Dark Octave
You know you've been playing too much Skyrim when you lose your wife in the grocery store and for a split second expect to see a white arrow through the isles to indicate where she is.
So I turned the HUD back on.
I admit defeat.
[Interface]I play 95% of the time with it off. I have to turn it on occasionally to check where doors go or what items are worth. Really, there should just be an option to turn off the compass. Exploring the great outdoors is fantastic without the HUD. I also play where I can only access my map in towns. It's super fun writing directions from town and then trying to follow them using landmarks.
Okay. So I started the game. I chose Imperial. That's extra stuff for magic and combat, I think. I followed the dude to Riverwood. Helped out Camilla and her brother (The Golden Claw). Did some clearing out of bandits for the dude in the inn. When I went to get my bounty, I think I finished the next part of the main quest. I don't really know what the main quest is.
I think I'll be playing as an archer because the melee combat in this game is very clumsy.
I'm having trouble grasping the leveling system. So I level up, which helps me purchase...something for either stamina, health, or magicka. Then I get brought to this huge menu of choices that I'm allowed to fill up, one unlock as I gain a level. I've spent both my unlocks on archery (I'm a level two at the moment).
What's the (side?) quest – Join the Imperial army?
Not following the story at all.
I didn't fast travel a whole lot either but I do it a bit more now. The problem is you can get so sidetracked by smaller quests or locations discovered in route that you can develop some Skyrim fatigue as well.
How do I turn off the custom destination marker (360) it's driving me crazy.
Thank you!Click a different part of the map. Your options should be to fast travel there, place the marker there, or remove the existing marker.
Yes, to remove the marker you have to not click on it. Go figure.
Man, what happened. You were a legend to many of us. Tell us what befell you. What drove you to abandon your principles?So I turned the HUD back on.
I admit defeat.
Anyone know where Shadowmere went? She was following me faithfully for a couple weeks and is now nowhere to be found. Just went back to the santuary where she first appeared, and she's not there.![]()
Maybe she's dead? It's possible, I've had 8 horses die on me. I'm on my 9th now. Although I'd check the last place you saw her, just in case.
She can die. I witnessed two dremoras butcher Shadowmere. It was a sad day.I didn't think Shadowmere could dieI'd seen her go toe to toe with dragons and not take health damage.since she's dead already.
I was hoping to keep her as my steed for the rest of this character, but I'll scoop up another soon if she doesn't turn up.
She can die. I witnessed two dremoras butcher Shadowmere. It was a sad day.![]()
Wait till you get invisibility... and I'm 10 sneak away from Shadow Warrior.Holy shit.
Calm + Muffle + Dagger = sneak attacks all day
If Shadowmere is killed, waiting in a main city for 10 days then returning to where he died should respawn him on both PC and console versions.
That's the civil war questline. The Main Quest is still pretty dormant at first, it'll properly kick off once you visit Whiterun and speak to the Jarl. It won't be very hard to follow then.What's the (side?) quest – Join the Imperial army?
Not following the story at all.
I put my HUD to around 50% opacity. The compass is a lot less prominent in the screen that way (but still there if I need it) and I still see my crosshair, health, magicka and stamina indicators.Man, what happened. You were a legend to many of us. Tell us what befell you. What drove you to abandon your principles?
I'm a level 50 and there's this one Forsworn Briarheart that gives me trouble still
You are no alone. My time of change was 5:13PM. This is totally random.
Weird. Thing is, I lost her when I was visiting a town. Pretty sure I parked her outside of Markarth and she wasn't there when I came outside. I didn't witness her die or take off.![]()
Can a soul gem with a high capacity ever be filled with a lesser soul? I'm wondering because the weapon I'm primarily using at the moment soul traps everything. I don't want to be stuck with wolf and skeever souls in grand soul gems...
Can a soul gem with a high capacity ever be filled with a lesser soul? I'm wondering because the weapon I'm primarily using at the moment soul traps everything. I don't want to be stuck with wolf and skeever souls in grand soul gems...
Also, I'm up to 13 out of 15 deadric quests completed! Which is the most I have in any category(by 1 over side quests and 3 over thieves guild). The two remain are lengthy, might be putting it off for later.
Just finished the dark brotherhood. It was very good, I think I liked in more than Oblivion's. Far more interesting characters though the loot leaves something to be desired.Decided not to kill Cicero, even though he has good clothes. Sad that you can't save the rest of the sanctuary. The sight of Astrid after the fire made my stomach churn a bit, lol
Just finished the dark brotherhood. It was very good, I think I liked in more than Oblivion's. Far more interesting characters though the loot leaves something to be desired.Decided not to kill Cicero, even though he has good clothes. Sad that you can't save the rest of the sanctuary. The sight of Astrid after the fire made my stomach churn a bit, lol
At the moment, the two things bothering me about the dungeons is the fact that a lot of the architecture is so similar (logical, you might say, but still boring) and the fact that I am just mostly fighting those undead dudes 90% of the time.If you've played Elder Scroll games before, you should know that you don't get to sample most of it even 20 or 30 hours in. I'm up to 60ish hours and I can finally say I've seen mostly every type of area/dungeon the game has to offer. The stuff they really put work into is still off limits to me because I haven't progressed far in a single quest line, other than the thieves guild maybe.
I gotta say, I had a lot of expectations for this game, but it delivered in 2 areas where I never thought they would. First, the game is gorgeous by any standard, but coming from the team that put out the uninspired, ugly mess that was Oblivion, it's especially impressive. And second, the nuts and bolts of the combat still put a smile on my face at times. Not that bashing another round of undead in crypt #32 is fun, but there are moments where it's engaging. Especially where range plays a big role or where you can really adjust your stats to fit the situation you're in. Sneaking is also a nice change of pace, even if it is a trial and error thing for my player.
