So, started a new character after getting my main to level 52. While I wouldn't rate the game "unplayable", the super lag and choppy framerate is killing me. Sadly coming from someone who played quite a long time on Ps3 before the problems set in (and my save ballooned to 13 megs). Upon release, both versions 360 and Ps3 were very comparable side to side, but as my file has grown so to has my lag. The Ps3 needs restarts often, loading times have become unbearable in some cases. The frame rate very clearly dips to the single digits almost permanently without a restart after a while.
At any rate, my old guy started as destruction but somehow became just a sword slaying mother fucker. Everything dies to Chillrend.
So my new guy, trying to focus a little more on magery this time as it was left behind on my other char. This new fellow is a stealth archer mage chick from Hammerfell. Loving stealth archery, totally awesome. Game runs like butter for now and being that I spent a lot of my time on my main in certain areas, I just went off to a fairly unexplored city and started there with some different quests, I'm late teens level now and it's amazing how different the experience has been. Good stuff.
My friends are trying to tell me that I chose the wrong path by going the light armor route on the smithing perk tree. They say the Daedric armor is the way to go. Will I be able to find Daedric armor without making it?
Both classes of armor (light and heavy) have always been viable in these games, so go with what you like!