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The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim |OT| Het Kos Dovahhe

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For people delaying the main quest, it's worth meeting the Greybeards relatively early on. They
upgrade your Unrelenting Force to the two-word version and teach you a new shout.
(mild spoiler but just in case)

Past that I've ignored them though. :p

Moofers said:
Also, anyone know where you can buy a horse? Is it worth doing?

You can buy one early on at the Whiterun stables for 1000.

It's very well-worth it. A horse is invaluable when it comes to traveling around. It's also convenient since every time you fast travel somewhere he'll spawn there with you even if he was nowhere near you earlier (provided he isn't dead, of course).

Like in Oblivion, a stolen horse will ultimately trot off so they're only temporarily useful, but a bought horse will hang around.
Cruzader said:
Little offtopic but its related to Skyrim.

My brother bought a copy from Amazon but got delayed. The game got scheduled to arrive on Monday, so he really wanted to play over thee weekend. So he went out and bought it on Gamestop. Monday comes and he forgot to place a note on the door that said he woudlnt be taking the game and ship back to Amazon. So could he do the following: Go back to GS and say he doesnt want it any more and give them the Amazon copy? And by doing so, will he get cash back or credit? He just wants his cash back. He feels Amazon is gonna charge him shipping fee to send it back etc. etc. Advice?

Anyways the game looks sicks and cant wait to get my own copy in the future. I dont want to spend $60 right now else Id buy it from my bro.
if it is the same version of the game, I believe you can return it to Gamestop for a full refund.


KorrZ said:
Switched my PS3 copy for a 360 copy after the framerate became unbearable. Ditching my 40 hour into Mage character in the process :( I think I'll play an archer this time, is archery effective at high levels in this game?
I'm level 26 and I pretty much 1 or two shot everything so yes. I know that's not high level but bows are insanely effective.

Level 59 within archery.


A fugitive came up to me outside Falkreath, told me to keep quiet and he ran behind a rock.

A hunter saw him and started shooting at him. The fugitive screamed "dieing is overrated" and started running away. He got killed and I got nothing.


Companion Quest question (pretty late in the chain, I think) **bumped for new page**

So I've cured Kodlak's spirit of werewolf, and now I have the option to cure myself. My question is, what am I missing out on by curing myself? I think my character would want to be free in the afterlife and not some glorified hunting dog, but I'm not sure Aela (my wife to be) feels the same. So will it piss her off if I am cured?

Thanks in advance.


Pat said:
Well unfortunately, you cannot do a sneak dual-wield attack so it stays at x60. But still, damn.

I heard you can do some alchemy and put poison on arrows (or bow, whatever), anyone knows how does it work? I never did crafting stuff in an Elder's Scroll.
Create a damage health potion by combining two ingredients that have that effect at an alchemy station. Go here for help on what ingredient does what if you dont feel like discovering them yourself.


Then while you have a bow equipped, just go into your inventory and 'use' the potion and it will ask if you want to apply it to your bow. Say yes, and then your next shot(and next shot only) will add whatever effect the poison says onto your attack.

An invaluable technique for archers going up against tough enemies.


Davedough said:
I was walking to Windhelm and going over the mountain pass. A fugitive gave me an Axe of Sapping which steals Magicka with every hit, asked me to hold it for him while he hides.... seconds later a hunter came over asking me if I knew where the guy was. I said no and he just starting hanging around. I went over to where the fugitive was, shouted him out of his corner, the hunter saw him, killed him and then went on his merry way. I got to keep the axe. =)

Same for me, but I actually told the hunter were the guy was. Then I killed the hunter, and yes, I enjoyed watching him die.


Zeliard said:
Finally fought a fire-breathing dragon and it was exactly as I expected - my fire defense is so monstrously high (50% due to Dunmer + 40% from dwarven boots) that I can literally just stand there in the dragon's flame breath on Master difficulty with my health depleting very slowly. I guess they must stack additively because it certainly feels like around 90% fire defense. I'm nearly immune to it.

This particular dragon was part of a Misc quest and I found a pretty nice Elven helmet on top of the tower he was guarding. Weighs 1 unit with 15 armor, and has 20% magicka reduction in Destruction spells. It's appropriately tilted the Elven Helmet of Eminent Destruction. :p

Haha just jumped back in the game and noticed a Shout wall behind this particular tower. Almost traveled away and missed it. :b

It held the
Marked for Death

I like how they link the Shout walls to various random side quests, even smaller ones. This was a Miscellaneous quest so I totally wasn't expecting anything like that.


come in my shame circle
Gravijah said:
i had that event happen, except i was getting on a carriage so he gave me the item as i was riding off to the next town. free item~

Some dude gave me some crappy ass boots and then took off. Haven't seen him yet. The boots suck probably gonna deenchant them to get whatever enchantment is on it
I hope the next DLC brings Dwarves back into the game world. I would love it if the Dwarves suddenly sailed in from a new continent or rose up from the deep cavernous networks below. This could be used as a lead in to a dwarven themed sequel.

