I need help...I have a full set of Dragon Armor that is pretty beast at stopping melee damage...magic is another story...what do I need to do in order to stand up to magic?
A patch...I think magic resistance is kinda broken right now.
I need help...I have a full set of Dragon Armor that is pretty beast at stopping melee damage...magic is another story...what do I need to do in order to stand up to magic?
Maybe a high level calm spell will work.
are dragon priests story related? i don't think i've met one yet. or do you mean those guys wearing? if so, i've killed two of them so far.masks
The ultra whiny guy with the coffin outside Whiterun...Can I kill him?? Anyway at all?? He just takes a knee and won't die... but I would really like to kill him. I lied to the guard about him smuggling weapons in the coffin, and the guard said he would take him to jail... but nothing ever came of it. But this guy is definitely my contender for biggest bitch in a video game ever. I would very much like to end him if possible.
If you're talking about Cicero, that's how you get into the dark brotherhood.
It's a totally optional quest that has no bearing on theas far as I know.DB
It changes a bit of dialogue during it but, yeah, the questline itself remains untouched. Though,.Cicero does some murdering of those involved in that quest if you turn him in
Just finished the Thieves Guild (I Think).So, have I done all the quests?I did the Nightingale quest, to go to the twilight sector. After finishing that (Which took a while on master), I became a Nightingale agent. Allowing me to choose 3 styles. I chose the shadow, crescent moon one. But way before this, when you go into the Nightingale hall. Brynjolf tells you that you are to be the Guild master and when you go back to the Ragged Flagon, we will have a ceremony.
So, like mentioned I have completed the Nightingale quest and go back to the thieves guild. Only to see people treating me normally, no ceremony or anything. So, I'm guessing I have finished all thieves guild quests and Brynjolf lied.![]()
Nice. I missed this entirely on my first time through. I was surprised when a friend said you could encounter him prior.
Alright spoilers and stuff. but I think I may have just ruined the game for myself.
I just got the elder scroll, thought, oh I'll go and learn Dragon Rend, that probably won't be too near the final battle, then I'll go and do some other stuff.
I'm at about level 16.
All of a sudden a wild Alduin appears. Now I'm supposed to fight him. It's ludicrously difficult. Clearly I'm not at that level yet.
But I don't want to leave and play other side quests, because that feels too pointless and grindy now.
Bleh. Nerd world problems. I was really enjoying it up to now. Wasn't going crazy on side quests, but I wasn't ignoring them either. Feels like I'm being punished for following the narrative of the game instead of ignoring it.
Am I being crazy for going towards the Alduin battle at the thoat of the world at level 16? Have I blasted through the main quest too quickly?
Okay. So I'll just some little missions within the Thieves Guild then. Thanks.There is an additional grindy quest in addition to the story based thieves guild quests. You have to carry out the random missions that Vex and Devlin give you.You're trying to bring the thieves guild back to prominence as they say. Do enough missions for one hold and you'll be given a special mission. Without giving you too many details, you can waste a lot of time on this one, but you can minimize that. The Elder Scrolls wiki should have the details if you want to look it up. It's worth it to avoid wasting too much time imo.
Any word on when the patch fix is supposed to hit this week? I want to get back into the game!
Just finished the Thieves Guild (I Think).So, have I done all the quests?I did the Nightingale quest, to go to the twilight sector. After finishing that (Which took a while on master), I became a Nightingale agent. Allowing me to choose 3 styles. I chose the shadow, crescent moon one. But way before this, when you go into the Nightingale hall. Brynjolf tells you that you are to be the Guild master and when you go back to the Ragged Flagon, we will have a ceremony.
So, like mentioned I have completed the Nightingale quest and go back to the thieves guild. Only to see people treating me normally, no ceremony or anything. So, I'm guessing I have finished all thieves guild quests and Brynjolf lied.![]()
I'm going to elaborate a bit more. Once you do 5 random quests in a city, you get a specific-normal mission in that city. Once you get all of them (I think 3, Riften does not count), you will get your ceremony. I recommend to do it, the "bonus missions" are nice, and you will earn interesting things in the process!
Okay. So I'll just some little missions within the Thieves Guild then. Thanks.
I think they said PC patch will hit first and then the 360 and ps3 version later on in the week, so I guess it will take at least a few days, I'm hoping it comes earlier.
I'm going to elaborate a bit more. Once you do 5 random quests in a city, you get a specific-normal mission in that city. Once you get all of them (I think 3, Riften does not count), you will get your ceremony. I recommend to do it, the "bonus missions" are nice, and you will earn interesting things in the process!