Maybe they invest the profit from the 10 mil copies they shipped into building more completely unique dungeons, but they've hit pretty good stride with this game. The only time I'm really bored is in the Nordic ruins.
At the moment, the two things bothering me about the dungeons is the fact that a lot of the architecture is so similar (logical, you might say, but still boring) and the fact that I am just mostly fighting those undead dudes 90% of the time.
I've just got to the magic college, I'm part of that fighting guild (forgot the name, first big city you go to) and I'm going to seek out the Dark Brotherhood soon, so I'm sure to see a lot of unique content, but yeah... more variety would be nice because already I'm questioning whether it's worth exploring a dungeon I find on my travels.
I always give in and explore it, of course, but that should never been in doubt.
Yea you could, someone mentioned you could just drop the gem and pick it back up to empty it, and that's what I do =P
I hate keeping track what gems I have filled and what I have, I hate going into that tap in the inventory because some of them aren't stacked... and one of the reasons I could lose track and mistakenly filled them with smaller souls.
At the moment, the two things bothering me about the dungeons is the fact that a lot of the architecture is so similar (logical, you might say, but still boring) and the fact that I am just mostly fighting those undead dudes 90% of the time.
I've just got to the magic college, I'm part of that fighting guild (forgot the name, first big city you go to) and I'm going to seek out the Dark Brotherhood soon, so I'm sure to see a lot of unique content, but yeah... more variety would be nice because already I'm questioning whether it's worth exploring a dungeon I find on my travels.
I always give in and explore it, of course, but that should never been in doubt.
Okay. Thanks for the reply, but I didn't understand a word you just said. :lol Did you get all that information from Oblivion? I read the story information in the OP and I'm still quite confused because it's so hard to keep track of all these names and people and factions.There's a civil war going on in Skyrim. Stormcloaks vs the Empire. Stormcloaks are the Nords of Skyrim who worship Talos (worship of whom was outlawed after a war between the Thalmor and the Empire; the Empire signed a peace treaty condemning the worship of Talos [though not enforcing it themselves, rather having the Thalmor enforce it]) and want to break free from the Empire and wage war on the Thalmor themselves while the Empire isn't in a position to wage war (whether or not you think Skyrim is capable of defeating the Thalmor being the main point, though that facet isn't explored in the game, only the set-up for it).
The main quest is completely separate.
I think I saved just after speaking to Jarl of Whiterun. It was some Jarl. I forgot the city I saved in. The one near the two farms outside of Riverwood.That's the civil war questline. The Main Quest is still pretty dormant at first, it'll properly kick off once you visit Whiterun and speak to the Jarl. It won't be very hard to follow then.
And yeah, use the carriage system outside the cities for a more 'real' fast travel system. I only use the in-map fast travel system when I want to travel away from one of the smaller cities like Dawnstar or Falkreath.
The level system is very confusing to me. There are so many options and I'm unsure how each progresses that I'm left lost. Maybe you'll have mercy today and feel like typing up another 10-paragraph response! :lol I read the OP and it helped a little.I had a huge, 10 paragraph reply all written up, and when striking a key my pinky hit another key - Ctrl maybe? - and my window backed up several times into my PM box. Going back forward, the post was gone from my reply box. Someone else will have to explain leveling, I don't want to spend another 20 minutes re-writing. Sorry.
I suggest reading the OP of the first Skyrim thread, here: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=450948
It has a great set of backstory summaries that set the stage. I didn't understand the scope of the civil war until a long time into my game, but once I did a lot of things made more sense.
The Civil War storyline is one of the major quest lines in the game. You can choose to join one side or the other, and tip the scales to that side accordingly. It's not a black/white decision. Both sides have legitimate grievances, and both have serious flaws.
If you want to advance the main quest - and I suggest you do, early - follow the one that leads you to the Jarl of Whiterun.
Okay. Thanks for the reply, but I didn't understand a word you just said. :lol Did you get all that information from Oblivion? I read the story information in the OP and I'm still quite confused because it's so hard to keep track of all these names and people and factions.
I think I saved just after speaking to Jarl of Whiterun. It was some Jarl. I forgot the city I saved in. The one near the two farms outside of Riverwood.
The level system is very confusing to me. There are so many options and I'm unsure how each progresses that I'm left lost. Maybe you'll have mercy today and feel like typing up another 10-paragraph response! :lol I read the OP and it helped a little.
Edit: I think I already one magic available to me - fire - but when I tried to use it I think I only could do so once. Is that because I don't have enough magicka? Or is that stamina? Oh my....
That's much better. Thank you! Haha.Regarding the cilvil war. To put it really simple.
The stormcloaks want an independant Skyrim
The imperial want to keep Skyrim being a part of the empire.
You can choose either side.
Is it safe to install the game on the Xbox with the new patches that are out? I have been away on travel for a couple of weeks.
Also is theatre any way yo move saved games from the hard drive to the cloud?
That's much better. Thank you! Haha.
Yea, 360 has been safe. Issues with installing were always pretty much nothing.
There are no more texture issues and magic resistances are fixed.What about the texture issues? Those are more what I was concerned with. So it has been fixed? He about the magic resistance?
It looks like my thieve's guild questline is broken. After completing "Loud and Clear" I did a bunch of "additional jobs" but now there is no way to trigger the next quest.
I am playing on PC. Is there anyway to trigger this through console. Or, is there another solution?