BTW, I'm currently listening to the song "Dwarf Invasion" on my computer.
Oh man, things are starting to look up. Put some points into Sneak and Bows, getting pretty stealthy. I need to work on my Daggers though.

How many times can we pick perks in this game? What's the max level?


Skyrim has made me live the WRPG. Never played through one (and I'm pretty old). It's amazing how you'll stumble upon something that looks tiny only to end up underground on a 30-45 minute quest. Fucking amazing.


Davedough said:
I was walking to Windhelm and going over the mountain pass. A fugitive gave me an Axe of Sapping which steals Magicka with every hit, asked me to hold it for him while he hides.... seconds later a hunter came over asking me if I knew where the guy was. I said no and he just starting hanging around. I went over to where the fugitive was, shouted him out of his corner, the hunter saw him, killed him and then went on his merry way. I got to keep the axe. =)
Similar thing happened to me, except it happened right outside a bandit hideout while I was in a huge fight. He asked to hang on to his Hide Armor as he was getting pelted by arrows, so when I asked him what was going on, he died mid-sentence.


Alchemy said:
Scaling actually isn't as drastic as that. Areas in this game have a level range, min of X and max of Y. If you fall in that range then the area is exactly that level, but if you are over or under it then it gets clamped to the extremes. So if you're level 5 in a level 7-10 area, everything is level 7.
Well, I assume in that scenario he would have been lvl7 with no exploiting crafting to level up, and I was lvl10 with about 3 extra levels of mostly non-combat training.

So he faced regular draugr that he easily handled, and I faced advanced versions of draugr that I had a really hard time with.

It was really obvious tol since we play the same kind of character (archer). He had a archery lvl of like 10 higher than me while still entering that mission at a lower lvl. So too much crafting early on can give you trouble if you're not careful. I still only farmed smithing to about 60( for a lvl 20 character).


Dr. Kitty Muffins said:
I hope the next DLC brings Dwarves back into the game world. I would love it if the Dwarves suddenly sailed in from a new continent or rose up from the deep cavernous networks below. This could be used as a lead in to a dwarven themed sequel.

BTW, I'm currently listening to the song "Dwarf Invasion" on my computer.
I think all of the dwemer got welded to a giant magical god-mecha, actually, so that's a no-go.

Although there was that one corpulent dwarf in Morrowind, the last of his kind.


The level ranges seem to be decently large. I recently fought and beat (with some difficulty) an Ebony Sword-wielding Draugr Death Overlord, and it's no surprise that dude was tough since the wiki says he's level 45 with 1400 hit points. I was level 17 at the time.
Dresden said:
I think all of the dwemer got welded to a giant magical god-mecha, actually, so that's a no-go.

Although there was that one corpulent dwarf in Morrowind, the last of his kind.

It is fantasy. Anything can be written to occur. It is no different than a villain coming back after everyone thought he was dead. If there is demand, they can make it happen.

Making their return a key plot point of a DLC expansion pack would sell IMO.
Discovering the joy of decapitating Foresworn.

"I yield, I yie - "

Don't attack me if you're not prepared to part with your head, you hillbilly.

Dr. Kitty Muffins said:
It is fantasy. Anything can be written to occur. It is no different than a villain coming back after everyone thought he was dead. If there is demand, they can make it happen.
What they did to Dragons they can do to Dwemer. That being said, I'd prefer it if that plot point remained a mystery. The mystery behind their disappearance adds alot to their appeal. If they suddenly returned, it wouldn't be the same...


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
I am all for a dwarven invasion/uprising. It would be hilarious and awesome if they broke in a fucked everything up for the current war and just dominated and told the Forsworn to STFU because the DWARVES were here first. This game certainly seems to be foreshadowing a hell of a lot for something along these lines.

Deified Data said:
Don't attack me if you're not prepared to part with your head, you hillbilly.
Even if I wanted to spare them, Marcurio would blast them over the next hill. He's completely ruthless.


Do I really have to go in my equipment to switch from bow to melee weapon every time?


Ok think i broke Markarth... My house is there with all my things, and the guards always attack me when i enter.. and when i try to pay them off or say take me to jail, they dont do anything. Help? :(
Deified Data said:
Discovering the joy of decapitating Foresworn.

"I yield, I yie - "

Don't attack me if you're not prepared to part with your head, you hillbilly.

What they did to Dragons they can do to Dwemer. That being said, I'd prefer it if that plot point remained a mystery. The mystery behind their disappearance adds alot to their appeal. If they suddenly returned, it wouldn't be the same...

