Found some mage argonian and a white chick up in between some mountains in the North when I was on my way to a quest with Vikos for the Companions. Did a quest with three (!) companions, it was amazing.
Not long before that, a thief ran up to me when I had Mercurio with me. Crazy woman just ran right at me, she was saying some shit but I didn't have time to listen, I just ACTED. I took the greatsword and gutted her, but it happened RIGHT as Mercurio nailed her with a lightning bolt. Dudes, she was being electrocuted AND gutted at the same time!! I felt like a god. As soon as she fell off the sword, she flew back a hundred feet! It was insane.
Mercurio disappeared when the Companions quest with Vikos was instantly initiated. Will he be back at Riverun where I found him? Dude kind of has a lot of my stuff on him.