I understand now. Thanks!Basically you only need to worry about Whiterun, Wildhelm, Solitude, and Markarth for the random quests, you have to do 5 random thieves quests in a city and then you will get a special quest for that city. If you get a random quest in an other city or a city you have already finished then I would just tell Vex or Davin that you want to quit the job and get another one, just keep doing this until you get a quest in the city you want.
I admittedly haven't researched much of what the empire does yet. Goddamnit. I don't really wanna pick either side now. =(So being torturers and murderers is okay as long as they're not racist? Because compared to what the empire does, I can put up with a little racism. Also, the people in charge of the Stormcloaks don't seem to be racist if you talk to them about it. It's just some of the rabble.
Okay I just got to meetand holy crap did that section drag. I know people are complaining about the dialogue text in Skyward Sword, but whole section way more tedious and annoying. It must have taken at least 10 minutes to listen to all that.Parthenax
I admittedly haven't researched much of what the empire does yet. Goddamnit. I don't really wanna pick either side now. =(
I want to make multiple complete sets of armor, each of which maximise my enchanting/smithing/alchemy/bartering/etc abilities (for example, one set would have an "increase smithing" enchant on every piece).
However, I was wondering if it makes any difference how good the armor is. Do you get stronger enchants on better armor, or am I best of just making and using some crappy leather armor sets?
I want to make multiple complete sets of armor, each of which maximise my enchanting/smithing/alchemy/bartering/etc abilities (for example, one set would have an "increase smithing" enchant on every piece).
However, I was wondering if it makes any difference how good the armor is. Do you get stronger enchants on better armor, or am I best of just making and using some crappy leather armor sets?
The quality of the item Enchanted doesn't matter.
Worth noting, however, that you can't get Enchant Smithing on every piece. Should be Rings, Necklace, Arms, and Chest; Alchemy will be Rings, Necklace, Arms, and Helm. And there's no Enchanting Enchant.
Also, I think the Bartering Enchant is Neck only.
Anyway to learn enchanting quickly?
Okay thanks. By 'down' what do you mean?Buy a bunch of charged soul gems, smith some iron daggers, have the mage stone activated, rest up and go to down is the fastest way I know of.
Okay thanks. By 'down' what do you mean?![]()
Thanks, for some reason I can't pinpoint him on the map.
Edit:Still can't find him, I killed the horse, didn't seem to be that important anyway.
Any word on when the patch fix is supposed to hit this week? I want to get back into the game!
Okay thanks. By 'down' what do you mean?![]()
Okay, I should of interpreted it, my fault.Yeah, meant town.
Though, at least to my understanding, the Empire only allows this as a condition of the continued peace between themselves and the Dominion. They are just really desperate to not set off another war which they don't think they're in any shape to fight, and are buying time until they're fully prepared.Some of these Empire "arguments" are a joke (granted this is a game, so let's not take any of it too seriously). Consider this: the Empire allows the Thalmor essentially free reign with what is practically their version of the Inquisition. They literally have (or would seek to have) inquisitors installed throughout Skyrim (completely foreign territory) that enforce religious protocol that they deem fit (as established with their little treaty). Further they whisk away supporters in what are essentially black bag tactics, off to be tortured and murdered or held indefinitely. This is glossed over frequently enough. Skyrim wouldn't be the only province to reject the Empire.
Some of these Empire "arguments" are a joke (granted this is a game, so let's not take any of it too seriously). Consider this: the Empire allows the Thalmor essentially free reign with what is practically their version of the Inquisition. They literally have (or would seek to have) inquisitors installed throughout Skyrim (completely foreign territory) that enforce religious protocol that they deem fit (as established with their little treaty). Further they whisk away supporters in what are essentially black bag tactics, off to be tortured and murdered or held indefinitely. This is glossed over frequently enough. Skyrim wouldn't be the only province to reject the Empire.
Though, at least to my understanding, the Empire only allows this as a condition of the continued peace between themselves and the Dominion. They are just really desperate to not set off another war which they don't think they're in any shape to fight, and are buying time until they're fully prepared.
Other than that, the Empire seemed like a much better entity than the Stormcloaks, who are essentially the game's equivalent of Nazis.
Though, at least to my understanding, the Empire only allows this as a condition of the continued peace between themselves and the Dominion. They are just really desperate to not set off another war which they don't think they're in any shape to fight, and are buying time until they're fully prepared.
Other than that, the Empire seemed like a much better entity than the Stormcloaks, who are essentially the game's equivalent of Nazis.
It's an interesting question, which side to choose. The racist locals, or the foreign occupation. I chose the former (truthfully, before I really grasped what they were all about - I just didn't like how snotty the Imperial soldiers treated me on the road) but it's not a black/white, good guys/bad guys decision. I applaud Bethesda for that.