I'm just different about it. I think the fact that so many games have went by hammering the fact that they are gone would just make their return all that more impactful.

Besides, those Elves are getting way too uppity in the game world. Someone has to take them out at the knee cap, right?
Dice said:
I am all for a dwarven invasion/uprising. It would be hilarious and awesome if they broke in a fucked everything up for the current war and just dominated and told the Forsworn to STFU because the DWARVES were here first. This game certainly seems to be foreshadowing a hell of a lot for something along these lines.

Even if I wanted to spare them, Marcurio would blast them over the next hill. He's completely ruthless.
I sometimes feel bad when I'm about to kill a Forsworn welp or something. If they started begging for mercy before their HP was at 1/4th I might consider it. As it is, they chose to attack and they lost.


Obsidian fan
Seanspeed said:
Create a damage health potion by combining two ingredients that have that effect at an alchemy station. Go here for help on what ingredient does what if you dont feel like discovering them yourself.


Then while you have a bow equipped, just go into your inventory and 'use' the potion and it will ask if you want to apply it to your bow. Say yes, and then your next shot(and next shot only) will add whatever effect the poison says onto your attack.

An invaluable technique for archers going up against tough enemies.
Thanks for this info.

I've been keeping loads of poisons I see in the hopes you can do just this.


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
Ether_Snake said:
Do I really have to go in my equipment to switch from bow to melee weapon every time?
Add them both to your favorites. Go back to gameplay. Press up on d-pad or whatever that is on keyboard controls to bring up favorites. Highlight one and hold left, now highlight one and hold right. Now all you have to do is push left and right to quick switch.

I do wish you could do this with two-hand sets, though.


Dice said:
Even if I wanted to spare them, Marcurio would blast them over the next hill. He's completely ruthless.

lol, I can't even count the number of times an enemy was attempting to yield only to be interrupted with a lightning blast that sends them flying, courtesy of Marcurio.


Dark Brotherhood questline was kinda disappointing. Also it'd be extremely annoying to do for people who don't use fast travel.
Dr. Kitty Muffins said:
It is fantasy. Anything can be written to occur. It is no different than a villain coming back after everyone thought he was dead. If there is demand, they can make it happen.

Making their return a key plot point of a DLC expansion pack would sell IMO.
Thankfully this isn't Marvel.


Rabbitwork said:
just read on the uesp wiki that destruction doesn't scale with higher levels? what?

this almost makes me want to re-roll.

Pretty much, its a bit of oblivionitis left over that renders you weaker as you progress up the levels, doesn't really kick until about level 20/25 but you will suddenly realise that destruction was kicking ass at level 10 and is useless now.

in oblivion you could make your own spells to compensate but for god knows what reason that was another feature that was cut for skyrim. Its still a very effective tool though especially when combined with the free spells in 'shouts' but it definitely undermines a pure war-mage, on the otherside of the coin as long as you haven't put every single perk point into destruction there are some very powerful conjuration and illusion spells that can heavily complement a pure mage.

Still sucks at high levels but you don't necessarily HAVE to level up that far.

Oblivions magic system sucked until some decent mods came out and its still playable you just go from being a walking god to impotent a bit quickly.


pringles said:
Well, I assume in that scenario he would have been lvl7 with no exploiting crafting to level up, and I was lvl10 with about 3 extra levels of mostly non-combat training.

So he faced regular draugr that he easily handled, and I faced advanced versions of draugr that I had a really hard time with.

It was really obvious tol since we play the same kind of character (archer). He had a archery lvl of like 10 higher than me while still entering that mission at a lower lvl. So too much crafting early on can give you trouble if you're not careful. I still only farmed smithing to about 60( for a lvl 20 character).

Well it depends on the areas you hit up, because the grinding for quick levels can be an advantage in that you can completely out level an area all together. So if you enter that same 7-10 area and you're level 20 from crafting you're going to have all that extra health/stamina/magicka plus whatever you spent your perks on and even some better gear from the grinding.

I've done a crapload of enchanting/alchemy/smithing and haven't had that many issues, but I'm also level 35 and have been sticking mostly to Whiterun related quests. It feels like I'm trying to swim against the tide, but I really want to clear out Whiterun as much as possible before moving on to another town.

I fear that I'll get distracted and forget why I'm doing certain quests or lose my connection to the NPCs. Right now Whiterun is my home turf.


Gold Member
Ether_Snake said:
Do I really have to go in my equipment to switch from bow to melee weapon every time?

