with the Soul Trap quality so that I can disenchant and learn it, or is it from random drops?

2. Is the soul trap spell very low in magicka cost? I am mainly using dual wield/bow with lots of sneaking. I had to increase my magicka once or twice in order to use Clairvoyance, but I don't want to decide to spec enchanting and then find out I still don't have enough magicka to cast soul trap.

Just checking it's viable for my build. I could always go with alchemy, which technically suits my build much better if I went the poisons route, but I find applying them repeatedly a bit of a chore. Prefer the idea of lots of buffs on my armour, hp/stamina stealing on my melee weapons and shock on my bow...


This game is just too good. Those are my impressions are 4 hours.

BTW, 360 version, anyone else get regular freezing the B button menus and favorite menu, sometimes for up to 2 or 3 seconds.
Does hand-to-hand benefit from one-handed or two-handed perks? Or neither?

I'm playing a sneaky Khajiit archer that scratches the shit out of anyone who gets close enough. I'm wondering if hand-to-hand is viable at all later in the game or if I should be dual-wielding daggers or something.


Mechanized said:
I found a random house out in the wild and there was in fact a crazy wizard inside, I had to book out of that place because he could kill me so insanely fast.
Drelas' cottage? FUCK that guy. I ended up waiting till i leveled up, snuck in there like 10 hours later, and then gave him the business.

JumpingTheGun said:
Id go with Winterhold and then the Civil War and then tie up whatever loose ends/sidequests that interest you and THEN do the Main Quest last. After the Main Quest, finish up the sides.

Yeap, that sounds about right.

btw katana people i strongly suggest going to look for a cave west of whiterun called Bloated Man's Grotto. A very nice trinket can be found there ;]


has yet to tasted the golden nectar that is tag
Does the difficulty ramp up in this or do I need to adjust it? I'm level 6 on the default right now and I'm 1 and 2 shotting enemies with my 2handed axe.


jeemer said:
Has anyone done much with enchanting? I'm at work and fiending for my skyrim hit, so I've been planning out the rest of my characters build. I'm currently at level 21 and I figure I can get most of what I want combat/sneak/armour wise by around level 38-40. That leaves me enough perks before 50 to perk up to the top branch of enchanting/alchemy/smithing. Currently looking at enchanting.

I get that you disenchant/enchant items to put your skill up. I know you have to soul trap in order to fill the gems, so that you can create enchantments. What I'm wondering is;

1. Is there a specific place I can get an item with the Soul Trap quality so that I can disenchant and learn it, or is it from random drops?

2. Is the soul trap spell very low in magicka cost? I am mainly using dual wield/bow with lots of sneaking. I had to increase my magicka once or twice in order to use Clairvoyance, but I don't want to decide to spec enchanting and then find out I still don't have enough magicka to cast soul trap.

Just checking it's viable for my build. I could always go with alchemy, which technically suits my build much better if I went the poisons route, but I find applying them repeatedly a bit of a chore. Prefer the idea of lots of buffs on my armour, hp/stamina stealing on my melee weapons and shock on my bow...

Tip for enchanting: enchant your dagger and/or bow with Soul Trap, at its lowest strength. As far as I can tell, it only uses the charge when you actually store a soul. Even if that wasn't the case, you'll be 1 shotting lots of things anyways and 1 second is all you need.
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