If you're on console or using a pad, you can hotkey things to left and right on the Dpad. Just pull up your favorites, go to bow and hold Left. Then melee weapon and hold Right. Or whatever items you want. Just figured that out yesterday haha :)

OG Kush

What does this mean: "Enchanting is very easy to train with the Black Star. Just enchant soul trap for 1 second on a weapon, trap the soul and reaload the weapon using the Black Star. Repeat." I'm not really sure I'm doing enchanting right.. I use the soul trap spell on a dead enemies body and then what? Many of my gems are still empty and I dont even know what the difference is between each type of gem. And how do i recharge weapons?

And where how can i join the dark brotherhood and thieves guild?
Dr. Kitty Muffins said:
I'm just different about it. I think the fact that so many games have went by hammering the fact that they are gone would just make their return all that more impactful.

Besides, those Elves are getting way too uppity in the game world. Someone has to take them out at the knee cap, right?
Dwemer are elves, technically. Imagine Altmer with long beards.

While it would be novel to play as or interact with one of the Deep Folk, I think that would wear off after a while. The mystery never gets old, personally. Thinking about what could have happened to these folk is more fascinating to me than their possible return.


When all was going well
as a werewolf
, these three guys attack me (I believe they were from Windheld or something like that) and I kill them.

Turns out I have a bounty on my stupid head!!

Bounty is set at 3000, and I haven't even bought my house yet because I have no money. Need to find out a way to make money fast or I will kill lots of guards!!!!!!


Neo Member
i'm pretty new to Elder Scrolls games and was wondering.. is it a good idea to do 3 seperate runs. melee focused and do fighters guilde, magic focused and do mage's guild, and stealth/assassin focused and do theive's guild and dark brotherhood?


OG Kush said:
What does this mean: "Enchanting is very easy to train with the Black Star. Just enchant soul trap for 1 second on a weapon, trap the soul and reaload the weapon using the Black Star. Repeat." I'm not really sure I'm doing enchanting right.. I use the soul trap spell on a dead enemies body and then what? Many of my gems are still empty and I dont even know what the difference is between each type of gem. And how do i recharge weapons?

You use soul trap on a live enemy, kill them, and it fills a soul gem.


cjsnapp said:
i'm pretty new to Elder Scrolls games and was wondering.. is it a good idea to do 3 seperate runs. melee focused and do fighters guilde, magic focused and do mage's guild, and stealth/assassin focused and do theive's guild and dark brotherhood?

I wouldn't recommend that. Maybe two characters for the thieves guild and DB (can't you do both on one character?).

You can specialize in more than one thing.


9/10 NeoGAFfers don't understand statistics. The other 3/10 don't care.
Running a Nord Battlemage using Heavy Armour, 1 Handed and Conjuration.

Allot more fun than my Meathead build, it also has allot of synergy.


OG Kush said:
What does this mean: "Enchanting is very easy to train with the Black Star. Just enchant soul trap for 1 second on a weapon, trap the soul and reaload the weapon using the Black Star. Repeat." I'm not really sure I'm doing enchanting right.. I use the soul trap spell on a dead enemies body and then what? Many of my gems are still empty and I dont even know what the difference is between each type of gem. And how do i recharge weapons?

To fill a soul, you cast Soul Trap on a LIVING target and then kill it. The trick they're talking about is to have a Weapon that casts Soul Trap and then kill a Human to fill the Black Star (Unique Soul Gem). Use that to then refill the charges on the Soul Trap casting weapon; should be 'T' when you have the weapon selected, unsure on the 360/PS3 button for it. Repeat until you reach 100 Enchanting.

As for the difference between Gems, their title refers to the size of the soul they can contain. Enemies are ranked between Petty, Lesser, Common, Greater, and Grand souls. You need the correct Soul Gem size (or larger) to house their soul when you kill them.

And where how can i join the dark brotherhood and thieves guild?

, respectively.
OG Kush said:
What does this mean: "Enchanting is very easy to train with the Black Star. Just enchant soul trap for 1 second on a weapon, trap the soul and reaload the weapon using the Black Star. Repeat." I'm not really sure I'm doing enchanting right.. I use the soul trap spell on a dead enemies body and then what? Many of my gems are still empty and I dont even know what the difference is between each type of gem. And how do i recharge weapons?

And where how can i join the dark brotherhood and thieves guild?
Different enemies have different sized souls. A mudcrab is considered a petty soul, while a Storm Atronach is considered a grand soul. However, a petty coul can fit inside a grand soul gem, effectively wasting it, so mind how many of what kind of gem you have before soul trapping. You can trap the souls of sapient races in black soul gems, which count as grand souls regardless of the level or strength of the enemy.


NBtoaster said:
You use soul trap on a live enemy, kill them, and it fills a soul gem.

It's worth noting again that people should be wary about filling bigger gems with small souls. Trapping a soul will automatically put it in the gem it can get the most effect from, so if you're trapping small souls make sure you have small gems. Leave the bigger gems for the bigger souls.
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